Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 8

मन्थरा त्वभ्यसूय्यैनामुत्सृज्याभरणं हि तत्। उवाचेदं ततो वाक्यं कोपदुःखसमन्विता॥
Mantharā, making Kaikeyi the object of her wrath, threw off the noble ornament, and spoke these words, in anger and grief.

हर्ष किमर्थमस्थाने कृतवत्यसि बालिशे। शोकसागरमध्यस्थं नात्मानमबबुध्यसे॥
You senseless girl, wherefore do you display your joy on such an unfit occasion. You did not see that you are in the bosom of an ocean of grief. Being grieved at heart do I laugh at you inwardly.

मनसा प्रसहामि त्वां देवि दुःखादिता सती। यच्छोचितव्ये हृष्टासि प्राप्य त्वं व्यसनं महत्॥
O worshipful lady, because you having met with signal calamity, rejoices even in what should be lamented.

शोचामि दुर्मतित्वं ते का हि प्राज्ञा प्रहर्षयेत्। अरेः सपत्नीपुत्रस्य वृद्धिं मृत्योरिवागताम्॥
I lament you for your perversion of sense. What sensible woman can rejoice in the advancement of a co-wife's son, like to death itself?

भरतादेव रामस्य राज्यसाधारणाद्भयम्। तद्विचिन्त्य विषण्णास्मि भयं भीताद्वि जायते॥
From Bharata proceeds Rāma's fear concerning the kingdom to which both have an equal claim. Thinking of this, I am pressed down with sorrow, because fear proceeds from the person who fears much.

लक्ष्मणो हि महाबाहू रामं सर्वात्मना गतः। शत्रुघ्नश्चापि भरतं काकुत्स्थं लक्ष्मणो यथा॥
The mighty armed Laksmana has for certain in all ways taken refuge in Rāma; and Satrughna like to Lakşmaņa has taken refuge in the Kakutstha, Bharata.

प्रत्यासत्रक्रमेणापि भरतस्यैव भामिनि । राज्यक्रमो विसृष्टस्तु तयोस्तावद्यवीयसोः॥ विदुषः क्षत्रचारित्रे प्राज्ञस्य प्राप्तकारिणः। भयात्प्रवेपे रामस्य चिन्तयन्ती तवात्मजम्॥
With reference to gradation of birth, the probability is in favour of Bharata's attempting the kingdom; yet by reason (of Rāma's being the elder) of the two Bharata has been thrown off. Anticipating the peril that might spring to your son from Rāma, learned and versed in the functions of the Kșatriya, and of quick decision, I tremble.

सुभगा किल कौसल्या यस्याः पुत्रोऽभिषेक्ष्यते। यौवराज्येन महता श्वः पुष्येण द्विजोत्तमैः॥
Surely Kausalya is of blessed fortune, for tomorrow under Puşya the foremost of the twiceborn ones will install her son as the mighty heir apparent to the empire.

प्राप्तां वसुमती प्रीतिं प्रतीतां हतविद्विषम्। उपस्थास्यसि कौसल्यां दासीवत्त्वं कृताञ्जलिः॥
You will, with clasped hands, serve as a slave the illustrious Kausalyā, mistress of the world, and brimming over with joy, with all her foes discomfited.

एवं च त्वं सहास्माभिस्तस्याः प्रेष्या भविष्यसि। पुत्रश्च तव रामस्य प्रेष्यत्वं हि गमिष्यति॥
Thus along with us you will attend her commands, and your son also will await the pleasure of Rāma

हृष्टाः खलु भविष्यन्ति रामस्य परमाः स्त्रियः। अप्रहृष्टा भविष्यन्ति स्नुषास्ते भरतक्षये॥
And Ráma's wives* together with their handmaids will be filled with delight' and in consequence of Bharata's name, your daughtersin-law will be afflicted with sorrow. *Historically Rāma had but one wife. Manthară here anticipated that Rāma would marry many wives like his father after the installation.

तां दृष्ट्वा परमप्रीतां ब्रुवन्ती मन्थरां ततः। रामस्यैव गुणान्देवी कैकयी प्रशशंस ह॥
Seeing Manthară dead set against Rāma, and speaking in this wise, the noble Kaikeyi praised the virtues of Rāma.

धर्मज्ञो गुणवान्दान्तः कृतज्ञः सत्यवाञ्छुचिः। रामो राजसुतो ज्येष्ठो यौवराज्यमतोऽर्हति॥
Rāma is cognizant of morality, and filled with perfections, and accomplished, and grateful, and endowed with truth, and pure. And as he is the eldest son of the King, he deserves the Kingdom as heir-apparent.

भ्रातृन्भृत्याश्च दीर्घायुः पितृवत्पालयिष्यति। संतप्यसे कथं कुब्ने श्रुत्वा रामाभिषेचनम्॥
That long-lived one shall maintain his brothers and his retainers even like a father. Why then, O hump-backed one, do you grieve, hearing Rāma's installation.

भरतश्चापि रामस्य ध्रुवं वर्षशतात्परम्। पितृपैतामहं राज्यमवाप्स्यति नरर्षभः ॥
And for certain, that foremost of men, Bharata also, an hundred years after Rāma, will attain the kingdom bequeathed by his father and grandfather.

सा त्वमभ्युदये प्राप्ते दह्यमानेव मन्थरे। भविष्यति च कल्याणे किमिदं परितप्यसे॥
O Mantharā, you burn (with grief) in this auspicious time. Our good fortune will come (after this in the shape of Bharata's installation); why then do you grieve.

यथा वै भरतो मान्यस्तथा भूयोऽपि राघवः। कौसल्यातोऽतिरिक्तं च मम शुश्रूषते बहु ॥
Surely Rāma is dearer to me than Bharata; and he also loves me more tian he does Kausalyā.

राज्यं यदि हि रामस्य भरतस्यापि तत्तदा। मन्यते हि यथात्मानं तथा भ्रातृ॑स्तु राघवः॥
And if the Kingdom be Rāma's it will be also Bharata's at the same time. Rāma regards his brothers even as his own self.

कैकैय्या वचनं श्रुत्वा मन्थरा भृशदुःखिता। दीर्घमुष्णं विनिःश्वस्य कैकेयीमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing Kaikeyi's words, Mantharā exceedingly aggrieved, sighing hot and hard, thus addressed Kaikeyi, saying.

अनर्थर्शिनी मौानात्मानमवबुध्यसे। शोकव्यसनविस्तीर्णे मज्जन्ती दुःखसागरे॥
Regarding that to be evil which is your good, you do not through your want of understanding know that you are going to be drowned in a sea of grief and peril.

भविता राघवो राजा राघवस्य च यः सुतः। राजवंशात्तु भरतः कैकेयि परिहास्यते॥
Rāghava will become king; and after Raghava his son; so that, O Kaikeyi, Bharata will come to be at once cut off from the royal line.

नहि राज्ञः सुताः सर्वे राज्ये तिष्ठन्ति भामिनि। स्थाप्यमानेषु सर्वेषु सुमहाननयो भवेत्॥
O emotional one, surely all the sons of the king do not obtain the kingdom. And if all were placed on the throne, mighty would be the disturbance therefrom.

तस्माज्ज्येष्ठे हि कैकैयि राज्यतन्त्राणि पार्थिवाः। स्थापयन्त्यनवद्याङ्गि गुणवत्स्वितरेष्वपि॥
Therefore it is that kings, O Kaikeyi, lay the task of Government on the eldest son if worthy, or else upon a younger most meritorious.

असावत्यन्तनिर्भग्नस्तव पुत्रो भविष्यति। अनाथवत्सुखेभ्यश्च राजवंशाच्च वत्सले॥
This your son, O affectionate one, cast off from the royal race, and deprived of happiness, will fare like one forlorn.

साहं त्वदर्थे संप्राप्ता त्वं तु मां नावबुध्यसे। सपत्निवृद्धौ या मे त्वं प्रदेयं दातुमर्हसि ॥
You do not understand that I am taking such pains, and it is evident that you does not understand that I have come to you for your good. You are conferring on me rewards on the advancement of your co-wife.

ध्रुवं तु भरतं रामः प्राप्य राज्यमकण्टकम्। देशान्तरं नाययिता लोकान्तरमथापि वा॥
For certain, Rāma having attained the kingdom without let, will send Bharata either to a distant land, or to the other world.

बाल एव तु मातुल्यं भरतो नायितस्त्वया। संनिकर्षाच्च सौहार्द जायते स्थावरेष्विव॥
Bharata is a mere boy, and by you it is that he has been sent to his maternal uncle's mansion. Even in immobile objects attachment grows by virtue of nearness.

भरतानृवशात्सोऽपि शत्रुघ्नस्तत्समं गतः। लक्ष्मणो हि यथा रामं तथायं भरतं गतः॥
Śatrughna also ever following Bharata has gone with him. He is attached to Bharata as Lakşmaņa is attached to Rāma.

श्रूयते हि द्रुमः कश्चिच्छेत्तव्यो वनजीवनैः। संनिकर्षादिषीकाभिर्मोचितः परमाद्भयात्॥
It is heard that once upon a time the woodsmen had intended to cut down a tree; but it was relived from the high peril because of the proximity of prickly shrubs around it.

गोप्ता हि रामं सौमित्रिर्लक्ष्मणं चापि राघवः। अश्विनोरिव सौभ्रात्र तयोर्लोकेषु विश्रुतम्॥
Sumitrā's son protects Rāma and Rāghava protects Lakşmaņa. Their fraternal love like that of the Asvins is celebrated in the world,

तस्मान्न लक्ष्मणे रामः पापं किंचित्करिष्यति। रामस्तु भरते पापं कुर्यादेव न संशयः॥
Therefore Rāma will never do any wrong to Lakşmaņa; but he will do wrong to Bharata, there is no doubt about this.

तस्माद्राजगृहादेव वनं गच्छतु राघवः। एतद्धि रोचते मह्यं भृशं चापि हितं तव॥
Therefore let that son of Raghu be sent to the woods from the palace. This pleases me; and this also is for your supreme welfare; and in this wise also will be realised the good of your relations.

एवं ते ज्ञातिपक्षस्य श्रेयश्चैव भविष्यति। यदि चेद्भरतो धर्मात्पित्र्यं राज्यमवाप्स्यति॥
But if Bharata can get at his ancestral kingdom by just means, that would also be welcome to your kindred.

स ते सुखोचितो बालो रामस्य सहजो रिपुः। समृद्धार्थस्य नष्टार्थो जीविष्यति कथं वशे ॥
That boy deserving of happiness is the natural enemy of Rāma. How can he live under the prosperous Rāma being deprived of all wealth.

अभिदुतमिवारण्ये सिंहेन गजयूथपम्। प्रच्छाद्यमानं रामेण भरतं त्रातुमर्हसि ॥
Therefore it behoves you to save Bharata about to be overcome by Rāma, like a lion pursuing the leader of an elephant herd in a forest.

दनिराकृता पूर्वं त्वया सौभाग्यवत्तया। राममाता सपत्नी ते कथं वैरं न यापयेत्॥
Your co-wife, Rāma's mother, had formerly through pride and good fortune been slighted by you. Why will not she upon you wreak her revenge now.

यदा च रामः पृथिवीमवाप्स्यते प्रभूतरत्नाकरशैलसंयुताम्। तदा गमिष्यस्यशुभं पराभवं सहैव दीना भरतेन भामिनि॥
When Rāma will obtain the earth furnished witr many oceans and mountains, then, O proud dame, you rendered forlorn, will along with Bharata, sustain sorry discomfiture.

यदा हि रामः पृथिवीमवाप्स्यते ध्रुवं प्रणष्टो भरतो भविष्यति। अतो हि संचिन्तय राज्यमात्मजे परस्य चैवास्य विवासकारणम्॥
And when Rāma will obtain the earth, Bharata will certainly meet with destruction, therefore do you ponder as to how you can place your son on the throne and banish your enemy.