Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 119

अनसूया तु धर्मज्ञा श्रुत्वा तां महती कथाम्। पर्यष्वजत् बाहुभ्यां शिरस्याघ्राय मैथिलीम्॥
Having heard this grand story, Anasāyā cognizant of righteousness, smelling the head of Mithilā's daughter, embraced Sītā with her arms.

व्यक्ताक्षरपदं चित्रं भाषितुं मधुरं त्वया। यथा स्वयंवरं वृत्तं तत् सर्वं च श्रुतं मया ॥
I have heard all that you, describing the selfchoice, have spoken sweetly and beautifully in articulated letters and feet.

रमेयं कथया ते तु दृढं मधुरभाषिणि । रविरस्तं गतः श्रीमानुपोह्य रजनी शुभाम्॥ दिवसं परिकीर्णानामाहारार्थं पतत्त्रिणाम्। संध्याकाले निलीनानां निद्रार्थं श्रूयते ध्वनिः॥
O sweet-speeched one, I have been delighted with your narration. But ushering in the auspicious night, the graceful Sun has set. And there are heard the notes of feathered ones, which, after having gone about in search of food, are resting now for the purpose of sleeping.

एते चाप्यभिषेकाः मुनयः कलशोद्यताः। सहिता उपवर्तन्ते सलिलाप्लुतवल्कलाः॥
And these ascetics having bathed, are wending their way in a body, carrying waterpitchers, their barks drenched with water.

अग्निहेत्रे च ऋषिणा हुते च विधिपूर्वकम्। कपोताङ्गारुणो धूमो दृश्यते पवनोद्धतः॥
The smoke arising from the fire-sacrifice duly performed by the ascetics, reddish like the hue of the pigeon's neck, is seen, wafted by the wind.

अल्पपर्णा हि तरवो घनीभूताः समन्ततः। विप्रकृष्टेन्द्रिये देशे न प्रकाशन्ति वै दिशः॥
And trees of spare foliage appear dense (on all sides); and distance is no longer perceptible.

रजनीचरसत्त्वानि प्रचरन्ति समन्ततः। तपोवनमृगा ह्येते वेदितीर्थेषु शेरते॥
And animals ranging in the night are going about all round; and those deer of the asylum are reposing on the daises.

सम्प्रवृत्ता निशा सीते नक्षत्रसमलंकृता। ज्योत्स्नाप्रावरणश्चन्द्रो दृश्यतेऽभ्युदितोऽम्बरे॥
O Sītā, the night crested by the stars has arrived; and, veiled in moonlight, appears the moon in the heavens.

गम्यतामनुजानामि रामस्यानुचरी भव। कथयन्त्या हि मधुरं त्वयाहमपि तोषिता ॥
Go you; I permit you. Do you seek the society of Rāma. I have been pleased with your sweet converse.

अलंकुरु च तावत् त्वं प्रत्यक्षं मम मैथिलि। प्रीतिं जनय मे वत्से दिव्यालंकारशोभिनी॥
O daughter of Mithilā, do you deck yourself before me. Do you thus please me, my child, you that look beautiful with excellent ornaments.

सा तदा समलंकृत्य सीता सुरसुतोपमा। प्रणम्य शिरसा पादौ रामं त्वभिमुखी ययौ॥
Thereat, having adorned herself, Sītā, resembling the daughter of a celestial, bowing down to the feet (of the female ascetic), directed her steps towards Rāma.

तथा तु भूषितां सीतां ददर्श वदतां वरः। राघवः प्रीतिदानेन तपस्विन्या जहर्ष च॥
And that best of speakers, Raghava, saw Sita, decked with the ornaments affectionately presented by the ascetic; and he rejoiced thereat.

न्यवेदयत् ततः सर्वं सीता रामाय मैथिली। प्रीतिदानं तपस्विन्या वसनाभरणस्रजाम्॥
Then Mithila's daughter, Sita, related to Rama all about her having been affectionately presented by the ascetic with attire, ornaments and the garland.

प्रहृष्टस्त्वभवद् रामो लक्ष्मणश्च महारथः। मैथिल्याः सत्क्रियां दृष्ट्वा मानुषेषु सुदुर्लभाम्॥
Thereupon, witnessing the honour that had been accorded to Maithili, rare among men, Rāma became well pleased, as also that mighty car-warrior, Laksmana.

ततः स शर्वरी प्रीतः पुण्यां शशिनिभाननाम्। अर्चितस्तापसैः सर्वैरुवास रघुनन्दनः॥
Then Raghu's son, ministered to by the ascetic, happily spent the delightful night there, with her face resembling the moon.

तस्यां रात्र्यां व्यतीतायामभिषिच्य हुताग्निकान्। आपृच्छेतां नरव्याघ्रौ तापसान् वनगोचरान्॥
On the night having passed away, those foremost of men, after performing their ablutions, enquired of the ascetics performing fire sacrifices, who lived in the forest.

तावूचुस्ते वनचरास्तापसा धर्मचारिणः। वनस्य तस्य संचारं राक्षसैः समभिप्लुतम् ॥ रक्षांसि पुरुषादानि नानारूपाणि राघव। वसन्त्यस्मिन् महारण्ये व्यालाश्च रुधिराशनाः॥
Thereat the righteous ascetics ranging the forest said that all the sides of the forest were infested by Rākşasas. “Ferocious beasts feasting on blood, and Rākşasas, O Rāghava, living on human beings, wearing various shapes, abide in this mighty forest."

उच्छिष्टं वा प्रमत्तं वा तापसं ब्रह्मचारिणम्। अदन्त्यस्मिन् महारण्ये तान् निवारय राघव ॥
These eat up ascetics leading the Brahmacarya mode of life, who happen to be unclean or heedless. Do you, therefore, O Raghava, let them.

एष पन्था महर्षीणां फलान्याहरतां वने। अनेन तु वनं दुर्गं गन्तुं राघव ते क्षमम्।।२१
This is the path of the Maharșis, who procure fruits in the forest. By this way you will be able to enter the impracticable wild, O Rāghava.

इतीरितः प्राञ्जलिभिस्तपस्विभिर्द्विजैः कृतस्वस्त्ययनः यनः परंतपः। वनं सभार्यः प्रविवेश राघवः सलक्ष्मणः सूर्य इवाभ्रमण्डलम्॥
Thus addressed by the ascetic twice-born ones, and having been blessed by them, that repressor of foes, Rāghava, entered the forest in company with his wife and Lakşmaņa, like the sun entering a mass of clouds.