Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 10

विदर्शिता यदा देवी कुब्जया पापया भृशम्। तदा शेते स्म सा भूमौ दिग्धविद्धेव किंनरी॥
Thus perversely advised by the exceedingly wicked Mantharā, the noble and sagacious lady, influenced by passion, having completely decided in her mind as to her course, was lying down on the ground like a Kinnarī pierced with poisoned shafts.

निश्चित्य मनसा कृत्यं सा सम्यगिति भामिनी। मन्थरायै शनैः सर्वमाचचक्षे विचक्षणा॥ सा दीना निश्चयं कृत्वा मन्थरावाक्यमोहिता। नागकन्येव निःश्वस्य दीर्घमुष्णं च भामिनी॥ मुहूर्ते चिन्तयामास मार्गमात्मसुखावहम्।
And gradually told everything to Mantharā. And having made up her mind, that lady wrought up with ire, being under the influence of Manthara's words, sighed hot and hard like the daughter of a Nāga, and for a while reflected on the way which was to bring her happiness.

सा सुहृच्चार्थकामा च तं निशम्य विनिश्चयम्॥ बभूव परमप्रीता सिद्धिं प्राप्येव मन्थरा ।
Then her friend and well-wisher Mantharā, hearing of her resolution, rejoiced exceedingly, as if she had already secured success.

अथ सा रुषिता देवी सम्यक्कृत्वा विनिश्चयम्॥ संविवेशाबल. भूमौ निवेश्य भ्रुकुटि मुखे।
And, having fully ascertained her course, that weak one being angry, lay down upon the floor, knitting her eye-brows.

ततश्चित्राणि माल्यानि दिव्यान्याभरणानि च ॥ अपविद्धानि कैकेय्या तानि भूमिं प्रपेदिरे। तया तान्यपविद्धानि माल्यान्याभरणानि च॥ अशोभयन्त वसुधां नक्षत्राणि यथा नभः।
The ground was strewn with many beautiful garlands and excellent ornaments which Kaikeyi had cast away. And they adorned the earth as the stars adorn the welkin.

क्रोधागारे च पतिता सा बभौ मलिनाम्बरा॥ एकवेणी दृढां बद्ध्वा गतसत्त्वेव किंनरी।
Like an enfeebled Kinnarī she clad in a soiled garment, binding fast her braid, lay down in the anger-chamber.

आज्ञाप्य तु महाराजो राघवस्याभिषेचनम्॥ उपस्थानमनुज्ञाप्य प्रविवेश निवेशनम्।
The monarch having issued orders for the installation of Rāma, entered his inner apartment after giving permission to the courtiers to repair to their respective abodes.

अद्य रामाभिषेको वै प्रसिद्ध इति जज्ञिवान् ॥ प्रियाहाँ प्रियमाख्यातुं विवेशान्तःपुरं वशी।
"To-day it has been fixed to install Rāma, but Kaikeyi has not yet heard of it”, thus thought the monarch. Therefore with the view of communicating the welcome news to that lady deserving of good, (Kaikeyi), that renowned one of subdued senses entered the inner apartment.

स कैकेय्या गृहं श्रेष्ठं प्रविवेश महायशाः॥ पाण्डुराभ्रमिवाकाशं राहुयुक्तं निशाकरः। शुकबर्हिसमायुक्तं क्रौञ्चहंसरुतायुतम्॥ वादितरवसंघुष्टं कुब्जावामनिकायुतम्। लतागृहैश्चित्रगृहैश्चम्पकाशोकशोभितैः॥ दान्तराजतसौवर्णवेदिकाभिः समायुतम्। नित्यपुष्पफलैर्वृक्षैर्वापीभिरुपशोभितम्॥ दान्तराजतसौवर्णैः संवृतं परमासनैः। विविधैरन्नपानैश्च भक्ष्यैश्च विविधैरपि॥ उपपन्नं महाहश्च भूषणैत्रिदिवोपमम्।
Like to the moon entering the sky covered with white clouds and with Rähu present in it, that one of high fame entered the excellent apartment of Kaikeyi, having parrots and peacocks and Krauñcas and swans, resounding with the sounds of musical instruments, containing hump-backed and dwarfish women, graced with houses containing creepers, and pictures, and adorned adorned with aśokas and campakas, furnished with daises composed of ivory and silver and gold, and adorned with trees bearing flowers and fruits always, and tanks, having superb seats made of ivory, silver and gold; rich with various viands and drinks and edibles, with costly ornaments, and resembling heaven itself.

स प्रविश्य महाराजः स्वमन्तःपुरमृद्धिमत्॥ न ददर्श स्त्रियं राजा कैकेयीं शयनोत्तमे।
And the prosperous monarch having entered his own inner apartment did not see his dear Kaikeyi on the excellent bed.

स कामबलसंयुक्तो रत्यर्थी मनुजाधिपः॥ अपश्यन् दयितां भार्यां पप्रच्छ विषसाद च।
The lord of men not seeing his favourite wife, asked (within himself) and was struck with grief.

नहि तस्य पुरा देवी तां वेलामत्यवर्तत ॥ न च राजा गृहं शून्यं प्रविवेश कदाचन। ततो गृहगतो राजा कैकेयी पर्यपृच्छत ॥ यथापुरमविज्ञाय स्वार्थलिप्सुमपण्डिताम्।
Never before this that noble lady spent that hour (at any other place); nor had the monarch ever entered the empty apartment. Then the king entering the apartment asked (a sentinel) concerning Kaikeyi, not knowing that that unwise woman was hankering after her selfinterest, as on previous occasions not finding her he used to ask.

प्रतिहारि त्वथोवाच संत्रस्ता तु कृताञ्जलिः॥ देव देवी भृशं क्रुद्धा क्रोधागारमभिद्रुता।
Thereupon, hurriedly and with clasped hands, the warder said, “Worshipful sire, the noble lady being exceedingly angry, has repaired to the anger-chamber."

प्रतीहार्या वचः श्रुत्वा राजा परमदुर्मनाः॥ विषसाद पुनर्भूयो लुलितव्याकुलेन्द्रियः।
Hearing the warder's word, the king exceedingly anxious, with his senses agitated and afflicted, again grieved.

तत्र तां पतितां भूमौ शयानामतथोचिताम्॥ प्रतप्त इव दुःखेन सोऽपश्यज्जगतीपतिः। स वृद्धस्तरुणीं भायां प्राणेभ्योऽपि गरीयसीम्॥ अपापः पापसंकल्पां ददर्श धरणीतले। लतामिव विनिष्कृत्तां पतितां देवतामिव ॥ किंनरीमिव निर्धूतां च्युतामप्सरसं यथा। मायामिव परिभ्रष्टा हरिणीमिव संयताम्॥ करेणुमिव दिग्धेन विद्धां मृगयुना वने। महागज इवारण्ये स्नेहात् परमदुःखिताम्॥ परिमृज्य च पाणिभ्यामभिसंत्रस्तचेतनः। कामी कमलपत्राक्षीमुवाच वनितामिदम्॥
There burning with grief, the lord of the earth saw her lying down on the ground in an improper guise. And the sinless aged (monarch) saw on the ground his youthful wife dearer to him than life itself, cherishing an unrighteous intention, like a torn creeper, and lying down like a very goddess, resembling a Kinnari fallen from heaven because of sin, like a fallen Apsarā, like to an illusion spread to take another, and like an ensnared doe, or a she-elephant that has been pierced with an envenomed shaft shot by a hunter. And himself resembling a mighty elephant in the midst of a foremost, the king, exceedingly aggrieved, out of affection, gently passing his hand upon Kaikeyi's person, thus addressed her furnished with eyes resembling lotus' petals.

न तेऽहमभिजानामि क्रोधमात्मनि संश्रितम्। देवि केनाभियुक्तासि केन वासि विमानिता॥ यदिदं मम दुःखाय शेषे कल्याणि पांसुषु। भूमौ शेषे किमर्थं त्वं मयि कल्याणचेतसि ॥ भूतोपहतचित्तेव मम चित्तप्रमाथिनि।
I do not know why you have been angry with me. O noble lady, who has reprimanded you, or who has offended you, that, О auspicious one, in this guise you are lying down in dust enhancing my sorrow? And wherefore are you down on the ground, I, who seek your welfare, being yet alive? O you that afflicts my heart, are like one under the influence of a malignant spirit.

सन्ति मे कुशला वैद्यास्त्वभितुष्टाश्च सर्वशः॥ सुखितां त्वां करिष्यन्ति व्याधिमाचक्ष्व भामिनि।
I have skilful physicians whom I have completely satisfied with gifts, they will render you whole. Do you, O angry wench, mention your malady.

कस्य वापि प्रियं कार्य केन वा विप्रियं कृतम्॥ कः प्रियं लभतामद्य को वा सुमहदप्रियम्।
Whom do you wish to please; and whom to displease? Who shall to-day receive an welcome office, and who a highly unwelcome one?

मारौत्सीर्मा च कार्षीस्त्वं देवि सम्परिशोषणम्॥ अवध्यो वध्यतां को वा वध्यः को वा विमुच्यताम्। दरिद्रः को भवेदाढ्यो द्रव्यवान् वाप्यकिंचनः॥
Do not conceal your thoughts, nor, O noble one, afflict your person. Who, that should not be slain, shall be put to death; and who that should, is to be set at liberty? Who that is poor is to be made rich; and who that is affluent is to be turned into a pauper?

अहं च हि मदीयाश्च सर्वे तव वशानुगाः। न ते कंचिदभिप्रायं व्याहन्तमहमुत्सहे॥ आत्मनो जीवितेनापि ब्रूहि यन्मनसि स्थितम्।
I and mine are at your command. I dare not cross any wish of yours. Tell me your mind, and I will satisfy you by laying down, life itself.

बलमात्मनि जानन्ती न मां शङ्कितुमर्हसि॥ करिष्यामि तव प्रीतिं सुकृतेनापि ते शपे।
You know the influence you have upon me, therefore, it behove you not to entertain any apprehension. By all my good deeds I swear that I will compass your pleasure.

यावदावर्तते चक्रं तावती मे वसुंधरा॥ द्राविडाः सिन्धुसौवीराः सौराष्टा दक्षिणापथाः वङ्गाङ्गमगधा मत्स्याः समृद्धाः काशिकोसलाः॥
The space that is lighted up by the solar disc is mine, the Dravidas, and the Sindhus, and the Sauvīras, and Surāṣtras and the Dakṣiṇāpathas, and the Bangas, and the Angas, and the Māgadhas, and the Matsyas, and the flourishing Kāsis and the K salas.

तत्र जातं बहु द्रव्यं धनधान्यमजाविकम्। ततो वृणीष्व कैकेयि यद्यत् त्वं मनसेच्छसि॥
In these are produced many things, wealth and corn and animals. Do you, O Kaikeyi, ask for those things that your mind may take a fancy to.

किमायासेन ते भीरु उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ शोभने। तत्त्वं मे ब्रूहि कैकेयि यतस्ते भयमागतम्। तत् ते व्यपनयिष्यामि नीहारमिव रश्मिवान्॥
What, O timid one, is the use of afflicting yourself thus? O beauteous damsel, arise, arise. Do you, O Kaikeyi, unfold to me the cause whence has proceeded your fear. On hearing the reason, I will dispel it, even as the sun dried up the due.

तथोक्ता सा समाश्वस्ता वक्तुकामा तदप्रियम्। परिपीडयितं भूयो भर्तारमुपचक्रमे॥
Thus addressed and encouraged, she desirous of saying that disagreeable things with the view of afflicting her lord still more, spoke to him thus.