Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 55

उषित्वा रजनीं तत्र राजपुत्रावरिंदमौ। महर्षिमभिवाद्याथ जग्मतुस्तं गिरिं प्रति॥
Having spent the night there, those princes, repressors of their foes, after paying their obeisance to the Maharși, set out for the mountain.

तेषां स्वस्त्ययनं चैव महर्षिः स चकार ह। प्रस्थितान् प्रेक्ष्य तांश्चैव पिता पुत्रानिवौरसान् ॥
Seeing them about to set forth, that Maharși performed a propitiatory ceremony for them, even as a father does on behalf of the sons begot from his own loins.

ततः प्रचक्रमे वक्तुं वचनं स महामुनिः। भरद्वाजो महातेजा रामं सत्यपराक्रमम्॥
And that mighty ascetic, Bharadvāja having truth for his prowess, addressed them, saying.

गङ्गायमुनयोः संधिमादाय मनुजर्षभ। कालिन्दीमनुगच्छेतां नदी पश्चान्मुखाश्रिताम्॥
O best of men, do you coming to the confluence of the Gangā and the Yamunā proceed along the Kalindi river flowing westwards.

अथासाद्य तु कालिन्दी प्रतिस्रोतः समागताम्। तस्यास्तीर्थं प्रचरितं प्रकामं प्रेक्ष्य राघव। तत्र यूयं प्लवं कृत्वा तरतांशुमती नदीम्॥
Arriving at the Kalindi running in a contrary direction, you will, O Rāghava, behold a goodly bathing place well-worn by foot-passengers. There constructing a raft, do you cross over the river who is the daughter of the Sun.

ततो न्यग्रोधमासाद्य महान्तं हरितच्छदम्। परीतं बहुभिर्वृक्षैः श्यामं सिद्धोपसेवितम्॥ तस्मिन् सीताञ्जलिं कृत्वा प्रयुञ्जीताशिषां क्रियाम्। समासाद्य च तं वृक्षं वसेद् वातिक्रमेत वा।७।। क्रोशमात्रं ततो गत्वा नीलं प्रेक्ष्य च काननम्। सल्लकीबदरीमिश्रं रम्यं वन्यैश्च यामुनैः॥
Next coming to a gigantic banian tree with green foliage, named śyāma, surrounded by various trees and inhabited by ascetics of accomplished purposes, let Şītā with joined hands offer humble supplications to it. Having come to the tree and, whether staying under it or proceeding along, after passing only a Krosa, you will, O Rama, see a wood abounding in Sallakis, Badaris, and other wild trees belonging to the Yamuna.

स पन्थाश्चित्रकूटस्य गतस्य बहुशो मया। रम्यो मार्दवयुक्तश्च दावैश्चैव विवर्जितः॥
I went to Citrakuța many a time by that road, which is beautiful, sandy, and free from forestfire.

इति पन्थानमादिश्य महर्षिः संन्यवर्तत। अभिवाद्य तथेत्युक्त्वा रामेण विनिवर्तितः॥
Having directed the way, the Maharsi paused. Thereupon Rāma, saying, “So be it," asked him to stop.

उपावृत्ते मुनौ तस्मिन् रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्। कृतपुण्याः स्म भद्रं ते मुनिर्यन्नोऽनुकम्पते॥
On the ascetic turning away, Rāma spoke to Lakṣmaṇa, “We had surely acquired religious merit, good betide you, since, the ascetic has shown compassion to us.

इति तौ पुरुषव्याघ्रौ मन्त्रयित्वा मनस्विनौ। सीतामेवाग्रतः कृत्वा कालिन्दी जग्मतुर्नदीम्॥
Having thus conversed with each other, those foremost of men endowed with intelligence, place Sītā in their front, proceeded towards the rive Kalindi.

अथासाद्यतुकालिन्दी शीघ्रस्रोतस्विनी नदीम्। चिन्तामापेदिरे सद्यो नदीजलतितीर्षवः॥
Having arrived at the Kālindī of rapid currents, they desirous of crossing over, began to think (as to the means).

तौ काष्ठसंघाटमथो चक्रतुः सुमहाप्लवम्। शुष्कैर्वंयैः समाकीर्णमुशीरैश्च समावृतम्॥ ततो वैतसशाखाश्च जम्बुशाखाश्च वीर्यवान्। चकार लक्ष्मणश्छित्त्वा सीतायाः सुखमासनम्॥
Then with heaps of dry wild wood covered with grass, they constructed a large raft. And the puissant Lakşmaņa tearing twigs from the ratan and the rose-apple, made a comfortable seat for Sita.

तत्र श्रियमिवाचिन्त्यां रामो दाशरथिः प्रियाम्। ईषत्स लज्जमानां तामध्यारोपयत प्लवम्॥ पार्वे तत्र च वैदेह्या वसने भूषणानि च। प्लवे कठिनकाजंच रामश्चके समाहितः॥
Then Dasaratha's son, Rāma, made his bashful wife (in power) inconceivable like to Śrī herself, ascend the raft, and carefully laid beside Vaidehī her attires and ornaments as well as the hoe and the basket.

आरोप्य सीतां प्रथमं संघाटं परिगृह्य तौ ततः प्रतेरतुर्यत्तौ प्रीतौ दशरथात्मजौ॥
And first having placed Sītā on the raft, those sons of Daśaratha ascended themselves, and with glad heares began carefully to cross (the stream)..

कालिन्दीमध्यमायाता सीता त्वेनामवन्दत। स्वस्ति देवि तरामि त्वां पारयेन्मे पतिव्रतम्॥ यक्ष्ये त्वां गोसहस्रेण सुराघटशतेन च। स्वस्ति प्रत्यागते रामे पुरीमिक्ष्वाकुपालिताम्॥
Having come near the middle of the Kalindi, Sītā prayed to her, saying, 'Hail to you, O goddess! I cross you. If my husband can successfully perform his vow, I will worship you with a thousand cows and an hundred vessels of wine, hail to you, upon Rāma's return to the city ruled by Ikşvāki

कालिन्दीमथ सीता तु याचमाना कृताञ्जलिः। तीरमेवाभिसम्प्राप्ता दक्षिणं वरवर्णिनी॥
Having thus prayed to Kālindī with joined hands, that virtuous lady, Sītā, reached the southern bank thereof.

ततः प्लवेनांशुमती शीघ्रगामूर्मिमालिनीम्। तीरजैर्बहुभिवृक्षैः संतेरुर्यमुना नदीम्॥
And by means of that raft they crossed that fleet-coursing daughter of the Sun, heaving with billows, the river Yamunā with her banks abounding with innumerable trees.

तेषु ते प्लवमुत्सृज्य प्रस्थाय यमुनावनात्। श्यामं न्यग्रोधमासेदुः शीतलं हरितच्छदम्॥
Then renouncing the raft, and passing by the woods adjoining the Yamunā, they came upon a banian Syāma by name, of cool shade and verdant foliage.

न्यग्रोधं समुपागम्य वैदेही चाभ्यवन्दत। नमस्तेऽस्तु महावृक्ष पारयेन्मे पतिव्रतम्॥ कौसल्यां चैव पश्येम सुमित्रां च यशस्विनीम्। इति सीताञ्जलिं कृत्वा पर्यगच्छन्मनस्विनी॥
On coming to the banian, Vaidehī saluted it saying, “O mighty tree, I bow to you. May my husband fulfil his vow; and may we behold Kausalyā and the illustrious Sumitrā.” Having thus prayed with joined hands, the intelligent Sītā went away.

अवलोक्य ततः सीतामायाचन्तीमनिन्दिताम्। दयितां च विधेयां च रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्॥
Seeing the blameless and beloved Sītā ever conducting herself properly, praying, Rāma said to Laksmana.

सीतामादाय गच्छ त्वमग्रतो भरतानुज । पृष्ठतोऽनुगमिष्यामि सायुधो द्विपदां वर॥
Do you, O younger brother of Bharata, taking Sītā with you, go forward. O best of men, furnished with weapons, I will go in your wake.

यद् यत् फलं प्रार्थयते पुष्पं वा जनकात्मजा। तत् तत् प्रयच्छ वैदेह्या यत्रास्या रमते मनः।२८।।
Do you procure Vaidehī with whatever fruits or flowers may please 'her and she may wish to have.

एकैकं पादपं गुल्म लतां वा पुष्पशालिनीम्। अदृष्टरूपां पश्यन्ती रामं पप्रच्छ साऽबला॥
Seeing every tree and shrub crowned with blossoms unseen before, that one belonging to the softer see questioned Rāma about it.

रमणीयान् बहुविधान् पादपान् कुसुमोत्करान्। सीतावचनसंरब्ध आनयामास लक्ष्मणः॥
And hearing Sita's words, Laksmana brought to her (fruits and flowers) of beautiful and flower-scattering trees of divers kinds.

विचित्रवालुकजलां हंससारसनादिताम्। रेमे जनकराजस्य सुता प्रेक्ष्य तदा नदीम्॥
And beholding streams with water flowing over glittering sands and resounding with cranes of various kinds, the daughter of king Janaka felt exceeding delight.

क्रोशमात्रं ततो गत्वा भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। बहून् मेध्यान् मृगान् हत्वा चेस्तुर्यमुनावने ॥
And having proceeded just a Krosa, those brothers, Rāma and Lakşmaņa, having killed many a sacred deer, began to range in the woods of the Yarnunā.

विहृत्य ते बर्हिणपूगनादिते शुभे वने वारणवानरायुते। समं नदीवप्रमुपेत्य सत्वरं निवासमाजग्मुरदीनदर्शनाः॥
And having disported in the beautiful woods resounding with multitudes of peacocks and inhabited by elephants and monkeys, they looking as lively as ever, coming to the level banks of the river, took up their quarters there.