Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 70

भरते ब्रुवति स्वप्नं दूतास्ते क्लान्तवाहनाः। प्रविश्यासह्यपरिखं रम्यं राजगृहं पुरम्॥
Bharata was speaking thus when the envoys with their vehicles fatigued, entered the splendid royal residence surrounded by a strong rampart.

समागम्य च राज्ञा ते राजपुत्रेण चार्चिताः। राज्ञः पादौ गृहीत्वा च तमूचुर्भरतं वचः॥
Presenting themselves before the king, they, well received by him as well as the prince, bowed down to the feet of the monarch.

पुरोहितस्त्वां कुशलं प्राह सर्वे च मन्त्रिणः। त्वरमाणश्च निर्याहि कृत्यमात्ययिकं त्वया॥
Then they addressed Bharata, saying, The priest and the counsellors have enquired after your welfare. Do you set out speedily. A business is on hand that Brooke no delay on your part.

इमानि च महार्हाणि वस्त्राण्याभरणानि च। प्रतिगृह्य विशालाक्ष मातुलस्य च दापय॥
And, O you of expansive eyes, do you take these costly raiment's and ornaments, and present them to your maternal uncle and grandfather.

अत्र विंशतिकोट्यस्तु नृपतोर्मातुलस्य ते। दशकोट्यस्तु सम्पूर्णास्तथैव च नृपात्मज ॥
Twenty Kotis are intended for the king and complete ten for your maternal uncle, O son of the monarch.

प्रतिगृह्य तु तत् सर्वं स्वनुरक्तः सुहज्जने। दूतानुवाच भरतः कामैः सम्प्रतिपूज्य तान्।६।।
Taking all these, Bharata attached to his relatives, made the articles over to them; and receiving the envoys with goodly gifts, spoke to them.

कच्चित् स कुशली राजा पिता दशरथो मम। कच्चिदारोग्यता राम लक्ष्मणे च महात्मनि॥
Is my father, king Dasaratha, well? And is it well with Rama and the high-souled Laksmana?

आर्या च धर्मनिरता धर्मज्ञा धर्मवादिनी। अरोगा चापि कौसल्या माता रामस्य धीमतः॥
And is the mother of the intelligent Rāma, the revered Kausalyā, conversant with virtue and ever practising it, well?

कच्चित् सुमित्रा धर्मज्ञा जननी लक्ष्मणस्य या। शत्रुघ्नस्य च वीरस्य अरोगा चापि मध्यमा॥
Is the virtuous Sumitrā, mother of Lakşmaņa and of the heroic Śatrughna, well?

आत्मकामा सदा चण्डी क्रोधना प्राज्ञमानिनी। अरोगा चापि मे माता कैकेयी किमुवाच ह॥
And that wrathful one ever intent on her interest and setting immense store by her wisdom, my mother Kaikeyī, is it also well with her?

एवमुक्तास्तु ते दूता भरतेन महात्मना। ऊचुः सम्प्रश्रितं वाक्यमिदं तं भरतं तदा॥
Thus addressed by the magnanimous Bharata, the envoys spoke to him these humble and brief words.

कुशलास्ते नरव्याघ्र येषां कुशलमिच्छसि। श्रीश्च त्वां वृणुते पद्मा युज्यतां चापि ते रथः॥
Those of whose welfare you are enquiring after, are, O foremost of men, all well. Śrī seated on the lotus asks for you. Let your car be yoked.

भरतश्चापि तान् दूतानेवमुक्तोऽभ्यभाषत। आपृच्छेऽहं महाराजं दूताः संत्वरयन्ति माम्॥
Thus addressed, Bharata said to the envoys, “Let me tell the king that the envoys are urging speed on me.”

एवमुक्त्वा तु तान् दूतान् भरतः पार्थिवात्मजः। दूतैः संचोदितो वाक्यं मातामहमुवाच ह ॥
Having said this, that son of the king, Bharata, communicated to his maternal grand-father what the envoys had told him.

राजन् पितुर्गमिष्यामि सकाशं दूतचोदितः। पुनरप्यहमेष्यामि यदा मे त्वं स्मरिष्यसि ॥
Asked by the envoys, I shall, O monarch, go to my father. I shall come again whenever you will remember me.

भरतेनैवमुक्तस्तु नृपो मातामहस्तदा। तमुवाच शुभं वाक्यं शिरस्याघ्राय राघवम्॥
Thus accosted by Bharata, his maternal grandfather, the king, smelling Bharata's head, spoke these auspicious words to that descendant of Raghu.

गच्छ तातानुजाने त्वां कैकेयी सुप्रजास्त्वया। मातरं कुशलं ब्रूयाः पितरं च परंतप॥
Go, my child; I permit you. Kaikeyi is mother of a worthy son through you. Do you O subduer of foes, communicate our welfare to both your father and your mother.

पुरोहितं च कुशलं ये चान्ये द्विजसत्तमाः। तौ च तात महेष्वासौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ॥
Do you likewise communicate the same to the priest and the other principal Brāhmaṇas; as also, my child, to those mighty bowmen, the brothers Rāma and Lakşmaņa.

तस्मै हस्त्युत्तमांश्चित्रान् कम्बलानजिनानि च। सत्कृत्य केकयो राजा भरताय ददौ धनम्॥
Then honouring Bharata, king Kekaya conferred on Bharata wealth consisting of choice elephants maintained (at the palace) and woollen sheets and deerskins.

अन्तःपुरेऽतिसंवृद्धान् व्याघ्रवीर्यबलोपमान्। दंष्ट्रायुक्तान् महाकायाशुनश्चोपायनं ददौ॥
The king presented him with dogs brought up in the inner apartment, resembling tigers in strength and prowess, furnished with teeth representing weapons, and large of body.

रुक्मनिष्कसहस्र द्वे षोडशाश्वशतानि च। सत्कृत्य केकयीपुत्रं केकयो धनमादिशत्॥
Honouring the son of Kaikeyi, Kekaya gave him two thousand nishkas and six hundred : horses.

तदामात्यानभिप्रेतान् विश्वास्यांश्च गुणान्वितान्। ददावश्वपतिः शीघ्रं भरतायानुयायिनः॥
And for following Bharata, Aśvapati without delay assigned a number of goodly, trustworthy, and qualified courtiers.

ऐरावतानैन्द्रशिरान् नागान् वै प्रियदर्शनान्। खराशीघ्रान् सुसंयुक्तान् मातुलोऽस्मै धनं ददौ॥
Bharata's maternal uncle conferred on Bharata wealth in the shape of graceful elephants sprung in the īrāvat mountain and the country called Indrasira; as well as fleet and well-broken horses.

स दत्तं केकयेन्द्रेण धनं तन्नाभ्यनन्दत। भरतः केकयीपुत्रो गमनत्वरया तदा॥
But owing to the hurry of his departure, Bharata the son of Kaikeyi did not appear to be so very much gratified with the gifts.

बभूव ह्यस्य हृदये चिन्ता सुमहती तदा। त्वरया चापि दूतानां स्वप्नस्यापि च दर्शनात् ॥
Owing to his having seen the dream and the post haste speed of the envoys, a mighty anxiety was present in his heart.

स स्ववेश्माभ्यतिक्रम्य नरनागाश्वसंकुलम्। प्रपेदे सुमहच्छीमान् राजमार्गमनुत्तमम्॥
Then issuing from his abode, that one possessed of exceeding grace passed the goodly thoroughfare thronged with men, horses, and elephants.

अभ्यतीत्य ततोऽपश्यदन्तःपुरमनुत्तमम्। ततस्तद् भरतः श्रीमानाविवेशानिवारितः॥
Having left it behind, Bharata saw (before him) the inner apartment (of the king); and thereupon the handsome Bharata entered it without let.

स मातामहमापृच्छ्य मातुलं च युधाजितम्। रथमारुह्य भरत: शत्रुघ्नसहितो ययौ॥
Then after speaking with his maternal grandfather and uncle, Yudhajit, Bharata ascending a car, set out with Satrughna.

रथान् मण्डलचक्रांश्च योजयित्वा परः शतम्। उष्ट्रगोऽश्वखरै त्या भरतं यान्तमन्वयुः॥
Thereat servants by means of an hundred cars, furnished with circular wheels, and yoked with camels, oxen, horses, and asses, followed Bharata.

बलेन गुप्तो भरतो महात्मा सहायकस्यात्मसमैरमात्यैः। गुहाद् ययौ सिद्ध इवेन्द्रलोकात्॥
Protected by the forces and the courtiers of his maternal grandfather dear to him like his ownself, the magnanimous Bharata who had his foes removed, taking with him his brother, Śatrughna, departed from the abode (of the king), like Siddha issuing from the regions of Indra.