Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 9

एवमुक्ता तु कैकेयी क्रोधेन ज्वलितानना। दीर्घमुष्णं विनिःश्वस्य मन्थरामिदमब्रवीत्॥
Thus addressed, Kaikeyi, with her countenance flaming in wrath, sighing hot and hard, spoke to Mantharā, saying.

अद्य राममितः क्षिप्रं वनं प्रस्थापयाम्यहम्। यौवराज्येन भरतं क्षिप्रमद्याभिषेचये॥
Even this very day will I speedily send Rāma into the forest and without delay install Bharata in the royal heir-apparentship.

इदं त्विदानी सम्पश्य केनोपायेन साधये। भरतः प्राप्नुयाद् राज्यं न तु रामः कथंचन ॥
Do you now see by what means I can effect this. Bharata must obtain the kingdom and never Rāma.

एवमुक्ता तु सा देव्या मन्थरा पापदर्शिनी। रामार्थमुपहिंसन्ती कैकेयामिदमब्रवीत्॥
Thus addressed by the noble one, the wickedminded Mantharā, envious of Rama's interest, thus spoke to Kaikeyi.

हन्तेदानीं प्रपश्य त्वं कैकेयि श्रूयतां वचः। यथा ते भरतो राज्यं पुत्रः प्राप्स्यति केवलम्॥
Ah! O Kaikeyi, consider: Listen to my words, telling you how your son alone will obtain the kingdom.

किं न स्मरसि कैकेयि स्मरन्ती वा निगूहसे। यदुच्यमानमात्मार्थं मत्तस्त्वं श्रोतुमिच्छसि॥
Do you not remember, O Kaikeyi, or conceal although remembering, wishing to hear from me of the means for your welfare which you had before communicated to me.

मयोच्यमानं यदि ते श्रोतु छन्दो विलासिनि। श्रूयतामभिधास्यामि श्रुत्वा चैतद् विधीयताम्॥
If O dallianct loving damsel it is your wish to hear it as told by me, listen you, I will tell it you. And having heard it, do you act accordingly.

श्रुत्वैवं वचनं तस्या मन्थरायास्तु कैकयी। किंचिदुत्थाय शयनात् स्वास्तीर्णादिदमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing Manthara's words, Kaikeyi raised herself a little from her tastefully spread bed, and said.

कथयस्व ममोपायं केनोपायेन मन्थरे। भरतः प्राप्नुयाद् राज्यं न तु रामः कथंचन॥
Do you tell me the means. By what means, O Mantharā, Bharata will gain the kingdom, and in no wise Rāma.

एवमुक्ता तदा देव्या मन्थरा पापदर्शिनी। रामार्थमुपहिंसन्ती कैकेयीमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Thus addressed by the worshipful one, the wicked minded Mantharā, envying Rāma's interest, thus spoke to Kaikeyi.

पुरा देवासुरे युद्धे सह राजर्षिभिः पतिः। आगच्छत् त्वामुपादाय देवराजस्य साह्यकृत्॥
Formerly during the wars of the gods and Asuras, your husband taking you along, went with the royal saints for the purpose of assisting the king of the celestials.

दिशमास्थाय कैकेयि दक्षिणां दण्डकान् प्रति। वैजयन्तमिति ख्यातं पुरं यत्र तिमिध्वजः॥ स शम्बर इति ख्यातः शतमायो महासुरः। ददौ शक्रस्य संग्राम देवसङ्घरनिन्दितः॥
O Kaikeyī, ir Dandaka, situated towards the south, there is the city known by the name of Vaijayanta, where dwelt Timidhvaja, otherwise called Samvara, possessed of an hundred conjurations, and a mighty Asura. That unreproved gave battle Sakra one to accompanied by the celestials.

तस्मिन् महति संग्रामे पुरुषान् क्षतविक्षतान्। रात्रौ प्रसुप्तान ध्वन्ति स्म तरसापास्य राक्षसाः॥
And in that mighty conflict the Rākşasas during the night used to drag by main force persons asleep having their bodies cut all over, and kill them.

तत्राकरोन्महायुद्धं राजा दशरथस्तदा। असुरैश्च महाबाहुः शस्त्रैश्च शकलीकृतः॥ अपवाह्य त्वया देवि संग्रामानष्टचेतनः। तत्रापि विक्षतः शस्त्रैः पतिस्ते रक्षितस्त्वया॥
Then king Dasaratha warred with the Asuras most heroically. And that mighty armed one, O worshipful lady, losing his senses in consequence of wounds received from weapons, was removed from the field by you. In that imminent danger, your husband, sadly cut by weapons, was preserved by you.

तुष्टेन तेन दत्तौ ते द्वौ वरौ शुभदर्शने। स त्वयोक्तः पतिर्देवि यदिच्छेयं तदा वरम्॥ गृह्णीयां तु तदा भर्तस्तथेत्युक्तं महात्मना । अनभिज्ञा ह्यहं देवि त्वयैव कथितं पुरा॥ कथैषा तव तु स्नेहान्मनसा धार्यते मया। रामाभिषेकसम्भारान्निगृह्य विनिवर्तय॥
Thereupon gratified, he, O, you of gracious presence, granted you two boons. Whereupon you did say, 'I shall receive from my lord the boon whenever I shall wish. Thereupon that high-souled one said., 'So be it? I did not know anything about this, O respected one; and it was you who did formerly communicate this (to me.) And it is because I bear affection to you that I have not forgotten it. Now do you forcibly make the monarch desist from installing Rāma.

तौ च याचस्व भर्तारं भरतस्याभिषेचनम्। प्रव्राजनं च रामस्य वर्षाणि च चतुर्दश ॥
And ask your husband for these two boons, the installation of Bharata, and the exile of Rāma into the woods for fourteen years.

चतुर्दश हि वर्षाणि रामे प्रव्राजिते वनम्। प्रजाभावगतस्नेहः स्थिरः पुत्रो भविष्यति॥
On Rāma having been banished into the woods for fourteen years, your son securing the affections of subjects, will be firmly established (on the throne).

क्रोधागारं प्रविश्याद्य क्रुद्धेवाश्वपतेः सुते। शेष्वानन्तर्हितायां त्वं भूमौ मलिनवासिनी॥
Entering the anger-chamber to-day, do you, O daughter of Aśvapati, clad in soiled garment, lie down on the uncovered floor.

मा स्मैनं प्रत्युदीक्षेथा मा चैनमभिभाषथाः। रुदन्ती पार्थिवं दृष्ट्वा जगत्यां शोकलालसा॥
Do not look at him, nor speak to him ought. Do you on beholding the lord of the earth, overwhelmed with grief, weep only.

दयिता त्वं सदा भर्तुरत्र मे नास्ति संशयः। त्वत्कृते च महाराजो विशेदपि हुताशनम्॥
You have always been the favourite wife of your husband. Of this I have not the least doubt, For your sake the monarch can enter into a flame.

न त्वां क्रोधयितुं शक्तो न क्रुद्धां प्रत्युदीक्षितुम्। तव प्रियार्थं राजा तु प्राणानपि परित्यजेत्॥
He can never anger you, nor can he eye you when angered. For compassing your pleasure the king can renounce life itself.

न झतिक्रमितं शक्तस्तव वाक्यं महीपतिः। मन्दस्वभावे बुध्यस्व सौभाग्यबलमात्मनः॥
Therefore the monarch can never set aside your word. O senseless lady, do you now reflect upon the strength of your good fortune.

मणिमुक्तासुवर्णानि रत्नानि विविधानि च। दद्याद् दशरथो राजा मा स्म तेषु मनः कृथाः॥
King Dasaratha will offer you rubies and pearls and gold and gems of various kinds; but do not you bend your heart to them.

यौ तौ देवासुरे युद्धे वरौ दशरथो ददौ। तौ स्मारय महाभागे सोऽर्थो न त्वा क्रमेदति॥
Do you, O exalted dame, bring into Daśaratha's recollection the two boons which he had granted you at the time of the war between the gods and Asuras, and you shall not fail to achieve your objects.

यदा तु ते वरं दद्यात् स्वयमुत्थाप्य राघवः। व्यवस्थाप्य महाराजं त्वमिमं वृणुया वरम्॥
And when that descendant of Raghu, raising you will go to bestow the boons, do you then binding him fast by oath, unfold to the monarch the boons, saying.

रामप्रव्रजनं दूरं नव वर्षाणि पञ्च च। भरतः क्रियतां राजा पृथिव्यां पार्थिवर्षभ॥
Send Rāma to the forest for nine and five years, and let Bharata, becoming on earth the foremost of monarchs, carry on the Government.

चतुर्दश हि वर्षाणि रामे प्रवाजिते वनम्। रूढश्च कृतमूलश्च शेषं स्थास्यति ते सुतः॥
And Rāma having been banished for fourteen years, your son growing (in the interval) firm and fast, will remain (on the throne) during the rest of his life.

रामप्रव्राजनं चैव देवि याचस्व तं वरम्। एवं सेत्स्यन्ति पुत्रस्य सर्वार्थास्तव कामिनि ॥
Do you, therefore, O worshipful one, demand even the banishment of Rāma; for by this it is, O damsel, all interests will be secured to your son.

एवं प्रवाजितश्चैव रामोऽरामो भविष्यति। भरतश्च गतामित्रस्तव राजा भविष्यति॥
Thus banished Rāma will no longer maintain possession of the hearts of the people; and your Bharata with his foes put out, will be the king.

येन कालेन रामश्च वनात् प्रत्यगमिष्यति। अन्तर्बहिश्च पुत्रस्ते कृतमूलो भविष्यति॥
By the time that Rāma returns from the forest, your son, your prudent son along with his friends, securing the hearts of the people externally and internally, will have been firmly established on the throne.

संगृहीतमनुष्यश्च सुहृद्भिः साकमात्मवान् । प्राप्तकालं नु मन्येऽहं राजानं वीतसाध्वसा ॥ रामाभिषेकसंकल्पानिगृह्य विनिवर्तय।
Now is the time, I apprehend. Renouncing fear, do you forcibly make the monarch remove from his mind his intention of installing Rāma.

अनर्थमर्थरूपेण ग्राहिता सा ततस्तया॥ हृष्टा प्रतीता कैकेयी मन्थरामिदमब्रवीत्। सा हि वाक्येन कुब्जायाः किशोरीवोत्पथं गता॥ कैकेयी विस्मयं प्राप्य परं परमदर्शना।
Having been thus made to accept that for good which was really evil, Kaikeyi, desirous of obtaining the boons, was filled with delight. And at the words of the hump-backed woman, that exceedingly beautiful Kaikeyi experienced the height of surprise, and betook herself to this wrong course, like a mare attached to her young, (springing up after it). And she said to Manthara.

प्रज्ञां ते नावजानामि श्रेष्ठे श्रेष्ठाभिधायिनि ॥ पृथिव्यामसि कुब्जानामुत्तमा बुद्धिनिश्चये। त्वमेव तु ममार्थेषु नित्ययुक्ता हितैषिणी॥
O excellent wench, O speaker of things fair, your wisdom I do not dishonour. In ascertaining the propriety or otherwise of actions, you are the very first of hump-backed women on earth. And ever intent on my interest, you seek my welfare.

नाहं समवबुध्येयं कुब्जे राज्ञश्चिकीर्षितम्। सन्ति दु:संस्थिताः कुब्जे: वक्राः परमपापिकाः॥
I had not, O hump-backed one, (ere this) apprehended the endeavours of the king. O humpbacked one, there are many deformed, crooked and unsightly women (on earth).

त्वं पद्ममिव वातेन संनता प्रियदर्शना। उरस्तेऽभिनिविष्टं वै यावत् स्कन्धात् समुन्नतम्॥
But you alone down, look beautiful like a lotus bent by the breeze. Your breast weighed down by your hump, is high near the shoulders.

अधस्ताच्चोदरं शान्तं सुनाभमिव लज्जितम्। प्रतिपूर्णं च जघनं सुपीनौ च पयोधरौ।॥
And beneath is your belly graced with a goodly navel, which has grown lean from shame (on holding the attitude of your bust.) Your buttocks are spacious, and your breasts are firm.

विमलेन्दुसमं वक्त्रमहो राजसि मन्थरे। जघनं तव निम॒ष्टं रशनादामभूषितम्॥ जङ्के भृशमुपन्यस्ते पादौ च व्यायतावुभौ। त्वमायताभ्यां सक्थिभ्यां मन्थरे क्षौमवासिनी॥ अग्रतो मम गच्छन्ती राजसेऽतीव शोभने।
Your countenance is like the bright moon, Ah! O Manthara, how lovely do you look! Your hips are smooth, and is decked with chains; and your thighs and legs are of large proportions. O Mantharā, O you clad in linen garment, O graceful damsel, with your pair of spacious humps, you go before me like a she-crane.

आसन् याः शम्बरे मायाः सहस्रमसुराधिपे॥ हृदये ते निविष्टास्ता भूयश्चान्याः सहस्त्रशः। तदेव स्थगु यद् दीर्घ रथघोणमिवायतम्॥ मतयः क्षत्रविद्याश्च मायाश्चात्र वसन्ति ते।
In your heart reside all those thousandconjuration's belonging to that lord of the Asuras, Samvara; and besides thousands there are many more. Intelligence and policy and conjuration's reside in your elevated hump resembling the nave of a chariot-wheel.

अत्र तेऽहं प्रमोक्ष्यामि मालां कुब्जे हिरण्मयीम्॥ अभिषिक्ते च भरते राघवे च वनं गते। जात्येन च सुवर्णेन सुनिष्टप्तेन सुन्दरि॥ लब्धार्था च प्रतीता च लेपयिष्यामि ते स्थगु।
When Bharata has been installed and Rāma gone to the woods, I will, O hump-backed one, furnish your hump with a garland made, O beautiful one, of well melted gold. And when I shall have attained my object and be happy, I will smear your hump with sandal paste.

मुखे च तिलकं चित्रं जातरूपमयं शुभम्॥ कारयिष्यामि ते कुब्जे शुभान्याभरणानि च। परिधाय शुभे वस्त्रे देवतेव चरिष्यसि॥ चन्द्रमाह्वयमानेन मुखेनाप्रतिमानना। गमिष्यसि गतिं मुख्यां गर्वयन्ती द्विषज्जने।५१ ।।
O hump-backed one, I will prepare for your face an excellent tilaka of gold; as well as other ornaments. Wearing elegant apparel, you will go about like a very goddess. With an incomparable countenance challenging the moon himself, you will attain pre-eminence, defying your foes.

तवापि कुब्जाः कुब्जायाः सर्वाभरणभूषिताः। पादौ परिचरिष्यन्ति यथैव त्वं सदा मम॥
Even as you serve me, other hump-backed women adorned with every ornament will serve your feet.

इति प्रशस्यमाना सा कैकेयीमिदमब्रवीत्। शयानां शयने शुभ्रे वेद्यामग्निशिखामिव ॥
Thus praised by Kaikeyi, as she was lying down on a white bed, like to fire up on the sacrificial dais, Manthară addressed her, saying.

गतोदके सेतुबन्धो न कल्याणि विधीयते। उत्तिष्ठ कुरु कल्याणं राजानमनुदर्शय॥
O blessed one, when water has flown out, it is not proper to set up a dyke. Arise. Do your welfare. Show yourself to the king.

तथा प्रोत्साहिता देवी गत्वा मन्थरया सह। क्रोधागारं विशालाक्षी सौभाग्यमदगर्विता ॥ अनेकशतसाहस्रं मुक्ताहार वराङ्गना। अवमुच्य वराहा॑णि शुभान्याभरणानि च॥
Puffed up with the pride of good fortune, that noble lady of expansive eyes thus encouraged (by Manthara), went with her to the angerchamber. (Having entered the chamber), that exalted lady put off her pearl neck-lace priced at many hundreds and thousands of gold, together with other elegant, beautiful and rich ornaments.

तदा हेमोपमा तत्र कुब्जावाक्यवशंगता। संविश्य भूमौ कैकेयी मन्थरामिदमब्रवीत्॥
Then sitting down upon the ground, Kaikeyi, comparable to gold, under the influence of Manthara's words, spoke to her, saying.

इह वा मां मृतां कुब्जे नृपायावेदयिष्यसि। वनं तु राघवे प्राप्ते भरतः प्राप्स्यते क्षितिम्॥ सुवर्णेन न मे ह्यर्थो न रत्नैर्न च भोजनैः। एष मे जीवितस्यान्तो रामो यद्यभिषिच्यते॥
Do you, O hump-backed one, tell the monarch, that I am dead at this place. On Räghava having gone to the forest, Bharata will obtain the earth. I do not require gold, or gems, or repasts; this will be the end of my existence if Rāma be installed.

अथो पुनस्तां महिषी महीक्षितो बचोभिरत्यर्थमहापराक्रमैः। उवाच कुब्जा भरतस्य मातरं हितं वचो राममुपेत्य चाहितम्॥
Again the hump-backed woman addressed Bharata's mother in exceedingly cruel language fraught with good to Bharata and evil to Rāma.

प्रपत्स्यते राज्यमिदं हि राघवो यदि ध्रुवं त्वं ससुता च तप्स्यसे। ततो हि कल्याणि यतस्व तत् तथा यथा सुतस्ते भरतोऽभिषेक्ष्यते॥
If Rāghava attain the kingdom, you will surely grieve along with your son. Therefore, O blessed one, do you strive so that your son Bharata be installed.

तथातिविद्धा महिषीति कुब्जया समाहता वागिषुभिर्मुहुर्मुहुः। विधाय हस्तौ हृदयेऽतिविस्मिता शशंस कुब्जां कुपिता पुनः पुनः॥
Thus momentarily pierced by the wordy shafts shot by Mantharā, the queen exceedingly surprised, laying her hand on her bosom, wrathfully broke out.

यमस्य वा मां विषयं गतामितो निशम्य कुब्जे प्रतिवेदयिष्यसि। वनं गते वा सुचिराय राघवे समृद्धकामो भरतो भविष्यति॥
Either beholding me gone to the regions of Death, you will apprise the king of it, or Rāghava repairing to the forest for a long time, Bharata will attain his desire.

'अहं हि नैवास्तरणानि न स्रजो न चन्दनं नाञ्जनपानभोजनम्। न किंचिदिच्छामि न चेह जीवनं न चेदितो गच्छति राघवो वनम्॥
If Rāghava do not repair hence into the forest, I will not desire beds, nor garlands, nor sandal paste, nor colyrium, nor drinks, nor life.

अथैवमुक्त्वा वचनं सुदारुणं निधाय सर्वाभरणानि भामिनी। असंस्कृतामास्तरणेन मेदिनी तदाधिशिश्ये पतितेव किंनरी॥६५
Having said these cruel words, and thrown off every ornament, the wrathful dame lay down on the ground having no covering, like a fallen Kinnarī.

उदीर्णसंरम्भतमोवृतानना तदावमुक्तोत्तममाल्यभूषणा। नरेन्द्रपत्नी विमना बभूव सा तमोवृता द्यौरिव मग्नतारका ॥
Casting away her excellent garlands and ornaments with her countenance clouded with the gloom of wrath, the King's wife became sunk in thought looking like a sky enveloped in darkness, with the stars hid.

उदीर्णसंरम्भतमोवृतानना तदावमुक्तोत्तममाल्यभूषणा। नरेन्द्रपत्नी विमना बभूव सा तमोवृता द्यौरिव मग्नतारका ॥
Casting away her excellent garlands and ornaments with her countenance clouded with the gloom of wrath, the King's wife became sunk in thought looking like a sky enveloped in darkness, with the stars hid.