Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 111

वसिष्ठः स तदा राममुक्त्वा राजपुरोहितः। अब्रवीद् धर्मसंयुक्तं पुनरेवापरं वचः॥
Having thus addressed Rāma, the royal priest Vasiștha again spoke to him words fraught with righteousness, saying.

पुरुषस्येह जातस्य भवन्ति गुरवः सदा। आचार्यश्चैव काकुत्स्थ पिता माता च राघव॥
To a man born there are three superiors, viz, the preceptor, O Kakutstha, and father and mother, O Raghava.

पिता ह्येनं जनयति पुरुषं पुरुषर्षभ। प्रज्ञां तदाति चाचार्यस्तस्मात् स गुरुरुच्यते॥
Oforemost of men, the father begets a person, the preceptor imparts wisdom and therefore is he called a superior.

स तेऽहं पितुराचार्यस्तव चैव परंतप। मम त्वं वचनं कुर्वन् नातिवर्तेः सतां गतिम्॥
I, O subduer of foes, have been the preceptor of both yourself and your father. By doing what I say, you will not lose the state of the righteous.

इमा हि ते परिषदो ज्ञातयश्च नृपास्तथा। एषु तात चरन् धर्मं नातिवर्तेः सतां गतिम् ॥ वृद्धाया धर्मशीलाया मातुर्हिस्यवर्तितुम्। अस्या हि वचनं कुर्वन् नातिवर्तेः सतां गतिम्॥
These courtiers of yours, these relatives, and these kings;, by protecting them virtuously you will not lose the state of the righteous. It does not behove you to disregard the words of your aged and virtuous mother. By doing her bidding you will not lose the state of the righteous.

भरतस्य वचः कुर्वन् याचमानस्य राघव। आत्मानं नातिवर्तेस्त्वं सत्यधर्मपराक्रम॥
O Rāghava, by acting as Bharata, who is soliciting you, says, you having the morality of truth for your prowess, will not be frustrated of the state of the pious.

एवं मधुरमुक्तः स गुरुणा राघवः स्वयम्। प्रत्युवाच समासीनं वसिष्ठं पुरुषर्षभः॥
Thus sweetly addressed by his preceptor personally, that foremost of men, Rāghava, replied to Vasistha, seated with him, saying.

यन्मातापितरौ वृत्तं तनये कुरुतः सदा। न सुप्रतिकरं तत् तु मात्रा पित्रा च यत्कृतम्॥ यथाशक्तिप्रदानेन स्वापनोच्छादनेन च। नित्यं च प्रियवादेन तथा संवर्धनेन च॥
What his father and mother always do in behalf of their son, and what they effect by way of provision and sleep and clothing and constant sweet speech, and sport, is difficult of being repaid.

स हि राजा दशरथः पिता जनयिता मम। आज्ञापयन्मां यत् तस्य न तन्मिथ्या भविष्यति॥
Therefore, what my father, king Dasaratha has commanded me to do, must not be falsified.

एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण भरतः प्रत्यनन्तरम्। उवाच विपुलोरस्कः सूतं परमदुमनाः॥
Rāma having said this, the broad-breasted Bharata, extremely depressed spoke to the charioteer who was by, saying.

इह तु स्थण्डिले शीघ्रं कुशानास्तर सारथे। आर्य प्रत्युपवेक्ष्यामि यावन्मे सम्प्रसीदति॥ निराहारो निरालोको धनहीनो यथा द्विजः। शये पुरस्ताच्छालायां यावन्मां प्रतियास्यति ॥
O charioteer, do you speedily spread Kuša on the ground here. I will remain near the noble one until he be kindly disposed (towards me). Even as a twice born one deprived of his wealth Leith down (at the door of an unrighteous person), eschewing food and in darkness, will I lie down in front of this cottage, until he betakes himself back (to Ayodhyā)

स तु राममवेक्षन्तं सुमन्त्रं प्रेक्ष्य दुर्मनाः। कुशोत्तरमुपस्थाप्य भूमावेवास्थितः स्वयम्॥
Then with a dispirited heart finding Sumantra looking up to Rāma, Bharata himself spread Kuśa and lay down upon it.

तमुवाच महातेजा रामो राजर्षिसत्तमः। किं मां भरत कुर्वाणं तात प्रत्युपवेक्ष्यसे॥
To him spoke that foremost of Rājarşis, the highly energetic Rāma, O Bharata, my dear brother, what have I done that you have down by me?

ब्राह्मणो ह्येकपाāन नरान् रोद्भुमिहार्हति। न तु मूर्धाभिषिक्तानां विधिः प्रत्युपवेशने॥
It is a Brāhmaṇa who alone can obstruct a person by lying down beside him; but there is no rule by which a member of the military class* can lie down (in this wise). *Murdhabhisikta, Murdha, the head; Abhisikta, sprinkled; kings being consecrated by having poured on their heads, while seated on a throne, prepared for the purpose, water from some sacred stream, mixed with honey, clarified butter, and spirituous liquor, as well as two sorts of grass and sprouts of corn; the term applies to the Kșetriya as identified with the king, the duties of royalty belonging specially to the military caste.

उत्तिष्ठ नरशार्दूल हित्वैतद् दारुणं व्रतम्। पुरवयमितः क्षिप्रमयोध्यां याहि राघव॥
O best of men, arise, renouncing this difficult vow; and, O descendant of Raghu, do you from hence take yourself to that best of cities, Ayodhyā,

आसीनस्त्वेव भरतः पौरजानपदं जनम्। उवाच सर्वतः प्रेक्ष्य किमार्य नानुशासथ॥
Being seated, Bharata, eyeing the citizens and the inhabitants of the provinces, remarked, What for do you not solicit the noble one?

ते तदोचुर्महात्मानं पौरजानपदा जनाः। काकुत्स्थमभिजानीमः सम्यग् वदति राघवः॥ एषोऽपि हि महाभागः पितुर्वचसि तिष्ठति। एत एव न शक्ताः स्म व्यावर्तयितुमञ्जसा ॥
Thereupon the citizens and the dwellers of the provinces answered that high-souled one, saying, We perceive that the descendant of Raghu says to Kākutstha what is fit; and this exceedingly virtuous one stay by the words of his sire. Therefore we are incapable of suddenly saying anything.

तेषामाज्ञाय वचनं रामो वचनमब्रवीत्। एवं निबोध वचनं सुहृदां धर्मचक्षुषाम्॥
Hearing their speech, Rāma said, “Listen to the words of these friends having morality for their vision."

एतच्चैवोभयं श्रुत्वा सम्यक् सम्पश्य राघव। उत्तिष्ठ त्वं महाबाहो मां च स्पृश तथोदकम्॥
And, O scion of the Raghu race, hearing their utterances as regards both yourself and me, do you decide. Arise, you mighty-armed one. Touch me and then water.

अथोत्थाय जलं स्पृष्ट्वा भरतो वाक्यमब्रवीत्। शृण्वन्तु मे परिषदो मन्त्रिणः शृणुयुस्तथा॥ न याचे पितरं राज्यं नानुशासामि मातरम्। एवं परमधर्मज्ञं नानुजानामि राघवम्॥
Thereat arising, Bharata, having touched water, said, You courtiers, and you ministers, listen to me! I did not wish for my paternal kingdom; nor did I sway my mother (towards obtaining the same); nor did I know that the exceedingly righteous Rāghava was to seek the woods.

यदि त्ववश्यं वस्तव्यं कर्तव्यं च पितुर्वचः। अहमेव निवत्स्यामि चतुर्दश वने समाः॥
But if he must dwell here, and thus act out the mandate of our father, I also will abide in the forest for fourteen years.

धर्मात्मा तस्य सत्येन भ्रातुर्वाक्येन विस्मितः। उवाच रामः सम्प्रेक्ष्य पौरजानपदं जनम्॥
Astonished at the determination of Bharata, the righteous Rāma eyeing the citizens and the inhabitants of the provinces, said.

विक्रीतमाहितं क्रीतं यत् पित्रा जीवता मम। न तल्लोपयितुं शक्यं मया वा भरतेन वा॥
Neither Bharata nor I can annual any sale or pledge or purchase effected by our father during his life.

उपाधिर्न मया कार्यो वनवासे जुगुप्सितः। युक्तमुक्तं च कैकेय्या पित्रा मे सुकृतं कृतम्॥
Therefore I ought not to accept any substitute for living in the woods, who can but contribute to my censure. Kaikeyi has spoken what is proper; and my father has acted well.

जानामि भरतं क्षान्तं गुरुसत्कारकारिणम्। सर्वमेवात्र कल्याणं सत्यसंधे महात्मनि॥
I know Bharata to be forgiving, and given to serving superiors. Everything in that high-souled one intent on truth appear beneficial.

अनेन धर्मशीलेन वनात् प्रत्यागतः पुनः भ्रात्रा सह भविष्यामि पृथिव्याः पतिरुत्तमः॥
Having returned from the forest, I will in company with this brother of virtuous character become the worthy master of this earth.

वृतो राजा हि कैकेय्या मया तद्वचनं कृतम्। अनृतान्मोचयानेन पितरं तं महीपतिम्॥
The king having been made by Kaikeyi to consent (to her proposal, I have done as she told me. Do you by acting in the way calculated to free that lord of the earth, our father (from the debt of promise), do so. company with this brother of virtuous character become the worthy master of this earth.

वृतो राजा हि कैकेय्या मया तद्वचनं कृतम्। अनृतान्मोचयानेन पितरं तं महीपतिम्॥
The king having been made by Kaikeyi to consent (to her proposal, I have done as she told me. Do you by acting in the way calculated to free that lord of the earth, our father (from the debt of promise), do so.