Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 81

ततो नान्दीमुखीं रात्रि भरतं सूतमागधाः। तुष्टुवुः सविशेषज्ञाः स्तवैर्मङ्गलसंस्तवैः॥
Then seeing that the night in which had been performed the auspicious preliminary ceremonies, was about to be spent, eulogists and genealogists hymned Bharata with consecrated hymns.

सुवर्णकोणाभिहतः प्राणदद्यामदुन्दुभिः। दध्मुः शङ्खांश्च शतशो वाद्यांश्चोच्चावचस्वरान्॥
And then sounded the kettle-drum, beaten by a golden stick, announcing the departure of the night; and people sounded conchs and other instruments by hundreds furnished with soft and loud sounds.

स तूर्यघोषः सुमहान् दिवमापूरयन्निव। भरतं शोकसंतप्तं भूयः शोकैररन्धयत्॥
And as if filling the heavens, those powerful blasts of the trumpet repeatedly rendered Bharata burning in grief the more aggrieved.

ततः प्रबुद्धो भरतस्तं घोषं संनिवर्त्य च। नाहं राजेति चोक्त्वा तं शत्रुघ्नमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Then awaking and silencing those sounds with saying, “I am not the king," he said to Satrughna.

पश्य शत्रुघ्न कैकेय्या लोकस्यापकृतं महत्। विसृज्य मयि दुःखानि राजा दशरथो गतः॥
Behold, O Satrughna, in what a mighty wrong the people are engaged, on account of Kaikeyi. The king Dasaratha has gone away throwing down on me (the burthen of) this misery.

तस्यैषा धर्मराजस्य धर्ममूला महात्मनः। परिभ्रमति राजश्रीनौरिवाकर्णिका जले॥
The royal grace founded in righteousness of that magnanimous and virtuous monarch is wandering even like a boat on water having no helmsman.

यो हि नः सुमहान् नाथः सोऽपि प्रव्राजितो वने। अनया धर्ममुत्सृज्य मात्रा मे राघवः स्वयम्।७।।
And he who is our mighty master has been banished into the woods by this mother of mine, who had (in doing so) renounced virtue.

इत्येवं भरतं वीक्ष्य विलपन्तमचेतनम्। कृपणा रुरुदुः सर्वाः सुस्वरं योषितस्तदा॥
Seeing Bharata lamenting thus senseless, the ladies afflicted with sorrow began to wail in winsome accents.

तथा तस्मिन् विलपति वसिष्ठो राजधर्मवित्। सभामिक्ष्वाकुनाथस्य प्रविवेश महायशाः॥ शातकुम्भमयीं रम्यां मणिहेमसमाकुलाम्। सुधर्मामिव धर्मात्मा सगणः प्रत्यपद्यत ॥ स काञ्चनमयं पीठं स्वस्त्यास्तरणसंवृतम्। अध्यास्त सर्ववेदज्ञो दूताननुशशास च॥
As Bharata was mourning thus, the highly famous and virtuous Vasistha accompanied by his disciples entered the court of the Ikşvāku king: built of entire gold, charming, dazzling with gems and gold: like to Sudharmä its. Sitting down on a golden seat furnished with a elegant cover, that one versed in all the Vedas commanded the envoys, saying.

ब्राह्मणान् क्षत्रियान् योधानमात्यान् गणवल्लभान्। क्षिप्रमानयताव्यग्राः कृत्यमात्ययिकं हि नः॥ सराजपुत्रं शत्रुघ्नं भरतं च यशस्विनम्। युधाजितं सुमन्त्रं च ये च तत्र हिता जनाः॥
Do you speedily with collected minds bring hither Brāhmaṇas and Kștriyas and warriors and counsellors and generals of forces and Satrughna with the other princes, and the famous Bharata and Yuddhajit* and Sumantra and others that are engaged in our welfare. *One of the counsellors.

ततो हलहलाशब्दो महान् समुदपद्यत। रथैरश्वैर्गजैश्चापि जनानामुपगच्छताम्॥
Then there arose a mighty hubbub occasioned by people coming up in cars, horses and elephants.

ततो भरतमायान्तं शतक्रतुमिवामराः। प्रत्यनन्दन् प्रकृतयो यथा दशरथं तथा॥
When Bharata arrived, the subjects rejoiced as they used to rejoice on Daſaratha's arrival; and as rejoiced the immortals on the arrival of him of an hundred sacrifices.

हृद इव तिमिनागसंवृतः स्तिमितजलो मणिशङ्खशर्करः। दशरथसुतशोभिता सभा सदशरथेव बभूव सा पुरा॥
And then the court resembling a moveless ocean containing whales and serpents,* and gems and conchs and gold-mines, being graced with the presence of Dasaratha's son, looked splendid as it formerly did with that of Dasaratha himself. *Nāga may also mean hypopotamus.