Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 65

अथ रात्र्यां व्यतीतायां प्रातरेवापरेऽहनि। बन्दिनः पर्युपातिष्ठस्तत्पार्थिवनिवेशनम्॥ सूताः परमसंस्कारा मागधाश्चोत्तमश्रुताः। आपका: श्रुतिशीलाश्च निगदन्तः पृथक्पृथक् ॥ राजानं स्तुवतां तेषामुदात्ताभिहिताशिषाम्। प्रासादाभोगविस्तीर्णः स्तुतिशब्दो ह्यवर्तत॥
When the night has gone away, on the morning of the next day, eulogists, accomplished ards, genealogists skilled in reciting, and singers versed musical permutation, in presenting themselves at the place of the sovereign, began to perform separately. And as they eulogized the monarch with benedictions loudly uttered, the palace resounded with the sounds of the eulogies.

ततस्तु स्तुवतां तेषां सूतानां पाणिवादकाः। अपदानान्युदाहृत्य पाणिवादान्यवादयन्॥
And as the bards hymned the monarch, palmplayers celebrating the deeds of the kings of the Raghu race, began to play with their palms.

तेन शब्देन विहगाः प्रतिबुद्धाश्च सस्वनुः। शाखास्थाः पञ्जरस्थाश्च ये राजकुलगोचराः॥ व्यहृताः पुण्यशब्दाश्च वीणानां चापि निःस्वनाः। आशीर्गेयं च गाथानां पूरयामास वेश्म तत्॥
And awakened by those sounds, birds on boughs and in cages worthy of the royal race, uttered notes. And the sacred words uttered by these), the notes of Vinas, and the valedictory songs of singers filled that mansion.

ततः शुचिसमाचाराः पर्युपस्थानकोविदाः। स्त्रीवर्षवरभूयिष्ठा उपतस्थुर्यथापुरा॥
And as on former occasions, men practising purity and well up in serving, with numerous women and eunuchs entered appearance.

हरिचन्दनसम्पृक्तमुदकं काञ्चनैर्घटैः। आनिन्युः स्नानशिक्षाज्ञा यथाकालं यथाविधि॥
Persons acquainted with the ceremonials connected with bath, according to the ordinance and in due time, in golden vessels brought water impregnated with Hair sandal powder.

मङ्गलालम्भनीयानि प्राशनीयान्युपस्करान्। उपानिन्युस्तथा पुण्याः कुमारीबहुलाः स्त्रियः॥
Pure females together with many virgins brought kine &c, which were to be touched, Ganges water for sipping, mirrors, cloths, ornaments and other areicles.

सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्नं सर्वं विधिवदर्चितम्। सर्वं सुगुणलक्ष्मीवत् तदभूदाभिहारिकम्॥
All the things that were procured (for presentation to the monarch) were worshipped in accordance with prescription, were furnished with auspicious marks, and were of excellent virtues and possessed of auspiciousness.

ततः सूर्योदयं यावत् सर्वं परिसमुत्सुकम्। तस्थावनुपसम्प्राप्तं किंस्विदित्युपशङ्कितम्॥
As along as the sun did not rise, all these people remained expecting the presence of the king; but then they were alarmed as to what had occurred.

अथ याः कोसलेन्द्रस्य शयनं प्रत्यनन्तराः। ताः स्त्रियस्तु समागम्य भर्तारं प्रत्यबोधयन्॥
Those ladies that were beside the bed of the lord of Kosala, were consoling their husband.

अथाप्युचितवृत्तास्ता विनयेन नयेन च। नह्यस्य शयनं स्पृष्ट्वा किंचिदप्युपलेभिरे॥
And engaged in tending the monarch with mild and pliant words, those females knowing the condition of sleep, feeling him as he lay in his bed, did not perceive any action in the evermoving pulse.

ताः स्त्रियः स्वप्नशीलज्ञाश्चेष्टां संचलनादिषु। ता वेपथुपरीताश्च राज्ञः प्राणेषु शङ्किताः॥ प्रतिस्रोतस्तृणाग्राणां सदृशं संचकाशिरे। अथ संदेहमानानां स्त्रीणां दृष्ट्वा च पार्थिवम्। यत् तदाशङ्कितं पापं तदा जज्ञे विनिश्चयः॥
Thereupon apprehensive for the king's life, they began to tremble like a blade of grass on a torrent. Filled with doubts at sight of the king, the ladies at last concluded that what had been apprehended (by the monarch) had certainly taken place.

कौसल्या च सुमित्रा च पुत्रशोकपराजिते। प्रसुप्ते न प्रबुध्येते यथा कालसमन्विते ॥
Overcome by grief for their sons, Sumitrā and Kausalyā were sleeping as if they were dead, and had not awaked.

निष्प्रभासा विवर्णा च सन्ना शोकेन संनता। न व्यराजत कौसल्या तारेव तिमिरावृता ॥
Deprived of lustre, pallid, stricken by sorrow, and lying with her limbs contracted, Kausalya looked like a star enveloped in darkness.

कौसल्यानन्तरं राज्ञः सुमित्रा तदनन्तरम्। न स्म विभ्राजते देवी शोकाश्रुलुलितानना॥
After Kausalyā, the king, and after him, Sumitrā; and with her countenance faded from grief this noble lady did not look particularly lovely.

ते च दृष्ट्वा तदा सुप्ते उभे देव्यौ च तं नृपम्। सुप्तमेवोद्गतप्राणमन्तःपुरममन्यत॥
Finding these two ladies asleep and the king seeming as if sleeping, the inmates of the inner apartment showed themselves as if their lives had departed out of them.

ततः प्रचुकुशुर्दीनाः सस्वरं ता वराङ्गनाः। करेणेव इवारण्ये स्थानप्रच्युतयूथपाः॥
Thereupon exceedingly distressed, those paragons of their sex, like she-elephants in the forest deprived of their leader of the herd, broke out into wailing.

तासामाक्रन्दशब्देन सहसोद्गतचेतने। कौसल्या च सुमित्रा च त्यक्तनिद्रे बभूवतुः॥
At the sounds of their lamentations, both Kausalya and Sumitrā suddenly regaining consciousness, awoke from their sleep.

कौसल्या च सुमित्रा च दृष्ट्वा स्पृष्ट्वा च पार्थिवम्। हा नाथेति परिकृष्य पेततुर्धरणीतले॥
And Kausalya and Sumitrā looking at the king and feeling him, fell down to the earth, exclaiming, "Ah lord.”

सा कोसलेन्द्रदुहिता चेष्टमाना महीतले। न भ्राजते रजोध्वस्ता तारेव गगनच्युता॥
As the daughter of Kosala's lord rolled on the ground, she covered with dust did not appear in all her loveliness, like a star fallen from the sky to the earth below.

नृपे शान्तगुणे जाते कौसल्यां पतितां भुवि। अपश्यंस्ताः स्त्रियः सर्वा हतां नागवधूमिव ॥
And when the king had departed this life, the women saw Kausalyā fallen on the earth like the slain mate of an elephant.

ततः सर्वा नरेन्द्रस्य कैकेयीप्रमुखाः स्त्रियः। रुदत्यः शोकसंतप्ता निपेतुर्गतचेतनाः॥
Then all the wives of the monarch headed by Kaikeyī, burning with grief and weeping, were well nigh rendered senseless.

ताभिः स बलवान् नादः क्रोशन्तीभिरनुद्रुतः। येन स्फीतीकृतो भूयस्तद् गृहं समनादयत्॥
And the loud sounds emitted by these, mingling with those (who had been lamenting before them), attained greater proportions and filled the hall.

तत् परित्रस्तसम्भ्रान्तपर्युत्सुकजनाकुलम्। सर्वतस्तुमुलाक्रन्दं परितापार्तबान्धवम्॥ सद्योनिपतितानन्दं दीनं विक्लवदर्शनम्। बभूव नरदेवस्य सद्म दिष्टान्तमीयुषः॥
The mansion of the king became filled with people exceedingly excited and frightened, eager to know all about the matter, became filled with lamentations, with friends afflicted with distress, its joy instantaneously vanished, a scene of distress and dole.

अतीतमाज्ञाय तु पार्थिवर्षभं यशस्विनं तं परिवार्य पत्नयः। भृशं रुदत्यः करुणं सुदुः :खिताः प्रगृह्य बाहू व्यलपन्ननाथवत्॥
Knowing that the lord of earth had departed, his wives surrounding that illustrious one, smitten with excess of sorrow and weeping bitterly and piteously, holding the king's hands indulged in lamentations, like forlorn ones.