Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 83

ततः समुत्थितः कल्यमास्थाय स्यन्दनोत्तमम्। प्रययौ भरतः शीघ्रं रामदर्शनकाम्यया॥
Rising with the morrow, Bharata anxious to behold Rāma, speedily set out ascending an excellent car.

अग्रतः प्रययुस्तस्य सर्वे मन्त्रिपुरोहिताः। अधिरुह्य हयैर्युक्तान् रथान् सूर्यरथोपमान्॥
Before him went the councillors and priests, ascending cars resembling that of the Sun yoked with steeds.

नवनागसहस्राणि कल्पितानि यथाविधिः। अन्वयुर्भरतं यान्तमिक्ष्वाकुकुलनन्दनम्॥
And a thousand elephants duly consecrated went in the wake of that son of the Ikşvāku line as he was proceeding.

षष्टी रथसहस्राणि धन्विनो विविधायुधाः। अन्वयुर्भरतं यान्तं राजपुत्रं यशस्विनम् ॥
And six thousand with bow-men furnished with various weapons followed the illustrious prince Bharata as he was proceeding.

शतं सहस्राण्यश्वानां समारूढानि राघवम्। अन्वयुर्भरतं यान्तं राजपुत्रं यशस्विनम्॥
And a hundred thousand horses mounted (by riders) went in the wake of that descendant of Raghu intent upon truth and having his senses under control.

कैकेयी च सुमित्रा च कौसल्या च यशस्विनी। रामानयनसंतुष्टा ययुर्यानेन भास्वता॥
Kaikeyi and Sumitrā and the highly famous Kausalyā rejoicing at the prospect of the bringing of Rāma, went in an effulgent car. cars

प्रयाताश्चार्यसंघाता रामं द्रष्टुं सलक्ष्मणम्। तस्यैव च कथाश्चित्राः कुर्वाणा हृष्टमानसाः॥
And the honourable persons (belonging to all the three orders) went with the object of beholding Rāma in company with Lakşmaņa.

मेघश्याम महाबाहुं स्थिरसत्त्वं दृढव्रतम्। कदा द्रक्ष्यामहे रामं जगतः शोकनाशनम्॥
They with glad hearts variously conversed with each other, “When shall we see the mighty armed Rāma sable like to a cloud, of steady strength, firm in vows, the remover of the world's grief?

दृष्ट एव हि नः शोकमपनेष्यति राघवः। तमः सर्वस्य लोकस्य समुद्यन्निव भास्करः॥
As soon as we shall see him, Rāghava will remove our sorrow; even as the Sun arising dispels the darkness of the entire world.

इत्येवं कथयन्तस्ते सम्प्रहृष्टाः कथाः शुभाः। परिष्वजानाश्चान्योन्यं ययुर्नागरिकास्तदा॥
Thus cheerfully carrying on an auspicious talk, the citizens embracing each other went along.

ये च तत्रापरे सर्वे सम्मता ये च नैगमाः। रामं प्रतिययुर्हृष्टाः सर्वाः प्रकृतयः शुभाः॥
And all other, and the foremost merchants as well as all the principal classes, joyfully went in quest of Rāma.

मणिकाराश्च ये केचित् कुम्भकाराश्च शोभनाः। सूत्रकर्मविशेषज्ञा ये च शस्त्रोफ्जीविनः॥ मायूरकाः क्राकचिका वेधका रोचकास्तथा। दन्तकाराः सुधाकारा ये च गन्धोपजीविनः॥ सुवर्णकाराः प्रख्यातास्तथा कम्बलकारकाः। स्नापकोष्णोदका वैद्या धूपकाः शौण्डिकास्तथा॥ रजकास्तुत्रवायाश्च ग्रामघोषमहत्तराः। शैलूषाश्च सह स्त्रीभिर्यान्ति कैवर्तकास्तथा॥ समाहिता वेदविदो ब्राह्मणा वृत्तसम्मताः। गोरथैर्भरतं यान्तमनुजग्मुः सहस्रशः॥ सुवेषाः शुद्धवसनास्ताम्रपृष्टानुलेपिनः। सर्वे ते विविधैर्यानैः शनैर्भरतमन्वयुः॥
And number of gem-cutters, and goodly manufacturers, bathers in tepid water, shampooers, physicians, makers of Dhūpas, and wine-sellers, washermen, and tailors, and actors in numbers with females, and Kaivartas, and persons versed in Vedas having their minds in control, and Brāhmaṇas of reputed character, and persons well dressed and attired in pure habits, with their bodies daubed with coppery unguents, by thousands followed Bharata on carts.

प्रहृष्टमुदिता सेना सान्वयात् कैकयीसुतम्। भ्रातुरानयने यातं भरतं भ्रातृवत्सलम्॥
All these gradually followed Bharata by means of excellent vehicles. And the army delighted and in high spirits went in the wake of Kaikeyi's son attached to his brother, going to bring back his brother.

ते गत्वा दूरमध्वानं रथयानाश्वकुञ्जरैः। समासेदुस्ततो गङ्गां शृङ्गवेरपुरं प्रति॥ यत्र रामसखा वीरो गुहो ज्ञातिगणैर्वृतः। निवसत्यप्रमादेन देशं तं परिपालयन्॥
Going far by means of cars, vehicles, elephants, and horses, they arrived at the Gangā near Śrngaverapura, where was peacefully staying that friend of Rāma, the heroic Guha, surrounded by his relatives ruling the realm.

उपेत्य तीरं गङ्गायाश्चक्रवाकैरलंकृतम्। व्यवतिष्ठत सा सेना भरतस्यानुयायिनी॥ निरीक्ष्यानुत्थितां सेनां तां च गङ्गां शिवोदकाम्। भरतः सचिवान् सर्वानब्रवीद् वाक्यकोविदः॥
Having come to the banks of the Gangā graced with Cakravākas, the army which was following Bharata halted. Seeing the army inactive as well as the Gangā of sacred waters, Bharata versed in speech spoke to the courtiers.

निवेशयत् मे सैन्यमभिप्रायेण सर्वतः। विश्रान्ताः प्रतरिष्यामः श्व इमां सागरणमाम्॥
Do you communicating to all our intentions, encamp the army. Having been fatigued, we shall cross the ocean-going Gangā on the morrow.

दातुं च तावदिच्छामि स्वर्गतस्य महीपतेः। और्ध्वदेहनिमित्तार्थमवतीर्योदकं नदीम्॥
Having crossed the stream, I am anxious to offer its water to the monarch, who has gone to heaven in behalf of his spiritual body.

तस्यैवं ब्रुवतोऽमात्यास्तथेत्युक्त्वा समाहिताः। न्यवेशयंस्तांश्छन्देन स्वेन स्वेन पृथक् पृथक् ॥
When he had said this, the courtiers with collected minds saying, “Be it so,” disposed their forces, each according to his wish.

निवेश्य गङ्गामनु तां महानदी चमूं विधानैः परिबर्हशोभिनीम्। उवास रामस्य तदा महात्मो विचिन्तमानो भरतो निवर्तनम्॥
Having on the mighty stream, Gangā, quartered his forces furnished with all appliances for the journey, Bharata remained there, revolving the means of making the high-souled Rāma turn back.