Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 74

तां तथा गर्हयित्वा तु मातरं भरतस्तदा। रोषेण महताविष्टः पुनरेवाब्रवीद् वचः॥
Having thus reproved his mother in great wrath, Bharata said again.

राज्याद् भ्रंशस्व कैकेयि नृशंसे दुष्टचारिणि। परित्यक्तासि धर्मेण मा मृतं रुदती भव॥
Do you bear yourself from this kingdom, O heartless and wicked Kaikeyī. Having been lost to righteousness, do not you lament me dead.

किं नु तेऽदूषयद् रामो राजा वा भृशधार्मिकः। ययोर्मृत्युर्विवासश्च त्वत्कृते तुल्यमागतौ॥
What qualities of yours were taxed by the king or the exceedingly virtuous Rāma, that both of them simultaneously have come by death and exile respectively through your agency?

भ्रूणहत्यामसि प्राप्ता कुलस्यास्य विनाशनात्। कैकेयी नरकं गच्छ मा च तातसलोकताम्॥
O Kaikeyī, you have been guilty of homicide in consequence of the destruction of this race. Do you go to hell, never to the world attained by my father.

यत्त्वया हीदृशं पापं कृतं घोरेण कर्मणा। सर्वलोकप्रियं हित्वा ममाप्यापादितं भयम्॥
Since, renouncing Rāma dear to all, you have committed this sin by your grim act and brought me into fear.

त्वत्कृते मे पिता वृत्तो रामश्चारण्यमाश्रितः। अयशो जीवलोके च त्वयाहं प्रतिपादितः॥
Through you has my father met with his end, and Rāma has taken refuge in the woods; and it is through you that I have come to ignominy among all creatures.

मातृरूपे ममामित्रे नृशंसे राज्यकामुके। न तेऽहमभिभाष्योऽस्मि दुर्वृत्ते पतिघातिनि।७।।
O you enemy of mine in the guise of a mother! O fell one! O you that covetest the kingdom! do you not speak to me, O wicked wretch!

कौसल्या च सुमित्रा च याश्चान्या मम मातरः। दुःखेन महताविष्टास्त्वां प्राप्य कुलदूषिणीम्॥
O slayer of your husband! it is because of you, stainer of your race, that Kausalyā, Sumiträ, and other mothers of mine have been overwhelmed with a mighty sorrow.

न त्वमश्वपतेः कन्या धर्मराजस्य धीमतः। राक्षसी तत्र जातासि कुलप्रध्वंसिनी पितुः॥ यत् त्वया धार्मिको रामो नित्यं सत्यपरायणः। वनं प्रस्थापितो वीरः पितापि त्रिदिवं गतः॥ यत् प्रधानासि तत् पापं मयि पित्रा विना कृते। भ्रातृभ्यां च परित्यक्ते सर्वलोकस्य चाप्रिये॥
You are never the daughter of the pious and intelligent Aśvapati, you are a Rākṣasī born in that race, you that have destroyed my father's race, inasmuch as the virtuous and heroic Rāma ever observing truth has been sent to the woods and my father has ascended heaven through your agency; inasmuch as you that have perpetrated this arch offence, have laid this sin on me, who have been forsaken by my sire, renounced by my brothers, and come by universal disfavour.

कौसल्यां धर्मसंयुक्तां वियुक्तां पापनिश्चये। कृत्वा कं प्राप्स्यसे ह्यद्य लोकं निरयगामिनि॥
O you of sinful ways, having separated the virtuous Kausalya (from her son), what world, O you that repairest to hell, shall be your portion?

किं नावबुध्यसे क्रूरे नियतं बन्धुसंश्रयम्। ज्येष्ठं पितृसमं रामं कौसल्यायात्मसम्भवम्॥
Does you not, O tortuous one, know that that one sprung from Kucalya's, self, my eldest brother Räma, who is like a father to me, has ever been the refuge of his friends?

अङ्गप्रत्यङ्गजः पुत्रो हृदयाच्चाभिजायते। तस्मात् प्रियतरो मातुः प्रिया एव तु बान्धवाः॥
A son born from all the limbs of his mother, comes out from her heart, and therefore it is that he is far dearer to his mother, albeit her friends are dear to her.* *Angapratyangaja: at., born from the limbs principal and minor. The commentator recounts the face, the breast, the abdomen, the hands and the feet as constituting the former; and eyes, fingers, etc., as the latter.

अन्यदा किल धर्मज्ञा सुरभिः सुरसम्मता। वहमानौ ददर्शोर्त्यां पुत्रौ विगतचेतसौ॥
Once on a time, it is related by persons cognizant of morality, Surabhi regarded by the celestials, beheld two of her sons toiling on earth and seeming to be deprived of their senses.

तावर्धदिवसं श्रान्तौ दृष्ट्वा पुत्रौ महीतले। रुरोद पुत्रशोकेन बाष्पपर्याकुलेक्षणम्॥
And, when the day had been half spent, seeing her sons fatigued on earth, she stricken with grief for them, began to weep with tears flooding her eyes.

अधस्ताद् व्रजतस्तस्याः सुरराज्ञो महात्मनः। बिन्दवः पतिता गात्रे सूक्ष्माः सुरभिगन्धिनः॥
And it came to pass that as the magnanimous sovereign of the celestials was passing below, her fine and fragrant tear drops fell on his person.

निरीक्षमाणस्तां शक्रो ददर्श सुरभिं स्थिताम्। आकाशे विष्टितां दीनां रुदतीं भृशदुःखिताम्॥।
Turning his eyes up, Śakra found Surabhi stationed in the sky, distressed and weeping in extreme anguish of spirit.

तां दृष्ट्वा शोकसंतप्तां वज्रपाणिर्यशस्विनीम्। इन्द्रः प्राञ्जलिरुद्विग्नः सुरराजोऽब्रवीद् वचः॥
Seeing that illustrious one burning in grief, the wielder of the thunder-bolt, Indra the lord of the celestials, waxing anxious, with joined hands said.

भयं कच्चिन्न चास्मासु कुतश्चिद् विद्यते महत्। कुतो निमित्तः शोकस्ते ब्रूहि सर्वहितैषिणि ॥
Is there any great danger in any quarter? Do you, O you that are intent on the welfare of all, say, whence is this grief of yours?

एवमुक्ता तु सुरभिः सुरराजेन धीमता। प्रत्युवाच ततो धीरा वाक्यं वाक्यविशारदा॥
Thus addressed by the intelligent king of the celestials, that one well skilled in speech, the sedate Surabhi answered.

शान्तं पापं न वः किंचित् कुतश्चिदमराधिप। अहं तु मग्नौ शौचामि स्वपुत्रौ विषमे स्थितौ॥ एतौ दृष्ट्वा कृशौ दीनौ सूर्यरश्मिप्रतापितौ। बध्यमानौ बलीवौं कर्षकेण दुरात्मना॥
Auspiciousness, O lord of celestials ! No sin is yours. But I mourn my sons fallen into evil plight, having seen them lean, distressed, and burnt by the rays of the sun, Balivardas afflicted by the wicked-minded ploughman.

मम कायात् प्रसूतौ हि दुःखितौ भारपीडितौ। यौ दृष्ट्वा परितप्येऽहं नास्ति पुत्रसमः प्रियः॥
Seeing those that have been born of my body, cast down and in trouble, I grieve: there is none that is dear like to a son.

यस्याः पुत्रसहस्रेस्तु कृत्स्नं व्याप्तमिदं जगत्। तां दृष्ट्वा रुदतीं शक्रो न सुतान् मन्यते परम्॥
Seeing her the whole earth is filled with whose sons by thousands, weeping, Indra understood that none is an object of greater affection than a son.

इन्द्रो ह्यश्रुनिपातं तं स्वगात्रे पुण्यगन्धिनम्। सुरभिं मन्यते दृष्ट्वा भूयसी तामिहेश्वरः॥
And that lord, Indra, also considered Surabhi of a person breathing a sacred odour, whose tears had dropped on his body, as the foremost being on earth.

समाप्रतिमवृत्ताया लोकधारणकाम्यया। श्रीमत्या गुणमुख्यायाः स्वभावपरिचेष्टया॥ यस्याः पुत्रसहस्राणि सापि शोचति कामधुक् । किं पुनर्या विना रामं कौसल्या वर्तयिष्यति॥
Even that one yielding whatever is asked, auspicious, crowned with the choicest virtues,। although having all natural functions, showing equal kindness to all, and of unequalled character, who maintain all creatures, she who has a thousand sons, grieves (for her sons). How can then Kausalyā carry on existence without Rāma?

एकपुत्रा च साध्वी च विवत्सेयं त्वया कृता। तस्मात् त्वं सततं दुःखं प्रेत्य चेह च लप्स्यसे ॥
Chaste and having an only son, that lady has through you been separated from her son, (like a cow separated from her calf). For this, you will always have to suffer misery alike in this world and the next.

अहं त्वपचितिं भ्रातुः पितुश्च सकलामिमाम्। वर्धनं यशसश्चापि करिष्यामि न संशयः॥
I shall for my part completely minister to my brother and father, and shall without doubt, increase my fame.

आनाय्य च महाबाहुं कोसलेन्द्रं महाबलम्। स्वयमेव प्रवेक्ष्यामि वनं मुनिनिषेचितम्॥
Bringing hither the mighty-armed lord of Kosala endowed with immense strength, I myself will repair to the forest inhabited by ascetics.

नाहं पापसंकल्पे पापे पापं त्वया कृतम्। शक्तो धारयितुं पौरैर श्रुकण्ठैर्निरीक्षितः॥
O you that have delivered yourself over to iniquity, I, looked at by the citizens with their throats oppressed with the vapour grief, cannot bear this (burden of) sin heaped on my by you.

सात्वमग्नि प्रविश वा स्वयं वा विश दण्डकान्। रज्जु बद्ध्वाथवा कण्ठे नहि तेऽन्यत् परायणम्॥
Do you enter fire, or dive into Dandaka, or wound a cord round your neck: other desirable way there is none for you.

अहमप्यवनों प्राप्ते रामे सत्यपराक्रमे। कृतकृत्यो भविष्यामि विप्रवासितकल्मषः॥
On Rāma having truth for prowess, obtaining the earth, I, my disgrace removed, shall be blest.

इति नाग इवारण्ये तोमराङ्कुशतोदितः। पपात भुवि संक्रुद्धो निःश्वसन्निव पन्नगः॥
Grieving thus, Bharata, like an elephant in the forest afflicted with a tomara or ankusa,* fell to the earth sighing like an enraged snake. *Names of instruments.

संरक्तनेत्रः शिथिलाम्बरस्तथा विधूतसर्वाभरणः परंतपः। बभूव भूमौ पतितो नृपात्मजः। शचीपतेः केतुरिवोत्सवक्षये॥
With his eyes reddened, and his cloth falling off, and his ornaments cast away, that subduer of foes, the king's son fallen on the earth, resembled a banner of Sakra after the festival is over.