Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 99

निविष्टायां तु सेनायामुत्सुको भरतस्ततः। जगाम भ्रातरं द्रष्टुं शत्रुघ्नमनुदर्शयन्॥
Having quartered his forces, Bharata eager (to go to Rāma's place), went to see his brother, showing to Satrughna the signs of Rāma's abode being in the vicinity.

ऋषि वसिष्ठं संदिश्य मातृमें शीघ्रमानय। इति त्वरितमग्रे स जगाम गुरुवत्सलः॥
And having desired Vasistha, saying, “Bring my mothers without delay," that one attached to his superiors went before.

सुमन्त्रस्त्वपि शत्रुघ्नमदूरादन्वपद्यत। रामदर्शनजस्तों भरतस्येव तस्य च॥
And eager to see Rāma even like Bharata himself, Sumantra followed Bharata at a short distance.

गच्छन्नेवाथ भरतस्तापसालयसंस्थिताम्। भ्रातुः पर्णकुटी श्रीमानुटजं च ददर्श ह॥
As Bharata passed on, he observed a neat cottage of leaves stationed among the asylums of anchorets, furnished with a portion having a wall with a door.

शालायास्त्वग्रतस्तस्या ददर्श भरतस्तदा। काष्ठानि चावभग्नानि पुष्पाण्यपचितानि च॥ स लक्ष्मणस्य रामस्य ददर्शाश्रममीयुषः। कृतं वृक्षेष्वभिज्ञानं कुशचीरैः क्वचित् क्वचित्॥
Before the cottage, Bharata saw fuel broken up, and flowers gathered. And he saw at places signs of Kuśa and bark set up on trees when Rāma and Lakşmaņa (first) arrived at their asylum.

ददर्श भवने तस्मिन् महतः संचयान् कृतान्। मृगाणां महिषाणां च करीषैः शीतकारणात्।।७
And in that habitation, Bharata saw great heaps of dry dung of deer and buffaloes, gathered for preventing cold.

गच्छन्नेव महाबाहुर्युतिमान् भरतस्तदा। शत्रुघ्नं चाब्रवीद्धृष्टस्तानमात्यांश्च सर्वशः॥
As he proceeded, the intelligent and mightyarmed Bharata with a cheerful heart remarked to Śatrughna and all the courtiers.

मन्ये प्राप्ताः स्म तं देशं भरद्वाजो यमब्रवीत्। नातिदूरे हि मन्येऽहं नदी मन्दाकिनीमितः॥
I conceive, we have reached the tract that was mentioned by Bharadvāja. Hard by this spot, I fancy, is the river Mandākini.

उच्चैर्बद्धानि चीराणि लक्ष्मणेन भवेदयम्। अभिज्ञानकृतः पन्था विकाले गन्तुमिच्छता॥
On high are barks set up by Lakşmaņa. Having to pass by the way at unusual hours, (Laksmana) has marked it with signs.

इतश्चोदात्तदन्तानां कुञ्जराणां तरस्विनाम्। शैलपार्श्वे परिक्रान्तमन्योन्यमभिगर्जताम्॥
On the side of the hill is the way by which long-tusked elephants pass to and fro with vehemence, roaring at each other.

यमेवाधातुमिच्छन्ति तापसाः सततं वने। तस्यासौ दृश्यते धूमः संकुलः कृष्णवर्त्मनः॥
Here is seen the dense and dark smoke of that which the anchorets are ever anxious to preserve in the forest, fire.

अत्राहं पुरुषव्याघ्रं गुरुसत्कारकारिणम्। आर्य द्रक्ष्यामि संहृष्टं महर्षिमिव राघवम्॥
Even here shall I with a delighted heart see that foremost of men, the noble Rāghava resembling a Maharși, ever engaged in serving his superiors.

अथ गत्वा मुहूर्त तु चित्रकूटं स राघवः। मन्दाकिनीमनु प्राप्तस्तं जनं चेदमब्रवीत्॥
Then going to Citrakuta, that descendant of Raghu, coming to the Mandakini, said to the men.

जगत्यां पुरुषव्याघ्र आस्ते वीरासने रतः। जनेन्द्रो निर्जनं प्राप्य धिङ्मे जन्म सजीवितम्॥
That foremost of men in all the world, the lord of all, coming into seclusion, is in his yoga posture. O fie upon my birth and my life!

मत्कृते व्यसनं प्राप्तो लोकनाथो महाद्युतिः। सर्वान् कामान् परित्यज्य वने वसति राघवः॥
For me, having come by misfortune, and renounced every comfort, the effulgent lord of men, Rāghava, is dwelling in the woods.

इति लोकसमानुष्टः पादेष्वद्य प्रसादयन्। रामं तस्य पतिष्यामि सीताया लक्ष्मणस्य च ॥
I shall be taxed of men on the score. To-day (first) pacifying him, I will fall at the feet of Rāma as well as of Sitã and Lakşmaņa.

एवं स विलपंस्तस्मिन् वने दशरथात्मजः। ददर्श महतीं पुण्यां पर्णशालां मनोरमाम्॥
Having thus bewailed, Dasaratha's son saw a splendid, charming, and holy dwelling in that forest, composed of leaves.

सालतालाश्वकर्णानां पर्णैर्बहुभिरावृताम्। विशालां मृदुभिस्तीर्णां कुशैर्वेदिमिवाध्वरे॥ शक्रायुधनिकाशैश्च कार्मुकै रसाधनैः। रुक्मपृष्ठैर्महासारैः शोभितां शत्रुबाधकैः॥ अर्करश्मिप्रतीकाशैोरैस्तूणगतैः शरैः। शोभितां दीप्तवदनैः सर्भोगवतीमिव॥ महारजतवासोभ्यामसिभ्यां च विराजिताम्। रुक्मबिन्दुविचित्राभ्यां चर्मभ्यां चापि शोभिताम्॥ गोधाङ्गलिौरासक्तैश्चित्रकाञ्चनभूषितैः। अरिसंधैरनाधृष्यां मृगैः सिंहगुहामिव ॥ प्रागुदकप्रवणां वेदिं विशालां दीप्तपावकाम्। ददर्श भरतस्तत्र पुण्यां रामनिवेशने॥
And Bharata beheld in Rāma's habitation a sacred structure made of leaves, covered with a profusion of Sāla, palm, and Aśvakarņa leaves; spread with soft Kuśa, like a dais in a sacrifice; adorned with bows resembling the iris, plaited on the back with gold, of mighty force, and capable of achieving arduous feets and destroying foes; and garnished with arrows in quivers, seeming like the rays of the sun, with flaming mouths, like to the Bhogavatī with serpents; and exceedingly beautified with golden sheaths and scimitars and shields spangled with gold and nice guana finger-fences decked with gold; inaccessible to foes like a lion's den to deer; and furnished with a spacious dais inclined on the north-east, with a fire flaming on it.

निरीक्ष्य स मुहूर्तं तु ददर्श भरतो गुरुम्। उटजे राममासीनं जटामण्डलधारिणम्॥ कृष्णाजिनधरं तं तु चीरवल्कलवाससम्। ददर्श राममासीनमभितः पावकोपमम्॥ सिंहस्कन्धं महाबाहुं पुण्डरीकनिभेक्षणम्। पृथिव्याः सागरान्ताया भर्तारं धर्मचारिणम्॥ उपविष्टं महाबाहुं ब्रह्माणमिव शाश्वतम्। स्थण्डिले दर्भसंस्तीर्णे सीतया लक्ष्मणेन च॥
And looking around, anon Bharata saw his superior Rāma seated in the cottage bearing a head of matted locks, clad in a black deer-skin, and having tattered cloth and bark for his garment. And he saw Råma seated like to a flame, with leonine shoulders, mighty arms, and eyes resembling lotuses, the righteous lord of this world bounded by the seas, saw the mightyarmed on like to the eternal Brahma, seated on a skin-seat on the ground along with Sītā and Lakş mana.

तं दृष्ट्वा भरतः श्रीमान्शोकमोहपरिप्लुतः। अभ्यधावत धर्मात्मा भरतः केकयीसुतः॥
And seeing him, overwhelmed with grief and affliction, the righteous and graceful son of Kaikeyi, Bharata, rushed (towards him).

दृष्ट्वैव विललापा” बाष्पसंदिग्धया गिरा। अशक्नुवन् वारयितुं धैर्याद् वचनमब्रुवन् ॥
And soon as Bharata saw Rāma, he, exceedingly distressed, broke out into lamentations in words choked with sorrow. And incapable of holding himself in patience, he said.

यः संसदि प्रकृतिभिर्भवेद् युक्त उपासितुम्। वन्यैर्मृगैरुपासीनः सोऽयमास्ते ममाग्रजः॥
That elder brother of mine, who (seated) in court should be surrounded by the subjects intent upon paying him homage, is now surrounded by wild deer.

वासोभिर्बहुसाहौर्यो महात्मा पुरोचितः। मृगाजिने सोऽयमिह प्रवस्ते धर्ममाचरन्॥
He that used to adorn his person with attire worth many thousands (of things), engaged in observing morality, is clad in deer-skin.

अधारयद् यो विविधाश्चित्राः सुमनसः सदा। सोऽयं जटाभारमिमं सहते राघपः कथम्॥
Why does he that always wore variegated blossoms, Rāghava, bears this burthen of matted locks?

यस्य यज्ञैर्यथादिष्टैर्युक्तो धर्मस्य संचयः। शरीरक्लेशसम्भूतं स धर्म परिमार्गते॥
He who is worthy of acquiring religious merit by celebrating sacrifices according to the ordinance, is now following morality by afflicting his person.

चन्दनेन महार्हेण यस्याङ्गमुपसेवितम्। मलेन तस्याङ्गमिदं कथमार्यस्य सेव्यते॥
How is the person of that one whose body used to be daubed with costly sandal, covered with dust.

मनिमित्तमिदं दुःखं प्राप्तो रामः सुखोचितः। धिग्जीवितं नृशंसस्य मम लोकविगर्हितम्॥
It is for me that Rama, although deserving of comfort, has come by this misfortune. Wicked that I am, fie upon my life despised of men!

इत्येवं विलपन दीनः प्रस्विनमुखपङ्कजः। पादावप्राप्य रामस्य पपात भरतो रुदन्॥
Thus lamenting in woeful guise, with the lotus of his countenance covered with sweat, Bharata coming at Rāma's feet, fell at them bewailing.

दुःखाभितप्तो भरतो राजपुत्रो महाबलः। उक्त्वाऽऽर्येति सकृद्दीनं पुनर्नोवाच किंचन॥
And inflamed with grief, the exceedingly powerful prince Bharata, having in distress of spirit uttered, O noble one, again said nothing.

बाष्पैः पिहितकण्ठश्च प्रेक्ष्य रामं यशस्विनम्। आर्येत्येवाभिसंक्रुश्य व्याहतु नाशकत् ततः॥
And beholding the illustrious Rāma, Bharata with his utterance choked with emotion, exclaimed, O noble one, and was unable to say anything further.

शत्रुघ्नश्चापि रामस्य ववन्दे चरणौ रुदन्। तावुभौ च समालिङ्गय रामोऽप्यश्रूण्यवर्तयत्॥ ततः सुमन्त्रेण गुहेन चैव समीयतू राजसुतावरण्ये। दिवाकरश्चैव निशाकरश्च यथाम्बरे शुक्रबृहस्पतिभ्याम्।।
Then Śatrughna also weeping paid homage unto the feet of Rāma. And shedding tears, Rāma embraced them both. Then as in the sky, the Sun and the Moon meet with śukra and Brhaspati, those two princes (Rāma and Laks mana) met with Sumantra and Guha in the forest.

तान् पार्थिवान् वारणयूथपार्हान् समागतांस्तत्र महत्यरण्ये। वनौकसस्तेऽभिसमीक्ष्य सर्वे त्वश्रूण्यमुञ्चन् प्रविहाय हर्षम्॥
And beholding those kings resembling leaders of elephant-herds met together in that mighty forest, the dwellers in the woods, resigning their cheerfulness, began to shed tears. forest, the dwellers in the woods, resigning their cheerfulness, began to shed tears.