Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 63

प्रतिबुद्धो मुहूर्तेन शोकोपहतचेतनः। अथ राजा दशरथः स चिन्तामभ्यपद्यत ॥
Starting in a moment from sleep, king Dasaratha deprived (almost) of his consciousness by grief, (again) became a prey to thought.

रामलक्ष्मणयोश्चैव विवासाद् वासवोपमम्। आपेदे उपसर्गस्तं तमः सूर्यमिवासुरम्॥
I consequence of the exile of Rāma and Laks mana, the king resembling Våsava was overpowered by grief, like the darkness of Rāhu enveloping the sun. was own

सभार्ये हि गते रामे कौसल्यां कोसलेश्वरः। विवक्षुरसितापाङ्गी स्मृत्वा दुष्कृतमात्मनः॥
Then on Răma's having gone along with his wife, the lord of the Kosalas, remembering his own misdeed, felt anxious to communicate himself to that lady having her eyes furnished with dark outer corners.

स राजा रजनी षष्ठी रामे प्रवाजिते वनम्। अर्धरात्रे दशरथः सोऽस्मरद् दुष्कृतं कृतम्॥
And on the sixth night after Rāma had repaired to the forest, the king Dasaratha, when it midnight, remembered his unrighteous act.

स राजा पुत्रशोकार्तः स्मृत्वा दुष्कृतमात्मनः। कौसल्यां पुत्रशोकार्तामिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
And then to Kausalyā aggrieved on account of her son, her spoke these words.

यदाचरति कल्याणि शुभं वा यदि वाऽशुभम्। तदेव लभते भद्रे कर्ता कर्मजमात्मनः॥
As are the actions of one, O auspicious one, whether good otherwise, the consequences, O gentle lady, reaped by the doer of them.

गुरुलाघवमर्थानामारम्भे कर्मणां फलम्। दोषं वा यो न जानाति स बाल इति होच्यते।७।।
He that on the eve of beginning an action either relating to this world or the next, does not take into consideration the fact that actions entail consequences light or grave, disagreeable (or otherwise), is styled a child.

कश्चिदाम्रवणं छित्त्वा पलाशांश्च निषिञ्चति। पुष्पं दृष्ट्वा फले गृध्नुः स शोचति फलागमे॥ अविज्ञाय फलं यो हि कर्म त्वेवानुधावति। स शोचेत् फलवेलायां यथा किंशुकसेचकः॥
He that cutting down a mango grove, waters Palasa trees, beholding the flowers (blooming), will covet fruits; and grieve when their season arrives. The person that without apprehending (the principle of causation) rushed to action, grieves at the season of fruits, even like him that waters kinsuka trees (hewing down his mango grove). or are

सोऽहमाम्रवणं छित्वा पलाशांश्च न्यषेचयम्। राम फलागमे त्यक्त्वा पश्चाच्छोचामि दुर्मतिः॥
And is this way, I fool that I am having hewn down my grove of mangoes and watered Palāsas, having renounced Räma in the season of fruit, is grieving in the end.

लब्धशब्देन कौसल्ये कुमारेण धनुष्मता। कुमारः शब्दवेधीति मया पापमिदं कृतम्॥
Having, O Kausalyā, earned the expression, 'The Prince can pierce his aim by sound alone,', I, a prince and bowman, did this offence.

तदिदं मेऽनुसम्प्राप्तं देवि दुःखं स्वयंकृतम्। सम्मोहादिह बालेन यथा स्याद् भक्षितं विषम्॥
Therefore, O noble dame, I have myself brought this misfortune on me, like a child who has eaten poison through ignorance.

यथान्यः पुरुषः कश्चित् पलाशैर्मोहितो भवेत्। एवं मयाप्यविज्ञातं शब्दवेध्यमिदं फलम्॥
Even like another person fascinated by the sight of some Palasa trees (and doing as mentioned above), I (did this act) not fore knowing the consequence that would follow my shooting by sound.

देव्यनूढा त्वमभवो युवराजो भवाम्यहम्। ततः प्रावृडनुप्राप्ता मम कामविवर्धिनी॥
O lady, you were then unwedded; and I was a youthful prince. And it was at this time that the rainy season increasing my desire set in.

अपास्य हि रसान् भौमांस्तप्त्वा च जगदंशुभिः। परेताचरितां भीमां रविराचरते दिशम् ॥
Drawing moisture from the ground and heated the earth by his rays, the Sun goes to the dreadful quarter whither repair the dead.

उष्णमन्तर्दधे सद्यः स्निग्धा ददृशिरे घनाः। ततो जहषिरे सर्वे भेकसारङ्गबर्हिणः॥ क्लिनपक्षोत्तराः स्नाताः कृच्छ्रादिव पतत्रिणः। वृष्टिवातावधूताग्रान् पादपानभिपेदिरे॥
The heat was immediately dispelled, and the gelid clouds snowed themselves; and frogs and Sārangas and peacocks began to rejoice; and, finding it unpleasant, the feathered ones bathed and with the surface of their plumage shrunk up from the wet, took refuge in trees shaken by the wind and rain.

पतितेनाम्भसाऽऽच्छन्नः पतमानेन चासकृत्। आबभौ मत्तसारङ्गस्तोयराशिरिवाचलः॥
And the hill graced by maddened Sārangas, covered by showers falling simultaneously looked like a mass of waters.

पाण्डुरारुणवर्णानि स्रोतांसि विमलान्यपि। सुस्रुवुर्गिरिधातुभ्यः सभस्मानि भुजंगवत्॥
And the waters although unstained, being mixed up with mineral substances and ashes from the mountains, flowed in serpentine torrents black and red.

तस्मिन्नतिसुखे काले धनुष्मानिषुमान् रथी। व्यायामकृतसंकल्पः सरयूमन्वगां नदीम्॥ निपाने महिषं रात्रौ गजं वाभ्यागतं मृगम्। अन्यद्वाश्वापदं किंचिज्जिघांसुरजितेन्द्रियः॥
At such a sweet hour, I intent upon taking exercise, taking my bow and arrows and mounted on my car, sallied out for the river Sarayū, with the intention that I with my senses under control, should in the watery expense slay any buffalo, elephant, or any other beast that mighty have come there in the night.

अथान्धकारे त्वौषं जले कुम्भस्य पूर्यतः। अचक्षुर्विषये घोषं वारणस्येव नर्दतः॥
And (coming there) while it was so dark that : nothing could be discovered, I heard sounds of a filling pitcher proceeding from the waters; resembling the roars of an elephant.

ततोऽहं शरमुद्धृत्य दीप्तमाशीविषोपमम्। शब्दं प्रति गजप्रेप्सुरभिलक्ष्यमपातयम्॥
Thereupon raising up my shaft flaming and like to a serpent of virulent poison, I desirous of hunting the (imaginary) elephant, let fly my shaft in the direction of the sound.

अमुञ्चं निशितं बाणमहमाशीविषोपमम्। तत्र वागुषसि व्यक्ता प्रादुरासीद् वनौकसः॥ हा हेति पततस्तोये बाणाद् व्यथितमर्मणः। तस्मिन्निपतिते भूमौ वागभूत् तत्र मानुषी॥
Thereupon from the spot whereto the sharpened shaft resembling a poisonous snake had been discharged by me in the twilight, proceeded cries of 'Oh' and 'Alas' uttered by a forester pierced to the quick by the arrow, and falling into the water. And when he had dropped down, words spoken by a human being became audible.

कथमस्मद्विधे शस्त्रं निपतेच्च तपस्विनी। प्रविविक्तां नदी रात्रावुदाहारोऽहमागतः॥
Why does the weapon light upon me? I had come to this lone stream for procuring water.

इषुणाभिहतः केन कस्य वापकृतं मया। ऋषेहि न्यस्तदण्डस्य वने वन्येन जीवतः॥ कथं नु शस्त्रेण वधो मद्विधस्य विधीयते। जटाभारधरस्यैव वल्कलाजिनवाससः॥ को वधेन ममार्थी स्यात् किं वास्यापकृतं मया। एवं निष्फलमारब्धं केवलानर्थसंहितम्॥
By whom have I been wounded by this arrow? To whom have I done wrong? And how can the slaying of one like me bearing a load of matted locks, and wearing bark and deer-skin, who subsist on what the forest yields and never injures others, be sanctioned by the scriptures? Who can serve any purpose by slaying me? And how can I have injured such an one? Such a purposeless act cannot but end in evil.

न क्वचित् साधु मन्येत नेमं तथानुशोचामि जीवितक्षयमात्मनः॥ मातरं पितरं चोभावनुशोचामि मद्वधे। तदेतन्मिथुनं वृद्धं चिरकालभृतं मया॥ मयि पञ्चत्वमापन्ने कां वृत्तिं वर्तयिष्यति। वृद्धौ च मातापितरावहं चैकेषुणा हतः॥ केन स्म निहताः सर्वे सुबालेनाकृतात्मना।
This can never be reckoned as righteous even like to violating the chastity of a preceptor's wife. I do not so much lament my end as I lament it on account of my father and mother. To what will the old couple, who have ever been maintained by me, betake themselves when I am gone? My father and mother are old, and I their only son is slain. What boy is it of uncontrolled senses that has killed us all?

यथैव गुरुतल्पगम्। तां गिरं करुणं श्रुत्वा मम धर्मानुकाक्षिणः॥ कराभ्यां सशरं चापं व्यथितस्यापतद् भुवि। तस्याहं करुणं श्रुत्वा ऋषेर्विलपतो निशि॥ सम्भ्रान्तः शोकवेगेन भृशमासं विचेतनः।
Hearing his piteous words, I ever anxious to follow virtue, was exceedingly pained, and the bow with its arrow fixed fell down from my hand to the earth.

तं देशमहमागम्य दीनसत्त्वः सुदुर्मनाः॥ अपश्यमिषुणा तीरे सरय्वास्तापसं हतम्। अवकीर्णजटाभारं प्रविद्धकलशोदकम्॥ पांसुशोणितदिग्धाङ्ग शयानं शल्यवेधितम्। स मामुद्वीक्ष्य नेत्राभ्यां त्रस्तमस्वस्थचेतनम्॥ इत्युवाच वचः क्रूरं दिधक्षनिव तेजसा।
Hearing in the night, the pathetic words of the saint thus lamenting, I became frightened, and was deprived of my senses through excess of grief. And coming to the quarter, I exceedingly unnerved and with an excited mind, discovered on the banks of the Sarayū an ascetic wounded with a shaft, with his matted locks scattered about, his pitcher of water lying by, his body smeared with blood and dust and afflicted by the dare. Gazing with his eyes at me who was extremely agitated and ill at ease, he said these words sternly, as if consuming me with his energy.

किं तवापकृतं राजन् वने निवसता मया॥ जिहीर्घरम्भो गुर्वर्थं यदहं ताडितस्त्वया।
What wrong, O monarch, had I residing in the woods done you, that coming to procure water for my parents, I have been thus afflicted by. you?

बाणेन मर्मण्यभिहते मयि ॥ द्वावन्धौ निहतौ वृद्धौ माता जनयिता च मे।
By piercing my marrow with a shaft, you have slain both my aged and blind father and mother.

तौ नूनं दुर्बलावन्धौ मत्प्रतीक्षौ पिपासितौ॥ चिरमाशां कृतां कष्टां तृष्णां संधारयिष्यतः।
Surely, they feeble and blind, who afflicted by thirst are remaining in expectation of me, will now bear (the stress and tension of) the expectation as well as the parching thirst.

एकेन खलु न नूनं तपसो वास्ति फलयोगः श्रुतस्य वा॥ पिता यन्मां न जानीते शयानं पतितं भुवि।
Surely asceticism and study carry no fruit with them, since I lying low on the ground, my father knows nothing about it.

जानन्नपि च किं कुर्यादशक्तश्चापरिक्रमः।॥ भिद्यमानमिवाशक्तस्त्रातुमन्यो नगो नगम्।
And what could he do, even if he knew it, being as he is incapable and unable to go about? One tree cannot rescue another that is being battered (by the winds).

पितुस्त्वमेव मे गत्वा शीघ्रमाचक्ष्व राघव॥ न त्वामनुदहेत् क्रुद्धो वनमग्निरिवैधितः।
Do you, O descendant of Raghu, yourself going to my father, speedily inform of him this that has occurred. But take care that like a fire waxing furious consuming a woods, he in his ire do not burn you.

इयमेकपदी राजन् यतो मे पितुराश्रमः॥ तं प्रसादय गत्वा त्वं न त्वा संकुपितः शपेत्।
This narrow way, O king, will lead you to my father's dwelling. Do you going there, pacify him, so that getting wroth he may not curse you.

विशल्यं कुरु मां राजन् मर्म मे निशितः शरः॥ रुणद्धि मृदु सोत्सेधं तीरमम्बुरयो यथा।
Do you (now), O king, take out the arrow. Your sharpened shaft afflicts my marrow, like the tide of a river wearing away a hollowheaving sand bank.

सशल्यः क्लिश्यते प्राणैर्विशल्यो विनशिष्यति।४६।। इति मामविशच्चिन्ता तस्य शल्यापकर्षणे। दुःखितस्य च दीनस्य मम शोकातुरस्य च॥ लक्षयामास स ऋषिश्चिन्तां मुनिसुतस्तदा।
But touching the extracting of the arrow, this thought perplexed me: 'If the arrow is left alone, it pains; if extracted, death ensues.' As I was distressed, aggrieved an afflicted with sorrow, the son of the ascetic perceived my anxiety.

ताम्यमानं स मां कृच्छादुवाच परमार्थवित्॥ सीदमानो विवृत्ताङ्गोऽचेष्टमानो गतः क्षयम्। संस्तभ्य शोकं धैर्येण स्थिरचित्तो भवाम्यहम्॥ ब्रह्महत्याकृतं तापं हृदयादपनीयताम्। न द्विजातिरहं राजन्मा भूत् ते मनसो व्यथा॥
Thereupon that one well versed in the scriptures sinking motionless, with his eyes rolling upwards, and waxing extremely weak, said with difficulty, 'Restraining sorrow, I by dint of patience become calm. Do you remove from your mind the grief caused by the consciousness of having slain a Brāhmaṇa. O king, I belong not to the twice-born race: let not your mind be pained.

शूद्रायामस्मि वैश्येन जातो नरवराधिप। इतीव वदतः कृच्छाद् बाणाभिहतमर्मणः॥ विघूर्णतो विचेष्टस्य वेपमानस्य भूतले। तस्य त्वाताम्यमानस्य तं बाणमहमुद्धरम्। स मामुद्वीक्ष्य संत्रस्तो जहौ प्राणांस्तपोधनः॥
O lord of the foremost men, I was begot by a Vaisya on a Sudra woman.' As he, his vitals afflicted with the shaft, hi eyes rolling, inert and trembling on the ground, with his limbs drawn in, was speaking with difficulty, I drew out the arrow. Thereupon, looking at me, the ascetic, growing affrighted, gave up the ghost.

जलाड़गात्रं तु विलप्य कृच्छं मर्मवणं संततमुच्छसन्तम्। ततः सरय्वां तमहं शयानं समीक्ष्य भद्रे सुभृशं विषण्णः॥
On beholding him with his body dripping with water, and mortally wounded, and breathing hard without respite, after he had bewailed his mortal wound, lying on the banks of the Sarayü, I lamented him and was, O gentle lady, greatly aggrieved.