Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 103

तां श्रुत्वा करुणां वाचं पितुर्मरणसंहिताम्। राघवो भरतेनोक्तां बभूव गतचेतनः॥
Hearing those piteous words uttered by Bharata in connection with the demise of their father, Rāghava was deprived of his senses.

तं तु वज्रमिवोत्सृष्टमाहवे दानवारिणा। वाग्वजं भरतेनोक्तममनोज्ञं परंतपः॥ प्रगृह्य रामो बाहु वै पुष्पिताङ्ग इव दुमः। वने परशुना कृत्तस्तथा भुवि पपात ह॥
On that thunder-bolt of a speech being uttered by Bharata, like to a (real) thunder-bolt hurled in battle by the enemy of the Dānavas (Indra), that subduer of foes, Rāma, stretching his arms, fell down to the earth, like a blossoming tree that has been hewn by an axe.

तथा हि पतितं रामं जगत्यां जगतीपतिम्। कूलघातपरिश्रान्तं प्रसुप्तमिव कुञ्जरम्॥ भ्रातरस्ते महेष्वासं सर्वतः शोककर्शितम्। रुदन्तः सह वैदेह्या सिषुचुः सलिलेन वै॥
Seeing that lord of the world and mighty bowman, Rāma, fallen, like a sleeping elephant fatigued with turning up earth with its tusks, his brothers exercised with sorrow, broke out into lamentations, and along with Videha's daughter began to sprinkle water (on his face).

स तु संज्ञा पुनर्लब्ध्वा नेत्राभ्यामश्रुमुत्सृजन्। उपाक्रामत काकुत्स्थः कृपणं बहु भाषितुम्॥
Then regaining his consciousness, Kākutstha shedding tears from his eyes, distressfully addressed himself to speech.

स रामः स्वर्गतं श्रुत्वा पितरं पृथिवीपतिम्। उवाच भरतं वाक्यं धर्मात्मा धर्मसंहितम्॥
And hearing that lord of earth, his sire, had gone to heaven, that righteous one said to Bharata words fraught with virtue and interest.

किं करिष्याम्ययोध्यायां ताते दिष्टां गतिं गते। कस्तां राजवराद्धीनामयोध्यां पालयिष्यति॥ किं नु तस्य मया कार्यं दुर्जातेन महात्मनः। यो मृतो मम शोकेन स मया न च संस्कृतः॥
What shall I do with Ayodhyā, my sire having gone the way ordained by the gods? And who will govern her, now that she has been deprived of that foremost of monarchs? Of fruitless birth that I am, what can I do for that magnanimous one? And of him that renounced his life from grief on my account I have not even performed the last rites.

अहो भरत सिद्धार्थो येन राजा त्वयानघ। शत्रुघ्नेन च सर्वेषु प्रेतकृत्येषु सत्कृतः॥
Ah! Bharata, you, O sinless one, are blessed, since by you as well as by Satrughna have been performed all the funeral rites of the king.

निष्प्रधानामनेकानां नरेन्द्रेण विना कृताम्। निवृत्तवनवासोऽपि नायोध्यां गन्तुमुत्सहे॥
To Ayodhyā, bereft of the monarch, having none to preside over her destinies, and many rulers, will I not return even when the term of my abode in the woods has been passed.

समाप्तवनवासं मामयोध्यायां परंतप। कोऽनुशासिष्यति पुनस्ताते लोकान्तरं गते॥
My father having gone to the other world, who, O subduer of enemies, will again counsel me when, my stay in the forest being over, I shall have returned to Ayodhyā?

पुरा प्रेक्ष्य सुवृत्तं मां पिता यान्याह सान्त्वयन्। वाक्यानि तानि श्रोष्यामि कुतः कर्णसुखान्यहम्॥
And from whom shall I hear those words grateful to the ear, which my father gratifying me used to speak to me when I happened to do something well?

एवमुक्त्वाथ भरतं भार्यामभ्येत्य राघवः। उवाच शोकसंतप्तः पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननाम्॥
Having thus addressed Bharata, Rāghava burning in grief spoke to his wife, with her countenance resembling the full moon, saying.

सीते मृतस्ते श्वशुरः पितृहीनोऽसि लक्ष्मण। भरतो दुःखमाचष्टे स्वर्गतिं पृथिवीपतेः॥
O Sītā, your father-in-law is dead and, O Laks inana, you are fatherless. Bharata has communicated to me that sad intelligence that our father has ascended heaven.

ततो बहुगुणं तेषां बाष्पं नेत्रेष्वजायत। तथा ब्रुवति काकुत्स्थे कुमाराणां यशस्विनाम्॥
When Kakutstha had said this, tears began to shower forth from the eyes of the renowned princes.

ततस्ते भ्रातरः सर्वे भृशमाश्वास्य दुःखितम्। अब्रुवञ्जगतीभर्तुः क्रियतामुदकं पितुः॥
Then all those brothers pacifying as best they could Rāma stricken with sorrow, said to him, “Do you perform the watery rites of that lord of the earth, our sire."

सा सीता स्वर्गतं श्रुत्वा श्वशुरं तं महानृपम्। नेत्राभ्यामश्रुपूर्णाभ्यां न शशाकेक्षितं प्रियम्॥
Having heard that her father-in-law, the king, had gone to the celestial regions. Sītā with her eyes filled with tears, could not see her beloved.

सान्त्वयित्वा तु मां रामो रुदती जनकात्मजाम्। उवाच लक्ष्मणं तत्र दुःखितो दुःखितं वचः॥
Thereupon, pacifying the weeping daughter of Janaka, Rama moved with grief, spoke to the distressed Laksmana, saying.

आनयेगुदिपिण्याकं चीरमाहर चोत्तरम्। जलक्रियार्थं तातस्य गमिष्यामि महात्मनः॥
Do you bring Ingudi fruits as well as a piece of new bark. I will go to perform the watery rites of our high-souled sire.

सीता पुरस्ताद् व्रजतु त्वमेनामभितो व्रज। अहं पश्चाद् गमिष्यामि गतिथेषा सुदारुणा॥
Let Sītā go first. do you follow her. I shall go last. Even this is the course of those in mourning.

ततो नित्यानुगस्तेषां विदितात्मा महामतिः। मृदुर्दान्तश्च कान्तश्च रामे च दृढभक्तिमान्॥ सुमन्त्रस्तैर्नृपसुतैः सार्धमाश्वास्य राघवम्। अवतारयदालम्ब्य नदीं मन्दाकिनी शिवाम्॥
Then that magnanimous one, having a knowledge of the soul, mild, graceful, capable of controlling his senses, steady in his regard for Rāma, and ever following him, Sumantra, in company with those sons of the auspicious river, Mandakini.

ते सुतीर्थां ततः कृच्छ्रादुपगम्य यशस्विनः। नदी मन्दाकिनी रम्यां सदा पुष्पितकाननाम्॥ शीघ्रस्रोतसमासाद्य तीर्थं शिवमकर्दमम्। सिषिचुस्तूदकं राज्ञे तत एतद् भवत्विति ॥
Then those illustrious ones, having in distress arrived at the river Mandākini, Mandākini, having convenient descents, charming, ever furnished with blossomag woods, and of rapid currents; and approached it descents, goodly and void of mud, offered water to the monarch, uttering, “May this be so!"

प्रगृह्य तु महीपालो जलापूरितमञ्जलिम्। दिशं याम्यामभिमुखो रुदन् वचनमब्रवीत्॥ एतत्ते राजशार्दूल विमलं तोयमक्षयम्। पितृलोकगतस्याद्य मद्दत्तमुपतिष्ठतु॥
The protector of the earth (Rama), holding water with his joined hands, facing the south, said weeping, “O foremost of monarchs, may this clear water knowing no deterioration, reach you, who have gone to the world of the ancestral manes.!"

ततो मन्दाकिनीतीरं प्रत्युत्तीर्य स राघवः। पितुश्चकार तेजस्वी निर्वापं भ्रातृभिः सह॥
Then drawing nigh to the marge of the Mandākinī, the energetic Rāghava along with his brothers, offered the Pinda to his father.

ऐङ्गदं बदरैर्मिश्रं पिण्याकं दर्भसंस्तरे। न्यस्य रामः सुदुःखार्तो रुदन् वचनमब्रवीत्॥
And placing the Ingudi Pinda mixed with jujube on a bed of darbha, Rāma crying in distress, said.

इदं भुक्ष्व महाराज प्रीतो यदशना वयम्। यदन्नः पुरुषो भवति तदत्रास्तस्य देवताः॥
O mighty monarch! do you well pleased feed on this, which we also live upon. That which is the fare of an individual, is also the fare of his divinities.

ततस्तेनैव मार्गेण प्रत्युत्तीर्य सरित्तटात्। आरुरोह नरव्याघ्रो रम्यसानुं महीधरम्॥ ततः पर्णकुटीद्वारमासाद्य जगतीपतिः। परिजग्राह पाणिभ्यामुभौ भरतलक्ष्मणौ॥
Then that forernost of men ascending the bank of the stream by the self-same way, got up on the charming side of the hill. And having arrived at the gate of the cottage of leaves, that lord of the earth held both Bharata and Laksmana with his hands.

तेषां तु रुदतां शब्दात् प्रतिशब्दोऽभवद् गिरौ। भ्रातृणां सह वैदेह्या सिंहानां नर्दतामिव ॥
And there the hill reverberated at the sounds raised by the brothers wailing along with Vaidehi; like to lions roaring.

महाबलानां रुदतां कुर्वतामुदकं पितुः। विज्ञाय तुमुलं शब्दं त्रस्ता भरतसैनिकाः॥ अब्रुवंश्चापि रामेण भरतः संगतो ध्रुवम्। तेषामेव महाशब्दः शोचतां पितरं मृतम्॥
And perceiving the loud uproar of those mighty ones engaged in offering water to their sire, indulging in lamentations, the army of Bharata became agitated. And they said, “For certain Bharata has met with Rāma; and this mighty noise proceeds from them, as they are bitterly mourning their deceased sire.”

अथ वाहान् परित्यज्य तं सर्वेऽभिमुखाः स्वनम्। अप्येकमनसो जग्मुर्यथास्थानं प्रधाविता॥
Thereat leaving aside their vehicles, they with one mind, rushed towards the spot wherefrom proceeded the uproar.

हयैरन्ये गजैरन्ये रथैरन्ये स्वलंकृतैः। सुकुमारास्तथैवान्ये पद्भिरेव नरा ययुः॥
And of those that were tender, some went on horses, and some on elephants, and some on ornamented chariots, while others went on foot.

अचिरप्रोषितं रामं चिरविप्रोषितं यथा। द्रष्टुकामो जनः सर्वो जगाम सहसाश्रमम्॥
And eager to behold Rāma staying away for a short time though seeming to do so for a long period, all the men at once went to the hermitage.

भ्रातृणां त्वरितास्ते तु द्रष्टुकामाः समागमम्। ययुर्बहुविधैर्यानैः खुरनेमिसमाकुलैः॥
And desirous of witnessing the meeting of the brothers (with Rāma), they with all despatch proceeded by means of various vehicles consisting of beasts and cars.

सा भूमिर्बहुभिर्यानै रथनेमिसमाहता। मुमोच तुमुलं शब्दं द्यौरिवाभ्रसमागमे॥
And the ground trodden by the wheels of innumerable cars, emitted loud sounds, like those emitted by the sky on clouds gathering.

तेन वित्रासिता नागाः करेणुपरिवारिताः। आवासयन्तो गन्धेन जग्मुरन्यद्वनं ततः॥
And frightened by the uproar, elephants accompanied by female ones, perfuming all sides (by the fragrance of temporal juice), went to another forest.

वराहवृकसिंहाश्च महिषाः सृमरास्तथा। व्याघ्रगोकर्णगवया वित्रेसुः पृषतैः सह।॥
And boars, and deer, and lions, and buffaloes, and Srmaras, and tigers, and Gokarnas, Gavayas and Prşatas were stricken with panic.

रथाह्वहंसानत्यूहाः पल्वाः कारण्डवाः परे। तथा पुंस्कोकिलाः क्रौञ्चा विसंज्ञा भेजिरे दिशः।॥
And wild with alarm, Chakravakas, and swans, and Natyuhas, and Plavas, and Karandavas, and male coels, and Kraunchas, fled away in all directions.

तेन शब्देन वित्रस्तैराकाशं पक्षिभिर्वृतम्। मनुष्यैरावृता भूमिरुभयं प्रबभौ तदा॥
And the welkin was enveloped by birds frightened by the noise, as the earth was covered by men, and both the sky and the land then gave out great effulgence.

ततस्तं पुरुषव्याघ्रं यशस्विनमकल्मषम्। आसीनं स्थण्डिले रामं ददर्श सहसा जनः॥ विगर्हमाणः कैकेयीं मन्थरा सहितामपि। अभिगम्य जनो रामं बाष्पपूर्णमुखोऽभवत्॥
As the people suddenly saw that foremost of men, the sinless and illustrious Rāma seated on the ground, accusing Kaikeyi as well as the vile Mantharā, the people apprached Rāma, with their countenances discovering tears.

तान् नरान् बाष्पपूर्णाक्षान् समीक्ष्याथ सुदुःखितान्। पर्यष्वजत धर्मज्ञः पितृवन्मातृवच्च सः॥
Seeing those men oppressed with grief with their eyes filled with tears, that one cognizant of virtue like fathers and mothers, embraced those that deserved it.

स तत्र कांश्चित् परिषस्वजे नरान् नराश्च केचित्तु तमभ्यवादयन्। चकार सर्वान् सवयस्यबान्धवान् यथार्हमासाद्य तदा नृपात्मजः॥
And he embraced some persons; and some offered him salutations. And the king's son, as each deserved, properly received them along with their friends and equals in age.

ततः स तेषां रुदतां महात्मनां भुवं च खं चानुविनादयन् स्वनः। गुहा गिरीणां च दिशश्च संततं मृदङ्गघोषप्रतिमो विशुश्रुवे॥
And the sounds, produced by those high souled persons lamenting, resounding the earth and the sky, and the mountain-caverns, and all the cardinal points, were heard like peals of Mrdangas. And the sounds, produced by those high souled persons lamenting, resounding the earth and the sky, and the mountain-caverns, and all the cardinal points, were heard like peals of Mrdangas.