Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 91

कृतबुद्धिं निवासाय तत्रैव स मुनिस्तदा। भरतं केकयीपुत्रमातिथ्येन न्यमन्त्रयत्॥
Then the ascetic asked Bharata, the son of Kaikeyi, when he had decided for staying there, to receive his hospitality.

अब्रवीद् भरतस्त्वेनं नन्विदं भवता कृतम्। पाद्यमय॑मथातिथ्यं वने यदुपपद्यते॥
Thereat Bharata said, “You have for certain done this, (have offered me) water for washing my feet, Arghya, and hospitality with what can be procured in the forest.

अथोवाच भरद्वाजो भरतं प्रहसन्निव। जाने त्वां प्रीतिसंयुक्तं तुष्येस्त्वं येन केनचित्॥
Then Bharadvāja as if in jest, said to Bharata, "I know you to be of a complacent disposition; and that you are pleased with anything and everything."

सेनायास्तु तवैवास्याः कर्तुमिच्छामि भोजनम्। मम प्रीतियथारूपा त्वमर्हो मनुजर्षभ॥
But I wish to feast your forces. And, O best of men, it behoves you to act in harmony with my desire.

किमर्थं चापि निक्षिप्य दूरे बलमिहागतः। कस्मान्नेहोपयातोऽसि सबलः पुरुषर्षभ॥
Why did you coming higher, leave your army at a distance:? And, you man of men, why did you not come accompanied with your forces?

भरतः प्रत्युवाचेदं प्राञ्जलिस्तं तपोधनम्। न सैन्येनोपयातोऽस्मि भगवन् भगवद्भयात्॥
Bharata replied to him, saying, “I had not come accompanied with my forces, from fear of you, O reverend Sir.”

राज्ञा हि भगवन् नित्यं राजपुत्रेण वा तथा। यत्नतः परिहर्तव्या विषयेषु तपस्विनः॥
O worshipful one, kings and their sons should always carefully avoid the regions of ascetics.

वाजिमुख्या मनुष्याश्च मत्ताश्च वरवारणाः। प्रच्छाद्य भगवन् भूमिं महतीमनुयान्ति माम्॥
Choice steeds, men, and mad elephants of the best kind, covering a spacious tract of country, come in my train, respected Sir.

ते वृक्षानुदकं भूमिमाश्रमेषूटजांस्तथा। न हिंस्युरिति तेनाहमेक एवागतस्ततः॥
That these might not injure trees or water or the grounds of the cottages pertaining to the asylums, have I come hither alone.

आनीयतामितः सेनेत्याज्ञप्तः परमर्षिणा। तथानुचक्रे भरतः सेनायाः समुपागमम्॥
"Bring the forces here,", thus desired by the mighty ascetic, Bharata accordingly caused the troops to be brought in.

अग्निशालां प्रविश्याथ पीत्वापः परिमृज्य च। आतिथ्यस्य क्रियाहेतोर्विश्वकर्माणमाह्वयत्॥
Then entering the chamber of the sacrificial fire, (Bharadvāja) having sipped water and rubbed his lips therewith, invoked Viśvakarmā for the purpose of entertaining his guest.

आह्वये विश्वकर्माणमहं त्वष्टारमेव च। आतिथ्यं कर्तुमिच्छामि तत्र मे संविधीयताम्॥
I invoke Visvakarmā; even Tvasta himself. I wish to entertain guests. Let him accomplish this for me.

आह्वयेलोकपालांस्त्रीन् देवाशक्रपुरोगमान्। आतिथ्यं कर्तुमिच्छामि तत्र मे संविधीयताम्॥
I invoke the three guardians of the worlds, gods headed by Sakra. I wish to entertain guests. Let them accomplish this for me,

प्राक्स्रोतसश्च या नद्यस्तिर्यक्स्रोतस एव च। पृथिव्यामन्तरिक्षे च समायान्त्वद्य सर्वशः॥
Let those rivers that flow westwards, and those that move tortuously on the earth and in the sky, come hither in a body.

अन्याः स्रवन्तु मैरेयं सुरामन्याः सुनिष्ठिताम्। अपराश्चोदकं शीतमिक्षुकाण्डरसोपमम्॥
And let others run Maireya, and others refined wine, and others again cool waters resembling the juice of the sugarcane.

आह्वये देवगन्धर्वान् विश्वावसुहहाहुहून्। तथैवाप्सरसो देवगन्धर्वैश्चापि सर्वशः॥
I invoke the celestials and the Gandharvas and Viśvāvasu and Hahā and Huhu and also the divine Apsaras and Gandharvis all.

घृताचीमथ विश्वाची मिश्रकेशीमलम्बुषाम्। नागदत्तां च हेमां च सोमामद्रिकृतस्थलीम्॥
And Ghịtâcī, Viśvācī, Misrakesi and Alambuşā; and Nāgadattā and Hemā and Somā residing in the mountain.

शक्रं याश्चोपतिष्ठन्ति ब्रह्माणं याश्च भामिनीः। सर्वास्तुम्बुरुणा सार्धमाह्वये सपरिच्छदाः॥
And those ladies that attend Sakra, and those that attend Brahmā. I invoke all these females well attired, in company with Tumuru.

वनं कुरुषु यद् दिव्यं वासोभूषणपत्रवत्। दिव्यनारीफलं शश्वत् तत्कौबेरमिहैव तु॥
And let that beautiful forest of Kubera in the north Kuru, having its foliage resembling attires and ornaments, and its fruits debonair damsels, exist even at this very spot.

इह भगवान् सोमो विधत्तामन्नमुत्तमम्। भक्ष्यं भोज्यं च चोष्यं च लेह्यं च विविधं बहु॥ विचित्राणि च माल्यानि पादपप्रच्युतानि च। सुरादीनि च पेयानि मांसानि विविधानि च।॥
And here let the worshipful Soma yield me excellent viands of diverse kinds in plenty; things; that may be eaten or enjoyed, sucked or licked; and variegated blossoms growing in the trees, and wines and (other) drinks, and meats of various kinds.

एवं समाधिना युक्तस्तेजसाप्रतिमेन च। शिक्षास्वरसमायुक्तं सुव्रतश्चाब्रवीन्मुनिः॥
Thus, furnished with unrivalled ascetic energy, did that anchorite observing excellent vows, express himself orthoepically in consonance with Śikṣā.

मनसा ध्यायतस्तस्य प्रामुखस्य कृताञ्जलेः। आजग्मुस्तानि सर्वाणि दैवतानि पृथक् पृथक् ॥ मे
And as he sat with joined hands facing the west with a rapt mind, there came separately all those deities.

मलयं दर्दुरं चैव ततः स्वेदनुदोऽनिलः। उपस्पृश्य ववौ युक्त्या सुप्रियात्मा सुखं शिवः॥
And then touching Malaya and Dardura, and laden (with perfumes), a delicious and welcome wind began to blow delightfully, removing sweat.

ततोऽभ्यवर्षन्त घना दिव्याः कुसुमवृष्टयः। देवदुन्दुभिघोषश्च दिक्षु सर्वासु शुश्रुवे॥
And the clouds poured down a pleasant shower of blossoms; and from all sides were heard sounds of celestial kettle-drums.

प्रववुश्चोत्तमा वाता ननृतुश्चाप्सरोगणाः। प्रजगुर्देवगन्धर्वा वीणाः प्रमुमुचुः स्वरान् ॥
And a rare breeze set in, and the multitudes of Apsaras danced; and the celestials and the Gandharvas sang, and the Vinas let out their notes.

स शब्दो द्यां च भूमी च प्राणिनां श्रवणानि च। विवेशोच्चावचः श्लक्ष्णः समो लयगुणान्वितः॥
And the dulcet sounds high and low furnished with Sama and measure, entered the Earth and the firmament and the ears of all creatures.

तस्मिन्नेवंगते शब्दे दिव्ये श्रोत्रसुखे नृणाम्। ददर्श भारतं सैन्यं विधानं विश्वकर्मणः॥
When that celestial symphony delightful to the ears of men, had thus developed itself, Bharata's forces saw the workmanship of Visvakarman.

बभूव हि समा भूमिः समन्तात् पञ्चयोजनम्। शाद्वलैर्बहुभिश्छन्ना नीलवैदूर्यसंनिभैः॥
That spot widening into a level plain measuring five Yojanas was covered with thick grass resembling blue lapises.

तस्मिन् बिल्वाः कपित्थाश्च पनसा बीजपूरकाः। आमलक्यो बभूवुश्च चूताश्च फलभूषिताः॥
And on it stood Bilvas, and Kapitthas, Panasas, citrons, and Amalakas, and mangoes, embellished with fruits.

उत्तरेभ्यः कुरुभ्यश्च वनं दिव्योपभोगवत्। आजगाम नदी सौम्या तीरजैर्बहुभिर्वृता॥
From the north Kuru had spread a wood capable of conferring every enjoyment; and a beautiful river coursed through bordered by many a tree.

चतुःशालानि शुभ्राणि शालाश्च गजवाजिनाम्। हर्म्यप्रासादसंयुक्ततोरणानि शुभानि च॥ सितमेघनिभं चापि राजवेश्म सुतोरणम्। शुक्लमाल्यकृताकारं दिव्यगन्धसमुक्षितम्॥ चतुरस्रमसम्बाधं शयनासनयानवत्। दिव्यैः सर्वरसैर्युक्तं दिव्यभोजनवस्त्रवत्॥ उपकल्पितसर्वान्नं धौतनिर्मलभाजनम्। क्लृप्तसर्वासनं श्रीमत्स्वास्तीर्णशयनोत्तमम्॥
And there had arisen white edifices having four divisions; and stables for horses and elephants; and grand gateways belonging to places and mansions; and royal residences with graceful gates, resembling white clouds, bearing white garlands and washed with fragrant waters, having four corners, and spacious, fitted up with beds, seats, and vehicles, having every kind of excellent sapid food, stocked with excellent edibles and apparels, having every variety of food, possessing washed and bright vessels, with every description of seats, graceful, and accommodated with choice beds with coverlets.

प्रविवेश महाबाहुरनुज्ञातो महर्षिणा। वेश्म तद् रत्नसम्पूर्ण भरतः कैकयीसुतः॥ अनुजग्मुश्च ते सर्वे मन्त्रिणः सपुरोहिताः। बभूवुश्च मुदा युक्तास्तं दृष्ट्वा वेश्मसंविधिम्॥
Permitted by the Maharsi, Kaikeyi's son, Bharata, entered that mansion abounding in gems. And he was followed by the counsellors and the priests; and the latter beholding the arrangements of the palace, were filled with delight.

तत्र राजासनं दिव्यं व्यजनं छत्रमेव च। भरतो मन्त्रिभिः सार्धमभ्यवर्तत राजवत्॥
And Bharata in company with the counsellors there went round the august royal seat, the chowri, and the umbrella, worthy of a king. And having bowed down to Rāma, he worshipped that seat.

आसनं पूजयामास रामायाभिप्रणम्य च। वालव्यजनमादाय न्यषीदत् सचिवासने॥
And then holding the chowri of hair, he sat down on the seat of a minister.

आनुपूर्व्यानिषेदुश्च सर्वे मन्त्रिपुरोहिताः। ततः सेनापतिः पश्चात् प्रशास्ता च न्यषीदत॥
Then the counsellors and priests seated themselves according to rank. And thereafter the general and the protector of the encampment (got themselves seated).

ततस्तत्र मुहूर्तेन नद्यः पायसकर्दमाः। उपातिष्ठन्त भरतं भरद्वाजस्य शासनात्॥
Then at Bharadvāja's command, came into being near Bharata streams having Pāyasa for their slime.

आसामुभयतः कूलं पाण्डुमृत्तिकलेपनाः। रम्याश्चावसथा दिव्या ब्राह्मणस्य प्रसादजाः॥
And at the pleasure of the Brāhmaṇa, on both their banks arose charming dwellings, covered with pale clay.

तेनैव च मुहूर्तेन दिव्याभरणभूषिताः। आगुर्विंशतिसाहस्रा ब्राह्मणा प्रहिताः स्त्रियः।॥
And at that very moment there came twenty thousand women commissioned by Brahma, adorned with divine ornaments.

सुवर्णमणिमुक्तेन प्रवालेन च शोभिताः। आगुर्विंशतिसाहस्राः कुबेरप्रहिताः स्त्रियः॥ याभिर्गृहीतः पुरुषः सोन्माद इव लक्ष्यते।
And there came also twenty thousand females sent by Kuvera, decked out in gold and gems, pearls and corals. The sight of these was capable of filling men's mind with enchanting ravishment.

आगुर्विंशतिसाहस्रा नन्दनादप्सरोगणाः॥ नारदस्तुम्बुरुर्गोपः प्रभया सूर्यवर्चसः। एते गन्धर्वराजानो भरतस्याग्रतो जगुः॥
And there came from Nandana twenty thousand damsels; and Nārada and Tumburů and Gopa, resembling the sun in splendour. The Gandharba kings began to sing before Bharata.

अलम्बुषा मिश्रकेशी पुण्डरीकाथ वामना। उपानृत्यन्त भरतं भरद्वाजस्य शासनात्॥
And Alambusa, and Misrakesi, and Puņdarīka, and Vāmana danced before Bharata, at the command of Bharadvāja.

यानि माल्यानि देवेषु यानि चैत्ररथे वने। प्रयागे तान्यदृश्यन्त भरद्वाजस्य तेजसा॥
And those blossoms that are in the celestial regions, and that bloom in the forest of Caitraratha, became visible in Prayāga at the energy of Bharadvāja.

बिल्वा मार्दङ्गिका आसन् शम्याग्राहा बिभीतकाः। अश्वत्था नर्तकाश्चासन् भरद्वाजस्य तेजसा॥
And Vilwas did the office of players of the Mặdanga, and Bibhitakas, that of keepers of Soma, and Asvatthas became dancers, at the energy of Bharadvāja.

ततः सरलतालाश्च तिलकाः सतमालकाः। प्रहृष्टास्तत्र सम्पेतुः कुब्जा भूत्वाथ. वामनाः॥
And Saralas, Tālas, Tilakas, and Tamālas, being delighted, became hump-backed ones and dwarfs.

शिंशपामलकी जम्बूर्याश्चान्याः कानने लताः। मालती मल्लिका जातियश्चान्याः कानने लताः। प्रमदाविग्रहं कृत्वा भरद्वाजाश्रमेऽवसन्॥
And Sinsapās, Āmalakīs, Jambūs and other plants of the forest, wearing the forms of females, stood at the mansion of Bharadvāja.

सुरां सुरापाः पिबत पायसं च बुभुक्षिताः। मांसानि च सुमेध्यानि भक्ष्यन्तां यो यदिच्छति॥
Let wine-drinkers drink wine, the hungry eat Pāyasa, and those that are inclined to it, feed on clean meat.

उच्छोद्य स्नापयन्ति स्म नदीतीरेषु वल्गुषु । अप्येकमेकं पुरुषं प्रमदाः सप्त चाष्ट च॥
And every seven or eight females taking a man, bathed him on the lovely banks of the rivers.

संवाहन्त्यः समापेतुर्नार्यो विपुललोचनाः। परिमृज्य तदान्योन्यं पाययन्ति वराङ्गनाः॥
And damsels furnished with expansive eyes, having wiped the persons (of the bathers), pressed their legs, and those magnificent women made them drink (wine).

हयान् गजान् खरानुष्ट्रांस्तथैव सुरभेः सुतान्। अभोजयन् वाहनपास्तेषां भोज्यं यथाविधि॥
And the keepers duly fed excellent horses, elephants, camels and Surabhi's sons (oxen), with their (proper) food.

इखूश्च मधुलाजांश्च भोजयन्ति स्म वाहनान्। इक्ष्वाकुवरयोधानां चोदयन्तो महाबलाः॥
And some persons possessed of mighty strength, being directed thereto, fed the bearers of the foremost Ikşvāku warriors with sugercanes, honey, and fried paddy.

नाश्वबन्धोऽश्वमाजानान्न गजं कुञ्जरग्रहः। मत्तप्रमत्तमुदिता सा चमूस्तत्र सम्बभौ॥
And the groom forgot his horse, and the elephant-keeper his elephant: that army there became transported with wine and exhilaration.

तर्पिताः सर्वकामैश्च रक्तचन्दनरुषिताः। अप्सरोगणसंयुक्ताः सैन्या वाचमुदीरयन्॥
And sumptuously entertained with every enjoyment, with their bodies decked with red sandal, the soldiery in the company of bevies of Apsaras, exclaimed.

नैवायोध्यां गमिष्यामो न गमिष्याम दण्डकान्। कुशलं भरतस्यास्तु रामस्यास्तु तथा सुखम्॥
To Ayodhyā will we not go, nor yet to Dandaka. Peace be to Bharata, and may Rāma reap happiness!

इति पादातयोधाश्च हस्त्यश्वारोहबन्धकाः। अनाथास्तं विधिं लब्ध्वा वाचमेतामुदीरयन्॥
Thus did footmen and the riders and keepers of elephants and horses, as well as others, having experienced such a state, utter words.

सम्प्रहृष्टा विनेदुस्ते नरास्तत्र सहस्रशः। भरतस्यानुयातारः स्वर्गोऽयमिति चाब्रुवन्॥ नृत्यन्तश्च हसन्तश्च गायन्तश्चैव सैनिकाः। समन्तात् परिधावन्तो माल्योपेताः सहस्रशः॥
And men by thousand, exceedinly delighted, sent up shouts. And saying. “This is heaven,” the retiune of Bharata, the soldiers, began to dance and laugh and sing; and bearing garlands, they on all sides rushed by thousands.

ततो भुक्तवतां तेषां तदन्नममृतोपमम्। दिव्यानुद्वीक्ष्य भक्ष्यांस्तानभवद् भक्षणे मतिः॥
And beholding the inviting viands resembling ambrosia, they although already fed, became desirous of eating once again.

प्रेष्याश्चेट्यश्च वध्वश्च बलस्थाश्चापि सर्वशः। बभूवुस्ते भृशं प्रीताः सर्वे चाहतवाससः॥
And wearing new clothes, all the servants, and maids, and females of the household, became exceedingly well pleased.

कुञ्जराश्च खगोष्ट्राश्च गोऽश्वाश्च मृगपक्षिणः। बभूवुः सुभृतास्तत्र नातो ह्यन्यमकल्पयम्॥
And elephants, and asses, camels, kine and horses, and beats and birds, being fed their fill, did not hunger after anything else.

नाशुक्लवासास्तत्रासीत् क्षुधितो मलिनोऽपि वा। रजसा ध्वस्तकेशो वा नरः कश्चिददृश्यत॥
And there appeared no one who wore a soiled habit, or who was hungry, or melancholy, or whose hair was covered with dust.

आजैश्चापि,च वाराहैर्निष्ठानवरसंचयैः। फलनिषूहसंसिद्धैः सूपैर्गन्धरसान्वितैः॥ पुष्पध्वजवतीः पूर्णाः शुक्लस्यानस्य चाभितः। ददृशुर्विस्मितास्तत्र नरा लौहीः सहस्रशः॥
And the people with wonder beheld before them vessels of precious metals by thousands graceful with chaplets of flowers, filled with essences of fruits and fragrant soups and curries and the flesh of goats and bears, and white rice.

बभूवुर्वनपार्वेषु कूपाः पायसकर्दमाः। ताश्च कामदुधा गावो दुमाश्चासन् मधुच्युतः॥
And there were on the skirts of the wood wells having Pāyasa for their slime; and the kine yeilded whatever was asked and all the trees dropped honey.

वाप्यो मैरेयपूर्णाश्च मृष्टमांसचयैर्वृताः। प्रतप्तपिठरैश्चापि मार्गमायूरकौक्कुटैः॥
And the tanks were filled with Maireya as well as with clean hot meat of dear, peacocks, and cocks, dressed in pans.

पात्रीणां च सहस्राणि स्थालीनां नियुतानि च। न्यर्बुदानि च पात्राणि शातकुम्भमयानि च।७१।।
And there were rice-holders by thousands, and curry-pots by hundred thousands, and golden vessels by Arbudas.

स्थाल्यः कुम्भ्यः करम्भ्यश्च दधिपूर्णाः सुसंस्कृताः। यौवनस्थस्य गौरस्य कपित्थस्य सुगन्धिनः॥ ह्रदाः पूर्णा रसालस्य दनः श्वेतस्य चापरे। बभूवुः पायसस्यान्ये शर्कराणां च संचयाः॥
And there were pitchers and water-pots and cleaned vessels for churning curd, filled with the same. And there were tanks of savoury and yellow butter-milk, well-tempered. And there were tanks filled with Rasāla;* and others filled with milk, and with sugar. *A preparation of butter-milk.

कल्कांश्चूर्णकषायांश्च स्नानानि विविधानि च। ददृशुर्भाजनस्थानि तीर्थेषु सरितां नराः॥ शुक्लानंशुमतश्चापि दन्तधावनसंचयान्। शुक्लांश्चन्दनकल्कांश्च समुद्रेष्ववतिष्ठतः॥ दर्पणान् परिमृष्टांश्च वाससां चापि संचयान्। पादुकोपानहं चैव युग्मान्यत्र सहस्रशः॥ आञ्जनीः कङ्कतान् कूर्चाश्छत्राणि च धनूंषि च। मर्मत्राणानि चित्राणि शयनान्यासनानि च॥
And men saw sediments, acrid powders and various others things in vessels, for the purpose of bath, on the terraces of tanks; and toothcleaning sticks of Ansuman and other (trees); and white sandal paste lying before; and cleaned mirros; and lots of cloths; and sandals; and shoes in pairs by thousand; and collyrium-pots; and combs; and brushes; and bows at some places; and mail; and various kinds of seats and beds.

प्रतिपानह्वदान् पूर्णान् खरोष्ट्रगजवाजिनाम्। अवगाह्य सुतीर्थांश्च ह्रदान् सोत्पलपुष्करान्। आकाशवर्णप्रतिमान् स्वच्छतोयान् सुखाप्लवान्॥ नीलवैदूर्यवर्णाश्च मृदून् यवससंचयान्। निर्वापार्थं पशूनां ते ददृशुस्तत्र सर्वशः।७९ ।।
And they saw reservoirs for asses, camels, elephants, and horses, with easy descents, filled with water to assist their digestion; and pools furnished with lotuses, of the hue of the firmament, with transparent water, comfortable for ablutions; and tender (plots of) grass all around coloured like blue lapises, to serve as pasture for beasts.

'व्यस्मयन्त मनुष्यास्ते स्वप्नकल्पं तदद्भुतम्। दृष्ट्वाऽतिथ्यं कृतं तादृग् भरतस्य महर्षिणा॥
Witnessing the wonderful hospitality provided by the Maharşi Bharadvāja, like to a vision, the men marvelled.

इत्येवं रममाणानां देवानामिव नन्दने। भरद्वाजाश्रमे रम्ये सा रात्रिर्व्यत्यवर्तत ॥
Thus entertained like to celestials in Nandana, they passed the night at the hermitage of Bharadvāja.

प्रतिजग्मुश्च ता नद्यो गन्धर्वाश्च यथागतम्। भरद्वाजमनुज्ञाप्य ताश्च सर्वा वराङ्गनाः॥
Then taking the permission of Bharadvāja, all the Gandharvas as well as the superb damsels went away as they had come.

स्तथैव दिव्यागुरुचन्दनोक्षिताः। तथैव दिव्या विविधाः स्रगुत्तमाः पृथग्विकीर्णा मनुजैः प्रमर्दिताः॥
And the men remained intoxicated and highly inebriate with the liquor, their persons daubed with goodly aguru and sandal; and the various elegant garlands beautiful to behold, lay by themselves all around, crushed by the people.