Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 6

गते पुरोहिते रामः स्नातो नियतमानसः। सह पत्न्या विशालाक्ष्या नारायणमुपागमत्॥
When the priest had gone away, Rāma, having bathed and with a collected mind, began to adore Nārāyaṇa, in company with his wife having expansive eyes.

प्रगृह्य शिरसा पात्री हविषो विधिवत् ततः। महते दैवतायाज्यं जुहाव ज्वलितानले॥
Then raising the vessel of clarified butter to his head (by way of paying reverence), he in accordance with the ordinance began to offer oblations to the flaming fire on behalf of that mighty deity.

शेषं च हविषस्तस्य प्राश्याशास्यात्मनः प्रियम्। ध्यायनारायणं देवं स्वास्तीर्णे कुशसंस्तरे॥ वाग्यतः सह वैदेह्या भूत्वा नियतमानसः। श्रीमत्यायतने विष्णोः शिश्ये नरवरात्मजः॥
Then, having partaken of the remaining quantity of the clarified butter, Rāma prayed for his own welfare, and meditated on the god Nārāyaṇa. The son of the best of men with a collected mind, and restraining his speech lay down on a Kuśa bed together with Vaidehī within the graceful dwelling of Vişnu.

एकयामावशिष्टायां रात्र्यां प्रतिविबुध्य सः। अलंकारविधिं सम्यक् कारयामास वेश्मनः॥
When a single watch only remained of the night, Rāma awoke, and made his residence well decorated.

तत्र शृण्वन् सुखा वाचः सूतमागधवन्दिनाम्। पूर्वां संध्यामुपासीनो जजाप सुसमाहितः॥
Now he hearing the melodious utterances of genealogists and panegyrist and Brāhmaṇas versed in the Purāņas, Rāma finished devotions for the prior twilight, and with an intent mind began to recite (Savatri).* *The celebrated hymn to the sun, the most sacred thing in all the Vedas.

तुष्टाव प्रणतश्चैव सिरसा मधुसूदनम्। विमलक्षौमसंवीतो वाचयामास स द्विजान्॥
And clad in a clear silk dress, he with bended head hymned the destroyer of Madhu, and made the regenerate ones perform the Svastivácana ceremony.

तेषां पुण्याहघोषोऽथ गम्भीरमधुरस्तथा। अयोध्यां पूरयामास तूर्यघोषानुनादितः॥
Already resounding with the blares of trumpets, Ayodhyā became filled with the sweet and solemn tones of the expressions “Holy day" uttered by them.

कृतोपवासं तु तदा वैदेह्या सह राघवम्। अयोध्यानिलयः श्रुत्वा सर्वः प्रमुदितो जनः॥
The denizens of Ayodhyā, hearing that Rāghava had fasted with Vaidehi, rejoiced exceedingly.

ततः पौरजनः सर्वः श्रुत्वा रामाभिषेचनम्। प्रभातां रजनीं दृष्ट्वा चक्रे शोभयितुं पुरीम्॥
Then the citizens, hearing of the installation of Rāma and seeing that the night had departed, fell to adorning the city.

सिताभ्रशिखराभेषु देवतायतनेषु च। चतुष्पथेषु रथ्यासु चैत्येष्वट्टलकेषु च॥ नानापण्यसमृद्धेषु वणिजामापणेषु च। कुटुम्बिनां समृद्धेषु श्रीमत्सु भवनेषु च॥ सभासु चैव सर्वासु वृक्षेष्वालक्षितेषु च। ध्वजाः समुच्छ्रिताः साधु पताकाश्चाभवंस्तथा॥
Standards with pennons were beautifully reared up in the abodes of the gods resembling a peak, enveloped with white clouds, and at the crossing, and on high ways; and over the Caitya tree; and edifices; and over the ware-houses of merchants abounding in goods and the goodly and prosperous mansions of householders, and over all the council-houses and conspicuous trees.

नटनर्तकसङ्घानां गायकानां च गायताम्। मनःकर्णसुखा वाचः शुश्राव जनता ततः॥
The multitude then heard the music, soothing to the ear and heart, of stage managers, dancers and singers chanting.

रामाभिषेकयुक्ताश्च कथाश्चक्रुर्मिथो जनाः। रामाभिषेके सम्प्राप्ते चत्वरेषु गृहेषु च॥ बाला अपि क्रीडमाना गृहद्वारेषु सङ्घशः। रामाभिषवसंयुक्ताश्चक्रुरेव कथा मिथः॥
The people began to talk with each other anent the installation of Rāma, and the time for his installation having arrived, on terraces and houses, and doorways boys playing in bodies, conversed with each other concerning the installation of Rāma.

कृतपुष्पोपहारश्च धूपगन्धाधिवासितः। राजमार्गः कृतः श्रीमान् पौरै रामाभिषेचने ॥
On the occasion of the investiture of Rāma, the goodly high ways were adorned with garlands, and scented with dhūpa incense, by the citizens.

प्रकाशीकरणार्थ च निशागमनशङ्कया। दीपवृक्षांस्तथा चक्रुरनुरथ्यासु सर्वशः॥
And fearing lest Rāma should come out over night (to behold the beautified capital), the inhabitants of the city, by way of ornamentation as with the view of beholding Rāma himself, had by the road side reared up lamp-stands in the form of (branched) trees.

अलंकारं पुरस्यैवं कृत्वा तत् पुरवासिनः। आकाङ्क्षमाणा रामस्य यौवराज्याभिषेचनम्॥ समेत्य सङ्घशः सर्वे चत्वरेषु सभासु च। कथयन्तो मिथस्तत्र प्रशशंसुर्जनाधिपम्॥ अहो महात्मा राजायमिक्ष्वाकुकुलनन्दनः। ज्ञात्वा वृद्धं स्वमात्मानं रामं राज्येऽभिषेक्ष्यति ॥
Eagerly expecting the investiture of Rāma as the heir-apparent, all having thus ornamented the city and assembling them selves on terraces and in council-halls, talking with each other, extolled the lord of men, saying, “Ah high-souled is this king, the perpetuator of the Iksvāku race, for, knowing himself as old, he will install Rāma in the kingdom.

सर्वे ह्यनुगृहीताः स्म यत्रो रामो महीपतिः। चिराय भविता गोप्ता दृष्टलोकपरावरः॥
Obliged we have been, since good Rāma capable of reading character, will be the lord of earth, and our protector.

अनुद्धतमना विद्वान् धर्मात्मा भ्रातृवत्सलः। यथा च भ्रातृषु स्निग्धस्तथास्मास्वपि राघवः॥
He is of a heart devoid of arrogance, and is learned, and righteous-souled, and affectionate to his brothers. Rāghava loves us even as he does his own brothers.

चिरं जीवतु धर्मात्मा राजा दशरथोऽनघः। यत्प्रसादेनाभिषिक्तं रामं द्रक्ष्यामहे वयम्॥
May the sinless and pious king Dasaratha live long; for it is through his grace that we shall behold Rāma installed.

एवंविधं कथयतां पौराणां शुश्रुवुः दिग्भ्यो विश्रुतवृत्तान्ताः प्राप्ता जानपदा जनाः॥
The inhabitants of the provinces, who having heard the tidings, had come from various regions, heard the citizens conversing thus.

ते तु दिग्भ्यः पुरीं प्राप्ता द्रष्टुं रामाभिषेचनम्। रामस्य पुरयामासुः पुरी जानपदा जनाः॥
Desirous of beholding the installation of Rāma, they coming into the city from various directions, filled Rāma's city.

जनौधैस्तैर्विसर्पद्भिः शुश्रुवे तत्र नि:स्वनः। पर्वसूदीर्णवेगस्य सागरस्येव निःस्वनः॥
As the vast concourse entered (the city),there was heard an uproar like to the roaring of the heaving ocean during the fullness of the moon.

ततस्तदिन्द्रक्षयसंनिभं पुरं दिक्षुभिर्जानपदैरुपाहितैः। समन्ततः सस्वनमाकुलं बभौ समुद्रयादोभिरिवार्णवोदकम्॥ परे।
Then that city resembling the regions of Indra, being filled on all sides with tumult raised by the dwellers of the provinces who had come to behold (the installation), resembled the ocean when its waters are agitated by the aquatic animals inhabiting it.