Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 118

सा त्वेवमुक्ता वेदेही त्वनसूयानसूयया। प्रतिपूज्य वचो मन्दं प्रवक्तुमुपचक्रमे॥
Thus addressed by Anasūyā, Vaidehī devoid of malice, honouring her words, began, “That you should instruct me is no wonder in you."

नैतदाश्चर्यमार्यायां यन्मां त्वमनुभाषसे। विदितं तु ममाप्येतद् यथा नार्याः पतिर्गुरुः॥ यद्यप्येष भवेद् भर्ता अनार्यो वृत्तिवर्जितः। अद्वैधमत्र वर्तव्यं तथाप्येष मया भवेत्॥
I know that a woman's spiritual guide is her husband. Even if a husband should be poor and of a disreputable character, he should be ungiudgingly obeyed by the like of me. one

किं पुनर्यो गुणश्लाघ्यः सानुक्रोशो जितेन्द्रियः। स्थिरानुरागो धर्मात्मा मातृवत्पितृवत्प्रियः॥
And to be said of one that is crowned with qualities, kind, self-controlled, of steady affection, righteous-souled, and who is dear as a father or a mother?

यां वृत्तिं वर्तते रामः कौसल्यायां महाबलः। तामेव नृपनारीणामन्यासामपि वर्तते॥
The exceedingly strong Rāma bear himself towards the other wives of the monarch as he does towards Kausalyā herself.

सकृद् दृष्टास्वपि स्त्रीषु नृपेण नृपवत्सलः। मातृवद् वर्तते वीरो मानमुत्सृज्य धर्मवित्॥
Renouncing sense of self-importance that heroic conversant with righteousness, devoted to his king, regards as his mothers those on whom the monarch once cast his eyes.

आगच्छन्त्याश्च विजनं वनमेवं भयावहम्। समाहितं हि मे श्वश्वा हृदये यत् स्थिरं मम॥
What my mother-in-law instructed me at the time that I was leaving for the lonely and fearful forest, is constantly present in my mind.

पाणिप्रदानकाले च यत् पुरा त्वग्निसंनिधौ। अनुशिष्टं जनन्या मे वाक्यं तदपि मे धृतम्॥
And what also my mother taught me in presence of fire on the occasion of the bestowal of my hand, is also remembered by me.

न विस्मृतं तु मे सर्वं वाक्यैः स्वैर्धर्मचारिणि । पतिशुश्रूषणानार्यास्तपो नान्यद् विधीयते॥
And, O you engaged in acts of righteousness, I have not forgotten the words that my relatives said to me, viz, the asceticism of a woman is ministering to her husband. They did not teach any thing else.

सावित्री पतिशुश्रूषां कृत्वा स्वर्गे महीयते। तथावृत्तिश्च याता त्वं पतिशुश्रूषया दिवम्॥
Having served her lord. Sāvitri is highly honoured in heaven; and you also, following the same course, by virtue of having served your husband, has secured heaven.

वरिष्ठा सर्वनारीणामेषा च दिवि देवता। रोहिणी न विना चन्द्रं मुहूर्तमपि दृश्यते॥
And this foremost of females, this goddess of heaven, Rohiņi, is not seen for a moment without the moon.

एवंविधाश्च प्रवराः स्त्रियो भर्तृदृढव्रताः। देवलोके महीयन्ते पुण्येन स्वेन कर्मणा॥
And prime women of this sort, firm in their husbands, are highly respected in the celestial regions by virtue of their pious acts.

ततोऽनसूया संहृष्टा श्रुत्वोक्तं सीतया वचः। शिरसाऽघ्राय चोवाच मैथिली हर्षयन्त्युत॥
Hearing Sītā's words, Anasuyā, exceedingly delighted, smelling her head, spoke thus, pleasing Maithili.

नियमैर्विविधैराप्तं तपो हि महदस्ति मे। तत् संश्रित्य बलं सीते छन्दये त्वां शुचिव्रते॥
By observing restrictions, I have earned great asceticism. By resorting to that energy, I would, O Sīta, confer a boon upon you, O you of pure vows.

उपपन्नं च युक्तं च वचनं तव मैथिलि। प्रीता चास्म्युचितां सीते करवाणि प्रियं च किम्॥
O Maithili, your words are just and proper. I am well pleased (with you). Tell me, O Sītā, what good shall I do you?

तस्यास्तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा विस्मिता मन्दविस्मया। कृतमित्यब्रवीत् सीता तपोबलसमन्विताम्॥
Hearing her words, Sītā, surprised, said with a smile, to that lady equipped with ascetic strength, “All this has been done by you."

सा त्वेवमुक्ता धर्मज्ञा तया प्रीततराऽभवत्। सफलं च प्रहर्षं ते हन्त सीते करोम्यहम्॥
Thus accosted, that one cognizant of virtue, was still more pleased, and said, “I am exceedingly pleased (with your words). I will attain a desire of mine."

इदं दिव्यं वरं माल्यं वस्त्रमाभरणानि च। अङ्गरागं च वैदेहि महार्हमनुलेपनम् ॥ मया दत्तमिदं सीते तव गात्राणि शोभयेत्। अनुरूपमसंक्लिष्टं नित्यमेव भविष्यति॥
This noble and grand garland, this apparel, these ornaments, and this precious paste for adorning the person, presented by me, let these, O Sītā, grace your person. These, worthy of you will never be tarnished.

अङ्गरागेण दिव्येन लिप्ताङ्गी जनकात्मजे। शोभयिष्यसि भर्तारं यथा श्रीविष्णुमव्ययम्॥
O daughter of Janaka, daubing your person with this excellent paint, you will grace your husband even as Śrī does the undeteriorating Visnu.

सा वस्त्रमङ्गरागं च भूषणानि स्रजस्तथा। मैथिली प्रतिजग्राह प्रीतिदानमनुत्तमम्॥ प्रतिगृह्य च तत् सीता प्रीतिदानं यशस्विनी। श्लिष्टाञ्जलिपुटा धीरा समुपास्त तपोधनाम्॥
Thereupon Mithila's daughter accepted those things presented to her out of love, viz., the apparel, the paint, the ornaments and the garland. Having accepted those accepted those presents conferred on her from love, that illustrious one, Sītā, quietly sat beside the female ascetic with joined hands.

तथा सीतामुपासीनामनसूया दृढव्रता। वचनं प्रष्टुमारेभे कथां काञ्चिदनुप्रियाम्॥
Then as Sītā was sitting, Anasūyā firm in vow asked her concerning a thing that was near her heart, saying.

स्वयंवरे किल प्राप्ता त्वमनेन यशस्विना। राघवेणेति मे सीते कथा श्रुतिमुपागता॥
I have heard, O Sītā, that you were won by the renowned Rāghava on the occasion of a selfchoice.

तां कथां श्रोतुमिच्छामि विस्तरेण च मैथिलि। यथाभूतं च कात्स्येन तन्मे त्वं वक्तुमर्हसि॥
O Maithili, that story I should like to hear, related at length. It therefore, behoves you to relate that to me in detail.

एवमुक्ता तु सा सीता तापसी धर्मचारिणीम्। श्रूयतामिति चोक्त्वा वै कथयामास तां कथाम्॥
Thus address, Sītā, saying to the ascetic engaged in pious acts, "Listen!" began to tell the story.

मिथिलाधिपतिर्वीरो जनको नाम धर्मवित्। क्षत्रकर्मण्यभिरतो न्यायतः शास्ति मेदिनीम्॥
Mithila's lord, the heroic Janaka, justly rule the earth, engaged in observing the duties of Ks atriyas.

तस्य लाङ्गलहस्तस्य कृषतः क्षेत्रमण्डलम्। अहं किलोत्थिता भित्त्वा जगतीं नृपतेः सुता॥
As he was ploughing a plain intended for a sacrifice, I rose from under the earth; and (in this sense) I am the daughter of that king.

स मां दृष्ट्वा नरपतिर्मुष्टिविक्षेपतत्परः। पांसुगुण्ठितसर्वाङ्गी विस्मितो जनकोऽभवत्॥
Tending me, with my body covered with dust, Janaka, engaged in throwing handfuls of dust (to level hollow spots), was struck with amazement.

अनपत्येन च स्नेहादङ्कमारोप्य च स्वयम्। ममेयं तनयेत्युक्त्वा स्नेहो मयि निपातितः॥
Being childless, he took me on his lap from affection, and saying, 'This is my daughter', conceived affection for me.

अन्तरिक्षे च वागुक्ता प्रतिमामानुषि किल। एवमेतन्नरपते धर्मेण तनया तव॥
Then there were uttered words in the welkin, resembling those of a human being,! 'O king, in all righteousness, this is your daughter'.

ततः प्रहृष्टो धर्मात्मा पिता मे मिथिलाधिपः। अवाप्तो विपुलामृद्धिं मामवाप्य नराधिपः॥
Then well-pleased, my righteous father, the king, lord of Mithilā, receiving me, attained mighty good fortune.

दत्ता चास्मीष्टवद्देव्यै ज्येष्ठायै पुण्यकर्मणे। तया सम्भाविता चास्मि स्निग्धया मातृसौहृदात्॥
Consigned to the pious eldest noble one (queen), desirous of having offspring, I was brought up by that mild lady, with the tenderness of a mother.

पतिसंयोगसुलभं वयो दृष्ट्वा तु मे पिता। चिन्तामभ्यगमद् दीनो वित्तनाशादिवाधनः॥
(In time) seeing me fit for the company of a husband, my father in distress was plunged in thought, like a poor man that has lost his wealth.

सदृशाच्चापकृष्टाच्च लोके कन्यापिता जनात्। प्रधर्षणमवाप्नोति शक्रेणापि समो भुवि॥
Even if the father of a girl be like to ſakra himself on earth he reaps odium at the hands of his equals and inferiors.

तां धर्षणामदूरस्थां संदृश्यात्मनि पार्थिवः। चिन्तार्णवगतः पारं नाससादाप्लवो यथा॥
Perceiving this obloquy at a short distance, the king was plunged in a sea of anxiety, but could not cross it, like one that has no raft.

अयोनिजां हि मां ज्ञात्वा नाध्यगच्छत् स चिन्तयन्। सदृशं चाभिरूपं च महीपालः पति मम ॥
Knowing me as unborn from any female vessel, the lord of earth reflecting upon it, could not come upon a suitable and fit husband for me.

तस्य बुद्धिरियं जाता चिन्तयानस्य संततम्। स्वयंवरं तनूजायाः करिष्यामीति धर्मतः॥
Then as he reflected, this thought occurred to him 'I will righteously celebrate the self-choice of my daughters'.

महायज्ञे तदा तस्य वरुणेन महात्मना। दत्तं धनुर्वरं प्रीत्या तूणी चाक्षय्यसायकौ॥
In the great sacrifice of Daksa, the highsouled Varuna had well-pleased conferred on Devarata an excellent bow with inexhaustible arrows and a couple of quivers.

असंचाल्यं मनुष्यैश्च यत्नेनापि च गौरवात्। तन्न शक्ता नमयितं स्वप्नेष्वपि नराधिपाः॥
Incapable of being moved on account of its weight, the kings could not even dream of bending the bow.

तद्धनुः प्राप्य मे पित्रा व्याहृतं सत्यवादिना। समवाये नरेन्द्राणां पूर्वमामन्त्र्य पार्थिवान्॥
Having obtained the bow, my truthful father said, 'No fear!' inviting at the same time the kings to an assembly of sovereigns.

इदं च धनुरुद्यम्य सज्यं यः कुरुते नरः। तस्य मे दुहिता भार्या भविष्यति न संशयः।॥
He that, raising the bow, shall string it, shall doubtless receive my daughter for his wife.

तच्च दृष्ट्वा धनुःश्रेष्ठं गौरवाद् गिरिसंनिभम्। अभिवाद्य नृपा जग्मुरशक्तास्तस्य तोलने॥
Seeing that best of bows in weight resembling a hill, the kings saluting it, go away, unable to move it.

सुदीर्घस्य तु कालस्य राधवोऽयं महाद्युतिः। विश्वामित्रेण सहितो यज्ञं द्रष्टुं समागतः॥ लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा रामः सत्यपराक्रमः। विश्वामित्रस्तु धर्मात्मा मम पित्रा सुपूजितः॥
It came to pass that after a long time, this highly effulgent Rāghava came to witness the sacrifice in company with Viśvāmitra. And Rāma having truth for his prowess, and the righteous Viśvāmitra were respectfully received by my sire.

प्रोवाच पितरं तत्र राघवौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। सुतौ दशरथस्येमौ धनुर्दर्शनकाक्षिणौ॥
Then Viśvāmitra said to my father, 'The descendants of Raghu, sons of Daśaratha, Rāma and Lakşmaņa are anxious to behold the bow.'

इत्युक्तस्तेन विप्रेण तद् धनुः समुपानयत्। तद् धनुर्दर्शयामास राजपुत्राय दैविकम्॥
Thus accosted by the Vipra, my father brought the bow, and showed that celestial bow to the princes.

निमेषान्तरमात्रेण तदानम्य महाबलः। ज्यां समारोप्य झटिति पूरयामास वीर्यवान्॥
Thereupon, in the twinkling of an eye, bending it, the powerful (Raghava) stringed the bow and drew it.

तेनापूरयता वेगान्मध्ये भग्न द्विधा धनुः। तस्य शब्दोऽभवद् भीमः पतितस्याशनेर्यथा॥
And as he drew it vehemently, it broke in the middle in twain. And the sound of it was dreadful like to the bursting of a thunder-bolt.

ततोऽहं तत्र रामाय पित्रा सत्याभिसंधिना। उद्यता दातुमुद्यम्य जलभाजनमुत्तमम्॥
Then raising an excellent vessel of water, my truthful father prepared to bestow me on Rāghava.

दीयमानां न तु तदा प्रतिजग्राह राघवः। अविज्ञाय पितुश्छन्दमयोध्याधिपतेः प्रभोः॥
And bestowed on Rāghava, I was accepted of him, after he had consulted the wish of his father, that lord, the master of Ayodhyā.

ततः श्वशुरमामन्त्र्य वृद्धं दशरथं नृपम्। मम पित्रा त्वहं दत्ता रामाय विदितात्मने॥
And inviting my father-in-law, the old king Dasaratha, my father bestowed me on Rāma having knowledge of self.

मम चैवानुजा साध्वी ऊर्मिला शुभदर्शना। भार्यार्थे लक्ष्मणस्यापि दत्ता पित्रा मम स्वयम्॥
And my father bestowed on Lakşmaņa for his wife, my younger sister, the beauteous and chaste Urmila.

एवं दत्तास्मि रामाय तथा तस्मिन् स्वयंवरे। अनुरक्तास्मि धर्मेण पतिं वीर्यवतां वरम्॥
Thus was I bestowed on Rāma on the occasion of that self-choice. And ever since I have been devoted to my husband, the foremost of those possessing prowess.

मम चैवानुजा साध्वी ऊर्मिला शुभदर्शना। भार्यार्थे लक्ष्मणस्यापि दत्ता पित्रा मम स्वयम्॥
And my father bestowed on Lakşmaņa for his wife, my younger sister, the beauteous and chaste Urmila.

एवं दत्तास्मि रामाय तथा तस्मिन् स्वयंवरे। अनुरक्तास्मि धर्मेण पतिं वीर्यवतां वरम्॥
Thus was I bestowed on Rāma on the occasion of that self-choice. And ever since I have been devoted to my husband, the foremost of those possessing prowess.