Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 54

ते तु तस्मिन् महावृक्षे उषित्वा रजनी शुभाम्। विमलेऽभ्युदिते सूर्ये तस्माद् देशात् प्रतस्थिरे॥
Having passed the auspicious night underneath that might tree, they, when the sun had risen in unclouded splendour, went away from that place.

यत्र भागीरथीं गङ्गां यमुनाभिप्रवर्तते। जग्मुस्तं देशमुद्दिश्य विगाह्य सुमहद् वनम्॥
Then dividing into a mighty forest, they proceeded in the direction in which the Bhāgirathi Gangå meets with the Yamunā.

ते भूमिभागान् विविधान् देशांश्चापि मनोहरान्। अदृष्टपूर्वान् पश्यन्तस्तत्र तत्र यशस्विनः॥
Those illustrious ones went on, viewing at intervals various fields and delightful lands which they had never seen before.

यथा क्षेमेण सम्पश्यन् पुष्पितान् विविधान् दुमान्। निर्वृत्तमात्रे दिवसे रामः सौमित्रिमब्रवीत्॥
And going on beholding various kinds of blossoming trees, Rāma when the day had declined, spoke to Sumitrā's son saying.

प्रयागमभितः पश्य सौमित्रे धूममुत्तमम्। अग्नेर्भगवतः केतुं मन्ये संनिहितो मुनिः॥
O son of Sumitrā, do you behold the beautiful wreath of smoke that rises in front of Prayāga, sign of the worshipful Fire, and I infer some ascetic to be near.

नूनं प्राप्ताः स्म सम्भेदं गङ्गायमुनयोर्वयम्। तथाहि श्रूयते शब्दो वारिणोरिघर्षजः॥
For certain we have arrived at the confluence of the Gangā and the Yamunā; and it is for this that we hear the roar of the waters produced by the rushing of them.

दारूणि परिभिन्नानि वनजैरुपजीविभिः। छिन्नाश्चाप्याश्रमे चैते दृश्यन्ते विविधा दुमाः॥
All these various trees with their wood hewn away by foresters are seen in the asylums.

धन्विनौ तौ सुखं गत्वा लम्बमाने दिवाकरे। गङ्गायमुनयोः संधौ प्रापतुर्निलयं मुनेः॥
Thus having proceeded at ease, you bowmen when the sun stood aslant, arrived in the vicinity of the ascetic's residence on the delta of the Yamunā and the Gangā.

रामस्त्वाश्रममासाद्य त्रासयन् मृगपक्षिणः। गत्वा मुहूर्तमध्वानं भरद्वाजमुपागमत्॥
Proceeding awhile on the way, Rāma, in presence of the asylum, came up to Bharadvāja's place, frightening beasts and birds.

ततस्त्वाश्रममासाद्य मुनेर्दर्शनकाङ्क्षिणौ। सीतयानुगतौ वीरौ दूरादेवावतस्थतुः॥
Arriving at the hermitage, the heroes desirous of seeing the ascetic, stood at a distance with Sītā behind them.

स प्रविश्य महात्मानमृषि शिष्यगणैर्वृतम्। संशितव्रतमेकाग्रं तपसा लब्धचक्षुषम्॥ हुताग्निहोत्रं दृष्ट्वैव महाभागः कृताञ्जलिः। रामः सौमित्रिणा सार्धं सीतया चाभ्यवादयत्॥
And as soon as entering in, that exalted one saw that high-souled anchoret of accomplished vows, who had attained spiritual insight through austerities, sitting surrounded by his disciples after having finished the Agnihotra, Rāma with joined hands saluted him along with Sumitra's son and Sita.

न्यवेदयत् चात्मानं तस्मै लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः। पुत्रौ दशरथस्यावां भगवन् रामलक्ष्मणौ॥ भार्या ममेयं कल्याणी वैदेही जनकात्मजा। मां चानुयाता विजनं तपोवनमनिन्दिता॥ पित्रा प्रव्राज्यमानं मां सौमित्रिरनुजः प्रियः। अयमन्वगमद् भ्राता वनमेव धृतव्रतः॥
Then Lakşmaņa's elder brother imparted to Bharadvāja a knowledge of himself. “O worshipful one, we are the sons of Dasaratha, Rama and Laksmana. This is my wife, the auspicious daughter of Janaka. This blameless one follows me to the solitary forest; and my dear younger brother, the son of Sumitrā too, observing the vow, follows me, who have been exiled by my father,

पित्रा नियुक्ता भगवन् प्रवेक्ष्यामस्तपोवनम्। धर्ममेवाचरिष्यामस्तत्र मूलफलाशनाः॥
O revered one, commissioned by my father, I will enter the forest of asceticism, and there subsisting on fruits and roots will practise virtue.

तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा राजपुत्रस्य धीमतः। उपानयत धर्मात्मा गामर्थ्यमुदकं ततः॥
Hearing those words of the intelligent prince, that righteous (ascetic) brought a bull* as well as Arghya and water and divers kinds of edibles consisting of wild fruits and roots. *When an eminent guest came to a person's house, as he offered madhuparka, with a bull which was killed for his entertainment

नानाविधाननरसान् वन्यमूलफलाश्रयान्। तेभ्यो ददौ तप्ततपा वासं चैवाभ्यकल्पयत्॥
And that one of fiery austerities assigned quarters, along with beasts and birds as well as ascetics, for Rāma.

मृगपक्षिभिरासीनो मुनिभिश्च समन्ततः। राममागतमभ्यर्च्य स्वागतेनागतं मुनिः॥ प्रतिगृह्य तु ताम_मुपविष्टं स राघवम्। भरद्वाजोऽब्रवीद् वाक्यं धर्मयुक्तमिदं तदा॥
Then paying homage to Rāma he proceeded by short stages, and asking him, Has your journey been a pleasant one?, the ascetic sat down. And when Rāghava had sat down after receiving the homage, Bharadvāja spoke to him these words fraught with virtue.

चिरस्य खलु काकुत्स्थ पश्याम्यहमुपागतम्। श्रुतं तव मया चैव विवासनमकारणम्॥
O Kākutstha, I behold you come after a long time. I have heard of your causeless exile.

अवकाशो विविक्तोऽयं महानद्योः समागमे। पुष्यश्च रमणीयश्च वसत्विह भवान् सुखम्॥
This spot at the meeting of the mighty rivers is lonely, sacred and charming. Do you dwell here happily.

एवमुक्तस्तु वचनं भरद्वाजेन राघवः। प्रत्युवाच शुभं वाक्यं रामः सर्वहिते रतः॥
Thus addressed by Bharadvāja, that descendant of Raghu, Rāma intent on the welfare of all, answered in auspicious words.

भगवत्रित आसन्नः पौरजानपदो जनः। सुदर्शमिह मां प्रेक्ष्य मन्येऽहमिममाश्रमम्॥ आगमिष्यति वैदेहीं मां चापि प्रेक्षको जनः। अनेन कारणेनाहमिह वासं न रोचये॥
O reverend one, I apprehend that, living hard by, the inhabitants of the city and the provinces, thinking me as easily to be seen, will come to this asylum desirous of beholding me and Vaidehī. It is for this reason that living at this place does not recommended itself to me.

महर्षिसेवितः पुण्यः एकान्ते पश्य भगवन्नाश्रमस्थानमुत्तमम्। रमते यत्र वैदेही सुखार्दा जनकात्मजा॥
Do you, O worshipful one, hit upon a retired and agreeable asylum where Janaka's daughter worthy of happiness, will pass her days pleasantly.

एतच्छुत्वा शुभं वाक्यं भरद्वाजो महामुनिः। राघवस्य तु तद् वाक्यमर्थग्राहकमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing this auspicious speech of Rāghava, that eminent anchoret Bharadvāja said these words calculated to serve Rāma's purpose.

दशक्रोश इतस्तात गिरिर्यस्मिन् निवत्स्यसि। पर्वतः शुभदर्शनः॥ गोलाङ्गलानुचरितो वानरक्षनिषेवितः। चित्रकूट इति ख्यातो गन्धमादनसंनिभः॥
Ten Krosas hence, my child, is the mountain where you shall dwell. it is inhabited by maharsis, and is sacred, and picturesque throughout, abounding in Golāngulas, monkeys, and bears, known by the name of Citrakuta, resembling Gandhamädana.

यावता चित्रकूटस्य नरः शृङ्गाण्यवेक्षते। कल्याणानि समाधत्ते न पापे कुरुते मनः॥
On beholding the peaks of Citrakuța, one reaps welfare, and ignorance does not envelope one's mind.

ऋषयस्तत्र बहवो विहृत्य शरदां शतम्। तपसा दिवमारूढाः कपालशिरसा सह॥
There innumerable saints with the hair of their heads rendered white like skulls, having spent hundreds of years, have through austerities ascended heaven.

प्रविविक्तमहं मन्ये तं वासं भवतः सुखम्। इह वा वनवासाय वस राम मया सह ॥
That solitary spot I deem as one which will make a happy residence for you. O Rāma, do you, for living out the term of your banishment, dwell either here or with me.

स रामं सर्वकामैस्तं भरद्वाजः प्रियातिथिम्। सभार्यं सह च भ्रात्रा प्रतिजग्राह हर्षयन्॥
Bharadvāja entertained his welcome guest, Rāma, along with his wife and brother by extending towards them every rite of hospitality.

तस्य प्रयागे रामस्य तं महर्षिमुपेयुषः। प्रपन्ना रजनी पुण्या चित्राः कथयत: कथाः॥
At Prayāga Rāma having obtained the company of that Maharși, and discoursing on a variety of sacred topics, the night came on.

सीतातृतीयः काकुत्स्थः परिश्रान्तः सुखोचितः। भरद्वाजाश्रमे रम्ये तां रात्रिमवसत् सुखम्॥
And with Sītā for the third, Kåkutstha brought up in luxury, being fatigued, pleasantly spent that night at the romantic hermitage of Bharadvāja.

प्रभातायां तु शर्वर्यां भरद्वाजमुपागमत्। उवाच नरशार्दूलो मुनिं ज्वलिततेजसम्॥
When the night had passed away and day dawned, (Rāma) approached Bharadvāja, and that chief of men addressed that ascetic of flaming energy.

शर्वरीं भगवनद्य सत्यशील तवाश्रमे। उषिताः स्मोऽह वसतिमनुजानातु नो भवान्॥
O reverend sire of truthful character, we have here in your asylum spent the night. Do you now permit us to set forward (for Citrakuta).

रात्र्यां तु तस्यां व्युष्टायां भरद्वाजोऽब्रवीदिदम्। मधुमूलफलोपेतं चित्रकूटं व्रजेति ह॥ वासमौपयिकं मन्ये तव राम महाबल। नानानगगणोपेतः किन्नरोरगसेवितः॥ मयूरनादाभिरतो गजराजनिषेवितः। गम्यतां भवता शैलश्चित्रकूटः स विश्रुतः॥
On Rāma having passed the night there, Bharadvāja spoke to him, “Do you race your steps to Citrakuța filled with delicious fruits and roots. I deem that, О mighty Rāma, as a fit abode for you, being, as it is, furnished with various kinds of trees, inhabited by crowds of Kinnars, resounding with the cries of peacocks, and frequented by gigantic elephants.

पुण्यश्च रमणीयश्च बहुमूलफलायुतः। तत्र कुञ्जरयूथानि मृगयूथानि चैव हि ॥ विचरन्ति वनान्तेषु तानि द्रक्ष्यसि राघव। सरित्प्रस्रवणप्रस्थान् दरीकन्दरनिर्झरान्। चरतः सीतया सार्धं नन्दिष्यति मनस्तव।॥
Do you repair to the famed Citrakuţa, holy, fair to the view, and abounding in countless fruits and roots. And in those forests range herds of elephants and deer; and these, O Rāghava, you will behold. And ranging with Sītā rivers and rills and plateau's, caverns and fountains, your mind will experience delight.

विनोदयन्तं च सुखं परं शिवम्। मृगैश्च मत्तैर्बहुभिश्च कुञ्जरैः सुरम्यमासाद्य समावसाश्रयम्॥
Delighted with the notes of joyous Koyastivas and coels, and the cries of deer and coundess mad elephants, do you, arriving at the auspicious mountain, reside at the romantic asylum.