Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 110

क्रुद्धमाज्ञाय रामं तु वसिष्ठः प्रत्युवाच ह। जाबालिरपि जानीते लोकस्यास्य गतागतिम् ॥
Knowing that Rāma was wroth, Vasiştha said, Jābāli knows the departure of the creature to the next world and their return thence.

निवर्तयितुकामस्त त्वामेतद् वाक्यमब्रवीत्। इमां लोकसमुत्पत्तिं लोकनाथ निबोध मे॥
Anxious of making the turn back, he had spoken thus. Do you now, O lord of the world, learn the genesis of creatures from me.

सर्वं सलिलमेवासीत् पृथिवी तत्र निर्मिता। ततः समभवद् ब्रह्मा स्वयंभूर्दैवतैः सह॥
Water was everywhere. The earth was constructed therein. Then sprang the self-create Brahmā along with all the celestials.

स वराहस्ततो भूत्वा प्रोज्जहार वसंधराम्। असृजच्च जगत् सर्वं सह पुत्रैः कृतात्मभिः॥
Having become a boar, he raised up the earth, and along with his sons of subdued souls created everything.

आकाशप्रभवो ब्रह्मा शाश्वतो नित्य अव्ययः। तस्मान्मरीचिः संजज्ञे मरीचेः कश्यपः सुतः॥
Brahma eternal, existing through all time and incapable of decay, sprang from the sky. From him Marici came into being, and Kaśyapa is Marici's son.

विवस्वान् कश्यपाज्जज्ञे मनुर्वैवस्वतः स्वयम्। स तु प्रजापतिः पूर्वमिक्ष्वाकुस्तु मनो सुतः॥ यस्येयं प्रथमं दत्ता समृद्धा मनुना मही। तमिक्ष्वाकुमयोध्यायां राजानं विद्धि पूर्वकम्॥
Vivasvat drew his birth from Kaśyapa, and Manu from Vivasvat. Manu was formerly known as Prajāpati. Ikṣvāku is son to Manu; and this world was first conferred upon Ikşvāku by Manu. Do you know Ikşvāku as the first kind in Ayodhyā.

इक्ष्वाकोस्तु सुतः श्रीमान् कुक्षिरित्येव विश्रुतः। कुक्षेरथात्मजो वीर विकुक्षिरुदपद्यत ॥
The graceful Kukşi is known as the son of Iksvāku. And, O hero, Kuksi's son was Vikuksi.

विकुक्षेस्तु महातेजा बाणः पुत्रः प्रतापवान्। बाणस्य च महाबाहुरनरण्यो महातपाः॥
Vikukși had the powerful Bāņa possessed of exceeding energy for his son. Bāna had the mighty-armed Anaranya of high austerities for his son.

नानावृष्टिर्बभूवास्मिन् न दुर्भिक्षः सतां वरे। अनरण्ये महाराजे तस्करो वापि कश्चन॥
During the time of that foremost of righteous person, the monarch Anaranya, drought or famine did not occur (in Ayodhyā); nor were there any thieves at that time.

अनरण्यान्महाराज पृथू राजा बभूव ह। तस्मात् पृथोर्महातेजास्त्रिशङ्कुरुदपद्यत॥
O mighty king, from Anaranya sprang king Pșthu. From Pệthu sprang Trišanku of mighty energy.

स सत्यवचनाद् वीरः सशरीरो दिवं गतः। त्रिशङ्कोरभवत् सूनुर्धन्धुमारो महायशाः॥ धुन्धुमारान्महातेजा युवनाश्वो व्यजायत। युवनाश्वसुतः श्रीमान् मान्धाता समपद्यत॥ मान्धातुस्तु महान् नाः सुसंधिरुदपद्यत। सुसंधेरपि पुत्रौ द्वौ ध्रुवसंधिः प्रसेनजित्॥
This hero by virtue of his truth telling went to heaven in person. Trisanku had the famous Dhundhumāra for his son; and from Dhundhumāra Yuvanāśva born. Yuvanāśva's son was the handsome Māndhătā; was and from Māndhātā Susandhi came into being. Susandhi had two sons; Dhruvasandhi and Prasenajit.

यशस्वी ध्रुवसंधेस्तु भरतो रिपुसूदनः। भरतात् तु महाबाहोरसितो नाम जायत॥ यस्यैते प्रतिराजान उदपद्यन्त शत्रवः। हैहयास्तालजङ्घाश्च शूराश्च शशबिन्दवः॥
Dhruvasandhi had the illustrious Bharata, destroyer of foes (for his son) From Bharata sprang Asita, to whom sprang these hostile kings as foes, Haihayas, Tālajanghas and Sasabindus, heroes all.

तांस्तु सर्वान् प्रतिव्यूह्य युद्धे राजा प्रवासितः। स च शैलवरे रम्ये बभूवाभिरतो मुनिः॥
Having engaged with them in battle, the king was excited (by them). And on the romantic Himavat, he become engaged in asceticism.

द्वे चास्य भार्ये गर्भिण्यौ बभूवतुरिति श्रुतिः। तत्र चैका महाभागा भार्गवं देववर्चसम्॥ ववन्दे पद्मपत्राक्षी काङ्गिणी पुत्रमुत्तमम्। एका गर्भविनाशाय सपत्न्यै गरलं ददौ॥
It is said that at the time, his two wives were gone with child. There one of the exalted ladies having eyes resembling lotus petals saluted Bhrgu's son furnished with the splendour of a celestial, desirous of having an excellent son. Another administered poison to the other for destroying her foetus.

भार्गवश्च्यवनो नाम हिमवन्तमुपाश्रितः। तमृषि साभ्युपागम्य कालिन्दी त्वभ्यवादयत्॥
Bhrgu's son named Cyavana was at that time staying in Himavat. Appearing before the sage, Kalindi saluted him.

स तामभ्यवदत् प्रीतो वरेप्सुं पुत्रजन्मनि । पुत्रस्ते भविता देवि महात्मा लोकविश्रुतः॥ धार्मिकश्च सुभीमश्च वंशकर्तारिसूदनः।
Thereupon he returned the greeting that had been made by that lady anxious to secure a boon for the birth of a son. You, shall, O lady get a son of mighty soul, who shall be celebrated among men; and who shall be pious and powerful, the perpetuator of his race and destroyer of enemies

श्रुत्वा प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा मुनिं तमनुमान्य च ॥ पद्मपत्रसमानाक्षं पद्मगर्भसमप्रभम्। ततः सा गृहमागम्य पत्नी पुत्रमजायत ॥
Hearing this, that noble lady having gone round him and paid in respect to the ascetic went to her home and gave birth to a son furnished with eyes resembling lotus petals, and of sheen like that of the inside of a lotus.

सपन्या तु गरस्तस्यै दत्तो गर्भजिघांसया। गरेण सह तेनैव तस्मात् स सगरोऽभवत्॥
And because her co-wife, had given her poison for destroying her foetus, and as in consequence of this, he had come in contact with poison, he came to be allied Sagara.

स राजा सगरो नाम यः समुद्रमखानयत्। इष्टा पर्वणि वेगेन त्रासयान इमाः प्रजाः॥
The name of that king is Sagara, who having been initiated in a sacrifice excavated the ocean, frightening the people with the vehemence of his operations.

असमञ्जस्तु पुत्रोऽभूत् सगरस्येति नः श्रुतम्। जीवनेव स पित्रा तु निरस्तः पापकर्मकृत्॥
Asamañja is known to have been the son of Sagara. This wicked man while yet in life, was banished by his father.

अंशुमानपि पुत्रोऽभूदसमञ्जस्य वीर्यवान्। दिलीपोंऽशुमतः पुत्रो दिलीपस्य भगीरथः॥
Asamanja's son was the puissant Ansumat. Dilipa is the son of Ansumat and Dilipa's son is Bhagiratha.

भगीरथात् ककुत्स्थश्च काकुत्स्था येन तु स्मृताः। ककुत्स्थस्य तु पुत्रोऽभूद् रघुर्येन तु राघवाः॥
From Bhagiratha sprang Kakutstha; from whom the Kākutsthas came to be well known. Kakutstha had Raghu for his son; after whom have been named the Rāghavas.

रघोस्तु पुत्रस्तेजस्वी प्रवृद्धः पुरुषादकः। कल्माषपादः सौदास इत्येवं प्रथितो भुवि॥
Raghu's son is the energetic Pravědha, who are human beings. He is known on earth under such names as Kalmāşapāda, Saudāsa.

कल्माषपादपुत्रोऽभूच्छङ्खणस्त्विति नः श्रुतम्। सहसैन्यो व्यनीनशत्॥ यस्तु तद्वीर्यमासाद्य
We have heard that Kalmāșapāda's son was Śarkhaņa, who having been endowed with prowess, found destruction along with his forces.

शङ्खणस्य तु पुत्रोऽभूच्छूरः श्रीमान् सुदर्शनः। सुदर्शनस्याग्निवर्ण अग्निवर्णस्य शीघ्रगः॥
Sarkhana's son was the beautiful and heroic Sudarśana. Sudarśana's son was Agnivarṇa and Agnivarna's, Sighraga.

शीघ्रगस्य मरुः पुत्रो मरोः पुत्रः प्रशुश्रुवः। प्रशुश्रुवस्य पुत्रोऽभूदम्बरीषो महामतिः॥
Śighraga's son was Maru, and Maru's Praśuśruva. Praśuśruva's son the magnanimous Ambarisa.

अम्बरीषस्य पुत्रोऽभूनहुषः सत्यविक्रमः। नहुषस्य च नाभागः पुत्रः परमधार्मिकः॥
Ambarīşa's son was Nahuşa having truth for his prowess. Nahușa's son was the exceedingly virtuous Nābhaga.

अजश्च सुव्रतश्चैव नाभागस्य सुताबुभौ। अजस्य चैव धर्मात्मा राजा दशरथः सुतः॥
Nābhāga had two sons, Aja and Suvrata. Aja's son was the virtuous king Dasaratha.

तस्य ज्येष्ठोऽसि दायादो राम इत्यभिविश्रुतः। तद् गृहाण स्वकं राज्यमवेक्षस्व जगन्नृप ॥
His eldest son are you celebrated under the name of Rāma. Do you receive your own kingdom and look after the world.

इक्ष्वाकूणां हि सर्वेषां राजा भवति पूर्वजः। पूर्वजे नावरः पुत्रो ज्येष्ठो राजाऽभिषिच्यते॥
Among the Ikșwākus, the first born becomes the sovereign. The first born existing, an inferior son cannot be installed in the kingdom.

स राघवाणां कुलधर्ममात्मनः सनातनं नाद्य विहन्तुमर्हसि। प्रभूतरत्नामनुशाधि मेदिनी प्रभूतराष्ट्रां पितृवन्महायशः॥
It therefore does not today behove you to depart from the ever existing morality of the descendants of Raghu. Do you rule this earth filled with gems, and furnished with high fame, do you like to a father govern her containing many kingdoms.