Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 116

प्रतियाते तु भरते वसन् रामस्तदा वने। लक्षयामास सोद्वेगमथौत्सुक्यं तपस्विनाम् ॥
On Bharata having returned, while Rāma was dwelling in the woods, he noticed affright among the ascetics, added to a desire to remove to another place.

ये तत्र चित्रकूटस्य पुरस्तात् तापसाश्रमे। राममाश्रित्य निरतास्तानलक्षयदुत्सुकान्॥
And those ascetic that were living happily in the asylum in Citrakuța, relying upon Rāma (for their protection), he found to be wrought up with anxiety.

नयनैर्धकुटीभिश्च रामं निर्दिश्य शङ्किताः। अन्योन्यमुपजल्पन्तः शनैश्चक्रुर्मिथः कथाः॥
And by means of signs by the eye and contractions of the brow, they, afflicted with fear, were, alluding to Răma, slowly speaking to each other.

तेषामौत्सुक्यमालक्ष्य रामस्त्वात्मनि शङ्कितः। कृताञ्जलिरुवाचेदमृषि कुलपतिं ततः॥
Perceiving their anxiety, Rāma apprehensive of himself, with joined hands addressed the patriarchal ascetic, saying.

न कश्चिद् भगवन् किंचित् पूर्ववृत्तमिदं मयि। दृश्यते विकृतं येन विक्रियन्ते तपस्विनः॥
O reverend one, do you find me deviating from the path of former sovereigns, or acting contrary to their practice, which has perplexed (the minds of) these ascetics?

प्रमादाच्चरितं किंचित् कच्चिन्नावरजस्य मे। लक्ष्मणस्यर्षिभिर्दष्टं नानुरूपं महात्मनः॥
Have the sages seen my younger (brother), the high-souled Lakṣmaṇa, do anything from inadvertence that in unworthy of him?

कच्चिच्छुश्रूषमाणा वः शुश्रूषणपरा मयि। प्रमदाभ्युचितां वृत्तिं सीता युक्तां न वर्तते।७।।
Does not Sītā engaged in serving you, having to serve me, now minister to you as a woman should?

अथर्षिर्जरया वृद्धस्तपसा च जरां गतः। वेपमान इवोवाच रामं भूतदयापरम्॥
Thereat a certain aged and decrepit ascetic, with his frame trembling said to Rāma ever kind towards creatures.

कुतः कल्याणसत्त्वायाः कल्याणाभिरते: सदा। चलनं तात वैदेह्यास्तपस्विषु विशेषतः॥
Where is the falling off of that one of excellent character, engaged in offices of beneficence,-more specially with reference to ascetics?

त्वनिमित्तमिदं तावत् तापसान् प्रति वर्तते। रक्षोभ्यस्तेन संविग्नाः कथयन्ति मिथः कथाः॥
This fear arising from Rākşasas afflicts the ascetics because of you; and they, extremely agitated, converse with each other (on the subject).

रावणावरजः कश्चित् खरो नामेह राक्षसः। उत्पाट्य तापसान् सर्वाञ्जनस्थाननिवासिनः॥ धृष्टश्च जितकाशी च नृशंसः पुरुषादकः। अवलिप्तश्च पापश्च त्वां च तात न मृष्यते ॥ त्वं यदाप्रभृति ह्यस्मिन्नाश्रमे तात वर्तसे। तदाप्रभृति रक्षांसि विप्रकुर्वन्ति तापसान्॥
A Rākşasa named Khara, a younger brother of Rāvana, has been harassing the ascetics dwelling in Janasthāna. And Dhrsta also a fearless and wicked Rākṣasa feeding on human beings, and the unrighteous Avalipta, cannot bear you, my child. As long, my child, as you have been residing in this asylum, the Rākşasas have been plaguing the ascetics.

दर्शयन्ति हि बीभत्सैः क्रूरैर्भीषणकैरपि। नानारूपैर्विरूपैश्च रूपैरसुखदर्शनैः॥ अप्रशस्तैरशुचिभिः : सम्प्रयुज्य च तापसान्। प्रतिघ्नन्त्यपरान् क्षिप्रमनार्याः पुरतः स्थितान्॥
And they show themselves sometimes in disgusting shapes, sometimes in horrible and dreadful ones, in various frightful forms capable of frightening folks. And they throw execrable and unclean things among the anchorets, and torment those that happen to come before them.

तेषु तेष्वाश्रमस्थानेष्वबुद्धमवलीय च। रमन्ते तापसांस्तत्र नाशयन्तोऽल्पचेतसः॥
And they take delight in approaching asylums unperceived, and slaughtering ascetics, after having bound them by means of their arms.

अवक्षिपन्ति स्रुग्भाण्डानग्नीन् सिञ्चन्ति वारिणा। कलशांश्च प्रमर्दन्ति हवने समुपस्थिते॥
And on the occasion of sacrifices, they throw away the vessels containing sacrificial articles, pour water on the sacrificial fire and break vessels containing water.

तैर्दुरात्मभिराविष्टानाश्रमान् प्रजिहासवः। गमनायान्यदेशस्य चोदयन्त्यूषयोऽद्य माम्॥
Eager to renounce this asylum infested by those wicked ones, and removing to another place, the sages today have been exhorting me (on the subject).

तत् पुरा राम शारीरीमुपहिंसां तपस्विषु। दर्शयन्ति हि दुष्टास्ते त्यक्ष्याम इममाश्रमम्॥
And, O Rama, ere this, those wicked ones have slain ascetics. Therefore would renounce this asylum.

बहुमूलफलं चित्रमविदूरादितो वनम्। अश्वस्याश्रममेवाहं श्रयिष्ये सगणः पुनः॥
Not far from here is a picturesque wood abounding in fruits and roots. Thither shall I betake myself together with my own folks.

खरस्त्वय्यपि चायुक्तं पुरा राम प्रवर्तते। सहास्माभिरितो गच्छ यदि बुद्धिः प्रवर्तते॥
Khara shall also annoy you. If you think it proper, go hence in company with us. we

सकलत्रस्य संदेहो नित्यं युक्तस्य राघव। समर्थस्यापि सहितो वासो दुःखमिहाद्य ते॥
O Rāghava, although you are vigilant, able, and in all ways capable, it would be unpleasant for you to dwell here now in doubt.

इत्युक्तवन्तं रामस्तं राजपुत्रस्तपस्विनम्। न शशाकोत्तरैर्वाक्यैरवबद्धं समुत्सुकम्॥
When the anxious ascetic had said this, Rāma could not console him by his words.

अभिनन्द्य समापृच्छय समाधाय च राघवम्। स जगामाश्रमं त्यक्त्वा कुलैः कुलपतिः सह ॥
Then having paid homage to Rāma, and spoken to him and encouraged Rāghava, the patriach ascetic renouncing the asylum, went away along with his own people.

रामः संसाध्य ऋषिगणमनुगमनाद् देशात् तस्मात् कुलपतिमभिवाद्य ऋषिम्। सम्यक्प्रीतैस्तैरनुमत उपदिष्टार्थः पुण्यं वासाय स्वनिलयमुपसम्पेदे॥
And Rāma having (for a time) followed the sage who was departing from that place, and having paid him respects, being permitted by them, well-pleased, and advised (as to what it behoved him to do), came to his quarters reposing there.

आश्रममृषिविरहितं प्रभुः क्षणमपि न जहौ स राघवः। स्तापसाश्चार्षचरिते धृतगुणाः॥
(Thenceforth) Rāghava never for a moment left that asylum forsaken by the sages., Rāghava having such qualities in his character as were likely to stand the sages in stead, the ascetics (that remained behind) ever followed Rāghava.