Bala Kanda: Chapter 46

हतेषु तेषु पुत्रेषु दितिः परमदुःखिता। मारीचं कश्यपं नाम भारमिदमब्रवीत्।।१।
On those sons of her being slain, Diti afflicted with great grief, thus addressed her husband, Marici's son, Kasyapa.

हतपुत्रास्मि भगवंस्तव पुत्रैर्महाबलैः। शक्रहन्तारमिच्छामि पुत्रं दीर्घतपोर्जितम्॥
O adorable one, your high-souled sons have slain mine. I now wish for a son, who, obtained through long austerities, will be able to slay Sakra.

साहं तपश्चरिष्यामि गर्भ मे दातुमर्हसि। ईश्वरं शक्रहन्तारं त्वमनुज्ञातुमर्हसि॥
I will engage in austerities: it behoves you to grant me such an embryo, such a slayer of Sakra it behoves you to promise me.

तस्यास्तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा मारीचः कश्यपस्तदा। प्रत्युवाच महातेजा दितिं परमदुःखिताम्॥
Hearing those words of hers, Marici's son, Kaśyapa of exceeding energy answered the deeply aggrieved Diti, saying.

एवं भवतु भद्रं ते शुचिर्भव तपोधने। जनयिष्यसि पुत्रं त्वं शक्रहन्तारमाहवे॥ पूर्णे वर्षसहस्रं तु शुचिर्यदि भविष्यसि। पुत्रं त्रैलोक्यहन्तारं मत्तस्त्वं जनयिष्यसि॥
Be it so. Good betide you, do you become pure, O ascetic. If you remain pure, when a full thousand years shall be complete, you will give birth to a son who will slay ſakra in battle.

एवमुक्त्वा महातेजाः पाणिना सम्ममार्ज ताम्। तामालभ्य ततः स्वस्ति इत्युक्त्वा तपसे ययौ॥
And through me, you will give birth to a son that will destroy the three worlds. Having said this, that highly energetic one rubbed her person with his palm. And having rubbed her, he said, 'Luck!' and then went away to carry on austerities.

गते तस्मिन् नरश्रेष्ठ दितिः परमहर्षिता। कुशप्लवं समासाद्य तपस्तेपे सुदारुणम्॥
When he had gone, Diti, O foremost of men, becoming exceedingly delighted, went to, Kuśaplava and began to practise rigid mortifications.

तपस्तस्यां हि कुर्वत्यां परिचर्या चकार ह। सहस्राक्षो नरश्रेष्ठ परया गुणसम्पदा।९।।
O foremost of men, as she was practising austerities, the thousand-eyed deity most dutifully ministered to her.

अग्निं कुशान् काष्ठमपः फलं मूलं तथैव च। न्यवेदयत् सहस्राक्षो यच्चान्यदपि काङ्क्षितम्॥
The thousand-eyed one provided for her fire, and Kusa, and faggots, and water, and fruits, and roots, and other things that she wanted.

गात्रसंवाहनैश्चैव श्रमापनयनैस्तथा। शक्रः सर्वेषु कालेषु दितिं परिचचार ह॥
And at all times, Sakra served Diti by rubbing her person, and removing her fatigue.

पूर्णे वर्षसहस्रे सा दशोने रघुनन्दन। दितिः परमसंहृष्टा सहस्राक्षमथाब्रवीत्॥
When ten years only were wanting to complete the thousand years, Diti, O descendant of Raghu, being exceedingly delighted, thus spoke to the thousand-eyed one.

तपश्चरन्त्या वर्षाणि दश वीर्यवतां वर। अवशिष्टानि भद्रं ते भ्रातरं द्रक्ष्यसे ततः॥
O best of those endowed with prowess, of me engaged in austerities, ten years only remain (to complete the period.) And after that time, good betide you, you will behold your brother.

यमहं त्वत्कृते पुत्र तमाधास्ये जयोत्सुकम्। त्रैलोक्यविजयं पुत्र सह भोक्ष्यसि विज्वरः॥
I will, O son, bind him to you in affection, whom I had besought for to compass your destruction, so that, the fever of your heart removed, you will with him enjoy the victory of the three worlds.

याचितेन सुरश्रेष्ठ पित्रा तव महात्मना। वरो वर्षसहस्रान्ते मम दत्तः सुतं प्रति॥
On your high-souled sire having been besought by me, he, O foremost of celestials, granted me the boon that after a thousand years, I shall obtain a son.

इत्युक्त्वा च दितिस्तत्र प्राप्ते मध्यं दिनेश्वरे। निद्रयापहृता देवी पादौ कृत्वाथ शीर्षतः॥
And it came to pass that having said this, the sun being in his meridian, the worshipful Diti with her feet placed at that part of the bed which should contain her head, was overpowered by sleep.

दृष्ट्वा तामशुचिं शक्रः पादयोः कृतमूर्धजाम्। शिरः स्थाने कृतौ पादौ जहास च मुमोद च॥
And thereupon seeing her resting her feet at the place where she should place her head, and consequently unclean, Śakra was exceedingly delighted, and smiled.

तस्याः शरीरविवरं प्रविवेश पुरंदरः। गर्भ च सप्तधा राम चिच्छेद परमात्मवान्॥
O Rāma, Purandara entered into her womb, and that highly self-controlled one served the embryo in seven parts.

भिद्यमानस्ततो गर्भो वज्रेण शतपर्वणा। रुरोद सुस्वरं राम ततो दितिरबुध्यत॥
And the embryo being pierced by the thunderbold of an hundred knots, cried at the top of its voice, and thereat Diti awoke.

मा रुदो मा रुदश्चेति गर्भं शक्रोऽभ्यभाषत। विभेद च महातेजा रुदन्तमपि वासवः॥
'Do not cry, do not cry,' exclaimed Sakra: and even while it was crying, the mighty-minded Vāsava continued piercing it.

न हन्तव्यं न हन्तव्यमित्येवं दितिरब्रवीत्। निष्पपात ततः शक्रो मातुर्वचनगौरवात्॥
'Do not slay it; do not slay it' said Diti. Thereupon, in consideration of the honour of his mother, Sakra went out.

प्राञ्जलिर्वज्रसहितो दितिं शक्रोऽभ्यभाषत। अशुचेर्देवि सुप्तासि पादयोः कृतमूर्धजा॥ तदन्तरमहं लब्ध्वा शक्रहन्तारमाहवे। अभिन्दं सप्तधा देवि तन्मे त्वं क्षन्तुमर्हसि ॥
Then he with clasped palms accosted Diti, saying, 'O worshipful one, you did sleep with they feet placed where your head should have lain, and hast therefore become impure. And finding this opportunity, I severed in seven pieces that would-be slayer of mine in battle. Do you, O worshipful one, excuse me.'