Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 3

तेषामञ्जलिपद्मानि प्रगृहीतानि सर्वशः। प्रतिगृह्याब्रवीद् राजा तेभ्यः प्रियहितं वचः॥
And when they had raised to their heads their clasped hands resembling lotuses, the king responding to them addressed them in welcome words fraught with their good.

अहोऽस्मि परमप्रीतः प्रभावश्चातुलो मम। यन्मे ज्येष्ठं प्रियं पुत्रं यौवराज्यस्थमिच्छथ ॥
Exceedingly pleased am I, and incomparable also is my influence, because you wish to behold my dear first born installed as heir-apparent.

इति प्रत्यार्चितान् राजा ब्राह्मणानिदमब्रवीत्। वसिष्ठं वामदेवं च तेषामेवोपशृण्वताम्॥
Having greeted them thus, the king in their hearing spoke to Vasiștha Vāmadeva, and other Brāhmaṇas saying

चैत्रः श्रीमानयं मासः पुण्यः पुष्पितकाननः। यौवराज्याय रामस्य सर्वमेवोपकल्प्यताम्॥
This is the holy month of Caitra; and the groves look beautiful with blossoms. Do you now prepare for the installation of Rāma.

राज्ञस्तूपरते वाक्ये जनघोषो महानभूत्। शनैस्तस्मिन् प्रशान्ते च जनघोषे जनाधिपः॥ वसिष्ठं मुनिशार्दूलं राजा वचनमब्रवीत्।
When the king paused, there arose a mighty tumult from the multitude. And when it subsided, that lord of men, the king, addressed that foremost of ascetics, Vasiştha saying.

अभिषेकाय रामस्य यत् कर्म सपरिच्छदम्॥ तदद्य भगवन् सर्वमाज्ञापयितुमर्हसि।
It behoves you, O worshipful sir, to order for things, necessary for the installation of Rāma.

तच्छ्रुत्वा भूमिपालस्य वसिष्ठो मुनिसत्तमः॥ आदिदेशाग्रतो राज्ञः स्थितान् युक्तान् कृताञ्जलीन्।
Hearing those words of the monarch, Vasistha, chief of anchorets, ordered the counsellors staying before the king with clasped hands.

सुवर्णादीनि रत्नानि बलीन् सर्वोषधीरपि॥ शुक्लमाल्यानि लाजांश्च पृथक्च मधुसर्पिषी। अहतानि च वासांसि रथं सर्वायुधानान्यपि॥ चतुरङ्गबलं चैव गजं च शुभलक्षणम्। चामरव्यजने चोभे ध्वजं छत्रं च पाण्डुरम्॥ शतं च शातकुम्भानां कुम्भानामग्निवर्चसाम्। हिरण्यशृङ्गमृषभं समग्रं व्याघ्रचर्म च ॥ यच्चान्यत् किंचिदेष्टव्यं तत् सर्वमुपकल्प्यताम्। उपस्थापयत प्रातरग्निगारे महीपतेः॥
“Do you early in the morning in the Agnihotrika hall of the monarch provide and store up gold, and gems, and articles for worship, and Sarvauşadhi* and white garlands, and fried paddy, and honey and clarified butter in separate vessels, and cloths fresh from the loom, and a car, every kind of weapons, and the fourfold forces, and an elephant with auspicious marks, and a couple of câmaras, and a sceptre and an umbrella, pale coloured, and an hundred furnished golden pitchers of water, and a bull with horns plated in gold, and an entire tigerskin, together with all other necessary articles. *Consists of Mura Valerian and such likedrugs.,

अन्तःपुरस्य द्वाराणि सर्वस्य नगरस्य च। चन्दनस्रग्भिरच॑न्तां धूपैश्च घ्राणहारिभिः॥
And do you embellish all the door-ways of the inner apartment as well as those of the entire city with garlands with sandal paste and fragrant Dhūpa.

प्रशस्तमन्नं गुणवद् दधिक्षीरोपसेचनम्। द्विजानां शतसाहस्रं यत्प्रकाममलं भवेत्॥ सत्कृत्य द्विजमुख्यानां श्वः प्रभाते प्रदीयताम्। घृतं दधि च लाजाश्च दक्षिणाश्चापि पुष्कलाः॥
Do you on the morning of the morrow bestow upon the principal Brāhmaṇas goodly ard refined rice mixed with curds and milk, so that hundreds of thousands may be fed, and gratified, bestowing on them at the same time clarified butter and curds, and fried paddy, and more than sufficient Dakşiņās.

सूर्येऽभ्युदितमात्रे श्वो भविता स्वस्तिवाचनम्। ब्राहाणाश्च निमन्त्र्यन्तां कल्प्यन्तामासनानि च॥
To-morrow as soon as the sun will rise, the Svastivācana* will be finished. do you invite the Brahmanas, and prepare seats (for them.) *A religious rite, preparatory to any important ceremony, in which the Brāhmaṇas strew boiled rice on the ground, and invoke the blessings of the gods on the rites about to commence.

आबध्यन्तां पताकाश्च राजमार्गश्च सिच्यताम्। सर्वे च तालापचरा गणिकाश्च स्वलंकृताः॥ कक्ष्यां द्वितीयामासाद्य तिष्ठन्तु नृपवेश्मनः।
And do you set up flags, and water the high ways, and let courtesans whose profession is music, adorning themselves stay in the second apartment of the king's residence.

देवायतनचैत्येषु सानभक्ष्याः सदक्षिणाः॥ उपस्थापयितव्याः स्युर्माल्ययोग्याः सदक्षिणाः।
In the abodes of the gods and under the Caitya* trees, should be separately placed fragrant blossoms, together with boiled rice and other edibles, and with Daksinās. *The religious fig.

दीर्घासिबद्धगोधाश्च संनद्धा मृष्टवाससः॥ महाराजाङ्गनं शूराः प्रविशन्तु महोदयम्।
And let the warriors properly arrayed, enter the courtyard of the monarch which is welling up with festal glee, mailed, and accoutred with leather fences and long-swords.

एवं व्यादिश्य विप्रौ तु क्रियास्तत्र विनिष्ठितौ॥ चक्रतुश्चैव यच्छेषं पार्थिवाय निवेद्य च।
Having issued these orders, those two Vipras entered upon their work (as priests;) and did what remained to be done after making that known to the lord of the earth.

कृतमित्येव चाब्रूतामभिगम्य जगत्पतिम्॥ यथोक्तवचनं प्रीतौ हर्षयुक्तौ द्विजोत्तमौ।
When everything had been got ready those foremost of the twice-born ones gladly and wellpleased presented themselves before the master of the earth, and said to him, Everything as ordered has been done.

ततः सुमन्त्रं द्युतिमान् राजा वचनमब्रवीत्॥ रामः कृतात्मा भवता शीघ्रमानीयतामिति।
Then to Sumantra, the effulgent monarch spoke, saying, “Do you speedily bring the virtuous Rāma hither."

स तथेति प्रतिज्ञाय सुमन्त्रो राजशासनात्॥ रामं तत्रानयांचक्रे रथेन रथिनां वरम्।
Thereupon saying, "so be it” Sumantra at the mandate of the king brought thither in a car Rāma the foremost of car-warriors.

अथ तत्र सहासीनास्तदा दशरथं नृपम्॥ प्राच्योदीच्या प्रतीच्याश्च दाक्षिणात्याश्च भूमिपाः। म्लेच्छाश्चार्याश्च ये चान्ये वनशैलान्तवासिनः॥ उपासांचक्रिरे सर्वे तं देवा वासवं यथा।
The kings of the North, and the South and the East and the West, together with the Mlecchas and the Arya princes, with those inhabiting mountains and forests were then paying homage to him (Daśaratha) even as the celestials do to Vasava.

तेषां मध्ये स राजर्षिर्मरुतामित्र वासवः॥ प्रसादस्थो दशरथो ददर्शायान्तमात्मजम्। गन्धर्वराजप्रतिमं लोके विख्यातपौरुषम्॥ दीर्घबाहुं महासत्त्वं मत्तमातङ्गगामिनम्। चन्द्रकान्ताननं राममतीव प्रियदर्शनम्॥ रूपौदार्यगुणैः पुंसां दृष्टिचित्तापहारिणम्। धर्माभितप्ताः पर्जन्यं ह्लादयन्तमिव प्रजाः॥ न ततर्प समायान्तं पश्यमानो नराधिपः। अवतार्य सुमन्त्रस्तु राघवं स्यन्दनोत्तमात्॥ पितुः समीपं गच्छन्तं प्राञ्जलिः पृष्ठतोऽन्वगात्।
Stationed in his palace, the royal saint Dasaratha in the midst of those princes, like Vasava in the midst of the Maruts, saw his son, resembling the king of the Gandharvas, approach, gladdening the subjects like a shower, when they were oppressed with the heat of summer, even Rāma of redoubtable prowess among men, long armed, and of mighty strength, and bearing the gait of a mad elephant, with a countenance fair as the moon, of presence prepossessing to a degree, and captivating men's sight and hearts by reason of his beauty generosity and other qualities. And as he was approaching, the lord of men eyed him steadily, without experiencing satiety. Making Raghava descend from that excellent car, Sumantra followed him with clasped hands as he proceeded to the presence of his father.

स तं कैलासशृङ्गार्भ प्रासादं रघुनन्दनः॥ आरुरोह नृपं द्रष्टुं सहसा तेन राघव।
Accompanied with Sumantra, Raghava, the descendant of the Raghus, for the purpose of beholding the monarch, began with rapid steps, to ascend the palace resembling a peak of the Kailasa hill.

स प्राञ्जलिरभिप्रेत्य प्रणतः पितुरन्तिके॥ नाम स्वं श्रावयन् रामो ववन्दे चरणौ पितुः।
Rāma humbly approaching his father with clasped hands, and announcing his name bowed low and worshipped his father's feet.

दृष्ट्वा प्रणतं पार्वे कृताञ्जलिपुटं नृपः॥ गृह्याञ्जलौ समाकृष्य सस्वजे प्रियमात्मजम्।
Thereupon seeing Rāma at his side with clasped hands, and in lowly guise, the king took hold of Rāma's clasped hands, and drawing his beloved son, embraced the latter.

तं तस्मै चाभ्युद्यतं सम्यङ्मणिकाञ्चनभूषितम्॥ दिदेश राजा रुचिरं रामाय परमासनम्।
Then the king desired Rāma to seat him upon a seat prepared expressly for him, excellent, and flaming and garnished with gold and gems.

तथाऽऽसनवरं प्राप्य व्यदीपयत राघवः॥ स्वयैव प्रभया मेरुमुदये विमलो रविः।
Rāghava shed lustre on that noble seat, as the unclouded sun at his rising lighted up the Sumeru hill with his rays.

तेन विभ्राजिता तत्र सा सभापि व्यरोचत॥ विमलग्रहनक्षत्रा शारदी द्यौरिवेन्दुना।
That entire assembly looked beautiful in his presence, like the cloudless, autumnal sky crested with stars and planets, in the presence of the moon.

तं पश्यमानो नृपतिस्तुतोष प्रियमात्मजम्॥ अलंकृतमिवात्मानमादर्शतलसंस्थितम्।
The king experienced delight, beholding his dearly beloved son, like to his own image, richly adorned, reflected on mirror.

स तं सुस्थितमाभाष्य पुत्रं पुत्रवतां वरः॥ उवाचेदं वचो राजा देवेन्द्रमिव कश्यपः।
And even as Kasyapa addressed Indra of the celestials, the king, the best of those possessing sons addressed his sons, well seated, in these words, saying.

ज्येष्ठायामसि मे पत्न्यां सदृश्यां सदृशः सुतः॥ उत्पन्नस्त्वं गुणज्येष्ठो मम रामात्मजः प्रियः। त्वया यतः प्रजाश्चेमाः स्वगुणैरनुरञ्जिताः॥ तस्मात् त्वं पुष्ययोगेन यौवराज्यमवाप्नुहि।
Born of my eldest wife worthy of myself, you crowned with the best qualities, are my worthy son, O Rāma dear to me. You have by your virtues drawn to yourself the hearts of the people, therefore do you during the conjunction of the moon with the Puşya constellation, receive the office of heir-apparent,

कामतस्त्वं प्रकृत्यैव निर्णीतो गुणवानिति॥ गुणवत्यपि तु स्नेहात् पुत्र वक्ष्यामि ते हितम्। भूयो विनयमास्थाय भव नित्यं जितेन्द्रियः।॥
You are by nature crowned with virtues. Notwithstanding your great virtues, I will, O son, from affection tell you what is for your profit. Practising greater humility, do you constantly restrain your senses.

कामक्रोधसमुत्थानि त्यजस्व व्यसनानि च। परोक्षया वर्तमानो वृत्त्या प्रत्यक्षया तथा॥ अमात्यप्रभृतीः सर्वाः प्रजाश्चैवानुरञ्जय। कोष्ठागारायुधागारैः कृत्वा संनिचयान् बहून्॥ इष्टानुरक्तप्रकृतिर्यः पालयति मेदिनीम्। तस्य नन्दन्ति मित्राणि लब्ध्वामृतमिवामराः॥
Do you renounce the ills that come through anger and lust. Replenishing your exchequer and arsenal do you, acquainting yourself with the state of things personally and otherwise, administer justice and thereby enlist the affection of the courtiers and other subjects; for the friends of him that sway the earth, pleasing the people to his satisfaction, rejoice even as did the immortals on obtaining ambrosia.

तस्मात् पुत्र त्वमात्मानं नियम्यैवं समाचर। तच्छ्रुत्वा सुहृदस्तस्य रामस्य प्रियकारिणः॥ त्वारिताः शीघ्रमागत्य कौसल्यायै न्यवेदयन्।
Therefore, do you, O son, disciplining yourself thus address you to your task. Hearing this, Rāma's well wishers, ever doing his pleasure, speedily going out, acquainted Kausalyä with everything.

सा हिरण्यं च गाश्चैव रत्नानि विविधानि च॥ व्यादिदेश प्रियाख्येभ्यः कौसल्या प्रमदोत्तमा।
Thereupon that foremost of her sex Kausalyā ordered gold and kine and various kinds of gems to be given to the tellers of the glad tidings.

अथाभिवाद्य राजानं रथमारुह्य राघवः। ययौ स्वं द्युतिमद् वेश्म जनौधैः प्रतिपूजितः।॥
Then Rāghava, having been honoured by the multitude and saluted the sovereign, ascended a car, and repaired to his shining residence.

च्छ्रुत्वा तदा लाभमिवेष्टमाशु। नरेन्द्रमामन्त्र्य गृहाणि गत्वा देवान् समानचुरभिप्रहृष्टाः॥
And the citizens, hearing those words of the monarch, as if fraught with some speedy good fortune to them, made their obeisance to that lord of men, and repairing to their homes, with delighted minds, worshipped the gods. monarch, as if fraught with some speedy good fortune to them, made their obeisance to that lord of men, and repairing to their homes, with delighted minds, worshipped the gods.