Bala Kanda: Chapter 25

अथ तस्याप्रमेयस्य मुनेर्वचनमुत्तमम्। श्रुत्वा पुरुषशार्दूलः प्रत्युवाच शुभां गिरम्॥
Hearing this excellent speech of that ascetic of immeasurable energy, that foremost of men answered him in these happy words,

अल्पवीर्यां यदा यक्षी श्रूयते मुनिपुङ्गव। कथं नागसहस्रस्य धारयत्यबला बलम्॥
O best of ascetics, I have heard that the Yakşa race is endowed with but small prowess. How can then that one of the weaker sex possess the strength of a thousand elephants?

इत्युक्तं वचनं श्रुत्वा राघवस्यामितौजसः। हर्षयन् श्लक्ष्णया वाचा सलक्ष्मणमरिंदमम्॥ विश्वामित्रोऽब्रवीद् वाक्यं शृणु येन बलोत्कटा। वरदानकृतं वीर्यं धारयत्यबला बलम्॥
Hearing this speech that was uttered by Rāghava of immeasurable energy, Viśvāmitra, delighting with his amiable words that subduer of foes, Rāma, and Laksmana, said, Do you listen as to the means whereby attaining terrible strength, that one belonging to the weaker sex has come to possess strength and prowess by virtue of a boon.

पूर्वमासीन्महायक्षः सुकेतुर्नाम दीर्यवान्। अनपत्यः शुभाचारः स च तेपे महत्तपः॥
In former times there was a mighty and exceedingly powerful Yaksa, named Suketu. And he had no issue. And he was of pure practices, and used to perform rigid austerities.

पितामहस्तु सुप्रीतस्तस्य यक्षपतेस्तदा। कन्यारत्नं ददौ राम ताटकां नाम नामतः॥
And, O Rāma, the Grand-sire endowed her with that lord of Yakşas, conferred upon him a gem of a daughter, by name Tāțakā.

ददौ नागसहस्रस्य बलं चास्याः पितामहः। न त्वेव पुत्रं यक्षाय ददौ चासौ महायशा॥
And the Grand-sire endowed her with the strength of a thousand elephants; yet that illustrious one did not bestow a son on that Yaksa.

तां तु बाला विवर्धन्ती रूपयौवनशालिनीम्। जम्भपुत्राय सुन्दाय ददौ भार्यां यशस्विनीम्॥
When she had grown, and attained youth and beauty, he gave that famous damsel to Jambha's son, Sunda, for wife.

कस्यचित्त्वथ कालस्य यक्षी पुत्रं व्यजायत। मारीचं नाम दुर्धर्षं यः शापाद् राक्षसोऽभवत्॥
After a length of time, that Yakṣī gave birth to a son, named Mārīca, possessed of irrepressible energy, him who became a Rākṣasa in consequence of a curse.

सुन्दे तु निहते राम अगस्त्यमृषिसत्तमम्। ताटका सहपुत्रेण प्रधर्षयितुमिच्छति॥
O Rāma, when Sunda had been destroyed, Tat akā along with her son, set her heart upon afflicting that excellent saint Agastya.

भक्षार्थं जातसंरम्भा गर्जन्ती साभ्यधावत्। आपतन्ती तु तां दृष्ट्वा अगस्त्यो भगवानृषिः॥ राक्षसत्वं भजस्वेति मारीचं व्याजहार सः।
And enraged with Agastya, she rushed at him with a roar, intending to devour him. And on seeing her thus rushing, that worshipful saint, Agastya, said to Mārīca, Do you become a Raksasa! .

अगस्त्यः परमामर्षस्ताटकामपि शप्तवान्॥ पुरुषादी महायक्षी विकृता विकृतानना। इदं रूपं विहायाशु दारुणं रूपमस्तु ते॥
And, in exceeding wrath, he also cursed Tataka. And, O mighty Yaksi, since in frightful guise with a frightful face you have desired to eat up a human being, do you immediately leave this (your original) shape, and become of a terrible form!

सैषा शापकृतामर्षां ताटका क्रोधमूर्च्छिता। देशमुत्सादयत्येनमगस्त्याचरितं शुभम्॥
Thus cursed by Agastya, Tățakā, overwhelmed with rage, lays waste this fair region, where Agastya carry on his austerities.

एनां राघव दुर्वृत्तां यक्षी परमदारुणाम्। गोब्राह्मणहितार्थाय जहि दुष्टपराक्रमाम्॥
Do you, O descendant of Raghu, for the welfare of Brāhmaṇas and kine, slay this exceedingly terrible Yakṣī of wicked ways and vile prowess!

नह्येनां शापसंसृष्टां कश्चिदुत्सहते पुमान्। निहन्तुं त्रिषु लोकेषु त्वामृते रघुनन्दन ॥
Nor, O son of Raghu, does any one in the three worlds, save, you, dare to slay this Yaksi joined with a curse.

नहि ते स्त्रीवधकृते घृणा कार्या नरोत्तम। चातुर्वर्ण्यहितार्थं हि कर्तव्यं राजसूनुना॥
Nor should you, O best of men, shrink from slaying a woman; for even this should be accomplished by a prince in the interests of the four orders.

नृशंसमनृशंसं वा प्रजारक्षणकारणात्। पातकं वा सदोषं वा कर्तव्यं रक्षता सदा॥
Whether an act be cruel or otherwise, slightly or highly sinful, it should for protecting the subjects, be performed by a ruler.

राज्यभारनियुक्तनामेष धर्मः सनातनः। अध` जहि काकुत्स्थ धर्मो ह्यस्यां न विद्यते॥
Of those engaged in the onerous task of government, even this is the eternal rule of conduct. Do you, O Kākutstha, slay this impious one; for she know no righteousness!

श्रूयते हि पुरा शक्रो विरोचनसुतां नृप। पृथिवीं हन्तुमिच्छन्ती मन्थरामभ्यसूदयत्॥
We hear, O king, that in days of yore, ſakra slew Virocana's daughter, Mantharā, who had intended to destroy the earth.

विष्णुना च पुरा राम भृगुपत्नी पतिव्रता। अनिन्द्रं लोकमिच्छन्ती काव्यमाता निषूदिता ॥
And formerly, O Rama, Visnu destroyed Kāvya's mother, the devoted wife of Bhrgu, who had set her heart upon annihilating the world, deprived of sleep (through fear of her.)

एतैश्चान्यैश्च बहुभी राजपुत्रैर्महात्मभिः। अधर्मसहिता नार्यो हताः पुरुषसत्तमैः। तस्मादेनां घृणां त्यक्त्वा जहि मच्छासनानृप॥
By these as well as innumerable princesforemost of men have wicked women been slain. Therefore, O king, renouncing antipathy, do you, by my command, slay this one!