Bala Kanda: Chapter 58

ततस्त्रिशङ्कोर्वचनं श्रुत्वा क्रोधसमन्वितम्। ऋषिपुत्रशतं राम राजानमिदमब्रवीत्॥ प्रत्याख्यातोऽसि दुर्मेधो गुरुणा सत्यवादिना। तं कथं समतिक्रम्य शाखान्तरमुपेयिवान्॥
Hearing Trišanku's speech, the hundred sons of the saint, O Rāma, excited by wrath, said these words to the king, ‘Disregarded hast you been, O you of perverse understanding, by our truth-telling sire, why then, having passed him by, do you seek for others' help?

इक्ष्वाकूणां हि सर्वेषां पुरोधाः परमा गतिः। न चातिक्रमतुं शक्यं वचनं सत्यवादिनः॥
To the Ikşvākus, their spiritual guide is their prime way; nor art you capable of setting at naught the words of that truth-telling one.

अशक्यमिति सोवाच वसिष्ठो भगवानृषिः। तं वयं वै समाहर्तुं क्रतुं शक्ताः कथंचन॥
That worshipful saint said, that he was incapable (of accomplishing this), how can we then undertake that sacrifice?

बालिशस्त्वं नरश्रेष्ठ गम्यतां स्वपुरं पुनः। याजने भगवाशक्तस्त्रैलोक्यस्यापि पार्थिव ॥ अवमानं कथं कर्तुं तस्य शक्ष्यामहे वयम्।
You are ignorant, O foremost of men. Do you speedily retrace your steps. And, O king, that adorable one is competent to officiate at the sacrifice itself of the three worlds, how can we then contribute to his dishonour?'

तेषां तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा क्रोधपर्याकुलाक्षरम्॥ स राजा पुनरेवैतानिदं वचनमब्रवीत्। प्रत्याख्यातो भगवता गुरुपुत्रैस्तथैव हि॥ अन्यां गतिं गमिष्यामि स्वस्ति वोऽस्तु तपोधनाः।
Hearing those words of theirs, that king, with accents tremulous with passion, again addressed them, saying, 'Disregarded by that worshipful one as well as by the sons of my spiritual guide, I will go after another way, so peace he to you, ascetics.'

ऋषिपुत्रास्तु तच्छ्रुत्वा वाक्यं घोराभिसंहितम्॥ शेपुः परमसंक्रुद्धाश्चण्डालत्वं गमिष्यसि। इत्युक्त्वा मे महात्मानो विविशुः स्वं स्वमाश्रमम्॥
The saint's sons, on their part, hearing that speech couching a fierce intent, cursed him in exceeding wrath, saying, 'You shall come by Candāla-hood.' Having said this, those highsouled ones entered each into his dwelling.'

अथ रात्र्यां व्यतीतायां राजा चण्डालतां गतः। नीलवस्त्रधरो नीलः पुरुषो ध्वस्तमूर्धजः॥ चित्यमाल्याङ्गरागश्च आयसाभरणोऽभवत्।
And vhen the „ight had gone by the king came by Chandala-hood. And clad in a blue garb, blue and rough of person, having a short head of hair, wearing a garland composed of materials culled from a cemetery, his body bedaubed with ashes from the same quarter, he was decked out with iron ornaments.

तं दृष्ट्वा मन्त्रिणः सर्वे त्यज्य चण्डालरूपिणम्॥ प्राद्रवन् सहिता राम पौरा येऽस्यानुगामिनः। एको हि राजा काकुत्स्थ जगाम परमात्मवान् ॥
And, O Rāma, beholding him in the guise of a Chandala, his counsellors as well as followers, renouncing him, fled in a body. And, O Kākutstha, maintaining himself in patience, the monarch burning day and night, all alone went to the ascetic Viśvāmitra.

दह्यमानो दिवाराचं विश्वामित्रं तपोधनम्॥ चण्डालरूपिणं राम मुनिः कारुण्यमागतः। कारुण्यात् स महातेजा वाक्यं परमधार्मिकः॥ इदं जगाद भद्रं ते राजानं घोरदर्शनम्। किमागमनकार्यं ते राजपुत्र महाबल॥ अयोद्याधिपते वीर शापाच्चण्डालतां गतः।
And beholding to disappointed king in the guise of a Chandala, the ascetic, O Rāma, was touched with pity. And from commiseration, that pre-eminently pious and exceedingly energetic one said to that king frightful to behold, saying, 'Good betide you, O heroic lord of Ayodhya, you have fallen into Chandala-hood through a curse, what is the purpose of your coming, O highly powerful prince?'

अथ तद्वाक्यमाकर्ण्य राजा चण्डालतां गतः॥ अब्रवीत् प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकोविदम्।
Hearing him, the king conversant with words, fallen into Candāla-hood, with folded hands, said to that one versed in speech.

प्रत्याख्यातोऽस्मि गुरुणा गुरुपुत्रैस्तथैव च॥ अनवाप्यैव तं कामं मया प्राप्तो विपर्ययः।
Disregarded had I been by my spiritual guide as well as his sons. And far from attaining my desire, I came by this calamity.

सशरीरो दिवं यायामिति मे सौम्यदर्शन॥ मया चेष्टं क्रतुशतं तच्च नावाप्यते फलम्।
O you of placid presence, I had desired to repair to heaven in body. By me have an hundred sacrifices been performed, but yet do I not obtain the fruit thereof.

अनृतं नोक्तपूर्वं मे न च वक्ष्ये कदाचन॥ कृच्छ्रेष्वपि गतः सौम्य क्षत्रधर्मेण ते शपे।
I have never before told an untruth; and I swear by my Ksatriya morality, that albeit fallen on evil days, I will never do so in future, O gentle one.

यज्ञैर्बहुविधैरिष्टं प्रजा धर्मेण पालिताः॥ गुरवश्च महात्मानः शीलवृत्तेन तोषिताः। धर्मे प्रयतमानस्य यज्ञं चाहर्तुमिच्छतः॥ परितोषं न गच्छन्ति गुरवो मुनिपुङ्गव। दैवमेव परं मन्ये पौरुषं तु निर्रथकम्॥
I have celebrated many sacrifices, and I have ruled my people in righteousness; and I have pleased my preceptors by my character and conduct. But, O . best of ascetics, now endeavouring to do my duty and intending to perform a sacrifice, I have failed in enlisting the good graces of my spiritual guides. Therefore do I consider Destiny as supreme; and action as nothing.

दैवेनाक्रम्यते सर्वं दैवं हि परमा गतिः। तस्य मे परमार्तस्य प्रसादमभिकाङ्क्षतः। कर्तुमर्हसि भद्रं ते दैवोपहतकर्मणः॥
Density overtake all: Destiny is the prime way. Therefore it behove you to grant your favour to me extremely distressed, who crave your favour, and, good betide you, whole endeavours have been baffled by Density.

नान्यां गतिं गमिष्यामि नान्यच्छरणमस्ति मे। दैवं पुरुषकारेण निवर्तयितुमर्हसि ॥
Other way will I wend none; nor is there any other refuge for me. It behove you to meet Density with exertion.