Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 82

तामार्यगणसम्पूर्णां भरतः प्रग्रहां सभाम्। ददर्श बुद्धिसम्पन्नः पूर्णचन्द्रां निशामिव॥
And then the intelligent Bharata surveyed that assembly filled with noble, and worthy personages, resembling the night of the full moon.

आसनानि यथान्यायमार्याणां विशतां तदा। वस्त्राङ्गरागप्रभया द्योतिता सा सभोत्तमा॥
And that august assembly was ablaze with the brilliant hues proceeding from the attires of the honourable persons seated according to rank.

सा विद्वज्जनसम्पूर्णा सभा सुरुचिरा तथा। अदृश्यत घनापाये पूर्णचन्द्रेव शर्वरी॥
And that splendid assembly filled with learned people looked like he night of the full moon after the clouds have dispersed.

राज्ञस्तु प्रकृतीः सर्वाः स सम्प्रेक्ष्य च धर्मवित्। इदं पुरोहितो वाक्यं भरतं मृदु चाब्रवीत्॥
And seeing all the subjects of the sovereign gathered together, the priest cognizant of virtue softly spoke to Bharata.

तात राजा दशरथः स्वर्गतो धर्ममाचरन्। धनधान्यवतीं स्फीतां प्रदाय पृथिवीं तव॥
Your child, leaving to you this prosperous carth abounding in corn and wealth, king Dasaratha having performed his duties, has gone to heaven.

रामस्तथा सत्यवृत्तिः सतां धर्ममनुस्मरन्। ना जहात् पितुरादेशं शशी ज्योत्स्नामिवोदितः॥
And Rāma of truthful character observing the virtue of the righteous has not set aside his father's commands. even as the risen moon does not renounce the moonlight.

पित्रा भ्रात्रा च ते दत्तं राज्यं निहतकण्टकम्। तद् भुझ्व मुदितामात्यः क्षिप्रमेवाभिषेचय॥ उदीच्याश्च प्रतीच्याश्च दाक्षिणात्याश्च केवलाः। कोट्यापरान्ताः सामुद्रा रत्नान्युपहरन्तु ते॥
Loved by the courtiers, do you, having been installed, enjoy this kingdom conferred on you by your father and mother, rid of its thorn. Let princes throned as well as those without thrones, from east, and west, north and south, and also persons ranging the sea, procure countless gems (for presenting them to you.

तच्छ्रुत्वा भरतो वाक्यं शोकेनाभिपरिप्लुतः। जगाम मनसा रामं धर्मज्ञो धर्मकाया॥
Hearing this speech, Bharata cognizant of virtue, filled with sorrow, mentally repaired to Rāma desirous of reaping merit.

सबाष्पकलया वाचा कलहंसस्वरो युवा। विललाप सभामध्ये जगहें च पुरोहितम्॥
Then in words choked with the melodious voice of a swan, lamented and taxed the priest, in the midst of the assembly.

चरितब्रह्मचर्यस्य विद्यास्नातस्य धीमतः। धर्मे प्रयतमानस्य को राज्यं मद्विधो हरेत्॥
Who like myself ever deprives one that has led a Brahmacharya mode of life, that is endowed with understanding and performed his bath after having acquired learning, and that is always intent on righteousness, of one's kingdom?

कथं दशरथाज्जातो भवेद् राज्यापहारकः। राज्यं चाहं च रामस्य धर्म वक्तुमिहार्हसि ॥
How begot of Dasaratha, shall I deprive Rāma of his kingdom. It behove you to speak righteousness before this assembly.

ज्येष्ठः श्रेष्ठश्च धर्मात्मा दिलीपनहुषोपमः। लब्धुमर्हति काकुत्स्थो राज्यं दशरथो यथा॥
First-born, and foremost in merit, righteoussouled, and comparable to Dilipa and Nahuşa, Kākutstha deserves the kingdom, just as Dasaratha did.

अनार्यजुष्टमस्वयं कुर्यां पापमहं यदि। इक्ष्वाकूणामहं लोके भवेयं कुलपांसनः॥
If I commit myself to this sin dishonourable and calculated to bring me to perdition, I shall in this world bring disgrace on the race of the Ikşvākus.

यद्धि मात्रा कृतं पापं नाहं तदपि रोचये। इहस्थो वनदुर्गस्थं नमस्यामि कृताञ्जलिः॥
I do not at all relish the sin that has been committed by mother. Remaining here with joined hands I bow down to Rāma gone to the forest fastness.

राममेवानुगच्छामि स राजा द्विपदां वरः। त्रयाणामपि लोकानां राघवो राज्यमर्हति ॥
I will follow Rāma. That best of men is the king. Rāghava deserves the dominion of the three worlds themselves.

तद्वाक्यं धर्मसंयुक्तं श्रुत्वा सर्वे सभासदः। हर्षान्मुमुचुरश्रूणि रामे निहितचेतसः॥
Hearing words informed with those righteousness, the entire assembly with their minds intent upon Rāma, from joy shed tears.

यदि त्वार्यं न शक्ष्यामि विनिवर्तयितुं वनात्। वने तत्रैव वत्स्यामि यथार्यो लक्ष्मणस्तथा॥
If I fail to bring back the noble one from the forest, I will like the exalted Lakşmaņa remain even in that forest.

सर्वोपायं तु वर्तिष्ये विनिवर्तयितुं बलात्। समक्षमार्यमिश्राणां साधूनां गुणवर्तिनाम्॥
I will in presence of this mixed assembly of pious and honourable persons following every perfection, adopt every expedient to bring back Rāma.

विष्टिकर्मान्तिकाः सर्वे मार्गशोधकदक्षकाः। प्रस्थापिता मया पूर्व यात्रा च मम रोचते॥
I have already despatched beforehand persons serving for love as well as those for money, and layers of roads and their keepers, and I intend setting out now.

एवमुक्त्वा तु धर्मात्मा भरतो भ्रातृवत्सलः। समीपस्थमुवाचेदं सुमन्त्रं मन्त्रकोविदम्॥
Having said this, the virtuous Bharata attached to his brother spoke to Sumantra skilled in counsel, who was by, saying.

तूर्णमुत्थाय गच्छ त्वं सुमन्त्र मम शासनात्। यात्रामाज्ञापय क्षिप्रं बलं चैव समानय ॥
Up, and go, O Sumantra at my command. Do you make known this journey and bring the forces.

एवमुक्तः सुमन्त्रस्तु भरतेन महात्मना। प्रहृष्टः सोऽदिशत् सर्वं यथासंदिष्टमिष्टवत्॥
Thus accosted by the magnanimous Bharata, Sumantra with a cheerful heart issued orders concerning everything desirable as he was ordered.

ताः प्रहृष्टाः प्रकृतयो बलाध्यक्षा बलस्य च। श्रुत्वा यात्रां समाज्ञप्तां राघवस्य निवर्तने॥
Hearing that the army had been ordered to march forth for bringing back Rāma, the subjects as well as the generals of the forces became exceedingly delighted.

ततो योधाङ्गनाः सर्वा भर्तृन् सर्वान् गृहे गृहे। सज्जं तु तद् यात्रागमनमाज्ञाय त्वरयन्ति स्म हर्षिताः॥
Hearing of the journey to Rāma, for bringing him back the wives of the soldiers apprised of the order that had been issued to the latter, being exceedingly delighted, hurried on.

ते हयैर्गोरथैः शीघ्रं स्यन्दनैश्च मनोजवैः। सह योषिद्बलाघ्यक्षा बलं सर्वमचोदयन्॥
And the generals expeditiously despatched their forces with warriors by means of horses and cares and cars fleet as the mind.

बलं दृष्ट्वा भरतो गुरुसंनिधौ। रथं मे त्वरयस्वेति सुमन्त्रं पार्श्वऽब्रवीत्॥
Seeing those force marshalled, Bharata staying near his preceptor, said to Sumantra who was at his side, “Do you speedily bring my car”

भरतस्य तु तस्याज्ञां परिगृह्य प्रहर्षितः। रथं गृहीत्वोपययौ युक्तं परमवाजिभिः॥
In obedience to the mandate of Bharata, Sumantra exceedingly rejoiced, appeared with the car yoked with superb steeds.

स राघवः सत्यधृतिः प्रतापवान् ब्रुवन् सुयुक्तं दृढसत्यविक्रमः। गुरुं महारण्यगतं यशस्विनं प्रसादयिष्यन् भरतोऽब्रवीत् तदा॥
Then that powerful descendant of Raghu of truthful character, and having unswerving truth for his prowess, Bharata, having said what was fit, spoke words calculated to gladden his illustrious superior gone to the mighty forest.

तूर्णं त्वमुत्थाय सुमन्त्र गच्छ बलस्य योगाय बलप्रधानान्। आनेतुमिच्छामि हि तं वनस्थं प्रसाद्य रामं जगतो हिताय॥
O Sumantra, arise you speedily and, your desire fully attained, go by my command, and tell the chiefs of the army, and our principal adherents to array the forces.

गाज्ञापितः सम्परिपूर्णकामः। शशास सर्वान् प्रकृतिप्रधानान् बलस्य मुख्यांश्च सुहृज्जनं च॥ ततः समुत्थाय कुले कुले ते राजन्यवैश्या वृषलाश्च विप्राः। अयूयुजन्नुष्ट्ररथान् खरांश्च नागान् हयांश्चैव कुलप्रसूतान्॥
Thereat rising, Rājanyas and Vaisyas, and Vņşalas; and Vipras in every house began to yoke camels and cars and mules and elephants and excellent steeds.

ततः समुत्थाय कुले कुले ते राजन्यवैश्या वृषलाश्च विप्राः। अयूयुजन्नुष्ट्ररथान् खरांश्च नागान् हयांश्चैव कुलप्रसूतान्॥
Thereat rising, Rājanyas and Vaisyas, and Vņşalas; and Vipras in every house began to yoke camels and cars and mules and elephants and excellent steeds.