Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 114

स्निग्धगम्भीरघोषेण स्यन्दनेनोपयान् प्रभुः। अयोध्यां भरतः क्षिप्रं प्रविवेश महायशाः॥
Arriving by means of a car emitting a low and solemn sound, that lord, the highly famous Bharata speedily entered Ayodhyā.

विडालोलूकचरितामालीननरवारणाम्। तिमिराभ्याहतां कालीमप्रकाशां निशामिव ॥ राहुशत्रोः प्रियां पत्नीं श्रिया प्रज्वलितप्रभाम्। ग्रहेणाभ्युदितेनैकां रोहिणीमिव पीडिताम्॥
Ranged by cats and owls, with the doors of the people's dwellings remaining closed; like a night enveloped in darkness gloomy; and invisible; resembling the beloved wife of Rāhu's enemy, Rohini, brilliant with the lustre of the latter, when she is forlorn in consequence of her lover being afflicted by that planet.

अल्पोष्णक्षुब्धसलिलां धर्मतप्तविहंगमाम्। लीनमीनझषग्राहां कृशां गिरिनदीमिव॥
Like to a mountain stream shrunk up, having its waters turbid and slightly heated, and its fowls burning in the heat; and with its fishes, alligators and other aquatic animals rendered lean.

विधूमामिव हेमाभां शिखामग्नेः समुत्थिताम्। हविरभ्युक्षितां पश्चाच्छिखां विप्रलयं गताम्॥
Resembling a flame of fire devoid of smoke and streaming up in golden splendour, next sprinkled with clarified butter, and lastly appearing with its crest extinguished.

विध्वस्तकवचां रुग्णगजवाजिरथध्वजाम्। हतप्रवीरामापन्नां चमूमिव महाहवे॥
With armour scattered all round, and sick elephants and horses and cars and standards, and heroes lying dead, in distress.

सफेनां सस्वनां भूत्वा सागरस्य समुत्थिताम्। प्रशान्तमारुतोद्भूतां जलोमिमिव निःस्वनाम्।७।।
Like to an army in a mighty encounter; resembling the silent ripples of the ocean raised by the gentle breeze which ere now (in the shapes of surges) were heaving, brimming over with foam and sending forth roars.

त्यक्तां यज्ञायुधैः सर्वैरभिरूपैश्च याजकैः। सुत्याकाले सुनिर्वृत्ते वेदिं गतरवामिव॥
Like a silent dais after the sacrifice is over, without the sacrificial appurtenances, without worthy priests.

गोष्ठमध्ये स्थितामार्तामवरन्तीं नवं तृणम्। गोवृषेण परित्यक्तां गवां पत्नीमिवोत्सुकाम्॥
Like to the wife of a youthful ox, exercised with anxiety on having been forsaken by her favourite ox, staying in distress in a pen, abstaining from fresh grass.

प्रभाकराद्यैः सुस्निग्धैः प्रज्वलद्भिरिवोत्तमैः। वियुक्तां मणिभिर्जात्यैर्नवां मुक्ताबलीमिव॥
Like to a string of new pearls divorced from noble, mild-gleaming rubies and other excellent gems.

सहसाचरितां स्थानान्महीं पुण्यक्षयाद् गताम्। संहृतद्युतिविस्तारां तारामिव दिवश्च्युताम्॥
Like a star on the expiration of its virtue, moving from its place and dislodged from heaven, dropping to the earth with its brightness contracted.

पुष्पनद्धां वसन्तान्ते मत्तभ्रमरशालिनीम्। द्रुतदावाग्निविप्लुष्टां क्लान्तां वनलतामिव ॥
Like a blossoming creeper at the end of spring with maddened Bhramaras* suddenly rendered nerveless in consequence of being caught by a forest fire. *Black bees.

सम्मूढनिगमां सर्वां संक्षिप्तविपणापणाम्। प्रच्छन्नशशिनक्षत्रां द्यामिवाम्बुधरैर्युताम्॥
With her merchants plunged in grief, and her shops and stalls closed; like the welkin covered with clouds, and having its moon and stars hid.

क्षीणपानोत्तमैर्भग्नैः शरावैरभिसंवृताम्। हतशौण्डामिव ध्वस्तां पानभूमिमसंस्कृताम्॥
Like an unclean, uncovered spot used for drinking, with all the wine drained, and scattered with broken bowls, and with the tipplers lying dead.

वृक्णभूमितलां निम्नां वृकणपात्रैः समावृताम्। उपयुक्तोदकां भग्नां प्रपां निपतितामिव ॥ विपुलां विततां चैव युक्तपाशां तरस्विनाम्। भूमौ बाणैर्विनिष्कृत्तां पतितां ज्यामिवायुधात्॥
Like to a reservoir with its terrace riven, filled with broken pots, and lying with its pillars crushed; like a long strong bow-string fixed on a bow furnished with nooses, falling off the bow to the ground, being snapped in consequence of the pressure of the arrow.

सहसा युद्धशोण्डेन हयारोहेण वाहिताम्। निहतां प्रतिसैन्येन वडवामिव पातिताम्॥
Like a mare, suddenly urged on by a rider skilled in battle, lying (on the ground), having been slain by the hostile forces.

भरतस्तु रथस्थः सञ्श्रीमान् दशरथात्मजः। वाहयन्तं रथश्रेष्ठं सारथिं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
That son of Dasaratha, the beauteous Bharata, while proceeding on his car, addressed the charioteer as he drove that best of cars, saying.

किं नु खल्वद्य गम्भीरो मूर्च्छितो न निशाम्यते। यथापुरमयोध्यायां गीतवादित्रनिःस्वनः॥
Why do I not hear as formerly the solemn sounds of song and instrumental music spreading on all sides in Ayodhyā?

वारुणीमदगन्धश्च माल्यगन्धश्च मूर्च्छितः। चन्दनागुरुगन्धश्च न प्रवाति समन्ततः॥
And there does not breathe around the aroma of liquor, or the perfume of garlands, or the incense of aguru and sandal.

यानप्रवरघोषश्च सुस्रिग्धहयनिःस्वनः। प्रमत्तगजनादश्च महांश्च रथनिःस्वनः॥
And on Rāma being banished, in this city is not heard the mild neighing of steeds, the rattle of vehicles, the roar of mad elephants, or the mighty clatter of arms.

नेदानीं श्रूयते पुर्यामस्यां रामे विवासिते। चन्दनागुरुगन्धांश्च महाश्चि वनस्रजः॥ गते रामे हि तरुणाः संतप्ता नोपभुञ्जते। बहिर्यात्रां न गच्छन्ति चित्रमाल्यधरा नराः॥
And on Rāma having repaired to the forest, youthful folk stricken with sorrow do not enjoy the incense of aguru and sandal, or costly fresh chaplets. And persons bearing variegated garlands do not walk abroad; and no festivities are celebrated in the city stricken with grief on account of Rāma.

नोत्सवाः सम्प्रवर्तन्ते रामशोकार्दिते पुरे। सा हि नूनं मम भ्रात्रा पुरस्यास्य द्युतिर्गता॥ नहि राजत्ययोध्येयं सासारेवार्जुनी क्षपा। कदा नु खलु मे भ्राता महोत्सव इवागतः॥ जनयिष्यत्ययोध्यायां हर्षं ग्रीष्म इवाम्बुदः।
Surely, the grace of the city has gone away with my brother. Surely, that Ayodhyā does not look beautiful like an autumnal night with showers pouring down. When shall my brother, coming hither like a carnival, gladden all hearts in Ayodhyā like rain in summer?

तरुणैश्चारुवेषैश्च नरैरुन्नतगामिभिः॥ सम्पतद्भिरयोध्यायां नाभिभान्ति महापथा।
And the highways shall be graced with young people elegantly attired and bearing themselves bravely in Ayodhyā.

इति ब्रुवन् सारथिना दुःखितो भरतस्तदा॥ अयोध्यां सम्प्रविश्यैव विवेश वसतिं पितुः। तेन हीनां नरेन्द्रेण सिंहहीनां गुहामिव ॥
Having said this in grief, Bharata in company with the charioteer entered Ayodhyā and immediately went to the residence of his father, bereft of that foremost of men, like a cavern bereft of its lion.

तदा तदन्तः पुरमुज्झितप्रभं सुरैरिवोत्कृष्टमभास्करं दिनम्। निरीक्ष्य सर्वत्र विभक्तमात्मवान् मुमोच बाष्पं भरतः सुदुःखितः॥
Seeing the inner apartment shorn of its splendour, like a day deprived of the sun, mouisted by the deities, and everywhere unclean, the self-possessed Bharata, moved by grief, began to drop tears. to his