Bala Kanda: Chapter 40

देवतानां वचः श्रुत्वा भगवान् वै पितामहः। प्रत्युवाच सुसंत्रस्तान् कृतान्तबलमोहितान्॥
Hearing the speech of the celestials, that possessor of the six attributes, the Grand-sire, spoke to them exceedingly frightened and deprived of their senses on beholding the prowess of Sagara's sons like to the Destroyer himself.

यस्येयं वसुधा कृत्स्ना वासुदेवस्य धीमतः। महिषी माधवस्यैषा स एव भगवान् प्रभुः॥ कापिलं रूपमास्थाय धारयत्यनिशं धराम्। तस्य कोपाग्निना दग्धा भविष्यन्ति नृपात्मजाः॥
This entire Earth belong to the intelligent Vasudeva, she being his consort. And that adorable one is indeed her lord. And assuming the form of Kapila, he unceasingly sustain the Earth. And the sons of king Sagara will be consumed by the fire of his wrath.

पृथिव्याश्चापि निर्भेदो दृष्ट एव सनातनः। सगरस्य च पुत्राणां विनाशो दीर्घदर्शिनाम्॥
The pre-ordained excavation of the Earth, as well as the testruction of Sagara's sons, had been foreseen by the farsighted.

पितामहवचः श्रुत्वा त्रयस्त्रिंशदरिंदमाः। देवाः परमसंहृष्टाः पुनर्जग्मुर्यथागतम्॥
Hearing the words of the Grand-sire. those repressors of their foes, the three and thirty* celestials, being exceedingly rejoiced, went back to their respective quarters. *The eight Vasus, eleven Rudras, twelve Adityas and two Asvins.

सगरस्य च पुत्राणां प्रादुरासीन्महास्वनः। पृथिव्यां भिद्यमानायां निर्घातसमनि:स्वनः॥
And as the sons of Sagara were riving the Earth, there arose a mighty noise, like to the bursting of thunder.

ततो भित्त्वा महीं सर्वां कृत्वा चापि प्रदक्षिणम्। सहिताः सागराः सर्वे पितरं वाक्यमब्रुवन्॥
Then, having rived the entire Earth and ranged it all around, the sons, of Sagara together (returned to their father) and spoke to him.

परिक्रान्ता मही सर्वा सत्त्ववन्तश्च सूदिताः। देवदानवरक्षांसि पिशाचोरगपन्नगाः॥ न च पश्यामहेऽश्वं ते अश्वहर्तारमेव च। किं करिष्याम भद्रं ते बुद्धिरत्र विचार्यताम्॥
By us has the Earth been extensively surveyed, and have powerful deities and Dānavas. Rākşasas, Piśācas, Uragas and Pannagas been slain; and yet do we find neither the horse nor the stealer thereof. What are we to do now? Good betide you, do you consider it well.

तेषां तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा पुत्राणां राजसत्तमः। समन्युरब्रवीद् वाक्यं सगरो रघुनन्दन॥
Hearing those words of his sons, that foremost of kings, getting into a wrath, said, O descendant of Raghu.

भूयः खनत भद्रं वो विभेद्य वसुधातलम्। अश्वहर्तारमासाद्य कृतार्थाश्च निवर्तत॥
'Do you yet again, good betide you, delve the earth, and having got at the stealer of the horse, cease.'

पितुर्वचनमासाद्य सगरस्य महात्मनः। षष्ठिः पुत्रसहस्राणि रसातलमभिद्रवन्॥
Receiving this mandate of their sire, the sixty thousand sons of the high-souled Sagara rushed towards the depths of the earth.

खन्यमाने ततस्तस्मिन् ददृशुः पर्वतोपमम्। दिशागजं विरूपाक्षं धारयन्तं महीतलम्॥
And as they were engaged in excavating, they beheld the elephant of the quarter resembling a hill, named Virūpākṣa, holding the earth.

सपर्वतवनां कृत्स्नां पृथिवीं रघुनन्दन। धारयामास शिरसा विरूपाक्षो महागजः॥
O son of Raghu, that mighty elephant, Virūpākşa, held on his head the entire earth with its mountains and forests.

यदा पर्वणि काकुत्स्थ विश्रमार्थं महागजः। खेदाच्चालयते शीर्ष भूमिकम्पस्तदा भवेत्॥
And, O Kākutstha, when on sacred days the mighty elephant, from fatigue, shake his head, then takes place the earthquake.

ते तं प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा दिशापालं महागजम्। मानयन्तो हि ते राम जग्मुर्भित्त्वा रसातलम्॥
Thereupon, O Rāma, going round that mighty elephant, and honouring him duly, they went on piercing the under earth.

ततः पूर्वां दिशं भित्त्वा दक्षिणां बिभिदुः पुनः। दक्षिणस्यामपि दिशि ददृशुस्ते महागजम्॥ महापद्मं महात्मानं सुमहत्पर्वतोपमम्। शिरसा धारयन्तं गां विस्मयं जग्मुरुत्तमम्॥
And having pierced the East, they pierced the South, and in the Southern quarter also they beheld a mighty elephant, the high-souled Mahāpadma, resembling a huge hill, holding the earth on his head. And thereat they marvelled greatly.

ते तं प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा सगरस्य महात्मनः। षष्ठिः पुत्रसहस्राणि पश्चिमां बिभिदुर्दिशम्॥
And having gone round him, the sixty thousand sons of the high-souled Sagara began to penetrate into the Western region.

पश्चिमायामपि दिशि महान्तमचलोपमम्। दिशागजं सौमनसं ददृशुस्ते महाबलाः॥
And in the western quarter also those highly powerful ones beheld the elephant of that quarter named Saumanas, resembling a mighty mountain.

ते तं प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा पृष्ट्वा चापि निरामयम्। खनन्तः समुपाक्रान्ता दिशं सोमवतीं तदा॥
And having gone round him and asked him as to his welfare, they delving on, arrived at the Northern region.

उत्तरस्यां रघुश्रेष्ठ ददृशुर्हिमपाण्डुरम्। भद्रं भद्रेण वपुषा धारयन्तं महीमिमाम्॥
And on the North like wise, O foremost of the Raghus, they beheld Bhadra, white as snow, holding this earth on his goodly person.

समालभ्य ततः सर्वे कृत्वा चैनं प्रदक्षिणम्। षष्ठिः पुत्रसहस्राणि बिभिदुर्वसुधातलम्॥
Having felt as well as gone round him, those sixty thousand sons of Sagara went on penetrating the depths of the earth.

ततः प्रागुत्तरां गत्वा सागराः प्रथिताः दिशम्। रोषादभ्यखनन् सर्वं पृथिवीं सगरात्मजाः॥
Then repairing to the famous North eastern region, Sagara's sons becoming enraged, began to dig the earth.

ते तु सर्वे महात्मानो भीमवेगा महाबलाः। ददृशुः कपिलं तत्र वासुदेवं सनातनम्॥
And there those high-souled, exceedingly powerful and vehement ones beheld the eternal Vasudeva in the guise of Kapila.

हयं च तस्य देवस्य चरन्तमविदूरतः। प्रहर्षमतुलं प्राप्ताः सर्वे ते रघुनन्दन ॥
And there also, experiencing exceeding delight, O descendant of Raghu, they found his horse, browsing hard by.

ते तं यज्ञहनं ज्ञात्वा क्रोधपर्याकुलेक्षणाः। खनित्रलाङ्गलधरा नानावृक्षशिलाधराः॥ अभ्यधावन्त संक्रुद्धास्तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रुवन्। अस्माकं त्वं हि तुरगं यज्ञियं. हृतवानसि॥ दुर्मेधस्त्वं हि सम्प्राप्तान् विद्धि नः सगरात्मजान्।
And knowing him to be the destroyer of the sacrifice, they bearing spades, and ploughs, and innumerable trees and crags, with eyes reddened with ire, furiously rushed against him, exclaiming, 'Stay! Stay! And you it is that hast stolen our sacrificial horse.' O you of wicked understanding, know that you have fallen into the hands of the sons of Sagara.

श्रुत्वा तद् वचनं तेषां कपिलो रघुनन्दन ॥ रोषेण महताविष्टो हुङ्कारमकरोत् तदा।
Hearing this speech of theirs, Kapila, O descendant of Raghu, overwhelmed with rage uttered a tremendous roar.

ततस्तेनाप्रमेयेण कपिलेन महात्मना। भस्मराशीकृताः सर्वे काकुत्स्थ सगरात्मजाः॥
And then, O Kākutstha, the sons of Sagara were reduced to ashes by the high-souled and incomparable Kapila.