Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 79

ततः प्रभातसमये दिवसेऽथ चतुर्दशे। समेत्य राजकर्तारो भरतं वाक्यमब्रुवन्॥
Then on the morning of the fourteenth day, the ministers of the king assembled addressed Bharata in the following words.

गतो दशरथः स्वर्गं यो नो गुरुतरो गुरुः। रामं प्रव्राज्य वै ज्येष्ठं लक्ष्मणं च महाबलम्॥ त्वमद्य भव नो राजा राजपुत्र महायशः। संगत्या नापराध्नोति राज्यमेतदनायकम्॥...
Having exiled his eldest son and the exceedingly strong Lakşmaņa, Dasaratha who was the superior of our superiors has gone to heaven. Do you, therefore, O illustrious prince, become our king. Having been permitted by the king you will commit no fault (by doing so), as this kingdom is without a master.

आभिषेचनिकं सर्वमिदमादाय राघव। प्रतीक्षते त्वां स्वजनः श्रेणयश्च नृपात्मज ॥
O Raghava, having procured all these necessaries for the installation, the counsellor and othe, as well as the citizens wait, О king's son.

राज्यं गृहाण भरत पितृपैतामहं ध्रुवम्। अभिषेचय चात्मानं पाहि चास्मान् नरर्षभ॥
Do you, O Bharata, take charge of this secure kingdom bequeathed by your father and grandfather. Do you, O foremost of men, have yourself sprinkled, and rule over us.

आभिषेचनिकं भाण्डं कृत्वा सर्वं प्रदक्षणिम्। भरतस्तं जनं सर्वं प्रत्युवाच धृतव्रतः॥
Thereupon, having gone round all the things procured for the sprinkling, Bharata from in his vows addressed those persons, saying.

ज्येष्ठस्य राजता नित्यमुचिता हि कुलस्य नः। नैवं भवन्तो मां वक्तुमर्हन्ति कुशला जनाः॥
In our line it is ever fit for the first-born alone to perform the task of government. It does not behove you who are wise to say so to me.

रामः पूर्वो हि नो भ्राता भविष्यति महीपतिः। अहं त्वरण्ये वत्स्यामि वर्षाणि नव पञ्च च॥
Certainly Rāma our eldest brother shall become the king; and I will abide in the forest for five all nine years.

युज्यतां महती सेना चतुरङ्गमहाबला। आनयिष्याम्यहं ज्येष्ठं भ्रातरं राघवं वनात्॥
Do you array the grand and mighty my consisting of fourfold forces. I will bring back from the forest my eldest brother Rāghava.

आभिषेचनिकं चैव सर्वमेतदुपस्कृतम्। पुरस्कृत्य गमिष्यामि रामहेतोर्वनं प्रति॥ तत्रैव तं नरव्याघ्रमभिषिच्य पुरस्कृतम्। आनयिष्यामि वै रामं हव्यवाहमिवाध्वरात्॥
And taking all these necessaries for the investiture in front, I will go in the direction of the forest for Rāma. And sprinkling that chief of men on the spot, I will placing him in our front, bring Rāma back, like to fire brought in from the sacrifice.

न सकामां करिष्यामि स्वामिमां मातृगन्धिनीम्। वने वत्स्याम्यहं दुर्गे रामो राजा भविष्यति॥
I will never fulfil the desire of this lady proud of her son. I will inhabit the impracticable woods, and Rāma shall become the monarch.

क्रियतां शिल्पिभिः पन्थाः समानि विषमाणि च। रक्षिणश्चानुसंयातु पथि दुर्गविचारकाः॥
Let workmen lay out level roads in uneven tracts; and let those men that are adepts in threading places difficult to pass through, follow us.

एवं सम्भाषमाणं तं रामहेतोपात्मजम्। प्रत्युवाच जनः सर्वः श्रीमद्वाक्यमनुत्तमम्॥
When the prince had spoken thus in behalf of Rāma, all those persons answered him in these excellent words.

एवं ते भाषमाणस्य पद्मा श्रीरुपतिष्ठताम्। यस्त्वं ज्येष्ठे नृपसुते पृथिवीं दातुमिच्छसि ॥
For saying this, may Lakşmi seated on the lotus remain at they side; inasmuch you wish to confer the earth on the eldest son of the monarch!

अनुत्तमं तद्वचनं नृपात्मजः प्रभाषितं संश्रवणे निशम्य च। प्रहर्षजास्तं प्रति बाष्पविन्दवो निपेतुरार्यानननेत्रसम्भवाः॥
Hearing that graceful speech of the king's son, tear-drops. begot of delight began to trickle from their eyes and adorned those noble countenances.

ऊचुस्ते वचनमिदं निशम्य हृष्टाः सामात्याः सपरिषदो वियातशोकाः। पन्थानं नरवरभक्तिमान् जनश्च व्यादिष्टस्तव वचनाच्च शिल्पिवर्गः॥
Their grief removed, with cheerful hearts, the counsellors, courtiers, and others hearing that speech (of the prince), said, “O best of men, according to your order artizans as well as people cherishing a high regard for you have been directed to lay out a read."