Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 5

संदिश्य रामं नृपतिः श्वोभाविन्यभिषेचने। पुरोहितं समाहूय वसिष्ठमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Having given his directions to Rāma as to his in coming installation on the morrow, the king, summoning his priest, Vasiştha spoke to him, saying.

गच्छोपवासं काकुत्स्थं कारयाद्य तपोधन। श्रेयसे राज्यलाभाय वध्वा सह यतव्रत॥
O you, having asceticism for your wealth, go, to Kākutstha, and for his welfare and obtaining the kingdom, make him fast along with my daughter-in-law.

तथेति च स राजानमुक्त्वा वेदविदां वरः। स्वयं वसिष्ठो भगवान् ययौ रामनिवेशनम्॥ उपवासयितुं वीरं मन्त्रविन्मन्त्रकोविदम्। ब्राझै रथवरं युक्तमास्थाय सुधृतव्रतः॥
Thereupon, saying, “So be it," that best of those versed in the Veda, the worshipful Vasiştha conversant with mantras, that one practising excellent vows, mounting a Brahma car, himself went to the residence of Rāma cognizant of mantra, for the purpose of making him fast.

स रामभवनं प्राप्य पाण्डुराभ्रधनप्रभम्। तिस्रः कक्ष्या रथेनैव विवेश मुनिसत्तमः॥
And that foremost of ascetics, having reached Rāma's sable hued residence resembling a mass of clouds, passed through three several apartments, mounted on the car.

तमागतमृषि रामस्त्वरनिव ससम्भ्रमम्। मानयिष्यन् स मानाहं निश्चक्राम निवेशनात्॥
With the view of honouring the saint worthy of honour, Rāma swiftly issued out of his abode.

अभ्येत्य त्वरमाणोऽथ रथाभ्याशं मनीषिणः। ततोऽवतारयामास परिगृह्य रथात् स्वयम्॥ स चैनं प्रश्रितं दृष्ट्वा सम्भाष्याभिप्रसाद्य च। प्रियाहं हर्षयन् राममित्युवाच पुरोहितः॥
And nearing the car of that intelligent one, Rāma, personally taking him by the hand, made him descend. Finding Rämna so humble and dear, the priest addressed him, gratifying and delighting him with words that were acceptable.

प्रसन्नस्ते पिता राम यत्त्वं राज्यमवाप्स्यसि। उपवासं भवानद्य करोतु सह सीतया॥
O Rāma your father has been well pleased with you; since you achieve the kingdom (through him). Do you to-day fast with Sītā.

प्रातस्त्वामभिषेक्ता हि यौवराज्ये नराधिपः। पिता दशरथः प्रीत्या ययातिं नहुषो यथा ॥
And in the morning, the king, your father Dasaratha, will, well-pleased, install you as heirapparent like Nahusa installing Yayāti.

इत्युक्त्वा स तदा राममुपवासं यतव्रतः। मन्त्रवत् कारयामास वैदेह्या सहितं शुचिः॥
Having said this, that pure spirited one, observing own with mantras, made Rāma fast along with Sītā.

ततो यथावद् रामेण स राज्ञो गुरुरर्चितः। अभ्यनुज्ञाप्य काकुत्स्थं ययौ रामनिवेशनात्॥
Then having been duly worshipped by Rāma, and taken Kākutstha's permission, the spiritual preceptor of the king, went away from Rāma's residence.

सुहृद्भिस्तत्र रामोऽपि सहासीनः प्रियंवदैः। सभाजितो विवेशाथ ताननुज्ञाप्य सर्वशः॥
Rāma, having passed some time with sweetspeeched friends, and been honoured by them, with their permission entered his apartment.

हृष्टनारीनरयुतं रामवेश्म तदा बभौ। यथा मत्तद्विजगणं प्रफुल्लनलिनं सरः॥
At that time Răma's residence was filled with joyous men and women; and it was like to a lake containing lotuses and graced with maddened birds.

स राजभवनप्रख्यात् तस्माद् रामनिवेशनात्। निर्गत्य ददृशे मार्ग वसिष्ठो जनसंवृतम्॥
(On the other hand) Vasistha, issuing from the palace of Rāma like to the king's palace itself, found the street filled with people.

वृन्दवृन्दैरयोध्यायां राजमार्गाः समन्ततः। बभूवुरभिसम्बाधाः कुतूहलजनैर्वृताः॥
On all sides, Ayodhya's high ways were crowded with groups of men full of curiosity.

जनवृन्दोर्मिसंघर्षहर्षस्वनवृतस्तदा। बभूव राजमार्गस्य सागरस्येव निःस्वनः॥
The tumult that arose in the high ways in consequence of the concourse and noise, was like the roaring of the ocean.

सिक्तसम्मृष्टरथ्या हि तथा च वनमालिनी। आसीदयोध्या तदहः समुच्छ्रितगृहध्वजा॥
The streets were cleared and washed and hung with garlands, and that day Ayodhya had her dwellings furnished with upraised flagstaffs.

तदा ह्ययोध्यानिलयः सस्त्रीबालाकुलोजनः। रामाभिषेकमाकाङ्क्षनाकाङ्क्षनुदयं रवेः॥।
In the city of Ayodhyā men with women and children eagerly expected the rising of the sun (next day), and Răma's installation.

प्रजालंकारभूतं च जनस्यानन्दवर्धनम्। उत्सुकोऽभूज्जनो द्रष्टुं तमयोध्यामहोत्सवम्॥
And the people burnt to behold in Ayodhyā the august festivity, that was like to an ornament to the subjects, and that enhanced the joy of the people.

एवं तज्जनसम्बाधं राजमार्ग पुरोहितः। व्यूहन्निव जनौघं तं शनै राजकुलं ययौ ॥
Dividing the crowd thronging the high way, the priest slowly proceeded to the royal family.

सिताभ्रशिखरप्रख्यं प्रासादमधिरुह्य च। समीयाय नरेन्द्रेण शक्रेणेव बृहस्पतिः॥
And ascending the palace like to a peak of the Himavat, he met with the lord of men, like Bệhaspati meeting with Sakra.

तमागतमभिप्रेक्ष्य हित्वा राजासनं नृपः। पप्रच्छ स्वमतं तस्मै कृतमित्यभिवेदयत्॥
Seeing him come, the king rising up from his royal seat, asked Vasiştha whether his intention had been carried out, whereupon Vasiştha answered that it had.

तेन चैव तदा तुल्यं सहासीनाः सभासदः। आसनेभ्यः समुत्तस्थुः पूजयन्तः पुरोहितम्॥
The courtiers who had all along sat with Dasaratha, rose from the seats, for worshipping the priest.

गुरुणा त्वभ्यनुज्ञातो मनुजौघं विसृज्य तम्। विवेशान्तःपुरं राजा सिंहो गिरिगुहामिव ॥
Then with the permission of his spiritual guide, leaving that assembly of men, the monarch entered his inner apartment like a lion entering his den.

तदग्र्यवेषप्रमदाजनाकुलं महेन्द्रवेश्मप्रतिमं निवेशनम्। व्यदीपयंश्चारु विवेश पार्थिवः शशीव तारागणसंकुलं नभः॥
Even as the moon illumines the firmament crowded with stars, the handsome king entered his mansion, like to the abode of the mighty Indra, and thronged with females excellently attired, gracing it (by his presence).