Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 112

तमप्रतिमतेजोभ्यां भ्रातृभ्यां रोमहर्षणम्। विस्मिताः संगमं प्रेक्ष्य समुपेता महर्षयः॥
Observing the meeting of the two brothers of unparalleled energy, capable of making one's hair stand on end, the Maharsis struck with surprise came to the scene.

अन्तर्हिता मुनिगणाः स्थिताश्च परमर्षयः। तौ भ्रातरौ महाभागौ काकुत्स्थौ प्रशशंसिरे॥
And remaining invisible, the ascetics, Siddhas and prime saints admired those brothers, the virtuous Käkutsthas.

सदा? राजपुत्रौ द्वौ धर्मज्ञौ धर्मविक्रमौ। श्रुत्वा वयं हि सम्भाषामुभयोः स्पृहयामहे ॥
Blessed is he whose sons these, two cognizant of virtue and having truth for prowess are. Having heard their converse, we are delighted.

ततस्त्वृषिगणाः क्षिप्रं दशग्रीववधैषिणः। भरतं राजशार्दूलमित्यूचुः संगता वचः॥
Then the saints, desirous of the destruction of the ten-headed one, having become unanimous, speedily addressed that foremost of monarchs, Bharata, saying.

कुले जात महाप्राज्ञः महावृत्त महायशः। ग्राह्यं रामस्य वाक्यं ते पितरं यद्यवेक्षसे॥
Born in an illustrious line, endued with high wisdom, of high character and high fame, you should accept Rāma's words, in you have a care for the happiness of your sire.

सदानृणमिमं रामं वयमिच्छामहे पितुः। अनृणत्वाच्च कैकेय्याः स्वर्गं दशरथो गतः॥
We wish that Rāma may always act truthfully in respect of his father. By virtue of this truth connected with Kaikeyi, Dasaratha has gone to heaven.

एतावदुक्त्वा वचनं गन्धर्वाः समहर्षयः। राजर्षयश्चैव तथा सर्वे स्वां स्वां गतिं गताः॥
Having said this, the Gandharvas, Maharsis, and Rājarșis each went to his proper quarter.

ह्लादितस्तेन वाक्येन शुशुभे शुभदर्शनः। रामः संहृष्टवदनस्तानृषीनभ्यपूजयत्॥
Having paid homage to those saints, Rāma possessed of a gracious presence, hearing their words, was filled with joy, and looked lovely with his delightful countenance.

त्रस्तगावस्तु भरतः स वाचा सज्जमानया। कृताञ्जलिरिदं वाक्यं राघवं पुनरब्रवीत्॥
But with his frame agitated (with emotion), Bharata with joined hands again addressed Rāghava in words faltering (with feeling).

राम धर्ममिमं प्रेक्ष्य कुलधर्मानुसंततम्। कर्तुमर्हसि काकुत्स्थ मम मातुश्च याचनाम्॥
O Rāma, taking into account the morality of this race, it behoves you to act in accordance with the solicitations of my mother (and yours).

रक्षितं सुमहद् राज्यमहमेकस्तु नोत्सहे। पौरजानपदांश्चापि रक्तान् रञ्जयितुं तदा॥
I do not venture to govern this vast kingdom alone, or please the citizens and the inhabitants of the provinces attached to you.

ज्ञातयश्चापि योधाश्च मित्राणि सुहृदश्च नः। त्वामेव हि प्रतीक्षन्ते पर्जन्यमिव कर्षकाः॥
And as husbandmen remain expecting rain, our kindred, and warriors and friends and adherents wait in expectation of you.

इदं राज्यं महाप्राज्ञ स्थापय प्रतिपद्य हि। शक्तिमान् स हि काकुत्स्थ लोकस्य परिपालने॥
O exceedingly wise one, accepting the kingdom, do you place it in the hands of some person. O Kākutstha, whomsoever you will chose for performing this office, will surely prove strong enough to govern the people.

एवमुक्त्वापतद् भ्रातुः पादयोर्भरतस्तदा। भृशं सम्प्रार्थयामास राघवेऽतिप्रियं वदन्॥
Having said this, Bharata fell at his brother's feet; and sweetly addressing him, O Rāghava, solicited him once again.

तमः भ्रातरं कृत्वा रामो वचनमब्रवीत्। श्यामं नलिनपत्राक्षं मत्तहंसस्वरः स्वयम्॥
Taking on his lap that sable-hued on furnished with eyes resembling lotus-leaves, Rāma with a voice like that of a mad swan, spoke to (Bharata).

आगता त्वामियं बुद्धिः स्वजा वैनयिकी च या। भृशमुत्सहसे तात रक्षितं पृथिवीमपि॥
You have at length attained the mental attitude that is natural and that also comes of the training one receives at the hands of his preceptor. And brother you venture greatly to protect the earth.

आमात्यैश्च सुहृद्भिश्च बुद्धिमद्भिश्च मन्त्रिभिः। सर्वकार्याणि सम्मन्त्र्य महान्त्यपि हि कारय ॥
Taking counsel with courtiers, adherents and intelligent ministers, do you achieve grand tasks.

लक्ष्मीश्चन्द्रादपेयाद् वा हिमवान् वा हिमं त्यजेत्। अतीयात् सागरो वेलां न प्रतिज्ञामहं पितुः॥
Even if beauty forsake the moon, or Himavat his snow, or the ocean overleaps its shores, I shall not forsake the promise of my sire.

कामाद् वा तात लोभाद् वा मात्रा तुभ्यमिदं कृतम्। न तन्मनसि कर्तव्यं वर्तितव्यं च मातृवत्॥
My brother, you ought not to cherish in your mind what your mother incited by covetousness or affection for you has done; and you should act by her as one should by one's mother.

एवं ब्रुवाणं भरतः कौसल्यासुतमब्रवीत्। तेजसाऽऽदित्यसंकाशं प्रतिपच्चन्द्रदर्शनम्॥
When Rāma resembling the sun in energy and like the moon of Pratipat in appearance, had said this, Bharata said to the son of Kausalya.

अधिरोहार्यपादाभ्यां पादुके हेमभूषिते। एते हि सर्वलोकस्य योगक्षेमं विधास्यतः॥
O noble one, do you take off your feet your sandals adorned with gold. These shall protect what the people have got and secure to you what they lack.

सोऽधिरुह्य नरव्याघ्रः पादुके व्यवमुच्य च। प्रायच्छत् सुमहातेजा भरताय महात्मने॥
Thereupon taking off his sandals, that highly energetic one gave them to the magnanimous Bharata.

स पादुके सम्प्रणम्य रामं वचनमब्रवीत्। चतुर्दश हि वर्षाणि जटाचीरधरो ह्यहम्॥ फलमूलाशनो वीर भवेयं रघुनन्दन। तवागमनमाकाङ्क्षन् वसन् वै नगराद् बहिः॥ तव पादुकयोय॑स्य राज्यतन्त्रं परंतप।
Bharata, bowing down to the sandals, said, O hero, for, four and ten years shall I, wearing matted locks and bark, and subsisting upon fruits and roots, O scion of the Raghu race, expecting your arrival, remain outside the city, having, O subduer of foes, made over the task of government to your sandals.

चतुर्दशे हि सम्पूर्णे वर्षेऽहनि रघूत्तम॥ न द्रक्ष्यामि यदि त्वां तु प्रवेक्ष्यामि हुताशनम्।
O foremost of Raghus, if after the completion of the fourteen year, I do not see you, I shall enter into fire.

तथेति च प्रतिज्ञाय तं परिष्वज्य सादरम्॥ शत्रुघ्नं च परिष्वज्य वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्। मातरं रक्ष कैकेयीं मा रोषं कुरु तां प्रति ॥ मया च सीतया चैव शप्तोऽसि रघुनन्दन। इत्युक्त्वाश्रुपरीताक्षो भ्रातरं विससर्ज ह॥
Promising, “So be it,” and affectionately embracing Bharata, and also embracing Śatrughna, Rāma said, Do you protect your mother Kaikeyi. Do not be angry with her. Both Jānaki and I conjure you to do this, O descendant of Raghu. Having said this, he forsook his brother, with tears in his eyes.

स पादुके ते भरतः स्वलंकृते महोज्ज्वले सम्परिगृह्य धर्मवित्। प्रदक्षिणं चैव चकार राघवं चकार चैवोत्तमनागमूर्धनि॥
Then accepting those burnished and garnished sandals, Bharata versed in morality circumabulated Rāghava, and placed the sandals on the head of an excellent elephant.

अथानुपूर्व्या प्रतिपूज्य तं जनं गुरुंश्च मन्त्रीन् प्रकृतीस्तथानुजौ। । व्यसर्जयद् राघववंशवर्धनः स्थितः स्वधर्मे हिमवानिवाचलः॥
Then having one by one honoured that assembly, and his preceptor and the counsellors, and the subjects and his younger brothers, perpetuator of the Raghu race, steady in his own duty like. Himavat itself, took leave of them.

तं मातरो बाष्पगृहीतकण्ठ्यो दुःखेन नामन्त्रयितुं हि शेकुः। स चैव मातृरभिवाद्य सर्वा रुदन् कुटी स्वां प्रविवेश रामः॥
His mothers with their throats invaded by the vapour of grief could not from distress of heart say ought to him. And Rāma also having paid homage to all of them, weeping entered his own cottage.