Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 115

ततो निक्षिप्य मातृस्ता अयोध्यायां दृढव्रतः। भरतः शोकसंतप्तो गुरूनिदमथाब्रवीत्॥
Having placed his mothers in Ayodhyā, Bharata steady in his vow, kindling in grief, said preceptors.

नन्दिग्रामं गमिष्यामि सर्वानामन्त्रयेऽत्र वः। तत्र दुःखमिदं सर्वं सहिष्ये राघवं विना॥
I shall go to Nandigrāma, and therefore greet you all. There I shall suffer all this grief on account of Rāma's absence.

गतश्चाहो दिवं राजा वनस्थः स गुरुर्मम। रामं प्रतीक्षे राज्याय स हि राजा महायशाः॥
The king has gone to heaven, and my superior is staying in the woods. I shall remain in expectation of Rāma, assuming the reins of government. Verily that illustrious one is the king.

एतच्छ्रुत्वा शुभं वाक्यं भरतस्य महात्मनः। अब्रुवन् मन्त्रिणः सर्वे वसिष्ठश्च पुरोहितः॥
Hearing this excellent speech of the highsouled Bharata the counsellors as well as the priest Vasiştha said.

सुभृशं श्लाघनीयं च यदुक्तं भरत त्वया। वचनं भ्रातृवात्सल्यादनुरूपं तवैव तत्॥
What, О Bharata, influenced by affection for your brother you say, is worthy of you and is highly commendable.

नित्यं ते बन्धुलुब्धस्य तिष्ठतो भ्रातृसौहृदे। मार्गमार्यं प्रपन्नस्य नानुमन्येत कः पुमान्॥
Who will not endorse what has fallen from you, ever engaged in serving your friends, established in fraternal love, and who have entered upon a noble course?

मन्त्रिणां वचनं श्रुत्वा यथाभिलषितं प्रियम्। अब्रवीत् सारथिं वाक्यं रथो मे युज्यतामिति॥
Having heard the words of the counsellors acceptable and welcome, Bharata said to the charioteer, Do you yoke my car.

प्रहृष्टवदनः सर्वा मातृः समभिभाष्य च। आरुरोह रथं श्रीमाशत्रुघ्नेन समन्तितः॥
Then with a cheerful countenance having spoken to his mothers, that graceful one ascended the car in company with Satrughna.

आरुह्य तु रथं क्षिप्रं शत्रुघ्नभरताबुभौ। ययतुः परमप्रीतौ वृतौ मन्त्रिपुरोहितैः॥
Having swiftly ascended the car, both Satrughna and Bharata, right glad at heart, set out surrounded by counsellors and priests.

अग्रतो गुरवः सर्वे वसिष्ठप्रमुखा द्विजाः। प्रययुः प्राङ्मुखाः सर्वे नन्दिग्रामो यतो भवेत्॥
And going ahead, all the preceptors headed by Vasiştha proceeded eastwards, in which direction lay Nandigrāma.

बलं च तदनाहूतं गजाश्वरथसंकुलम्। प्रययौ भरते याते सर्वे च पुरवासिनः॥
And the forces, filled with elephants and horses and cars, although not called, set out on Bharata proceeding, as well as all the citizens.

रथस्थः स तु धर्मात्मा भरतो भ्रातृवत्सलः। नन्दिग्रामं ययौ तूर्णं शिरस्यादाय पादुके॥
And ascending the car, the virtuous Bharata attached to his brother, speedily went to Nandigrāma, holding the sandals (of Rāma) on his head.

भरतस्तु ततः क्षिप्रं नन्दिग्रामं प्रविश्य सः। अवतीर्य रथात् तूर्णं गुरुनिदमभाषत ॥
Then entering Nandigrāma in a short time, Bharata swiftly alighted from the car and addressed his preceptors, saying.

एतद् राज्यं मम भ्रात्रा दत्तं संन्यासमुत्तमम्। योगक्षेमवहे चेमे पादुके हेमभूषिते॥
This monarchy has been consigned to me as a trust; and these gold-decked sandals shall carry on the work of government, protecting what the people have and securing to them what they have not.

भरतः शिरसा कृत्वा संन्यासं पादुके ततः। अब्रवीद् दुःखसंतप्तः सर्वं प्रकृतिमण्डलम्॥
Then bowing to the sandals which represented the trust. Bharata burning in grief addressed the entire body of the subjects, saying.

छत्रं धारयत क्षिप्रमार्यपादाविमौ मतौ। आभ्यां राज्ये स्थितो धर्मः पादुकाभ्यां गुरोर्मम॥
Do you speedily bold the umbrella (over these sandals). These represent the dear feet. of the exalted one. Through these sandals of my superior, will be established the regal morality (of the kingdom).

भ्रात्रा तु मयि संन्यासो निक्षिप्तः सौहृदादयम्। तमिमं पालयिष्यामि राघवागमनं प्रति॥
This kingdom from love has been conferred on me as a trust; therefore I shall govern it until Rāghava comes.

क्षिप्रं संयोजयित्वा तु राघवस्य पुनः स्वयम्। चरणौ तौ तु रामस्य द्रक्ष्यामि सहपादुकौ॥
Again speedily putting these sandals on Raghava's feet, I shall behold them with the sandals on.

ततो निक्षिप्तभारोऽहं राघवेण समागतः। निवेद्य गुरवे राज्यं भजिष्ये गुरुवर्तिताम्॥
On Rāghava coming (back), I shall, my burden being cast upon him, making over the kingdom to him, engage myself in serving my superior.

राघवाय च संन्यासं दत्त्वेमे वरपादुके। राज्यं चेदमयोध्यां च धूतपापो भवाम्यहम्॥
And having rendered to Rāghava the trust in the shape of these sandals, this kingdom, and Ayodhyā, I shall be washed form my sin.

स वल्कलजटाधारी मुनिवेषधरः प्रभुः। नन्दिग्रामेऽवसद्धीरः ससैन्यो भरतस्तदा॥ सवालव्यजनं छत्रं धारयामास स स्वयम्। भरतः शासनं सर्वं पादुकाभ्यां निवेदयन्॥ ततस्तु भरतः श्रीमानभिषिच्यार्यपादुके। तदधीनस्तदा राज्यं कारयामास सर्वदा॥
Henceforth wearing bark and matted locks, and in the guise of an ascetic, the heroic Bharata dwelt in Nandigrāma along with his forces. Having consigned all rule to the sandals, Bharata himself held the umbrella and the chowri furnished with hair..

दुपायनं चोपहृतं महार्हम्। स पादुकाभ्यां प्रथमं निवेद्य चकार पश्चाद्भरतो यथावत्॥
And the graceful Bharata, Having installed the sandals of the noble one, always carried on the government in subordinations to them. Having consigned all rule to the sandals, Bharata himself held the umbrella and the chowri furnished with hair..

दुपायनं चोपहृतं महार्हम्। स पादुकाभ्यां प्रथमं निवेद्य चकार पश्चाद्भरतो यथावत्॥
And the graceful Bharata, Having installed the sandals of the noble one, always carried on the government in subordinations to them.