Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 72

अपश्यंस्तु ततस्तत्र पितरं पितुरालये। जगाम भरतो द्रष्टुं मातरं मातुरालये॥
Not having seen his father in his father's quarters, Bharata went to his mother's apartment for seeing her. *The text is evidently corrupt. From the sequel it appears that Bharata has not seen the king at that time. That commentator, however, passes over the point in silence, which is to be accounted for by the slovenliness of the way of though characterising the Sanskrit commentators in general. An English commentator would have considered the matter as of very great importance, but his Hindu brother takes it quietly, and passes on with indifference.

अनुप्राप्तं तु तं दृष्ट्वा कैकेयी प्रोषितं सुतम्। उत्पपात तदा हृष्टा त्यक्त्वा सौवर्णमासनम्॥
On seeing her son before her after his sojourn from home, Kaikeyi delighted, rose up from her golden seat.

स प्रविश्यैव धर्मात्मा स्वगृहं श्रीविवर्जितम्। भरतः प्रेक्ष्य जग्राह जनन्याश्चरणौ शुभौ॥
On entering his own quarter which he found deprived of grace, the virtuous Bharata took hold of his mother's auspicious feet.

तं मूर्ध्नि समुपाघ्राय परिष्वज्य यशस्विनम्। अङ्के भरतमारोप्य प्रष्टुं समुपक्रमे॥
Then smelling the crown of his head and embracing him and taking that illustrious one on her lap, Kaikeyi addressed him, saying.

अद्य ते कतिचिद् रात्र्यश्च्युतस्यार्यकवेश्मनः। अपि नाध्वश्रमः शीघ्रं रथेनापततस्तव॥
How many days hence did you leave the residence of the revered one? Have you felt any fatigue on the way incident to the car proceeding swiftly?

आर्यकस्ते सुकुशली युधाजिन्मातुलस्तव। प्रवासाच्च सुखं पुत्र सर्वं मे वक्तुमर्हसि ॥
And is the revered one will, and your maternal uncle, Yuddhajit? And, my son, have you passed your time pleasantly during your sojourn? It behoves you to tell me all this.

एवं पृष्ठस्तु कैकेय्या प्रियं पार्थिवनन्दनः। आचष्ट भरतः सर्व मात्र राजीवलोचनः।७।।
Thus asked that son of the king, Bharata, furnished with eyes resembling lotuses, told his mother that all was well.

अद्य मे सप्तमी रात्रिश्च्युतस्याकवेश्मनः। अम्बायाः कुशली तातो युधाजिन्मातुलश्च मे॥
Seven nights hence I took leave of that revered one's residence. My mother's sire is well, as also my maternal uncle, Yuddhajit.

यन्मे धनं च रत्नं च ददौ राजा परंतपः। परिश्रान्तं पथ्यभवत् ततोऽहं पूर्वमागतः॥ राजवाक्यहरैर्दूतैस्त्वर्यमाणोऽहमागतः। यदहं प्रष्टुमिच्छामि तदम्बा वक्तुमर्हति ॥
My vehicles had got tired in consequence of bearing the wealth and jewels which that subduer of foes, the king, had bestowed on me. And it is for this reason that I have come in advance of them. Urged by the royal emissaries, I have come here so swiftly. But it behoves my mother to tell me what I wish to ask.

शून्योऽयं शयनीयस्ते पर्यङ्को हेमभूषितः। न चायमिक्ष्वाकुजनः प्रहृष्टः प्रतिभाति मे॥
This sleeping bedstead of yours adorned with gold is empty. I do not see the race of Ikşvāku in their usual good spirits.

राजा भवति भूयिष्ठमिहाम्बाया निवेशने। तमहं नाद्य पश्यामि द्रष्टुमिच्छनिहागतः॥
The king generally remains in this apartment of my mother. But coming here with the desire of seeing him, I do not today find him at this place.

पितुर्ग्रहीष्ये पादौ च तं ममाख्याहि पृच्छतः। आहोस्विदम्बाज्येष्ठायाः कौसल्याया निवेशने॥
I would take the feet of my father. Do you tell me who ask you. Is he in the apartment of my eldest mother, Kausalya?

तं प्रत्युवाच कैकेयी प्रियवद् घोरमप्रियम्। अजानन्तं प्रजानन्ती राज्यलोभेन मोहिता॥
Blinded by the lust of dominion, and looking upon that as desirable (to Bharata) which was exceedingly disagreeable (to him), Kaikeyi replied to him, who did not know what had transpired.

या गतिः सर्वभूतानां तां गतिं ते पिता गतः। राजा महात्मा तेजस्वी यायजूकः सतां गतिः॥
That high-souled and energetic one ever engaged in sacrifice, the refuge of the good, your father, the king, has come by the state which pertains to all creatures.

तच्छ्रुत्वा भरतो वाक्यं धर्माभिजनवाञ्छुचिः। पपात सहसा भूमौ पितृशोकबलार्दितः॥ हा हतोऽस्मीति कृपणां दीनां वाचमुदीरयन्। निपपात महाबाहुर्बाहू विक्षिप्य वीर्यवान्॥
Hearing these words, Bharata of pure ways sprung from a righteous race, smite with the vehemence of sorrow on account of his father, suddenly fell down to the earth. And exclaiming in the anguish of spirit and in the excess of grief, the words, "Ah me! I am undone!" that mightyarmed one endowed with prowess, fell down, tossing about his arms.

ततः शोकेन संवीतः पितुर्मरणदुःखितः। विललाप महातेजा भ्रान्ताकुलितचेतनः॥
Then, overwhelmed with and distressed at the death of his father, that highly sorrow energetic one, with his senses distracted, indulged in lamentations.

एतत् सुरुचिरं भाति पितुर्मे शयनं पुरा। शशिनेवामलं रात्रौ गगनं तोयदात्यये॥ तदिदं न विभात्यद्य विहीनं तेन धीमता। व्योमेव शशिना हीनमप्शुष्क इव सागरः॥
This bed of my father used to look like the speckless welkin at night crowned with the moon, after the clouds have gone off. But to-day, deprived of that intellignet one, it ceases to shine, like the firmament without the moon or the sea devoid of its waters.

बाष्पमुत्सृज्य कण्ठेन स्वात्मना परिपीडितः। प्रच्छाद्य वदनं श्रीमद् वस्त्रेण जयतां वरः॥
Exclaiming with tears trickling down, that foremost of victorious ones, extremely afflicted at heart, wept, muffling his graceful countenance.

तमार्तं देवसंकाशं समीक्ष्य पतितं भुवि। निकृत्तमिव सालस्य स्कन्धं परशुना वने॥ माता मातङ्गसंकाशं चन्दार्कसदृशं सुतम्। उत्थापयित्वा शोकार्तं वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्॥
Seeing that one resembling a celestial fallen to the earth, stricken with sorrow, like to a bough of the Sāla that had been severed in the wood by an axe, his mother raising up he distressed son like a mad elephant or the sun or the moon, addressed him.

उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ किं शेषे राजन्नत्र महायशः। त्वद्विधा नहि शोचन्ति सन्तः सदसि सम्मताः॥
Arise, arise. Why do you lie down, O illustrious son of the king? Persons like you having their senses under perfect control, and approved by men of culture, do not grieve.

दानयज्ञाधिकारा हि शीलश्रुतितपोनुगा। बुद्धिस्ते बुद्धिसम्पन्न प्रभेवार्कस्य मन्दिरे॥
O you endo!. ed with understanding, like the halo of the Sun in the solar disc, your sense, entitled to dispensing gifts and celebrating sacrifices, ever follows morals your Śruti and asceticism.

स रुदित्वा चिरं कालं भूमौ परिविवृत्य च। जननी प्रत्युवाचेदं शोकैर्बहुभिरावृतः॥
Having wept for a long while with his body rolling on the earth, Bharata afflicted with manifold grief, answered his mother, saying.

अभिषेक्ष्यति रामं तु राजा यज्ञं नु यक्ष्यते। इत्यहं कृतसंकल्पो हृष्टो यात्रामयासिषम्॥
The king will install Rāma and celebrate a sacrifice' concluding this for certain, I had joyfully gone from hence.

तदिदं ह्यन्यथाभूतं व्यवदीर्णं मनो मम। पितरं यो न पश्यामि नित्यं प्रियहिते रतम्॥
But it has fallen out otherwise. That I do not behold my father ever engaged in the dear welfare (of his subjects) cleaves my heart mother.

अम्ब केनात्यगाद् राजा व्याधिना मय्यनागते। धन्या रामादयः सर्वे यैः पिता संस्कृतः स्वयम्॥
Of what ailment has the king breathed his last during my absence? Blessed are Rāma and others who have personally performed my sire's last rites.

न नूनं मां महाराजः प्राप्तं जानाति कीर्तिमान्। उपजिभ्रेत् तु मां मूर्ध्नि तात: संनाम्य सत्वरम्॥
Surely the renowned monarch does not know that I have come. (If he had done so), pressing down my head, my father would at once have smelt it.

क्व स पाणिः सुखस्पर्शस्तातस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः। यो हि मां रजसा ध्वस्तमभीक्ष्णं परिमार्जति॥
Where is now the soft hand of that energetic one which used to rub my person when it was covered with dust?

यो मे भ्राता पिता बन्धुर्यस्य दासोऽस्मि सम्मतः। तस्य मां शीघ्रमाख्याहि रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः॥
Do you now without delay convey the news of my arrival to the vigorous Rāma, who is at once my father, brother and friend, and whose beloved servant I am.

पिता हि भवति ज्येष्ठो धर्ममार्यस्य जानतः। तस्य पादौ ग्रहीष्यामि स हीदानी गतिर्मम ॥
The eldest brother of one that is noble and cognisant of morality, becomes his father. I shall take hold of his feet: he is now my refuge.

धर्मविद् धर्मशीलश्च महाभागो दृढव्रतः। आर्ये किमब्रवीद् राजा पिता मे सत्यविक्रमः॥ पश्चिमं साधुसंदेशमिच्छामि श्रोतुमात्मनः।
And, O noble lady, what did that virtuous one cognizant of virtue, that pre-eminently pious one, firm in his vow, and having truth for prowess, even my father, say? I wish to hear news concerning us relative to the last moments of the monarch.

इति पृष्टा यथातत्त्वं कैकेयी वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ रामेति राजा विलपन् हा सीते लक्ष्मणेति च। स महात्मा परं लोकं गतो मतिमतां वरः॥ इतीमा पश्चिमां वाचं व्याजहार पिता तव। कालधर्म परिक्षिप्तः पाशैरिव महागजः॥
Thus asked, Kaikeyi related all as it had happened, saying, “Bewailing 'Ah Rama!' 'Ah Sita!' “Ah Laksmana!' that magnanimous one, the foremost of those that have attained to excellent state (after death), has gone to the next world coming under the law of time.

सिद्धार्थास्तु नरा राममागतं सह सीतया। लक्ष्मणं च महाबाहुं द्रक्ष्यन्ति पुनरागतम्॥
Your father like a mighty elephant fast bound with a cord, said to me these words during his last moments, "Blessed are they that shall see Rāma and the mighty-armed Lakşmaņa returned along with Sītā.”

तच्छ्रुत्वा विषसादैव द्वितीयाप्रियशंसनात्। विषण्णवदनो भूत्वा भूयः पप्रच्छ मातरम्॥
Hearing this, Bharata apprehending a second misfortune was deeply moved; and with a sad countenance, he again asked his mother.

क्व चेदानीं च धर्मात्मा कौसल्यानन्दवर्धनः। लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्राता सीतया च समागतः॥
Where has gone that righteous-souled one, the enchancer of Kausalya's joy, along with Laks maņa and Sītā?

तथा पृष्टा यथान्यायमाख्यातुमुपचक्रमे। मातास्य युगपद्वाक्यं विप्रियं प्रियशंसया॥
Thus questioned, his mother at the same time duly said in words which although highly unwelcome, she took as agreeable to Bharata.

स हि राजसुतः पुत्र चीरवासा महावनम्। दण्डकान् सह वैदेह्या लक्ष्मणानुचरो गतः॥
O son, that son of the king wearing bark has repaired to the forest of Dandaka, along with Vaidehi and followed by Lakşmaņa.

तच्छ्रुत्वा भरतस्त्रस्तो भ्रातुश्चारित्रशङ्कया। स्वस्य वंशस्य माहात्म्यात् प्रष्टुं समुपचक्रमे॥
Hearing this, Bharata apprehending some moral lapse on the part of his brother from the dignity of his race, asked in agitation.

कच्चिन्न ब्राह्मणधनं हृतं रामेण कस्यचित्। कच्चिन्नाढ्यो दरिद्रो वा तेनापापो विहिंसितः॥
Has Rāma deprived any Brāhmaṇa of his wealth? Or has he wronged any innocent person, whether rich or poor?

कच्चिन्न परदारान् वा राजपुत्रोऽभिमन्यते। कस्मात् स दण्डकारण्ये भ्राता रामो विवासितः॥
Has the fancy of the prince gone after the wife of another? For what reason has brother Rāma been banished?

अथास्य चपला माता तत् स्वकर्म यथातथम्। तेनैव स्त्रीस्वभावेन व्याहर्तुमुपचक्रमे॥
Thereat his volatile mother, influenced by her feminine nature, related faithfully to him her own doings.

एवमुक्ता तु कैकेयी भरतेन महात्मना। उवाच वचनं हृष्टा वृथापण्डितमानिनी॥
Thus asked by the magnanimous Bharata, Kaikeyi vainly pluming herself on her wisdom, joyfully said.

न ब्राह्मणधनं किंचिद्धृतं रामेण कस्यचित्। कश्चिन्नाढ्यो दरिद्रो वा तेनापापो विहिंसितः। न रामः परदारान् स चक्षुामपि पश्यति॥
Rāma has deprived no Brāhmaṇa of his property, nor has any innocent person rich or otherwise been wronged by him, nor does he ever with his eyes look at the wife of another.

मया तु पुत्र श्रुत्वैव रामस्येहाभिषेचनम्। याचितस्ते पिता राज्यं रामस्य च विवासनम्॥
O son, as soon as I heard of Råma's (coming) installation, I asked for the kingdom to be conferred on you, and Rāma to be banished.

स स्ववृत्तिं समास्थाय पिता ते तत् तथाकरोत्। रामस्तु सहसौमित्रिः प्रेषितः सह सीतया॥ तमपश्यन् प्रियं पुत्रं महीपालो महायशाः। पुत्रशोकपरिवूनः पञ्चत्वमुपपेदिवान्॥
Thereupon, he, staying by his promise, did accordingly: Rāma has been banished along with Sumitrā's son and Sītā. Not seeing his beloved son, the illustrious lord of earth, stricken by grief on his account, has breathed his last.

त्वया त्विदानी धर्मज्ञ राजत्वमवलम्ब्यताम्। त्वत्कृते हि मया सर्वमिदमेवंविधं कृतम्॥
Do you now, O you cognizant of duty, take charge of the kingdom. I have done all this in your interests.

मा शोकं मा च संतापं धैर्यमाश्रय पुत्रक। त्वदधीना हि नगरी राज्यं चैतदनामयम्॥
Do not give way to sorrow. O son, assume patience. This city is subject to you, as well as this peaceful kingdom.

वसिष्ठमुख्यैः सहितो द्विजेन्द्रैः। मात्मानमुक्मभिषेचयस्व॥
Having with the help of the principal Brāhmaṇas headed by Vasiştha, duly performed the funeral obsequies of the king, do you, without suffering your energy to depart, install yourself in the kingdom.