Bala Kanda: Chapter 73

यस्मिंस्तु दिवसे राजा चक्रे गोदानमुत्तमम्। तस्मिंस्तु दिवसे वीरो युधाजित् समुपेयिवान्॥ पुत्रः केकयराजस्य साक्षाद्भरतमातुलः। दृष्ट्वा पृष्ट्वा च कुशलं राजानमिदमब्रवीत्॥
And it came to pass that the day on which the king made excellent presents of kine, the heroic Yudhājit, son to the lord of the Kekayas and maternal uncle to Bharata, presented himself before Dasaratha. And having seen the king and enquired after his welfare, he said to him.

केकयाधिपती राजा स्नेहात् कुशलमब्रवीत्। येषां कुशलकामोऽसि तेषां सम्प्रत्यनामयम्॥ स्वतीयं मम राजेन्द्र द्रष्टुकामो महीपतिः। तदर्थमुपयातोऽहयोध्यां रघुनन्दन ॥
The lord of the Kekayas has from affection enquired after your welfare, sayiing,-'They of whose peace you are anxious, are at present well.' And, O foremost of kings, desirous of seeing (Bharata) together with his wife, that lord of earth repaired to Ayodhyā.

श्रुत्वा त्वहमयोध्यायां विवाहार्थं तगत्मजान्। मिथिलामुपयातांस्तु त्वया सह महीपते॥ त्वरयाभ्युपयातोऽहं द्रष्टुकामः स्वसुः सुतम्।
O descendant of Raghu. And learning at Ayodhyā that your sons for the purpose of marriage had, O monarch, come to Mithilā with yourself, I have speedily hide hither, with the intention of seeing my sister's son.

अथ राजा दशरथः प्रियातिथिमुपस्थितम्॥ दृष्ट्वा परमसत्कारैः पूजनार्हमपूजयत्।
Then king Dasaratha, on having that dear guest with him, rendered to him all the respect that he deserved.

ततस्तामुषितो रात्रिं सह पुत्रैर्महात्मभिः॥ प्रभाते पुनरुत्थाय कृत्वा कर्माणि तत्त्ववित्। ऋषींस्तदा पुरस्कृत्य यज्ञवाटमुपागमत्॥
Then having passed the night in company with his high-souled sons, that one versed in men and things arose in the morning, and having disposed of his daily duties, approached the entrance of the sacrificial ground, headed by the saints.

युक्ते मुहुर्ते विजये सर्वाभरणभूषितैः। भ्रातृभिः सहितो रामः कृतकौतुकमङ्गलः॥ वसिष्ठं पुरतः कृत्वा महर्षीनपरानपि। वसिष्ठो भगवानेत्य वैदेहमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Then at an auspicious moment called Vijaya; Rāma with Vasiştha as well as other Maharşis at his head, and accompanied by his brothers adorned with various ornaments, who had all performed the rites relative to their nuptials, (approached the entrance of the sacrificial ground). Then the worshipful Vasistha, coming to Vaideha, spoke as follows.

राजा दशरथो राजन् कृतकौतुकमङ्गलैः। पुत्रैर्नरवर श्रेष्ठो दातारमभिकाङ्क्षते॥ दातृप्रतिग्रहीतृभ्यां सर्वार्थाः सम्भवन्ति हि। स्वधर्मं प्रतिपद्यस्व कृत्वा वैवाह्यमुत्तमम्॥
King Dasaratha, O foremost of sovereigns, that chief among the best of men-accompanied with his son, who have performed all the rites relative to their nuptials, stay the orders of the bestower (of the bride); for the meeting of the giver and the receiver is indispensable to every transaction (of this nature). Do you therefore maintain your merit by accomplishing this excellent nuptial ceremony.

इत्युक्तः परमोदारो वसिष्ठेन महात्मना। प्रत्युवाच महातेजा वाक्यं परमधर्मवित्॥
Thus addressed by the high-souled Vasistha, that exceedingly generous and energetic one versed in morality answered, saying,

कः स्थितः प्रतिहारो मे कस्याज्ञां सम्प्रतीक्षते। स्वगृहे को विचारोऽस्ति यथा राज्यमिदं तव॥ कृतकौतुकसर्वस्वा वेदिमूलमुपागताः। मम कन्या मुनिश्रेष्ठ दीप्ता वह्नरिवार्चिषः॥
Who act as my warder there? And whose commands does he stay? And what need of exercising judgement in such a matter? As this kingdom is mine, so it is verily your. O foremost of anchorets, my daughters resembling flames of fire, having performed all the rites relative to the incoming nuptials, are at the foot of the dais; and, sitting beside the dais.

सद्योऽहं त्वत्प्रतीक्षोऽस्मि वेद्यामस्यां प्रतिष्ठितः। अविघ्नं क्रियतां सर्वं किमर्थं हि विलम्ब्यते॥
I myself had been expecting you every moment. Do you perform everything without let. What need of delaying further?

तद् वाक्यं जनकेनोक्तं श्रुत्वा दशरथस्तदा। प्रवेशयामास सुतान् सर्वानृषिगणानपि॥
Hearing those words uttered by Janaka, Dasaratha entered in together with his sons and the body of saints.

ततो राजा विदेहानां वसिष्ठमिदमब्रवीत्। कारयस्व ऋषे सर्वामृषिभिः सह धार्मिक॥ रामस्य लोकरामस्य क्रियां वैवाहिकी प्रभो।
Then to the king of the Videhas, Vasiştha spoke as follows, O saint, do you, O pious one, in company with the saints, perform, O master, the nuptial ceremonies of Rāma charming to all.

तथेत्युक्त्वा तु जनकं वसिष्ठो भगवानृषिः॥ विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य शतानन्दं च धार्मिकम्। प्रपामध्ये तु विधिवद् वेदिं कृत्वा महातपाः॥ अलंचकार तां वेदिं गन्धपुष्पैः समन्ततः। सुवर्णपालिकाभिश्च चित्रकुम्भैश्च साङ्कुरैः॥ अङ्कुराढ्यै शरावैश्च धूपपात्रैः सधूपकैः। शङ्खपात्रैः सुवैः स्रुग्भिः पात्रैरादिपूजितैः॥ लाजपूर्णैश्च पात्रीभिरक्षतैरपि संस्कृतैः। दभैः समैः समास्तीर्य विधिवन्मन्त्रपूर्वकम्॥ अग्निमाधाय तं वेद्यां विधिमन्त्रपुरस्कृतम्। जुहावाग्नौ महातेजा वसिष्ठो मुनिपुङ्गवः॥
Thereupon, saying, So be it to Janaka, the worshipful saint Vasiştha of mighty austerities with Viśvāmitra and the pious Satānanda in his front, constructed a dais agreeably to the scriptures, decking it out with fragrant flowers all around, and golden ladles, and variegated water-pots, and platters with ears of barley, and censers filled with Dhupa, and conchs, and sacrificial spoons, and vessels furnished with Arghyas, and those containing fried paddy, and sanctified Aksatas. And over the dais, Vasistha with due mantras and rites spread an awning consisting of Darbhas of equal proportions. And with prescribed rites and mantras placing fire upon the dais, the highly energetic one commenced upon offering oblations.

ततः सीतां समानीय सर्वाभरणभूषिताम्। समक्षमग्नेः संस्थाप्य राघवाभिमुखे तदा॥ अब्रवीज्जनको राजा कौसल्यानन्दवर्धनम्। इयं सीता मम सुता सहधर्मचरी तव॥ प्रतीच्छ चैनां भद्रं ते पाणं गृह्णीष्व पाणिना। पतिव्रता महाभागा छायेवानुगता सदा॥
Then bringing Sītā adorned with various ornaments near the fire, and placing her before Rāghava, king Janaka addressed the enchancer of Kausalyā's joy, saying, This Sītā, my daughter, to you accept, good betide you, as your partner in the observance of every duty: do you take her hand by yours. May she be of excited piety, and devoted to her husband; ever following you like your shadow!

इत्युक्त्वा प्राक्षिपद् राजा मन्त्रपूतं जलं तदा। साधुसाध्विति देवानामृषीणां वदतां तदा ॥
Saying this, the king sprinkled Rāma's palm with water sanctified with mantras; with the celestials and saints exclaiming, Excellent! Excellent!

देवदुन्दुभिनिर्घोषः पुष्पवर्षां महानभूत्। एवं दत्त्वा सुतां सीता मन्त्रोदकपुरस्कृताम्॥ अब्रवीज्जनको राजा हर्षेणाभिपरिप्लुतः। लक्ष्मणागच्छ भद्रं ते ऊर्मिलामुद्यतां मया॥ प्रतीच्छ पाणिं गृह्णीष्व मा भूत् कालस्य पर्ययः।
And the celestial kettle-drums sounded, and blossoms began to shower down copiously. Having thus given away his daughter Sītä, with water and mantras, king Janaka, overflowing with delight, said, Come forward, O Laksmana, good to you. Receive you Urmilā ready to be bestowed by me upon you. Do you accept her hand: let there be no delay about it.

तमेवमुक्त्वा जनको भरतं चाभ्यभाषत ॥ गृहाण पाणिं माण्डव्याः पाणिना रघुनन्दन।
Having addressed Lakşmaņa thus, Janaka spoke to Bharata, saying, Do you, O descendant of Raghu, take Mandavya's hand by yours own.

शत्रुघ्नं चापि धर्मात्मा अब्रवीन्मिथिलेश्वरः॥ श्रुतकीर्तेर्महाबाहो पाणिं गृह्णीष्व पाणिना। सर्वे भवन्तः सौम्याश्च सर्वे सुचरितव्रताः॥ पत्नीभिः सन्तु काकुत्स्था मा भूत् कालस्य पर्ययः।
The righteous lord of Mithila spoke also to Satrughna, saying, Do you, O you of mighty arms, take Śrutakīrti's hand by your own. May you all be good, and vowed to excellent life! And be, you Kākutsthas, you united with your wives. Let there be no delay about it.

जनकस्य वचः श्रुत्वा पाणीन्पाणिभिरस्पृशन्॥ चत्वारस्ते चतसृणां वसिष्ठस्य मते स्थिताः। अग्नि प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा वेदिं राजानमेव च॥ ऋषींश्चापि महात्मानः सहभार्या रघूद्वाहाः। यथोक्तेन ततश्चक्रुर्विवाहं विधिपूर्वकम्॥ पुष्पवृष्टिर्महत्यासीदन्तरिक्षात् सुभास्वरा।
Hearing Janaka's speech, those four perpetuators of Raghus's line, staying by Vasiştha's opinions, taking the hands of the four brides with their own, went round the sacrificial fire, and the dais, and the king, and the highsouled saints; and in company with their wives, agreeably to direction entered into matrimony in accordance with the ordinance.

दिव्यदुन्दुभिनिर्घोषैर्गीतवादित्रनिःस्वनैः॥ ननृतुश्चाप्सरःसङ्घा गन्धर्वाश्च जगुः कलम्। विवाहे रघुमुख्यानां तदद्भुतमदृश्यत॥
There was a mighty shower of shining blossoms from the firmament accompanied with the sounds of celestial kettle-drums, and choiring and instrumental music. And the Apsaras, danced and the Gandharvas sang melodiously, at the bridal of the foremost of the Raghus. And this seemed wonderful to witness.

ईदृशे वर्तमाने तु तूर्योद्धृष्टनिनादिते। विरग्नि ते परिक्रम्य ऊहुर्भार्या महौजसः॥
To the blowing of trumpets, those exceedingly puissant ones, thrice going round the fire, in company with their wives went the encampment.

अथोपकार्यं जग्मुस्ते सभार्या रघुनन्दनाः। राजाप्यनुययौ पश्यन् सर्षिसङ्घः सबान्धवः॥
to The king, having seen that all the auspicious ceremonies were performed, went in their wake accompanied by the sages and his adherents.