Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 113

ततः शिरसि कृत्वा तु पादुके भरतस्तदा। आरुरोह रथं हृष्टः शत्रुघ्नसहितस्तदा॥
Then taking the pair of sandals on his head, Bharata in company with Śatrughna well pleased, ascended the car.

वसिष्ठो वामदेवश्च जाबालिश्च दृढव्रतः। अग्रतः प्रययुः सर्वे मन्त्रिणो मन्त्रपूजिताः॥
And Vasiştha, and Vāmadeva and Jāvāli steady his vow as well as the minister, honoured on account of their counsels, went before.

मन्दाकिनी नदी रम्यां प्राङ्मुखास्ते ययुस्तदा। प्रदक्षिणं च कुर्वाणाश्चित्रकूटं महागिरिम्॥
And going round the charming Mandākinī, they went eastwards, circumambulating (at the same time) the mighty hill, Citrakuta.

पश्यन् धातुसहस्राणि रम्याणि विविधानि च। प्रययौ तस्य पाइँन ससैन्यो भरतस्तदा॥
And beholding various kinds of beautiful minerals by thousand. Bharata accompanied by his army went by the side (of the hill).

अदूराच्चित्रकूटस्य ददर्श भरतस्तदा। आश्रमं यत्र स मुनिर्भरद्वाजः कृतालयः॥
At a short distance from Citrakuța, Bharata beheld the spot where the ascetic Bharadvāja had built his habitation.

स तमाश्रममागम्य भरद्वाजस्य वीर्यवान्। अवतीर्य रथात् पादौ ववन्दे कुलनन्दनः॥
Approaching the asylum, the puissant Bharata descended from the car, and the son of Raghu then paid homage to the saint's feet.

ततो हृष्टो भरद्वाजो भरतं वाक्यमब्रवीत्। अपि कृत्यं कृतं तात रामेण च समागतम्॥
Thereat Bharadvāja well pleased said, Have you, my child, on meeting with Rama, done what it behoved you to do?

एवमुक्तः स तु ततो भरद्वाजेन धीमता। प्रत्युवाच भरद्वाजं भरतो धर्मवत्सलः॥
Thus addressed by the intelligent Bharadvāja, Bharata attached to righteousness answered the former, saying.

स याच्यमानो गुरुणा मया च दृढविक्रमः। राघवः परमप्रीतो वसिष्ठं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Solicited by our preceptor as well as by myself, Rāghava of steady prowess highly pleased spoke to Vasiștha.

पितुः प्रतिज्ञां तामेव पालयिष्यामि तत्त्वतः। चतुर्दश हि वर्षाणि या प्रतिज्ञा पितुर्मम ॥
I would faithfully perform my father's promise for fourteen years; for even this is the promise of my father.

एवमुक्तो महाप्राज्ञो वसिष्ठः प्रत्युवाच ह। वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकुशलं राघवं वचनं महत्॥
Thus accosted, the eminently wise Vasiștha skilled in speech replied to Rāghava in these pregnant words.

एते प्रयच्छ संहृष्टः पादुके हेमभूषिते। अयोध्यायां महाप्राज्ञ योगक्षेमकरो भव॥
Do you well pleased confer (on Bharata) your sandals decked in gold. Thereby, exceedingly wise one, you will be able to protect what the people have and secure to them what they have not.

एवमुक्तो वसिष्ठेन राघवः प्राङ्मुखः स्थितः। पादुके हेमविकृते मम राज्याय ते ददौ ॥
Thus addressed by Vasiştha, Rāghava facing the east, conferred on me his sandals decked in gold, in order that I mighty carry on the government of the kingdom.

निवृत्तोऽहमनुज्ञातो रामेण सुमहात्मना। अयोध्यामेव गच्छामि गृहीत्वा पादुके शुभे॥
Commanded by the magnanimous Rāma, I retrace my steps. I will go to Ayodhyā, taking the sandals along with me.

एतच्छ्रुत्वा शुभं वाक्यं भरतस्य महात्मनः। भरद्वाजः शुभतरं मुनिर्वाक्यमुदाहरत्॥
Hearing these auspicious words of the highsouled Bharata, the ascetic Bharadvāja said to Bharata.

नैतच्चित्रं नरव्याघ्र शीलवृत्तविदां वरे। यदार्यं त्वयि तिष्ठेत्तु निम्नोत्सृष्टमिवोदकम्॥
It is no wonder that Rāma has acted nobly by you, foremost among men and possessed of an (excellent) character and disposition, even as water poured out, flow downwards.

अनृणः स महाबाहुः पिता दशरथस्तव। यस्य त्वमीदृशः पुत्रो धर्मात्मा धर्मवत्सलः॥
Your father Dasaratha has become freed from his debts, since he has a son like to you, righteous and attached to virtue.

तमृषिं तु महाप्राज्ञमुक्तवाक्यं कृताञ्जलिः। आमन्त्रयितुमारेभे चरणावुपगृह्य च ॥
When the ascetic had said this, Bharata with joined palms paid his respects to that highly wise one, by taking hold of his feet.

ततः प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा भरद्वाजं पुनः पुनः। भरतस्तु ययौ श्रीमानयोध्यां सह मन्त्रिभिः॥
And after having again and again gone round Bharadvāja, the graceful Bharata went to Ayodhyā accompanied by his counsellors.

यानैश्च शकटैश्चैव हयैर्नागैश्च सा चमूः। पुनर्निवृत्ता विस्तीर्णा भरतस्यानुयायिनी॥
And returning by means of cars and carts, horses and elephants, that army marching in the wake of Bharata, spread wide.

ततस्ते यमुनां दिव्यां नदीं तीोर्मिमालिनीम्। ददृशुस्तां पुनः सर्वे गङ्गां शिवजलां नदीम्॥
And after having crossed the beautiful river Yamunā flowing in waves, they again beheld the river Gangā of auspicious waters.

तां रम्यजलसम्पूर्णां संतीर्य सहबान्धवः। शृङ्गवेरपुरं रम्यं प्रविवेश ससैनिकः॥
And having along with his friend crossed over that river filled with beautiful waters, Bharata together with his army entered the charming city of Srigavera.

शृङ्गवेरपुराद् भूय अयोध्यां संददर्श ह। अयोध्यां तु तदा दृष्ट्वा पित्रा भ्रात्रा विवर्जिताम्॥ भरतो दुःखसंतप्तः सारथिं चेदमब्रवीत्।
And from the city of Śộngava he went to Ayodhyā and again beheld it. And seeing Ayodhyā bereft of his father and mother, Bharata burning in grief, said to the charioteer.

सारथे पश्य विध्वस्ता अयोध्या न प्रकाशते॥ निराकारा निरानन्दा दीना पतिहतस्वना ॥
O charioteer, behold that Ayodhyā, which shorn of its splendour and decorations, and plunged in grief, forlorn and silent, does not appear delightful.