Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 93

तया महत्या यायिन्या ध्वजिन्या वनवासिनः। अर्दिता यूथपा मत्ताः सयूथाः सम्प्रदुद्रुवुः॥
Afflicted by the mighty force on its way with banners (displayed), those inhabitants of the woods, leaders of elephant-herds, took to their heels in company with the herds themselves.

ऋक्षाः पृषतमुख्याश्च रुरवश्च समन्ततः। दृश्यन्ते वनवाटेषु गिरिष्वपि नदीषु च॥ .
And bears and Prsatas and Rurus were on all sides seen in the forest-ways, and on hills and rivers.

स सम्प्रतस्थे धर्मात्मा प्रीतो दशरथात्मजः। वृतो महत्या नादिन्या सेनया चतुरङ्गया॥
And that virtuous son of Dasaratha with a glad heart held on this way, surrounded by that vast army consisting of fourfold forces, raising a tremendous uproar.

सागरौघनिभा सेना भरतस्य महात्मनः। महीं संछादयामास प्रावृषि द्यामिवाम्बुदः॥
And that army of the high-souled Bharata resembling the waves of the ocean, covered the earth quite, as clouds in the rainy season cover the welkin.

तुरंगौघैरवतता वारणैश्च महाबलैः। अनालक्ष्या चिरं कालं तस्मिन् काले बभूव सा॥
And filled with steeds and mighty elephants, the earth at that time for a long while remained invisible.

स गत्वा दूरमध्वानं सम्परिश्रान्तवाहनः। उवाच वचनं श्रीमान् वसिष्ठं मन्त्रिणां वरम्॥
And having proceeded a long way, the graceful Bharata, with his bearers extremely tired, said these words to that foremost of counsellors, Vasistha.

यादृशं लक्ष्यते रूपं यथा चैव मया श्रुतम्। व्यक्तं प्राप्ताः स्म तं देशं भरद्वाजो यमब्रवीत्॥
From appearances, and from what I had heard, it is evident that we have arrived at that region which Bharadvāja had told us of.

अयं गिरिश्चित्रकूटस्तथा मन्दाकिनी नदी। एतत् प्रकाशते दूरान्नीलमेघनिभं वनम्॥
This is the mountain Citrakuta and that the river Mandakinī. And from a distance this forest appears like dark clouds.

गिरेः सानूनि रम्याणि चित्रकूटस्य सम्प्रति। वारणैरवमृद्यन्ते मामकैः पर्वतोपमैः।।।।।
And now our elephants resembling hills afflict the romantic sides of Citrakuta.

मुञ्चन्ति कुसुमान्येते नगाः पर्वतसानुषु। नीला इवातपापाये तोयं तोयधरा घनाः॥
And the trees scatter blossoms over the sides of the mountain, even as after summer sable clouds pour down showers.

किंनराचरितं देशं पश्य शत्रुघ्न पर्वते। हयैः समन्तादाकीर्णं मकरैरिव सागरम्॥
O Śatrughna, behold the realms inhabited by Kinnaras, scattered with steeds, like the main with makaras.

एते मृगगणा भान्ति शीघ्रवेगाः प्रचोदिताः। वायुप्रविद्धाः शरदि मेघजाला इवाम्बरे॥
And these herds of deer furnished with celerity, being urged on, roam about like masses of clouds in the sky in autumn, propelled by the winds.

कुर्वन्ति कुसुमापीडाशिरःसु सुरभीनमी। मेघप्रकाशैः फलकैर्दाक्षिणात्या नरा यथा॥
And like the people of the south, these warriors bearing shields resembling clouds, are adorning their heads with ornaments of perfumed blossoms.

निष्कूजमिव भूत्वेदं वनं घोरप्रदर्शनम्। अयोध्येव जनाकीर्णा सम्प्रति प्रतिभाति मे॥
And this forest, although void of men and dreadful in appearance, at present appears to me like Ayodhyā teeming with people.

खुरैरुदीरितो रेणुर्दिवं प्रच्छाद्य तिष्ठति। तं वहत्यनिलः शीघ्रं कुर्वन्निव मम प्रियम्॥
The dust raised by the hoofs (of horses) stands covering the sky: anon the wind bearing it away, compasses my pleasure.

स्यन्दनांस्तुरगोपेतान् सूतमुख्यैरधिष्ठितान्। एतान् सम्पततः शीघ्रं पश्य शत्रुघ्न कानने॥
And, O Satrughna, see how fast these cars yoked with steeds and driven by skilful charioteers, are proceeding in the forest.

एतान् वित्रासितान् पश्य बर्हिणः प्रियदर्शनान्। एवमापततः शैलमधिवासं पतत्रिणः॥
And behold these beauteous peacocks, which, being frightened, take refuge in the mountain, the home of feathered tribes.

अतिमात्रमयं देशो मनोज्ञः प्रतिभाति मे। तापसानां निवासोऽयं व्यक्तं स्वर्गपथोऽनघ ॥
This country appears to me exceedingly lovely. This abode of the ascetics is like to the way to heaven itself.

मृगा मृगीभिः सहिता बहवः पृषता वने। मनोज्ञरूपा लक्ष्यन्ते कुसुमैरिव चित्रिताः॥
Male and female deer and Prşatas in the forest, beautiful to look at, appear as if variegated with flowers.

साधु सैन्याः प्रतिष्ठन्तां विचिन्वन्तु च काननम्। यथा तौ पुरुषव्याघ्रौ दृश्येते रामलक्ष्मणौ॥
Now let the soldiers go advisedly and search this forest, so that they light upon those chiefs of men, Rāma and Lakşmaņa.

भरतस्य वचः श्रुत्वा पुरुषाः शस्त्रपाणयः। विविशुस्तद्वनं शूरा धूमाग्रं ददृशुस्ततः॥
Hearing Bharata's speech, persons with weapons in their hands, plunged into the forest, and those heroes presently discovered the top of a (column of) smoke.

ते समालोक्य धूमाग्रमूचुर्भरतमागताः। नामनुष्ये भवत्यग्निव्यक्तमत्रैव राघवौ॥
Having seen the top of the (column of) smoke, they came before Bharata and said, "Fire cannot exist where there is no man present. Therefore it is evident that even here are those descendants of Raghu.”

अथ नात्र नरव्याघ्रौ राजपुत्रौ परंतपौ। अन्ये रामोपमाः सन्ति व्यक्तमत्र तपस्विनः॥
But if those foremost of men, those subduers of their enemies, the princes, be not here, there are others, being ascetics, resembling Rāma.

तच्छुत्वा भरतस्तेषां वचनं साधुसम्मतम्। सैन्यानुवाच सर्वोस्तानमित्रबलमर्दनः॥
Hearing their words acceptable to the pious, that afflicter of hostile ranks, Bharata, said to the entire army.

यत्ता भवन्तस्तिष्ठन्तु नेतो गन्तव्यमग्रतः। अहमेव गमिष्यामि सुमन्त्रो धृतिरेव च ॥
Do you carefully stay here: do not proceed further. I myself will go, and Sumantra and Dhrti.

एवमुक्तास्ततः सैन्यास्तत्र तस्थुः समन्ततः। भरतो यत्र धूमाग्रं तत्र दृष्टिं समादधत्॥
Thus desired, the troops remained all about that place. Bharata went away, keeping his gaze fixed in the direction of the top of the column of) smoke.

निरीक्षमाणापि च भूमिमग्रतः। बभूव हृष्टा नचिरेण चानती प्रियस्य रामस्य समागमं तदा॥
Desired by Bharata to halt, that army, looking in the direction of the smoke, rejoiced soon on learning that the beloved Rāma had arrived (at that place).

बभूव हृष्टा नचिरेण चानती प्रियस्य रामस्य समागमं तदा॥
Desired by Bharata to halt, that army, looking in the direction of the smoke, rejoiced soon on learning that the beloved Rāma had arrived (at that place).