Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 56

अथ राज्यां व्यतीतायामवसुप्तमनन्तरम्। प्रबोधयामास शनैर्लक्ष्मणं रघुपुङ्गवः॥
When the night had been spent, that best of Raghus gently awakened Lakşmaņa from his light sleep.

सौमित्रे शृणु वन्यानां वल्गु व्याहरतां स्वनम्। सम्प्रतिष्ठामहे कालः प्रस्थानस्य परंतप॥
O Sumiträ's son, do you hear the dulcet notes of the birds in the woods. Let us proceed. O repressor of foes, the time of our departure is present.

प्रसुप्तस्तु ततो भ्रात्रा समये प्रतिबोधितः। जहौ निद्रां च तन्द्रां च प्रसक्तं च परिश्रमम्॥
Awakened at the proper time, Rāma's brother left off sleep and drowsiness and clinging fatigue.

तत उत्थाय ते सर्वे स्पृष्ट्वा नद्याः शिवं जलम्। पन्थानमृषिभिर्जुष्टं चित्रकूटस्य तं ययुः॥
Then they all arising touched the sacred waters of the river, and began to proceed on the way to Citrakuța inhabited by ascetics.

ततः सम्प्रस्थितः काले रामः सौमित्रिणा सह। सीतां कमलपत्राक्षीमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Setting out in season with Sumitra's son, he of eyes resembling lotus-petais spoke these words to Sītā.

आदीप्तानिव वैदेहि सर्वतः पुष्पितान् नगान्। स्वैः पुष्पैः किंशुकान् पश्य मालिनः शिशिरात्यये॥ पश्य भल्लातकान् बिल्वान् नरैरनुपसेवितान्। फलपुष्पैरवनतान् नूनं शक्ष्याम जीवितुम्॥
O Vaidehi, behold these flowering trees, the Kinsukas in spring appearing engarlanded with their own flowers, and as if flaming., Do you behold the Bhallatakas and Bilvas bending beneath their fruits and flowers, with no man to enjoy them. Surely, we: shall be able to live here.

पश्य द्रोणप्रमाणानि लम्बमानानि लक्ष्मण। मधूनि मधुकारीभिः सम्भृतानि नगे नगे॥
Behold, O Laksmana, these honeycombs measuring about a Droņa have been hung up on trees by the bees.

एष क्रोशति नत्यूहस्तं शिखी प्रतिकूजति। रमणीये वनोद्देशे पुष्पसंस्तरसंकटे॥
In the charming woods overarched by flowers, the Datyuha cries, and is responded to by the peacock.

मातङ्गयूथानुसृतं पक्षिसंघानुनादितम्। चित्रकूटमिमं पश्य प्रवृद्धशिखरं गिरिम्॥
Do you behold Citrakuta frequented by mad elephants and resonant with the voice of multitudes of birds, the mountain with its towering summits.

समभूमितले रम्ये दुमैर्बहुभिरावृते। पुण्ये रंस्यामहे तात चित्रकूटस्य कानने॥
O child, we will disport in the sacred woods of Citrakuta with fine level plains, and covered with divers trees.

ततस्तौ पादचारेण गच्छन्तौ सह सीतया। रम्यमासेदतुः शैलं चित्रकूटं मनोरमम् ॥
Then they proceeding on foot along with Sītā, arrived at the charming and beautiful mountain Citrakuta.

तं तु पर्वतमासाद्य नानापक्षिगणायुतम्। बहुमूलफलं रम्यं सम्पन्नसरसोदकम्॥
Arriving at the mountain inhabited by birds of various kinds, abounding in fruits and roots, and furnished with watery expanses, (Răma) said.

मनोज्ञोऽयं गिरिः सौम्य नानादुमलतायुतः। बहुमूलफलो रम्यः स्वाजीवः प्रतिभाति मे॥
O amiable one, methinks this beautiful hill furnished with innumerable fruits and roots, is fraught with subsistence.

मुनयश्च महात्मानो वसन्त्यस्मिशिलोच्चये। अयं वासो भवेत् तात वयमत्र वसेमहि ॥
And the hill is inhabited by high-souled ascetics. Let this, O child, be our abode. We will dwell here.

इति सीता च रामश्च लक्ष्मणश्च कृताञ्जलिः। अभिगम्याश्रमं सर्वे वाल्मीकिमभिवादयन्॥
Then Ráma, Lakşmana and Sītā with joined hands presented themselves at the asylum of Vālmīki and saluted him.

तान् महर्षिः प्रमुदितः पूजयामास धर्मवित्। आस्यतामिति चोवाच स्वागतं तं निवेद्य च॥
Thereat the Maharși cognizant of morality said to them, "Be seated!” and addressed Rāma, saying, “Has your journey been a pleasant one?”

ततोऽब्रवीन्महाबाहुर्लक्ष्मणं लक्ष्मणाग्रजः। संनिवेद्य यथान्यायमात्मानमृषये प्रभुः॥
Then having duly acquainted the saint with matters pertaining to himself, that lord, the mighty-armed elder brother of Laksmana, said to the latter.

लक्ष्मणानय दारूणि दृढानि च वराणि च। कुरुष्वावसथं सौम्य वासे मेऽभिरतं मनः॥
O Lakşmaņa, bring you wood good and strong. O amiable one, construct a dwelling. My mind is set upon staying here.

तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा सौमित्रिर्विविधान् गुमान्। आजहार ततश्चके पर्णशालामरिंदमः॥
Hearing his words, Sumitra's son procured woods of various descriptions, and then that subduer of foes reared a cottage thatched with leaves.

तां निष्ठितां बद्धकटां दृष्ट्वा रामः सुदर्शनाम्। शुश्रूषमाणमेकाग्रमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Beholding that goodly dwelling walled with wood furnished with doors, Rāma addressed these words and Lakşmaņa, intent upon ministering to his brother.

ऐणेयं मांसमाहृत्य शालां यक्ष्यामहे वयम्। कर्तव्यं वास्तुशमनं सौमित्रे चिरजीविभिः॥
Procuring meat, we will worship the deity presiding over this dwelling. O Sumitrā's son, those who wish to live long, should pacify the household gods.

मृगं हत्वानय क्षिप्रं लक्ष्मणेह शुभेक्षण। कर्तव्यः शास्त्रदृष्टो हि विधिर्धर्ममनुस्मर॥
O Lakşmaņa graced with auspicious eyes, do you killing deer, swiftly bring it here. It behoves us to observe the rules prescribed by the scriptures. Do you follow the ordinance.

भ्रातुर्वचनमाज्ञाय लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा। चकार च यथोक्तं हि तं रामः पुनरब्रवीत्॥
Acquainted with the words of his brother, Lakşmaņa, slayer of hostile heroes did as he was told. Thereupon Rāma addressed him again.

ऐणेयं श्रपयस्वैतच्छालां यक्ष्यामहे वयम्। त्वर सौम्यमुहूर्तोऽयं ध्रुवश्च दिवसो ह्ययम्॥
Do you cook this meat. We will worship the presiding deities of this mansion. Bestir yourself, the moment is mild and the day is styled Dhruva.

स लक्ष्मणः कृष्णमृगं हत्वा मेध्यं प्रतापवान्। अथ चिक्षेप सौमित्रिः समिद्धे चातवेदसि॥
Then Lakşmana the son of Sumitrā endowed with vigour, having slain a sacred black deer, threw it into flaming fire.

तत् तु पक्वं समाज्ञाय निष्टप्तं छिन्नशोणितम्। लक्ष्मणः पुरुषव्याघ्रमथ राघवमब्रवीत्॥
And seeing it well scorched and hot and free from blood, Lakşmaņa spoke to that foremost of men, Rāghava, saying.

अयं सर्वः समस्ताङ्गः शृतः कृष्णमृगो मया। देवता देवसंकाश यजस्व कुशलो ह्यसि॥ रामः स्नात्वा तु नियतो गुणवाञ्जपकोविदः। संग्रहेणाकरोत् सर्वान् मन्त्रान् सत्रावसानिकान्॥ इष्ट्वा देवगणान् सर्वान् विवेशावसथं शुचिः। बभूव च मनोह्वादो रामस्यामिततेजसः॥
Here is the entire black deer roasted by me, capable of serving any purpose. Do you, O you that resemble a celestial, worship the gods. Having performed his ablutions, Rāma conversant with the ritual and possessing a knowledge of Japa, restraining his senses, performed all the mantras that are necessary for completing a sacrifice; and having in a pure spirit communed with all the deities, entered the habitation.

वैश्वदेवबलिं कृत्वा रौद्रं वैष्णवमेव च। वास्तुसंशमनीयानि मङ्गलानि प्रवर्तयन्॥
And (this having been done), Rāma of immeasurable energy rejoiced exceedingly. And sacrificing to Vaisva, Rudra and Visnu, he performed some ceremonies for removing malign influences from the abode.

जपं च न्यायतः कृत्वा स्नात्वा नद्यां यथाविधि। पापसंशमनं रामश्चकार बलिमुत्तमम्॥ वेदिस्थलविधानानि चैत्यान्यायतनानि च। आश्रमस्यानुरूपाणि स्थापयामास राघवः॥
Having duly performed Japa and bathed is consonance with the ordinance, Rāma made an excellent sacrifice for removing sin. And then Rāghava established a dais, and a Caitya proportionate to the abode.* The N.W.P. text reads:, "And in that romantic. forest abounding in various kinds of beast and birds, with trees bearing a profusion of variegated flowers, and resounding with the roars of beasts and serpents, those ones and, who had conquered their senses, began to live happily.",

वन्यैर्माल्यैः फलैर्मूलैः पक्वैाँसैर्यथाविधि। अद्भिर्जपैश्च वेदोक्तैर्दभैश्च ससमित्कुशैः।। तौ तर्पयित्वा भूतानि राघवौ सह सीतया। तदा विविशतुः शालां सुशुभां शुभलक्षणौ।।
And having with garlands made of wild flowers, fruits roots, meat cooked according to the ordinance, water, Fapa as prescribed by the Veda, grass, and faggot, worshipped the spirits, those descendants of Raghu, the auspicious Rāma and Lakşmaņa, in company with Sītă entered the graceful mansion.]

तां वृक्षपर्णच्छदनां मनोज्ञां यथाप्रदेशं सुकृतां निवाताम्। वासाय सर्वे विविशुः समेताः सभां यथा देवगणाः सुधर्माम्॥
And as the celestials enter the hall entitled Sudharmă, they together with the view of dwelling in it, entered the mansion beautiful to behold, thatched with the leaves of trees, built at a convenient site, well-made, and keeping out the wind.

सुरम्यमासाद्य तु चित्रकूट नदी च तां माल्यवती सुतीर्थाम्। ननन्द हृष्टो मृगपक्षिजुष्टां जहौ च दुःखं पुरविप्रवासात्॥
And having come to the charming Citrakuta and the river Mālyavatī furnished with excellent bathing places, and haunted by beasts and fowls, they rejoiced with glad hearts, and forsook the grief incident to their exile from the city.