Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 1

गच्छता मातुलकुलं भरतेन तदानघः। शत्रुघ्नो नित्यशत्रुघ्नो नीतः प्रीतिपुरस्कृतः॥
When Bharata set out for the home of his maternal uncle, he affectionately took with him the sinless Satrughna ever repressing his passions.

स तत्र न्यवसद् भ्रात्रा सह सत्कारसत्कृतः। मातुलेनाश्वपतिना पुत्रस्नेहेन लालितः॥
And there he abode with his brother, being ministered to in very respect and tended by his maternal uncle, Aśvapati, with all the fondness of a father (with the fondness shown to a son).

तत्रापि निवसन्तौ तौ तlमाणौ च कामतः। भ्रातरौ स्मरतां वीरौ वृद्धं दशरथं नृपम्॥
Albeit thus staying, with every ministration extended towards them as much as they could wish, yet those heroic brothers failed not to remember the aged king Daſaratha.

राजापि तौ महातेजाः सस्मार प्रोषितौ सुतौ। उभौ भरतशत्रुघ्नौ महेन्द्रवरुणोपमौ॥
And the puissant king also on his pare remembered his sons away from home, Bharata and Śatrughna, resembling the mighty Indra and Varuna.

सर्व एव तु तस्येष्टाश्चत्वारः पुरुषर्षभाः। स्वशरीराद् विनिर्वृत्ताश्चत्वार इव बाहवः॥
All those four chiefs of men were dear to him even as four hands issuing from his own body.

तेषामपि महातेजा रामो रतिकरः पितुः। स्वयम्भूरिव भूतानां बभूव गुणवत्तरः॥ ।
Yet among them all, that highly energetic. Rāma was the favourite of his sire. He was the foremost of in every virtue, like to Svayambhu's (Brahmā) self in the esteem of creation.

स हि देवैरुदीर्णस्य रावणस्य वधार्थिभिः। अर्थितो मानुषे लोके जज्ञे विष्णुः सनातनः॥
Solicited by the celestials wishing for the destruction of Rāvana, he, who is the eternal Vis ņu, was born as Rāma in the world of men.

कौसल्या शुशुभे तेन पुत्रेणामिततेजसा। यथा वरेण देवानामदितिर्वज्रपाणिना॥
And with that son of immeasurable energy, Kausalya looked graceful, even as Aditi, with that foremost of the celestials, the wielder of the thunder-bolt.

स हि रूपोपपन्नश्च वीर्यवाननसूयकः। भूमावनुपमः सूनुर्गुणैर्दशरथोपमः॥
He was furnished with grace, and possessed of prowess; and he did not seek for defects in others in the midst of virtues. That son of Kausalyā and incomparable on earth and in worth fully equal to Daśaratha him self.

स च नित्यं प्रशान्तात्मा मृदुपूर्वं च भाषते। उच्यमानोऽपि परुषं नोत्तरं प्रतिपद्यते॥
He was aye of quiescent soul; and always precluded his speech with an amiable phrase; and although he might be addressed in a harsh manner, yet he returned no corresponding reply.

कदाचिदुपकारेण कृतेनैकेन तुष्यति । न स्मरत्यपकाराणां शतमप्यात्मवत्तया॥
He was gratified even with a solitary instance of benefit; and from freedom of soul did not remember an hundred injuries.

शीलवृद्धैर्ज्ञानवृद्धैर्वयोवृद्धैश्च सज्जनैः। कथयन्नास्त वै नित्यमस्त्रयोग्यान्तरेष्वपि ॥
In the intervals of martial exercises, he always discoursed with persons of character, or wise men, or the aged, or the virtuous.

बुद्धिमान् मधुराभाषी पूर्वभाषी प्रियंवदः। वीर्यवान्न च वीर्येण महता स्वेन विस्मितः॥
He was intelligent, and sweet-speeched, and spoke first (to visitors) and used grateful words, and was possessed of prowess, withal not proud of his mighty native virtue.

न चानृतकथो विद्वान् वृद्धानां प्रतिपूजकः। अनुरक्तः प्रजाभिश्च प्रजाश्चाप्यनुरज्यते॥
He never spoke untruths; and he was learned; and he rendered homage to the aged. He felt kindly towards the subjects; and the subjects on their pare held him in dear regard.

सानुक्रोशो जितक्रोधो ब्राह्मणप्रतिपूजकः। दीनानुकम्पी धर्मज्ञो नित्यं प्रग्रहवाञ्छुचिः॥ कुलोचितमतिः क्षात्रं स्वधर्मं बहु मन्यते। मन्यते परया प्रीत्या महत् स्वर्गफलं ततः॥
He was kind to the poor; and he had conquered his anger; and he regarded the Brāhmaṇas; and he commiserated the wretched; and was versed in morality; and always chastised the wicked; and was pure in spirit; and possessed the thoughts and sentiments of his race; and regarded highly his own Kșatriya duties; and considered that heaven was to be attained through the glory acquired by performing them.

नाश्रेयसि रतो यश्च न विरुद्धकथारुचिः। उत्तरोत्तरयुक्तीनां वक्ता वाचस्पतिर्यथा॥
He was never engaged in forbidden piactises; and never relished improper talk; and argued in chain even like the lord of speech himself.

अरोगस्तरुणो वाग्मी वपुष्मान् देशकालवित्। लोके पुरुषसारज्ञः साधुरेको विनिर्मितः॥
And he was free from ailments, and of young years; and endued with eloquence; and of an excellent person; and versed in season and place; and discerned character, the one honest person ever created.

स तु श्रेष्ठैर्गुणैर्युक्तः प्रजानां पार्थिवात्मजः। बहिश्चर इव प्राणो बभूव गुणतः प्रियः॥
Endowed with supreme excellence that son or the monarch was by virtue of his merit dear to the subjects like their life ranging externally.

सर्वविद्याव्रतस्नातो यथावत् साङ्गवेदवित्। इष्वस्त्रे च पितुः श्रेष्ठो बभूव भरताग्रजः॥
He had performed his ablutions after having mastered all learning; and was properly versed in the Vedas with their branches. In all weapons either inspired with mantras or otherwise Bharata's eldest brother was superior even to his father.

कल्याणाभिजनः साधुरदीनः सत्यवागृजुः। वृद्धैरभिविनीतश्च द्विजैर्धर्मार्थदर्शिभिः॥
And he was the spring of all good; and was saintly; and of undisturbed soul; and truthtelling; and candid; and humble towards the aged twice-born ones cognisant of virtue and interest.

धर्मकामार्थतत्त्वज्ञः स्मृतिमान् प्रतिभानवान्। लौकिके समयाचारे कृतकल्पो विशारदः॥
He was cognizant of virtue, profit, and interest; had an excellent memory; and was possessed of genius. He was an adept and was well versed in social usages and customs.

निभृतः संवृताकारों गुप्तमन्त्रः सहायवान्। अमोघक्रोधहर्षश्च त्यागसंयमकालवित्॥
He was lowly; and of close counsel; and used to keep to himself his purposes; and was resourceful. Neither his pleasure nor his displeasure went for naught. He knew the season of amassing riches, and of giving them away.

दृढभक्तिः स्थिरप्रज्ञो नासद्ग्राही न दुर्वचः। निस्तन्द्रीरप्रमत्तश्च स्वदोषपरदोषवित्॥
And he was ardently reverential; and his wisdom never wavered; and he accepted no improper present; and he used no rough speech. He knew no idleness; and was vigilant; and had a knowledge of his own as well as of others' failings.

शास्त्रज्ञश्च कृतज्ञश्च पुरुषान्तरकोविदः। यः प्रग्रहानुग्रहयोर्यथान्यायं विचक्षणः॥
He was conversant with the scriptures; and was grateful; and could read the hearts of others. He had sagacity to perceive the seasons for duly showing favour or disfavour. are

सत्संग्रहानुग्रहणे स्थानविनिग्रहस्य च। आयकर्मण्युपायज्ञः संदृष्टव्ययकर्मवित्॥
He understood all about the reception of the righteous, the maintenance of family, and the occasion for chastising, evil-doers; and he was an expert in collecting dues (from the people;) and knew the manner prescribed (by the authorities) for expending money.

श्रैष्ठ्यं चास्त्रसमूहेषु प्राप्तो व्यामिश्रकेषु च। अर्थधर्मों च संगृह्य सुखतन्त्रो न चालसः॥
He had attained proficiency in all the scriptures and literary works composed in both Sanskrit and Prakrit. He sought pleasure without sacrificing either interest or morality; and he was never dilatory in duty.

वैहारिकाणां शिल्पानां विज्ञातार्थविभागवित्। आरोहे विनये चैव युक्तो वारणवाजिनाम्॥
He understood the of those who entertained others. He knew the various heads on which wealth was to be expended. He was skilful in riding and training up horses and elephants.

धनुर्वेदविदां श्रेष्ठो लोकेऽतिरथसम्मतः। अभियाता प्रहर्ता च सेनानयविशारदः॥
He was the foremost of those accomplished in archery; and was acknowledged among men as an Atiratha. * He led his forces in the direction of the foe; and he slew his enemies; and was accomplished in marshalling the troops. *He who alone vanquishes an innumerable host of warriors is called an Atiratha.

अप्रधृष्यश्च संग्रामे क्रुद्धैरपि सुरासुरैः। अनसूयो जितक्रोधो न हप्तो न च मत्सरी॥
He was incapable of being repressed in fight even by the enraged gods and Asuras. He was not given to carping, and had subdued his anger, and he was never elated, or malicious.

नावज्ञेयश्च भूतानां न च कालवशानुगः। एवं श्रेष्ठैर्गुणैर्युक्तः प्रजानां पार्थिवात्मजः॥ सम्मतस्त्रिषु लोकेषु वसुधायाः क्षमागुणैः। बुद्ध्या बृहस्पतेस्तुल्यो वीर्ये चापि शचीपतेः॥
He did not disregard any creature; he was no slave to the times. That son of the monarch was furnished with such qualities. And he was liked by the subjects as well as by the three worlds. In forgiveness he was like to the Earth; and in intelligence like to BỊhaspati; and in prowess like to the Sacī's lord.

तथा सर्वप्रजाकान्तैः प्रीतिसंजननैः पितुः। गुणैर्विरुरुचे रामो दीप्तः सूर्य इवांशुभिः॥
Furnished with such qualities acceptable to the people as well as gratifying to his father, Rāma looked beautiful like the effulgent Sun surrounded by his rays.

तमेवं वृत्तसम्पन्नमप्रधृष्यपराक्रमम्। लोकनाथोपमं नाथमकामयत मेदिनी॥
And the Earth desired for her lord even him (Rāma) possessing an excellent character and of prowess incapable of being repressed, like to Lokanātha (Vişnu.) himself.

एतैस्तु बहुभिर्युक्तं गुणैरनुपमैः सुतम्। दृष्ट्वा दशरथो राजा चक्रे चिन्तां परंतपः॥
And finding his son crowned with so many incomparable qualities, that subduer of his enemies, king Dasaratha, thought within himself.

अथ राज्ञो बभूवैव वृद्धस्य चिरजीविनः। प्रीतिरेषा कथं रामो राजा स्यान्मयि जीवति ॥
The long-lived aged monarch reflected, saying, "How can Rāma become king, I living; and how can this delight be mine?” When shall I behold my beloved son installed* in the kingdom? * The Sanskrit abhişikta literally means sprinkled. But such a rendering would sound outlandish.

एषा ह्यस्य परा प्रीतिर्हदि सम्परिवर्तते। कदा नाम सुतं द्रक्ष्याम्यभिषिक्तमहं प्रियम्॥ वृद्धिकामो हि लोकस्य सर्वभूतानुकम्पकः। मत्तः प्रियतरो लोके पर्जन्य इव वृष्टिमान्॥
Surely he always wished for the prosperity of the people; and he showed kindness to all creatures. And like to the showering rain-cloud, he is dearer to the people than myself.

यमशक्रसमो वीर्ये बृहस्पतिसमो मतौ। महीधरसमो धृत्यां मत्तश्च गुणवत्तरः॥
He is like to Yama and Sakra in prowess, and to Brhaspati in intelligence; and in forbearance, to a mountain, yea, he is far more qualified than myself.

महीमहमिमां कृत्स्नामधितिष्ठन्तमात्मजम्। अनेन वयसा दृष्ट्वा यथा स्वर्गमवाप्नुयाम्॥
Therefore in this age, beholding my son established in (the dominion of) this entire earth, I shall repair to heaven.

इत्येवं विविधैस्तैस्तैरन्यपार्थिवदुर्लभैः। शिष्टैरपरिमेयैश्च लोके लोकोत्तरैर्गुणैः॥
Seeing him (Rāma) thus crowned with all these various as well as other sterling and immeasurable virtues rare among other princes, the king then took counsel with his ministers, and made up his mind to confer upon Rāma the dignity of heir-apparent.

तं समीक्ष्य तदा राजा युक्तं समुदितैर्गुणैः। निश्चित्य सचिवैः सार्धं यौवराज्यममन्यत।॥ दिव्यन्तरिक्षे भूमौ च घोरमुत्पातजं भयम्। संचचक्षेऽथ मेधावी शरीरे चात्मनो जराम्॥
And that intelligent (king) mentioned (to his ministers) the dreadful evils portended by appearances and phenomena in heaven and the air and on the earth, and also pointed out the circumstance of decrepitude having taken possession of his person.

पूर्णचन्द्राननस्याथ शोकापनुदमात्मनः। लोके रामस्य बुबुधे सम्प्रियत्वं महात्मनः॥ आत्मनश्च प्रजानां च श्रेयसे च प्रियेण च । प्राप्ते काले स धर्मात्मा भक्त्या त्वरितवान् नृपः॥ नानानगरवास्तव्यान् पृथग्जानपदानपि। समानिनाय मेदिन्यां प्रधानान् पृथिवीपतिः॥
He therefore gave them to understand that the installation of the high-souled Rāma of countenance resembling the full moon would dispel his grief, at the same time that it would be universally hailed by the people. Therefore, influenced by his affection (for his subjects,) and with the view of compassing his own as well as their welfare, the righteous monarch urged expedition (upon his counsellors;) and that lord of earth brought together the prime and noble from the various regions and countries of the earth.

तान् वेश्मनानाभरणैर्यथार्ने प्रतिपूजितान्। ददर्शालंकृतो राजा प्रजापतिरिव प्रजाः॥
Like to Prajāpati's self before all creatures, the king appeared before them, who had been received respectfully, and had, as befitted their ranks, various ornaments conferred upon and quarters assigned to them.

न त केकयराजानं जनकं वा नराधिपः। त्वरया चानयामास पश्चात्तौ श्रोष्यतः प्रियम्॥
But that lord of men did not, on account of haste, bring over either Janaka or the king of the Kekayas, concluding that a little while after they would receive the glad tidings.

अथोपविष्टे नृपतौ तस्मिन् परपुरार्दने। ततः प्रविविशुः शेषा राजानो लोकसम्मताः।॥
Then when the king, that captor of hostile capitals, had sat down there, began to pour in all the princes popular with their subjects, all save (the two afore-mentioned rulers.)

अथ राजवितीर्णेषु विविधेष्वासलेषु च। राजानमेवाभिमुखा निषेदुर्नियता नृपाः॥
Facing and eyeing the monarch, those kings sat them down on different seats pointed out by the former.

स लब्धमानैर्विनयान्वितैर्नृपः पुरालयैर्जानपदैश्च मानवैः। उपोपविष्टैर्नृपतिर्वृतो बभौ सहस्रचक्षुर्भगवानिवामरैः॥
Surrounded by those prime and noble of the various provinces, and all those lowly rulers, who had been received honourably and who generally resided at Ayodhyā, the sovereign appeared like to the adorable thousand-eyed (one) surrounded by the immortals. 51