Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 117

राघवस्त्वपयातेषु सर्वेष्वनुविचिन्तयन्। न तत्रारोचयद् वासं कारणैर्बहुभिस्तदा ॥
When the ascetics had gone away, Rāghava reflected (as to his stay at that place); and from diverse reasons, he did not relish remaining there any further.

इह मे भरतो दृष्टो मातरश्च सनागराः। सा च मे स्मृतिरन्वेति तान् नित्यमनुशोचतः॥
Here have I seen Bharata and my mother in company with the citizens. Overwhelmed with grief on my account, they ever recur to my memory.

स्कन्धावारनिवेशेन तेन तस्य महात्मनः। हयहस्तिकरीषैश्च उपमर्दः कृतो भृशम्॥
And in consequence of the troops of that highsouled one having quartered here as well as the dung discharged by his elephants and horses, this place has got exceedingly dirty.

तस्मादन्यत्र गच्छाम इति संचिन्त्य राघवः। प्रातिष्ठत स वैदेह्या लक्ष्मणेन च संगतः॥
Therefore will I go to another quarter. Having settled this in his mind, Rāghava departed along with Videha's daughter and Laksmana.

सोऽत्रेराश्रममासाद्य तं ववन्दे महायशाः। तं चापि भगवानत्रिः पुत्रवत् प्रत्यपद्यत॥
And having arrived at Atri's asylum, that renowned one paid obeisance (to the sage); and the reverend Atri also on his pare received Rāma asason.

स्वयमातिथ्यमादिश्य सर्वमस्य सुसत्कृतम्। सौमित्रिं च महाभागं सीतां च समसान्त्वयत्॥
And having personally given Rāma respectful reception and entertainment, the ascetic regarded the exalted Lakşmaņa and Sītā with a gracious eye.

पत्नीं च तमनुप्राप्तां वृद्धामामन्त्र्य सत्कृताम्। सान्त्वयामास धर्मज्ञः सर्वभूतहिते रतः।७।। अनसूयां महाभागां तापसी धर्मचारिणीम्। प्रतिगृह्णीष्व वैदेहीमब्रवीदृषिसत्तमः॥
And his aged wife having come there, Atri greeted her; and after she had been paid homage, the sage cognizant of virtue ever engaged in the good of all creatures, gladdened her (by presenting Sītā to her.) And that best of sages said to the pious female ascetic, Anasüyā, engaged in offices of virtue, “Do you accept Videha's daughter."

रामाय चाचचक्षे मां तापसी धर्मचारिणीम्। रात्रिः दश वर्षाण्यनावृष्ट्या दग्धे लोके निरन्तरम्॥ यया मूलफले सृष्टे जाह्नवी च प्रवर्तिता। उग्रेण तपसा युक्ता नियमैश्चाप्यलंकृता॥ दश वर्षसहस्राणि यया तप्तं महत् तपः। अनसूयाव्रतैस्तात प्रत्यूहाश्च निबर्हिताः॥ देवकार्यनिमित्तं च यया संत्वरमाणया। दशरात्रं कृता सेयं मातेव तेऽनघ ॥
And Atri related to Rāma matters connected with the female ascetic, engaged in offices of virtue, The people were ceaselessly burning in consequence of a drought extending over ten years. O sinless one, that one resembling your mother is this, by whom furnished with rigid asceticism and adorned with voluntary penances, were created fruits and roots and the Jāhnavi was made to flow through the asylum; by whom were performed mighty austerities for ten thousand years, in virtue of whose pen ances, disturbances to the asceticism of the sages ceased, by whom ten nights were brought within the compass of a single one.

तामिमां सर्वभूतानां नमस्कार्यां तपस्विनीम्। अभिगच्छतु वैदेही वृद्धामक्रोधनां सदा॥
Let Vaidehī always resort to this aged ascetic devoid of anger, who is worthy of being bowed down to by all creatures.

एवं ब्रुवाणं तमृषि तथेत्युक्त्वा स राघवः। सीतामालोक्य धर्मज्ञामिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
When the saint had spoken thus, Rāghava saying, “So be it," turned his eyes to Sītā, and thus spoke to that one knowing morality.

राजपुत्रि श्रुतं त्वेतन्मुनेरस्य समीरितम्। श्रेयोऽर्थमात्मनः शीघ्रमभिगच्छ तपस्विनीम्॥ अनसूयेति या लोके कर्मभिः ख्यातिमागता। तां शीघ्रमभिगच्छ त्वमभिगम्यां तपस्विनीम्॥
O princess, you have heard what has been uttered by the ascetic. For the sake of your own welfare, do you speedily resort to the female anchoret. Do you without delay resort to the ascetic Anasuya, who is worthy of being associated with, and who has by virtue of her acts attained renown among men.f

सीता त्वेतद् वचः श्रुत्वा राघवस्य यशस्विनी। तामत्रिपत्नी धर्मज्ञामभिचक्राम मैथिली।॥
Hearing these words of Rāghava Mithila's daughter, the illustrious Sītā, drew near the righteous wife of Atri.

शिथिलां वलितां वृद्धां जरापाण्डुरमूर्धजाम्। सततं वेपमानाङ्गी प्रवाते कदलीमिव ॥ तां तु सीता महाभागामनसूयां पतिव्रताम्। अभ्यवादयदव्यग्रा स्वं नाम समुदाहरत्॥
Thereupon Sītā, announcing her name, saluted the pious and chaste Anasuyā old with slackened joints, with folds all over her skin, and her hair hoary from age, whose frame shook perpetually, like a plantain-leaf in the wind.

अभिवाद्य च वैदेही तापसी तां दमान्विताम्। बद्धाञ्जलिपुटा हृष्टा पर्यपृच्छदनामयम्॥
Having paid homage to that ascetic with her senses subdued, Vaidehi glad at heart, with joined hands, enquired after her welfare.

ततः सीतां महाभागां दृष्ट्वा तां धर्मचारिणीम्। सान्त्वयन्त्यब्रवीद् वृद्धा दिष्ट्या धर्ममवेक्षसे॥
Seeing the virtuous Sītā engaged in righteous acts, the old lady consoling her, said "By luck it is that you regard righteousness."

त्यक्त्वा ज्ञातिजनं सीते मानवृद्धिं च मानिनि। अवरुद्धं वने रामं दिष्ट्या त्वमनुगच्छसि॥
O Sita, having left your kindred, and banishing pride, you have o honoured lady, followed Rāma staying in the woods.

नगरस्थो वसन्थो वा शुभो वा यदि वाशुभः। यासां स्त्रीणां प्रियो भर्ता तासां लोका महोदयाः।।२३।
They that love their husbands, whether living in the city or the forest, whether well or ill disposed towards them, attain great state.

दुःशीलः कामवृत्तो वा धनैर्वा परिवर्जितः। स्त्रीणामार्यस्वभावानां परमं दैवतं पतिः॥
Wicked, ur libidinous, or indigent, a husband is a supreme deity to a wife of noble character.

नातो विशिष्टं पश्यामि बान्धवं विमृशन्त्यहम्। सर्वत्र योग्यं वैदेहि तपःकृतमिवाव्ययम्॥
Than the husband a greater friend find I none, O Vaidehī, who is worthy of being served both in this world and the next, and who is like imperishable asceticism.

न त्वेवमनुगच्छन्ति गुणदोषमसत्स्त्रियः। कामवक्तव्यहृदया भर्तृनाथाश्चरन्ति याः॥
But bad women whose hearts hunger after carnality, and who lord over their husbands, do not get acquainted with the virtues and demerits (of their husbands); and range at their will.

प्राप्नुवन्त्ययशश्चैव धर्मभ्रंशं च मैथिलि। अकार्यवशमापन्नाः स्त्रियो याः खलु तद्विधाः॥
O Mithilā's daughter, surely women of this sort who are given to doing evil acts, reap infamy and fall off from righteousness.

त्वद्विधास्तु गुणैर्युक्ता दृष्टलोकपरावराः। स्त्रियः स्वर्गे चरिष्यन्ति यथा पुण्यकृतस्तथा॥
But worthy women like you furnished with excellence, see a superior and better world, and range the celestial regions, like pious people.

तदेवमेतं त्वमनुव्रता सती पतिप्रधाना समयानुवर्तिनी। भव स्वभर्तुः सहधर्मचारिणी यशश्च धर्म च ततः समाप्स्यसि।२९।।
Therefore following this one, and adopting the course of chaste women, do you prove the associate in virtue of your husband, and then shall you attain both fame and religious merit.