Bala Kanda: Chapter 47

सप्तधा तु कृते गर्भे दितिः परमदुःखिता। सहस्राक्षं दुराधर्षं वाक्यं सानुनयाब्रवीत्॥
When the embryo had been sundered is seven, Díti exceedingly aggrieved humbly spoke to the irrepressible thousand-eyed deity, saying, as

ममापराधाद् गर्भोऽयं सप्तधा शकलीकृतः। नापराधो हि देवेश तवात्र बलसूदन॥
By my fault it is that the embryo has been sundered in seven. O chief of the celestials, herein you are guilty of no transgression, o destroyer of Bala.

प्रियं त्वत्कृतमिच्छामि मम गर्भविपर्यये। मरुतां सप्त सप्तानां स्थानपाला भवन्तु ते॥
And since calamity has befallen the embryo, I wish to do you a good turn. Let the seven parts become the guardians of the seven Maruts.

वातस्कन्धा इमे सप्त चरन्तु दिवि पुत्रक। मारुता इति विख्याता दिव्यरूपा ममात्मजाः॥
O son, let my sons having noble forms, becoming famous Marutas range the Vātaskandha regions in heaven.

ब्रह्मलोकं चरत्वेक इन्द्रलोकं तथापरः। दिव्यवायुरिति ख्यातस्तृतीयोऽपि महायशाः॥
Let one range Brahmā's regions, and another Indra's, and the highly illustrious third also range around, being known as Divya Vāyu. (Ether).

चत्वारस्तु सुरश्रेष्ठ दिशो वै तव शासनात्। संचरिष्यन्ति भद्रं ते कालेन हि ममात्मजाः॥ त्वत्कृतेनैव नाम्ना वै मारुता इति विश्रुताः।
O best of celestials, by they command, let the four remaining sons of mine, known by the name which you have mentioned, range about in appointed periods.'

तस्यास्तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा सहस्राक्षः पुरंदरः॥ उवाच प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यमितीदं बलसूदनः।
Hearing her words, that destroyer of Vala; the thousand-eyed Purandara, with clasped palms said.

सर्वमेतद् यथोक्तं ते भविष्यति न संशयः॥ विचरिष्यन्ति भद्रं ते देवरूपास्तवात्मजाः।
All this that you have said must come to pass; there is no doubt about it. Good betide you, your sons endowed with celestial forms, shall range about.

एवं तौ निश्चयं कृत्वा मातापुत्रौ तपोवने॥ जग्मतुस्त्रिदिवं राम कृतार्थाविति नः श्रुतम्।
And it has been heard by us that having thus ascertained in that hermitage, the mother and the son, O Rama, went to heaven, their desire obtained.

एष देशः स काकुत्स्थ महेन्द्राध्युषितः पुरा ॥ दितिं यत्र तपःसिद्धामेवं परिचचार सः।
Even this O Kākutstha, is the place where formerly the mighty Indra sojourned, and where he attended upon Diti of accomplished ascetic success.

इक्ष्वाकोस्तु नरव्याघ्र पुत्रः परमधार्मिकः॥ अलम्बुषायामुत्पन्नो विशाल इति विश्रुतः। तेन चासीदिह स्थाने विशालेति पुरी कृता॥
O most powerful of men, Ikşvāku had an exceedingly righteous son born to him of Alambusa, known by the name of Viśāla. And here stood a palace, built by him, called Viśālā.

विशालस्य सुतो राम हेमचन्द्रो महाबलः। सुचन्द्र इति विख्यातो हेमचन्द्रादनन्तरः॥
Viśāla's son, O Rāma, was the mighty Hemacandra. And after Hemacandra comes the celebrated Sucandra.

सुचन्द्रतनयो राम धूम्राश्व इति विश्रुतः। धूम्राश्वतनयश्चापि सृञ्जयः समपद्यत ॥
O Rāma, the son of Sucandra was Dhumrāśva, and then was born Sšñjaya son to Dhumrāśva.

सृञ्जयस्य सुतः श्रीमान् सहदेवः प्रतापवान्। कुशाश्वः सहदेवस्य पुत्रः परमधार्मिकः॥
Srinjaya's son was the powerful Sahadeva, And Sahadeva's son was the pre-eminently pious Kuśāśva.

कुशाश्वस्य महातेजाः सोमदत्तः प्रतापवान्। सोमदत्तस्य पुत्रस्तु काकुत्स्थ इति विश्रुतः॥ तस्य पुत्रो महातेजाः सम्प्रत्येष पुरीमिमाम्। आवसत् परमप्रख्यः सुमति म दुर्जयः॥
Kuśāśva's son was the puissant Somadatta. And now, O Kākutstha, Somadatta's son, the effulgent and invincible and renowned Sumati reside in this mansion.

इक्ष्वाकोस्तु प्रसादेन सर्वे वैशालिका नृपाः। दीर्घायुषो महात्मानो वार्यवन्तः सुधार्मिकाः॥
And by the grace of Ikşvāku, all the sovereigns of Viśālā are long-loved, and highsouled, and puissant, and pious.

इहाद्य रजनीमेकां सुखं स्वप्स्यामहे वयम्। श्वः प्रभाते नरश्रेष्ठ जनकं द्रष्टुमर्हसि॥
And here will we happily spend a night; an on the morning of the morrow you will, O foremost of men, behold Janaka.'

सुमतिस्तु महातेजा विश्वामित्रमुपागतम्। श्रुत्वा नरवरश्रेष्ठः प्रत्यागच्छन्महायशाः॥
And having heard that the illustrious Viśvāmitra had come, that best of kings, the effulgent Sumati, appeared before him.

पूजां च परमां कृत्वा सोपाध्यायः सबान्धवः। प्राञ्जलिः कुशलं पृष्ट्वा विश्वामित्रमथाब्रवीत्॥
And having paid Viśvāmitra high homage together with his priests and friends, and with clasped hands enquired after the former's welfare, he addressed Viśvāmitra, saying.

धन्योऽस्म्यनुगृहीतोऽस्मि यस्य मे विषयं मुने। सम्प्राप्तो दर्शनं चैव नास्ति धन्यतरो मम ॥
Blessed are we, and obliged are we, whose domains, O ascetic, have been graced with your presence. Surely none is more blessed than I am.