Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 11

तं मन्मथशरैर्विद्धं कामवेगवशानुगम्। उवाच पृथिवीपालं कैकेयी दारुणं वचः॥
And to that ruler of the earth extremely under the influence of passion, Kaikeyi spoke cruelly, saying.

नास्मि विप्रकृता देव केनचिन्नावमानिता। अभिप्रायस्तु मे कश्चित् तमिच्छामि त्वया कृतम्॥
O worshipful one, none has wronged or reprimanded me. I have a certain intention, which I wish that you will carry out.

प्रतिज्ञा प्रतिजानीष्व यदि त्वं कर्तुमिच्छसि। अथ ते व्याहरिष्यामि यथाभिप्रार्थितं मया॥
If you will execute that do you then promise to that effect. Then only will I express my desire.

तामुवाच महाराजः कैकेयीमीषदुत्स्मयः। कामी हस्तेन संगृह्य मूर्धजेषु भुवि स्थिताम्॥
Thereupon, by his hands placing Kaikeyi's head upon his lap, the mighty monarch, under the influence of passion, smiling fairly, addressed her lying on the ground,

अवलिप्ते न जानासि त्वत्तः प्रियतरो मम। मनुजो मनुजव्याघ्राद् रामादन्यो न विद्यते॥
O you that are swollen with the pride of good fortune, you know that foremost of men, Răma excepted, there live not any that is dearer to me than yourself.

तेनाजय्येन मुख्येन राघवेण महात्मना। शपे ते जीवनाहेण ब्रूहि यन्मनसेप्सितम्॥
I swear by that invincible prime of men even the high-souled Răghava, who is the stay of my existence. Do you tell me your heart's desire.

यं मुहूर्तमपश्यंस्तु न जीवे तमहं ध्रुवम्। तेन रामेण कैकेयि शपे ते वचनक्रियाम्।७।।
By that Rāma, Kaikeyī, whom if I do not see for a moment, I die for certain, do I swear that whatever that will say I will accomplish.

आत्मना चात्मजैश्चान्यैर्वृणे यं मनुजर्षभम्। तेन रामेण कैकेयि शपे ते वचनक्रियाम्॥
By that Rama, O Kaikeyi, foremost of men, whom I hold dearer than my other sons, do I swear that, I will accomplish whatever you will say.

भद्रे हृदयमप्येतदनुमृश्योद्धरस्व मे। एतत् समीक्ष्य कैकेयि ब्रूहि यत् साधु मन्यसे॥
O gentle one, my heart is in what I say. Do you, considering this, deliver me from this distress. Taking all this into consideration, do you, O Kaikeyi, speak out what is in your mind.

बलमात्मनि पश्यन्ती न विशङ्कितुमर्हसि। करिष्यामि तव प्रीतिं सुकृतेनापि ते शपे॥
You see the power you wield in me, therefore it behove you not to fear. I will do your pleasure, by my good deeds do I swear this.

सा तदर्थमना देवी तमभिप्रायमागतम्। निर्माध्यस्थ्याच्च हर्षाच्च बभाषे दुर्वचं वचः॥
Thereat intent upon her own interests, that exalted dame seeing her own wish (almost) attained, assuming an attitude of intercession, being rejoiced, spoke harsh words (to the monarch).

तेन वाक्येन संहृष्टा तमभिप्रायमात्मनः। व्याजहार महाघोरमभ्यागतमिवान्तकम्॥
And delighted at the king's speech, she unfolded that dreadful intention of hers like to the approaching death.

यथाक्रमेण शपसे वरं मम ददासि च। तच्छृण्वन्तु त्रयस्त्रिंशद् देवाः सेन्द्रपुरोगमाः॥
You swear repeatedly, and confer on me a boon. Let the three and thirty deities headed by Indra, hear this.

चन्द्रादित्यौ नभश्चैव ग्रहा रात्र्यहनी दिशः। जगच्च पृथिवी चेयं सगन्धर्वाः सराक्षसाः॥ निशाचराणि भूतानि गृहेषु गृहदेवता। यानि चान्यानि भूतानि जानीयुर्भाषितं तव॥
Let the Sun, and the Moon, and the Sky, and the Planets, and Night, and Day, and the Cardinal Points, and the Universe, and the Earth, with the Gandharvas and Rākşasas, and the Rangers of the night, and all Beings, and the house-hold gods residing in dwellings, together with all other creatures, know your utterances.

सत्यसंधो महातेजा धर्मज्ञः सत्यवाक्शुचिः। वरं मम ददात्येष सर्वे शृण्वन्तु देवताः॥
Let all the deities hear that a highly energetic one speaking the truth, and pure, and cognizant of morality, and abiding by his promise, has conferred on me a boon.

इति देवी महेष्वासं परिगृह्याभिशस्य च। ततः परमुवाचेदं वरदं काममोहितम्॥
Having entreated the monarch thus with a view to prevent him from swerving, and keeping him firm in his promise, she again addressed that mighty bowman, overcome by desire, who was ready to confer on her a boon.

स्मर राजन् पुरा वृत्तं तस्मिन् देवासुरे रणे। तत्र त्वां च्यावयच्छत्रुस्तव जीवितमन्तरा ॥
Remember, o king, the incidents that took place formerly in the war between gods and Asuras. Incapable of taking your life, your enemy had rendered you exceedingly feeble.

तत्र चापि मया देव यत् त्वं समभिरक्षितः। जाग्रत्या यतमानायास्ततो मे प्रददौ वरौ॥
Because, O respected Sir, I tending you sleeplessly, preserved you, you did grant me two boons.

तौ दत्तौ च वरौ देव निक्षेपौ मृगयाम्यहम्। तवैव पृथिवीपाल सकाशे रघुनन्दन॥ तत् प्रतिश्रुत्य धर्मेण न चेद् दास्यसि मे वरम्। अद्यैव हि प्रहास्यामि जीवितं त्वद्विमानिता॥
Entrusting the boons then with you, dc I now, O descendant of the Raghus, ask for them (at your hands), O lord of the earth. If having religiously promised to that effect, you did not confer the boon, this very day, will I, coming by this disgrace from you, renounce my life.

वाङ्मात्रेण तदा राजा कैकेय्या स्ववशं कृतः। प्रचस्कन्द विनाशाय पाशं मृग इवात्मनः॥
When the king was completely brought under the influence of Kaikeyi, he was ensnared by her speech for his destruction, like a deer entering into the noose.

ततः परमुवाचेदं वरदं काममोहितम्। दरौ देयौ त्वया देव तदा दत्तौ महीपते॥ तौ तावदहमद्यैव वक्ष्यामि शृणु मे वचः। अभिषेकसमारम्भो राघवस्योपकल्पितः॥
Thereafter she thus spoke to the king about to confer a boon, who was under the influence of passion, saying, Of the boons that you had then promised me, I shall speak to-day: do you listen to my words. Preparations are being made for installing Rāghava. Do you with the provisions made ready install Bharata in the kingdom.

अनेनैवाभिषेकेण भरतो मेऽभिषिच्यताम्। यो द्वितीयो वरो देव दत्तः प्रीतेन मे त्वया॥ तदा देवासुरे युद्धे तस्य कालोऽयमागतः।
O exalted one, the time has also come for you to confer on me the second boon which you being pleased had promised in the war of the gods and Asuras.

नव पञ्च च वर्षाणि दण्डकारण्यमाश्रितः॥ चीराजिनधरो धीरो रामो भवतु तापसः। भरतो भजतामद्य यौवराज्यमकण्टकम्॥
Let the gentle Rāma, clad in deer-skin, lead the life of a mendicant in the Dandaka forest for the space of nine and five years. And let Bharata gain the heir-apparentship rid of thorns.

एष कामो दत्तमेव वरं वृणे। अद्य चैव हि पश्येयं प्रयान्तं राघवं वने॥
Even this in my prime wish; and I beseech you but to grant the boon you have already promised. Even this very day will I see Rāma despatched to the woods.

स राजराजो भव सत्यसंगरः कुलं च शीलं च हि जन्म रक्ष च। मे परमः परत्र वासे हि वदन्त्यनुत्तमं तपोधनाः सत्यवचो हितं नृणाम्॥
Do you by proving true to your word, become the king of kings; and preserve your race, character, and birth. Truthful speech, say the ascetics, is of supreme welfare to men in the next world.