Bala Kanda: Chapter 51

तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा विश्वामित्रस्य धीमतः। हृष्टरोमा महातेजाः शतानन्दो महातपाः॥ गौतमस्य सुतो ज्येष्ठस्तपसा द्योतितप्रभः। रामसंदर्शनादेव परं विस्मयमागतः॥
Hearing the narration of the intelligent Viśvāmitra, Gautama's eldest son, the exceedingly energetic Śatänanda of rigid austerities, highly effulgent by virtue of his asceticism, with his down standing on end wondered greatly at the sight of Rāma.

एतौ निषण्णौ सम्प्रेक्ष्य शतानन्दो नृपात्मजौ। सुखासीनौ मुनिश्रेष्ठं विश्वामित्रमथाब्रवीत्॥
And seeing the king's sons seated at their ease, he said to that foremost of ascetics. Visvamitra.

अपि ते मुनिशार्दूल मम माता यशस्विनी। दर्शिता राजपुत्राय तपोदीर्घमुपागता॥
O most powerful of anchorets, by you was my illustrious mother, grown old in asceticism, shown to the king's son.

अपि रामे महातेजा मम माता यशस्विनी। वन्यैरुपाहरत् पूजां पूजार्हे सर्वदेहिनीम्॥
Did my famous and exalted mother entertain with the produce of the woods this one worthy of every one's homage?

अपि रामाय कथितं यद् वृत्तं तत् पुरातनम्। मम मातुर्महातेजो देवेन दुरनुष्ठितम्॥
O highly energetic one, has that old story relative to my mother having been wronged by that celestial, been communicated to Rāma?

अपि कौशिकं भद्रं ते गुरुणा मम संगता। मम माता मुनिश्रेष्ठ रामसंदर्शनादितः॥
O Kausika good betide you, has my mother, in consequence of beholding Rāma, been united with my revered sire?

अपि मे गुरुणा रामः पूजितः कुशिकात्मज । इहागतो महातेजाः पूजां प्राप्य महात्मनः॥
And, O son of Kusika, has the highly energetic Rāma come hither, after having been rendered homage by my high-souled revered sire?

अपि शान्तेन मनसा गुरुर्मे कुशिकात्मज। इहागतेन रामेण पूजितेनाभिवादितः॥
And, O Kusika's son, was my revered sire of quiescent soul, saluted by Rāma when he arrived there?

तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः। प्रत्युवाच शतानन्दं वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकोविदम्॥
Hearing those words of his, the mighty ascetic Viśvāmitra, skilled in speech, replied to Śatānanda, cognizant of words, saying.

नातिक्रान्तं मुनिश्रेष्ठ यत्कर्तव्यं कृतं मया। संगता मुनिना पत्नी भार्गवेणेव रेणुका॥
O best of ascetics, nothing necessary was omitted by me, but everything has been done. And the ascetic's wife has been united with him, even as Renuka with Bhrgu's son. (Jamadagni, father of Paruśurāma).

तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य विश्वामित्रस्य धीमतः। शतानन्दो महातेजा रामं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing the speech of the intelligent Viśvāmitra, the exceedingly energetic Satānanda said to Rāma.

स्वागतं ते नरश्रेष्ठ दिष्ट्या प्राप्तोऽसि राघव। विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य महर्षिमपराजितम्॥
Art you well come, O chief of men? It is by our luck that, O descendant of Raghu, you have come to us, headed by the respected Maharși Visvamitra.

अचिन्त्यकर्मा तपसा ब्रह्मर्षिरमितप्रभः। विश्वामित्रो महातेजा वेम्येनं परमां गतिम्॥
This highly energetic. Viśvāmitra, Brahmarşi is of prowess measureless; and deeds inconceivable, by virtue of his asceticism. Him you know as the prime way.

नास्ति धन्यतरो राम त्वत्तोऽन्यो भुवि कश्चन। गोप्ता कुशिकपुत्रस्ते येन तप्तं महत्तपः॥
O Rāma, there exist of this earth not one that is more fortunate than thyself. Your protector is even Kusika's descendant, by whom mighty austerities have been performed.

श्रूयतां चाभिधास्यामि कौशिकस्य महात्मनः। यथाबलं यथातत्त्वं तन्मे निगतदः शृणु॥
Do you listen as I faithfully describe to you the ascetic power of the high-souled Kausika.

राजाऽऽसीदेष धर्मात्मा दीर्घकालमरिंदमः। धर्मज्ञः कृतविद्यश्च प्रजानां च हिते रतः॥
Do you listen to me relating this. This righteous one was for a long time a king, subduing his enemies, cognizant of morality, accomplished, and intent upon the welfare of his subjects.

प्रजापतिसुतस्त्वासीत् कुशो नाम महीपतिः। कुशस्य पुत्रो बलवान् कुशनाभः सुधार्मिकः॥
And there was a king named Kuša, the son of Prajāpati. And Kuśa's son was the powerful and pious Kušanābha.

कुशनाभसुतस्त्वासीत् गाधिरित्येव विश्रुतः। गाधेः पुत्रो महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः॥
And Kušanābha's son was Gadhi. And Gādhi's son is the highly energetic and mighty ascetic Viśvāmitra.

विश्वामित्रो महातेजाः पालयामास मेदिनीम्। बहुवर्षसहस्राणि राजा राज्यमकारयत्॥
And that king reigned for thousands of years.

कदाचित् तु महातेजा योजयित्वा वरूथिनीम्। अक्षौहिणीपरिवृतः परिचक्राम मेदिनीम्॥
And it came to pass that once with his four fold forces marshalled, he set out for ranging the earth.

नगराणि च राष्ट्राणि सरितश्च महागिरीन्। आश्रमान् क्रमशो राजा विचरन्नाजगाम ह।।२२। वसिष्ठस्याश्रमपदं नानापुष्पलतादुमम्। नानामृगगणाकीर्णं सिद्धचारणसेवितम्॥ देवदानवगन्धर्वैः किंनरैरुपशोभितम्। प्रशान्तहरिणाकीर्णं द्विजसङ्घनिषेवितम्॥ ब्रह्मर्षिगणसंकीर्णं देवर्षिगणसेवितम्। तपश्चरणसंसिद्धैरग्निकल्पैर्महात्मभिः॥ सततं संकुलं श्रीमद्ब्रह्मकल्पैर्महात्मभिः। अब्भक्षैर्वायुभक्षैश्च शीर्णपर्णाशनैस्तथा॥ फलमूलाशनैर्दान्तैर्जितदोषैर्जितेन्द्रियैः। ऋषिभिर्वालखिल्यैश्च जपहोमपरायणैः॥ अन्यैवैखानसैश्चैव समन्तादुपशोभितम्। वसिष्ठस्याश्रमपदं ब्रह्मलोकमिवापरम्। ददर्श जयतां श्रेष्ठो विश्वामित्रो महाबलः॥
The king went on by turns ranging cities and kingdoms, rivers and mountains and asylums. And at length that foremost of conquerors, the mighty Visvāmitra, came upon Vasistha's asylum furnished with various blossoming plants and trees; abounding in animals; inhabited by Siddhas and Cäraņas; graced by celestials and Dānavas and Gandharvas and Kinnaras; and filled with mild dear; frequented by the feathered tribes; crowded with Brahmarşis; with Devarsis inhabiting it aye teeming with-souled ones of accomplished ascetic success and resembling fire; like an other region of Brahmā; graceful; and adorned on all sides with high-souled saints and Valakhilyas and Vaikhanasas resembling Brahmā, feeding on water or air, or living on withered leaves, or subsisting on fruits and roots, and self-controlled, and free from faults, and of vanquished senses, and engaged in reciting mantras and performing homas.