Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 90

भरद्वाजाश्रमं गत्वा क्रोशादेव नरर्षभः। जनं सर्वमवस्थाप्य जगाम सह मन्त्रिभिः॥ पद्भ्यामेव तु धर्मज्ञो न्यस्तशस्त्रपरिच्छदः। वसानो वाससी क्षौमे पुरोधाय पुरोहितम्॥
Having arrived at (the neighbourhood of) Bharadvāja's asylum, that foremost of men while it was a krosa (to the destination), left his forces behind and went thither, accompanied by his counsellors alone. And leaving his attire and arms, and clad in a silk cloth, that pious one placing the priest in front, went on foot.

ततः संदर्शने तस्य भरद्वाजस्य राघवः। मन्त्रिणस्तानवस्थाप्य जगामानुपुरोहितम्॥
Then with the view of seeing Bharadvāja, that descendent of Raghu leaving behind the counsellors also, went in the wake of the priest.

वसिष्ठमथ दृष्ट्वैव भरद्वाजो महातपाः। संचचालासनात् तूर्णं शिष्यानर्घ्यमिति ब्रुवन्॥
As soon as Bharadvāja of rigid austerities saw Vasiştha, he at once rose from his seat, saying to him disciples "Arghya!"

समागम्य वसिष्ठेन भरतेनाभिवादितः। अबुध्यत महातेजाः सुतं दशरथस्य तम्॥
On being called upon by Vasiştha, that highly energetic one understood that it was Daſaratha's son.

ताभ्यामर्थ्य च पाद्यं च दत्त्वा पश्चात् फलानि च। आनुपूर्व्याच्च धर्मज्ञः पप्रच्छ कुशलं कुले॥ अयोध्यायां बले कोशे मित्रेष्वपि च मन्त्रिषु। जानन् दशरथं वृत्तं न राजानमुदाहरत्॥
Having offered them (the guests) water to wash their feet and Arghya, as well as fruits subsequently, that virtuous one (Bharadvāja) successively enquired after the welfare of their (respective) homes; and after that, of the forces, exchequer, friends and counsellors in Ayodhyā. And knowing that Dasaratha had departed this life, he did not ask anything relating to the monarch.

वसिष्ठो भरतश्चैनं पप्रच्छतुरनामयम्। शरीरेऽग्निषु शिष्येषु वृक्षेषु मृगपक्षिषु॥
Then Vasiştha and Bharata questioned him as to his welfare, in relation to the body, the (sacrificial) fire, the trees, the beasts and the birds (of the hermitage).

तथेति तु प्रतिज्ञाय भरद्वाजो महायशाः। भरतं प्रत्युवाचेदं राघवस्नेहबन्धनात्॥
To all this returning "So it is,” the illustrious Bharadvāja from affection for Rāghava said to Bharata.

किमिहागमने कार्यं तव राज्यं प्रशासतः। एतदाचक्ष्व सर्वं मे न हि मे शुध्यते मनः॥
What is the use of your visit here, seeing that you are engaged in the task of governing the kingdom? Do you relate all this to me; my mind is ill at ease.

सुषुवे यममित्रघ्नं कौसल्याऽऽनन्दवर्धनम्। भ्रात्रा सह सभार्यो यश्चिरं प्रवाजितो वनम्॥ नियुक्तः स्त्रीनिमित्तेन पित्रा योऽसौ महायशाः। वनवासी भवेतीह समाः किल चतुर्दश॥ कच्चिन्न तस्यापापस्य पापं कर्तुमिहेच्छसि। अकण्टकं भोक्तुमना राज्यं तस्यानुजस्य च॥
That slayer of foes and perpetuator of his race who has been born by Kausalyā, and who along with his wife and brother has been banished to the woods for a long term, that illustrious one who enjoined by his sire in the interests of a woman, has become an inhabitant of the woods for fourteen years, do you, desirous of securely enjoying the kingdon belonging to him as well to his younger brother, intend to do any harm to that sinless one?

एवमुक्तो भरद्वाजं भरतः प्रत्युवाच ह। पर्यश्रुनयनो दुःखाद् वाचा संसज्जमानया॥
Thus accosted, Bharata replied to Bharadvāja with tears filling his eyes and his words choked with grief.

हतोऽस्मि यदि मामेवं भगवानपि मन्यते। मत्तो न दोषमाशङ्के मैवं मामनुशाधि हि॥
Undone am I if the reverend one also deems me so. Do not apprehend any wrong from me; and do you not reproach me thus.

न चैतदिष्टं माता मे यदवोचन्मदन्तरे। नाहमेतेन तुष्टश्च न तद्वचनमाददे॥
Whatever my mother has said in relation to me, does not express my wish, I am not satisfied with that, nor do I endorse her speech.

अहं तु तं नरव्याघ्रमुपयातः प्रसादकः। प्रतिनेतुमयोध्यायां पादौ चास्याभिवन्दितुम्॥
I, intending to pacify him, and going to that chief of men, with the view of taking him to Ayodhyā and of paying homage to his feet.

तं मामेवंगतं मत्वा प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हसि। शंस मे भगवन् रामः क्व सम्प्रति महीपतिः॥
Thinking me as already gone, you should show your favour to me. O reverend Sir, tell me where stay at present Rāma, lord of the earth.

वसिष्ठादिभित्विग्भिर्याचितो भगवांस्ततः। उवाच तं भरद्वाजः प्रसादाद् भरतं वचः॥
Besought by Vasiştha and the other Rtvijas, the venerable Bharadvāja well pleased, spoke to Bharata.

त्वय्येतत् पुरुषव्याघ्र युक्तं राघववंशजे। गुरुवृत्तिर्दमश्चैव साधूनां चानुयायिता॥
foremost of men, even this is worthy of you. Serving superiors, restraint of the senses, and following the pious, are ever found in one sprung in the Rāghava line.

जाने चैतन्मनःस्थं ते दृढीकरणमस्त्विति। अपृच्छं त्वां तवात्यर्थं कीर्तिं समभिवर्धयन्॥
I know that even this is your intention, but for the purpose of making your mind all the firmer, I had asked you in this wise; so that your fame might greatly increase.

जाने च रामं धर्मज्ञं ससीतं सहलक्ष्मणम्। अयं वसति ते भ्राता चित्रकूटे महागिरौ॥
I also know the righteous Rāma with Sītā and Lakşmaņa. This brother of yours at present stays at the mighty mountain Citrakuta.

श्वस्तु गन्तासि तं देशं वसाद्य सह मन्त्रिभिः। एतं मे कुरु सुप्राज्ञ कामं कामार्थकोविद॥
On the morrow you will set out for that region. Do you to-day sojourn here along with your counsellors. O wise one, do this at your pleasure, O you understanding interest and desire.

ततस्तथेत्येवमुदारदर्शनः प्रतीतरूपो भरतोऽब्रवीद् वचः। चकार बुद्धिं च तदाश्रमे तदा निशानिवासाय नराधिपात्मजः॥
Thereat the gently-looking and highly famous one said, “Be it so;" and the king's son made up his mind to spend the night in the great hermitage (of the saint).