Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 92

ततस्तां रजनी व्युष्य भरतः सपरिच्छदः। कृतातिथ्यो भरद्वाजं कामादभिजगाम ह॥
Having passed that night, Bharata having been entertained along with his family, appeared before Bharadvāja, desirous (of seeing Rāma).

तमृषिः पुरुषव्याघ्र प्रेक्ष्य प्राञ्जलिमागतम्। हुताग्निहोत्रो भरतं भरद्वाजोऽभ्यभाषत॥
Seeing that foremost of men (standing) with joined hands, Bharadvāja, who had just finished his fire-sacrifice, said.

कच्चिदत्र सुखा रात्रिस्तवास्मद्विषये गता। समग्रस्ते जनः कच्चिदातिथ्ये शंस मेऽनघ॥
Have you passed the night pleasantly at our place? And have all your men been pleased with our hospitality? Do you tell me this O sinless one. we

तमुवाचाञ्जलिं कृत्वा भरतोऽभिप्रणम्य च। आश्रमादुपनिष्क्रान्तमृषिमुत्तमतेजसम्॥
Thereupon, Bharata bowing down, with joined hands said to that ascetic of excellent energy, as he had issued out of his hermitage.

सुखोषितोऽस्मि भगवन् समग्रबलवाहनः। बलवत्तर्पितश्चाहं बलवान् भगवंस्त्वया॥ अपेतक्लमसंतापाः सुभिक्षाः सुप्रतिश्रयाः। अपि प्रेष्यानुपादाय सर्वे स्म सुसुखोषिताः॥
O reverend Sire, I along with all my forces and vehicles have passed (the night) happily. I have been full well entertained by you, o worshipful one possessed of power. And with our languor and heat removed, all sumptuously feasted and comfortably quartered, have passed (the night) agreeably along with our servants.

आमन्त्रयेऽहं भगवन् कामं त्वामृषिसत्तम। समीपं प्रस्थितं भ्रातुमैत्रेणेक्षस्व चक्षुषा।७।।
Now, O best of ascetics, I beseech you to look with a propitious eye on me who am bound for my brother's place.

आश्रमं तस्य धर्मज्ञ धार्मिकस्य महात्मनः। आचक्ष्व कतमो मार्गः कियानिति च शंस मे॥
And tell me, O you cognizant of morality, how far is it to that high-souled righteous one's asylm, and by what way (shall I reach there)?

इति पृष्ठस्तु भरतं भ्रातुर्दर्शनलालसम्। प्रत्युवाच महातेजा भरद्वाजो महातपाः॥
When Bharata eager to see his brother had asked thus, the highly energetic Bharadvāja of rigid austerities answered.

भरतार्धतृतीयेषु योजनेष्वजने वने। चित्रकूटगिरिस्तत्र रम्यनिर्झरकाननः॥
O Bharata, two and a half Yojanas hence, embossed in a tenantless wood is the mountain Citrakuta, charming with rocks and woods.

उत्तरं पार्श्वमासाद्य तस्य मन्दाकिनी नदी। पुष्पितदुमसंछन्ना रम्यपुष्पितकानना॥ अनन्तरं तत्सरितश्चित्रकूटं च पर्वतम्। तयोः पर्णकुटीं तात तत्र तौ वसतो ध्रुवम्॥
On its northern border flows the river Mandākinſ, covered with flowering trees and with blossoming woods. Beyond the stream is the mountain Citrakuta. There is their thatched cottage, my child; there they abide for certain.

दक्षिणेन च मार्गेण सव्यदक्षिणमेव च। गजवाजिसमाकीर्णां वाहिनीं वाहिनीपते॥ वाहयस्व महाभाग ततो द्रक्ष्यसि राघवम्।
Proceeding by the southern way, do you with your forces composed of elephants and horses, O master of the army, turn to the left, O exalted one, and go southwards. By doing so, you will be able to see Rāghava.

प्रयाणमिति च श्रुत्वा राजराजस्य योषितः॥ हित्वा यानानि यानार्दा ब्राह्मणं पर्यवारयन्।
Hearing of their departure, the wives of that king of kings, leaving their cars, albeit worthy of them, gathered round the Brāhmaṇa.

वेपमाना कृशा दीना सह देव्या सुमित्रया॥ कौसल्या तत्र जग्राह कराभ्यां चरणौ मुनेः।
Lean and trembling and in woeful guise, Kausalyā along with the noble Sumitrā, with her hands took the feet of the ascetic.

असमृद्धेन कामेन सर्वलोकस्य गर्हिता॥ कैकेयी तत्र जग्राह चरणौ सव्यपत्रपा। तं प्रदक्षिणमागम्य भगवन्तं महामुनिम्॥ अदूराद् भरतस्यैव तस्थौ दीनमनास्तदा।
Depised universally because of her unrighteous desire, Kaikeyi also bashfully took hold of his feet and, having circumambulated the mighty and venerable anchoret, stood near Bharata in dejection of spirits.

तत्र पप्रच्छ भरतं भरद्वाजो महामुनिः॥ विशेषं ज्ञातुमिच्छामि मातॄणां तव राघव।
Then the mighty ascetic Bharadvāja asked Bharata, “O descendant of Raghu, I wish to know particularly about your mothers."

एवमुक्तस्तु भरतो भरद्वाजेन धार्मिकः॥ उवाच प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा वाक्यं वचनकोविदः।
Thus accosted by Bharadvāja, the pious Bharata deft in speech said with joined hands.

यामिमां भगवन् दीनां शोकानशनकर्शिताम्॥ पितुर्हि महिषी देवी देवतामिव पश्यसि । एषा तं पुरुषव्याघ्र सिंहविक्रान्तगामिनम्॥ कौसल्या सुषुवे रामं धातारमदितिर्यथा।
O reverend sir, she whom you behold depressed and emaciated through grief and fasting, resembling a very goddess, is the noble Queen of my father. This one, Kausalyā, it is that gave birth to that chief of men, having the powerful gait of a lion, Rāma, even as Aditi gave birth to Dhātā.

अस्यावामभुजं श्लिष्टा या सा तिष्ठति दुर्मनाः॥ इयं सुमित्रा दुःखार्ता देवी राज्ञश्च मध्यमा। कर्णिकारस्य शाखेव शीर्णपुष्पा वनान्तरे॥ एतस्यास्तौ सुतौ देव्याः कुमारौ देववर्णिनौ। उभौ लक्ष्मणशत्रुघ्नौ वीरौ सत्यपराक्रमौ॥
She that stands at her left hand, in dejected guise, is the noble Sumitrā afflicted with sorrow, the second wife of the monarch, like a Karņikāra bough in a forest, with all its blossoms shrivelled up. The sons of this exalted lady are the youthful and heroic Lakşmaņa and ſatrughna, having truth for their prowess, and resembling celestials in shape.

यस्याः कृते नरव्याघ्रौ जीवनाशमितो गतौ। राजा पुत्रविहीनश्च स्वर्गं दशरथो गतः॥ क्रोधनामकृतप्रज्ञां दृप्तां सुभगमानिनीम्। ऐश्वर्यकामां कैकेयीमनार्यामायरूपिणीम्॥ ममैतां मातरं विद्धि नृशंसां पापनिश्चयाम्। यतोमूलं हि पश्यामि व्यसनं महदात्मनः॥
And her in consequence of whose act those foremost of men have come by crushing misfortune, and the king Dasaratha has gone to heaven, deprived of his son, wrathful and proud of her good fortune, setting her heart of wealth, Kaikeyi, dishonourable, although endowed with the semblance of honour, do you know this wicked one intent on sin as my mother. In her do I perceive the root of my mighty misfortune.

इत्युक्त्वा नरशार्दूलो बाष्पगद्गदया गिरा। विनिःश्वस्य स ताम्राक्षः क्रुद्धो नाग इव श्वसन्॥
Having said this, with his words choked with emotion, that best of men with his eyes reddened, sighed like an enraged serpent.

भरद्वाजो महर्षिस्तं ब्रुवन्तं भरतं तदा। प्रत्युवाच महाबुद्धिरिदं वचनमर्थवित्॥
As Bharata was speaking thus, the great ascetic Bharadvāja gifted with high understanding and knowing interest, answered Bharata, saying.

न दोषेणावगन्तव्या कैकेयी भरत त्वया। रामप्रव्राजनं ह्येतत् सुखोदकं भविष्यति॥
O Bharata, you ought not to cast any blame on Kaikeyī. This banishment of the king (Rāma), shall be for the good (of all).

देवानां दानवानां च ऋषीणां भावितात्मनाम्। हितमेव भविष्यद्धि रामप्रव्राजनादिह॥
The banishment of Rāma shall surely be for the welfare of the gods and the Asuras and sages of concentrated souls.

अभिवाद्य तु संसिद्धः कृत्वा चैनं प्रदक्षिणम्। आमन्त्र्य भरतः सैन्यं युज्यतामिति चाब्रवीत्॥
Thus blest, Bharata saluted the ascetic and went round him, and then summoning the soldiery, said, “Yoke,"

ततो वाजिरथान् युक्त्वा दिव्यान् हेमविभूषितान्। अध्यारोहत् प्रयाणार्थं बहून् बहुविधो जनः॥
Thereupon, getting ready excellent steeds and cars decked with gold, many people mounted, with the intention of departing.

गजकन्या गजाश्चैव हेमकक्ष्याः पताकिनः। जीमूता इव धर्मान्ते सघोषाः सम्प्रतस्थिरे॥
And male and female elephants with golden chains round their necks, and furnished with banners, with the sounds (of bells), proceeded, like clouds at the end of the summer season.

विविधान्यपि यानानि महान्ति च लघूनि च। प्रययुः सुमहार्हाणि पादैरपि पदातयः॥
And then proceeded various kinds of cars great and light of movement and of high value; and the infantry went on foot.

अथ यानप्रवेकैस्तु कौसल्याप्रमुखाः स्त्रियः। रामदर्शनकाक्षिण्यः प्रययुर्मुदितास्तदा॥
And on a magnificent car went the ladies headed by Kausalyā, with delighted hearts, eager to see Rāghava.

चन्द्रार्कतरुणाभासां नियुक्तां शिबिकां शुभाम्। आस्थाय प्रययौ श्रीमान् भरतः सपरिच्छदः॥
And ascending an elegant car resembling the infant sun or moon, driven by charioteers, went the graceful Bharata well attired.

सा प्रयाता महासेना गजवाजिसमाकुला। दक्षिणां दिशमावृत्य महामेघ इवोत्थितः॥ वनानि च व्यतिक्रम्य जुष्टानि मृगपक्षिभिः। गङ्गायाः परवेलायां गिरिष्वथ नदीष्वपि॥
And that mighty host abounding with horses and elephants proceeded, blocking up the southern quarter, like a colossal cloud arisen (in the sky), leaving behind on the other bank of the Gangā woods inhabited by birds and beasts, and coursing by rivers mountains.

सा सम्प्रहृष्टद्विपवाजियूथा वित्रासयन्ती मृगपक्षिसंघान्। महद्वनं तत् प्रविगाहमाना रराज सेना भरतस्य तत्र।४०।।
And composed of numbers of elephants and horses in high spirits, that army of Bharata, frightening multitudes of beasts and birds, dived into that mighty forest.