Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 52

प्रभातायां तु शर्वर्या पृथुवक्षा महायशाः। उवाच रामः सौमित्रिं लक्ष्मणं शुभलक्षणम्॥
When the morning broke, that illustrious one having a spacious chest, Rāma, addressed Sumitrā's son, Laksmana, graced with auspicious marks.

भास्करोदयकालोऽसौ गता भगवती निशा। असौ सुकृष्णो विहगः कोकिलस्तात कूजति॥ बर्हिणानां च निर्घोषः श्रूयते नदतां वने। तराम जाह्नवीं सौम्य शीघ्रगां सागरङ्गमाम्॥
This is the time of sunrise: the reverend Night has departed. O child, this gracefully sable-hued bird, the Coel, has began to warble, and I hear the cries of peacocks uttering notes in the woods. O amiable one, we will cross the Jāhnavī, fast rushing to the ocean.

विज्ञाय रामस्य वचः सौमित्रिमित्रनन्दनः। गुहमामन्त्र्य सूतं च सोऽतिष्ठद् भ्रातुरग्रतः॥
Hearing Rāma's words, that enhancer of the delight of friends, Sumitra's son, conveyed them to Guha and the charioteer; and then stood before his brother.

स तु रामस्य वचनं निशम्य प्रतिगृह्य च। स्थपतिस्तूर्णमाहूय सचिवानिदमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing of Rāma's speech and accepting it, that lord of the Nişādas speedily summoning his counsellors spoke to them saying.

अस्य वाहनसंयुक्तां कर्णग्राहवती शुभाम्। सुप्रतारां दृढां तीर्थे शीघ्रं नावमुपाहर ॥
Do you without delay bring to this bathingplace a strong and elegant boat furnished with a rudder and steered by a helmsman, such as is capable of ferrying (people) comfortably.

तं निशम्य गुहादेशं गुहामात्यो गतो महान्। उपोह्य रुचिरां गवं गुहाय प्रत्यवेदयत्।७।। ततः स प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा गुहो राघवमब्रवीत्। उपस्थितेयं नौर्देव भूयः किं करवाणि ते॥
Hearing this mandate of Guha, his potent counsellors procuring goodly boat, informed him of it. Then with joined hands, Guha spoke to Rāghava, saying, The boat is ready, worshipful one. What more shall I do in your behalf?

तवामरसुतप्रख्य तर्तुं सागरगामिनीम्। नौरियं पुरुषव्याघ्र शीघ्रमारोह सुव्रत॥
O you that resembles the son of a celestial, here is the boat for you, O foremost of men, to cross over the river that goes after the ocean. O you of excellent vows, do you ascend it.

अथोवाच महातेजा रामो गुहमिदं वचः। कृतकामोऽस्मि भवता शीघ्रमारोप्यतामिति॥
Thereupon the highly energetic Rāma said to Guha the following words, “I have attained my end through you. Do you at once get on board the baggage." son

ततः कलापान् संनह्य खङ्गौ बध्वा च धन्विनौ। जग्मतुर्येन तां गङ्गां सीतया सह राघवौ॥
Then donning on their mail and equipped with their bows, quivers and swords, the Rāghavas along with Sītā descended to the Gangā.

राममेवं तु धर्मज्ञमुपागत्य विनीतवत्। किमहं करवाणीति सूतः प्राञ्जलिरब्रवीत्॥
Then coming forward in humble guise before Rāma cognizant of virtue, the charioteer said with joined hands, "What shall I do (now)?"

ततोऽब्रवीद् दाशरथिः सुमन्त्रं स्पृशन् करेणोत्तमदक्षिणेन। सुमन्त्र शीघ्रं पुनरेव याहि राज्ञः सकाशे भव चाप्रमत्तः॥
Thereupon Dasaratha's touching Sumantra by his goodly right hand, said, “O Sumantra, do you again repair to the monarch, but let your senses be unclouded.”

निवर्तस्वेत्युवाचैनमेतावद्धि कृतं मम। रथं विहाय पद्भ्यां तु गमिष्यामो महावनम् ॥
“Do you” said he to the charioteer, "turn back, So far I have come (in obedience to the order of the monarch.) Now, renouncing the car, will I repair to the mighty forest on foot."

आत्मानं त्वभ्यनुज्ञातमवेक्ष्यार्तः स सारथिः। सुमन्त्रः पुरुषयाघ्रमैक्ष्वाकमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Finding himself thus commanded, the charioteer, Sumantra grieved at heart spoke to that best of men, the descendant of Ikşvāku.

नातिक्रान्तमिदं लोके पुरुषेणेह केनचित्। तव सभ्रातृभार्यस्य वासः प्राकृतवद् वने॥
That Destiny owing to which you will have to pass your days in the forest like a low person, along with your brother and wife, has in this world been withstood by none.

न मन्ये ब्रह्मचर्ये वा स्वधीते वा फलोदयः। मार्दवार्जवयोर्वापि त्वां चेद् व्यसनमागतम्॥
I deem the Brahmacarya mode of life, or study, or meekness or sincerity as attended with no fruit, since you have come by calamity.

सह राघव वैदेह्या भ्रात्रा चैव वने वसन्। त्वं गतिं प्राप्स्यसे वीर त्रींल्लोकांस्तु जयन्निव॥
O Rāghava, living in the forest with Vaidehi and your brother, you, O Lord, attain a state (of supreme excellence), having, as it were, conquered the three worlds.

वयं खलु हता राम यत् त्वया ह्युपवञ्चिताः। कैकेय्या वशमेष्यामः पापाया दुःखभागिनः॥
O Rāma, it is we, wretched that we are, that are undone, as we, deprived of your company, shall come under the sinful Kaikeyi expressing great misery.

इति ब्रुवन्नात्मसमं सुमन्त्रः सारथिस्तदा। दृष्ट्वा दूरगतं रामं दुःखार्तो रुरुदे चिरम्॥
Having said this, the charioteer, Sumantra, seeing Rāma intent upon going to a distant land, wept for a long while in heaviness of heart.

ततस्तु विगते वाष्पे सूतं स्पृष्टोदकं शुचिम्। रामस्तु मधुरं वाक्यं पुनः पुनरुवाच तम्॥
Then when he had dried up his tears, and sanctified himself by touching the water of the Gangā, Rāma again addressed the charioteer in sweet words, saying.

इक्ष्वाकूणां त्वया तुल्यं सुहृदं नोपलक्षये। यथा दशरथो राजा मां न शोचेत् तथा कुरु॥
I do not find any one that is a friend of the sons of Ikşvāku like to you. Do you so act that king Dasaratha may not grieve (for me.)

शोकोपहतचेताश्च वृद्धश्च जगतीपतिः। कामभारावसन्नश्च तस्मादेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
The lord of earth has been deprived of his senses by grief, has grown old, and is oppressed by the weight of desires (thwarted.) Therefore it is that I tell you this.

यद् यथा ज्ञापयेत् किंचित् स महात्मा महीपतिः। कैकेय्याः प्रियकामार्थं कार्यं तदविकाझ्या॥
Whatever that noble-minded lord of earth commands for the pleasure of Kaikeyi, should by us be done with alacrity.

एतदर्थं हि राज्यानि प्रशासति नराधिपाः। यदेषां सर्वकृत्येषु मनो न प्रतिहन्यते ॥
It is for this that those lords of men, kings, govern, viz., that others may not thwart their purposes.)

यद् यथा स महाराजो नालीकमधिगच्छति। न च ताम्यति शोकेन सुमन्त्र कुरु तत् तथा॥
O Sumantra, do you act so, that the mighty monarch may not come across anything unpleasant, or be attacked with chagrin through grief.

अदृष्टदुःखं राजानं वृद्धमार्यं जितेन्द्रियम्। ब्रूयास्त्वमभिवाद्यैव मम हेतोरिदं वचः॥
Do you saluting him for me say these words to the aged monarch who has his senses under complete control, and who has never seen misfortune before.

न चाहमनुशोचामि लक्ष्मणो न च शोचति। अयोध्यायाश्च्युताश्चेति वने वत्स्यामहेति वा॥
Neither I nor Lakşmaņa grieve for being ejected out of Ayodhyā, or that we shall have to abide in the forest.

चतुर्दशसु वर्षेषु निवृत्तेषु पुनः पुनः। लक्ष्मणं मां च सीतां च द्रक्ष्यसे शीघ्रमागतान्॥
After these fourteen years have gone by, you will see Lakşmaņa, Sītā and myself come to you speedily.

एवमुक्त्वा तु राजानं मातरं च सुमन्त्र मे। अन्याश्च देवी: सहिताः कैकेयीं च पुनः पुनः॥ आरोग्यं ब्रूहि कौसल्यामथ पादाभिवन्दनम्। सीताया मम चार्यस्य वचनाल्लक्ष्मणस्य च॥
Having thus, O Sumantra, in my name again and again spoken to the king, to iny mother and to Kaikeyi along with the other revered ladies, do you communicate to Kausalyā our welfare conveying to her at the same time Şītā's and Lakşmana's salutations to her feet as well those of myself who am her eldest son.

ब्रूयाश्चापि महाराजं भरतं क्षिप्रमानय। आगतश्चापि भरतः स्थाप्यो नृपमते पदे॥
Do you also tell the king, 'Do you speedily bring Bharata; and when Bharata has come, let him be the invested with royalty.

भरतं च परिष्वज्य यौवराज्येऽभिषिच्य च। अस्मत्संतापजं दुःखं न त्वामभिभविष्यति ॥
When you have embraced Bharata and installed him in the kingdom, you no longer be overpowered with grief on our account.'

भरतश्चापि वक्तव्यो यथा राजनि वर्तसे। तथा मातृषु वर्तेथाः सर्वास्वेवाविशेषतः॥ यथा च तव कैकेयी सुमित्रा चाविशेषतः। तथैव देवी कौसल्या मम माता विशेषतः॥
And tell Bharata, “As you bear yourself to the king so it behoves you to bear yourself to all your mothers, without making any distinction at hall. As Kaikeyi is unto you, so without distinction is Sumitrā.'

तातस्य प्रियकामेन यौवराज्यमवेक्षता। लोकयोरुभयोः शक्यं नित्यदा सुखमेधितुम्॥
Governing the kingdom as the heir-apparent with the view of compassing the pleasure of our father, he will be able to secure happiness both in this world and the next.

निवर्त्यमानो रामेण सुमन्त्रः प्रतिबोधितः। तत्सर्वं वचनं श्रुत्वा स्नेहात् काकुत्स्थमब्रवीत्॥
Told by Rāma to go back and instructed in this wise, Sumantra having heard everything, addressed Kākutstha from affection, saying.

यदहं नोपचारेण ब्रूयां स्नेहादविक्लवम्। भक्तिमानिति तत् तावद् वाक्यं त्वं क्षन्तुमर्हसि ॥ कथं हि त्वविहीनोऽहं प्रतियास्यामि तां पुरीम्। तव तात वियोगेन पुत्रशोकातुरामिव ॥
It behoves you to forgive what I say plainly from affection, without letting myself by overwhelmed with emotion, and with due reverence for you. How can I, O child, without you return to that city, which seems as it afflicted with the grief incident to the loss of a son?

सराममपि तावन्मे रथं दृष्ट्वा तदा जनः। विना रामं रथं दृष्ट्वा विदीर्येतापि सा पुरी॥ दैन्यं हि नगरी गच्छेद् दृष्ट्वा शून्यमिमं रथम्। सूतावशेषं स्वं सैन्यं हतवीरमिवाहवे।४१॥
Having then seen my car with Rāma on it, the hearts of the people and the palace will in all likelihood burst when they shall see it without Rāma. Surely the city will be distressed on beholding this empty car, like a host seeing car with its ro slain and the charioteer alone left in the field.

दूरेऽपि निवसन्तं त्वां मानसेनाग्रतः स्थितम्। चिन्तयन्तोऽद्य नूनं त्वां निराहाराः कृताः प्रजाः॥
Thinking in their minds that you although actually at a great distance from them, are before them, the subjects (not finding you) will renounce food (and thus destroy themselves.)

दृष्टं तद् वै त्वया राम यादृशं त्वत्प्रवासने। प्रजानां संकुलं वृत्तं त्वच्छोकक्लान्तचेतसाम्॥
You yourself witnessed how the subjects overwhelmed with grief on your account, conducted themselves when you were being banished to the woods.

आर्तनादो हि यः पौरैरुन्मुक्तस्त्वत्प्रवासने। सरथं मां निशाम्यैव कुर्युः शतगुणं ततः॥
They will on seeing me with the car, burst out into lamentations exceeding a hundred times in bitterness those in which they indulged when you set out for the forest.

अहं किं चापि वक्ष्यामि देवीं तव सुतो मया। नीतोऽसौ मातुलकुलं संतापं मा कृथा इति॥ असत्यमपि नैवाहं ब्रूयां वचनमीदृशम्। कथमप्रियमेवाहं ब्रूयां सत्यमिदं वचः॥
Shall I say to the worshipful one, 'I have conveyed your son to the home of his maternal uncle. Do you not grieve.' I will never tell such a lie. Yet how can I speak this truth which is so very unpleasant?

मम तावन्नियोगस्थास्त्वबन्धुजनवाहिनः। कथं रथं त्वया हीनं प्रवाह्यन्ति हयोत्तमाः॥
And ever abiding by my command and used to carry your friends, how can these excellent horses bear this car without you?

तन्न शक्ष्याम्यहं गन्तुमयोध्यां त्वदृतेऽनघ। वनवासानुयानाय मामनुज्ञातुमर्हसि॥
Therefore, O şinless one, I shall not be able to go to Ayodhyā without you; and it behoves you to permit me to follow you to the forest.

यदि मे याचमानस्य त्यागमेव करिष्यसि। सरथोऽग्नि प्रवेक्ष्यामि त्यक्तमात्र इह त्वया॥
But if you forsake me who beseech you, I will as soon as left by you, enter into fire along with the car.

भविष्यन्ति वने यानि तपोविघ्नकराणि ते। रथेन प्रतिबाधिष्ये तानि सर्वाणि राघव॥
I shall, O Rāghava, by means of this car, withstand all those impediments that shall present themselves against your ascetic austerities in the forest.

त्वत्कृतेन मया प्राप्तं रथचर्याकृतं सुखम्। आशंसे त्वत्कृतेनाहं वनवासकृतं सुखम्॥
I have through your favour experienced the pleasure of driving the car. I expect at your hands the pleasure of living in the woods.

प्रसीदेच्छामि तेऽरण्ये भवितुं प्रत्यनन्तरः। प्रीत्याभिहितमिच्छामि भव मे प्रत्यनन्तरः॥
Be you propitious. It is my wish to remain in the forest with you, and do you say, affectionately, 'Do you remain by my side.'

इमेऽपि च हया वीर यदि ते वनवासिनः। परिचर्यां करिष्यन्ति प्राप्स्यन्ति परमां गतिम्॥
And these horses, O hero, will attain to a supreme state if your serve you during your abode in the forest.

तव शुश्रूषणं मूर्धा करिष्यामि वने वसन्। अयोध्यां देवलोकं वा सर्वथा प्रजहाम्यहम्॥
Living in the forest, I will serve you with the crown of my head; and I will entirely renounce Ayodhyā or the celestial regions themselves.

नहि शक्या प्रवेष्टुं सा मयायोध्या त्वया विना। राजधानी महेन्द्रस्य यथा दुष्कृतकर्मणा॥
Even as a doer of evil deeds cannot enter the metropolis of the mighty Indra, I am incapable of entering Ayodhyā without you.

वनवासे क्षयं प्राप्ते ममैष हि मनोरथः। यदनेन रथेनैव त्वां वहेयं पुरी पुनः॥
This is my desire that the term of exile over, I may carry you back to the palace on this very car.

चतुर्दश हि वर्षाणि सहितस्य त्वया वने। क्षणभूतानि यास्यन्ति शतसंख्यानि चान्यथा॥
Remaining with you in the forest the fourteen years will pass away dwindled into a moment, but without you, they shall the proportions of an hundred years. assume

भृत्यवत्सल तिष्ठन्तं भर्तृपुत्रगते पथि। भक्तं भृत्यं स्थितं स्थित्या न मा त्वं हातुमर्हसि ॥
O you bearing affection towards your servants, it does not behove you to forsake your servant having regard for you, ever abiding by the way that is wended by the son of his master, and observing the duties of his position.

एवं बहुविधं दीनं याचमानं पुनः पुनः। रामो भृत्यानुकम्पी तु सुमन्त्रमिदमब्रवीत्॥ जानामि परमां भक्तिमहं ते भर्तृवत्सल। शृणु चापि यदर्थं त्वां प्रेषयामि पुरीमितः॥
Thereupon Rāma kind towards servants, said these words to Sumantra as he besought him thus humbly in various ways, O you that bear attachment to your master, I know that you regard me highly. But do you listen as to why I send you to the city from hence.

नगरीं त्वां गतं दृष्ट्वा जननी मे यवीयसी। कैकेयी प्रत्ययं गच्छेदिति रामो वनं गतः॥
Seeing you returned to the city, my youngest mother Kaikeyi will believe that Rāma has gone to the woods.

विपरीते तुष्टिहीना वनवासं गते मयि। राजानं नातिशङ्केत मिथ्यावादीति धार्मिकम् ॥
Then well pleased on my having repaired to the woods, she will not entertain any apprehension anent the righteous monarch, thinking that he is intruthful.

एष मे प्रथमः कल्पो यदम्बा मे यवीयसी। भरतारक्षितं वृत्तं पुत्रराज्यमवाप्स्यते॥
This is my first wish that my youngest mother may obtain her son's kingdom, prosperous and well protected by Bharata.

मम प्रियार्थं राज्ञश्च सुमन्त्र त्वं पुरीं व्रज। संदिष्टश्चापि यानास्तांस्तान् ब्रूयास्तथा तथा॥
Do you, O Sumantra, bear yourself to the palace to compass the end of both the king and myself, and do you communicate in the desired way what I have said to the respective parties.

इत्युक्त्वा वचनं सूतं सान्त्वयित्वा पुनः पुनः। गुहं वचनमक्लीबो रामो हेतुमदब्रवीत्॥
Having said this to the charioteer and consoled him again and again, the energetic Rāma spoke to Guha the following words fraught with reason.

नेदानी गुह योग्योऽयं वासो मे सजने वने। अवश्यमाश्रमे वासः कर्तव्यस्तद्गतो विधिः॥
O Guha, I should not now reside in a forest inhabited by men. I should certainly now abide in an asylum in proper guise.

सोऽहं गृहीत्वा नियमं तपस्विजनभूषणम्। हितकामः पितुर्भूयः सीताया लक्ष्मणस्य च॥ जटाः कृत्वा गमिष्यामि न्यग्रोधक्षीरमानय। तत्क्षीरं राजपुत्राय गुहः क्षिप्रमुपाहरत्॥
In harmony with the wishes of Sītā and Laks maņa, I, imposing on myself in the interests of my father self-denial and wearing that ornament of ascetics, a head of matted hair, will go (to the forest). Do you therefore bring me starch from the banian.” Thereupon Guha speedily brought the starch for the prince. And prepared matted locks for himself, Rāma and Laksmana.

लक्ष्मणस्यात्मनश्चैव रामस्तेनाकरोज्जटाः। दीर्घबाहुर्नरव्याघ्रो जटिलत्वमधारयत्॥ तौ तदा चीरसम्पन्नौ जटामण्डलधारिणौ। अशोभेतामृषिसमौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ॥
And that mighty-armed chief of men wore matted locks. And those brothers Rāma and Lakş maņa dressed as mendicants, and wearing heads of matted hair, appeared like saints.

ततो वैखानसं मार्गमास्थितः सहलक्ष्मणः। व्रतमादिष्टवान् रामः सहायं गुहमब्रवीत्॥
Then entering upon the Vānaprastha mode of life, Rāma along with Lakşmaņa assuming the vow of that life, observed to that adherent of his, Guha.

अप्रमतो बले कोशे दुर्गे जनपदे तथा। भवेथा गुह राज्यं हि दुरारक्षतमं मतम् ॥
Do you, my friend, vigilantly protect the army, the exchequer, the fort and the provinces; for a kingdom demands all the exertions (of the king thereof).

स भ्रातुः ततस्तं समनुज्ञाप्य गुहमिक्ष्वाकुनन्दनः। जगाम तूर्णमव्यग्रः सभार्यः सहलक्ष्मणः॥
Then taking the permission of Guha, the descendant of Ikşvāku, holding his soul in calmness, set out with his wife and Lakşmaņa.

स तु दृष्ट्वा नदीतीरे नावमिक्ष्वाकुनन्दनः। तितीर्घः शीघ्रगां गङ्गामिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Seeing a boat at the river-side, that son of Ikşvāku desirous of crossing the swift-coursing Garigā, spoke these words.

आरोह त्वं नरव्याघ्र स्थितां नावमिमां शनैः। सीतां चारोपयान्वक्षं परिगृह्य मनस्विनीम्॥
Do you ascend, gently, O foremost of men, the boat that stay here, after the making the virtuous Sītā ascend by taking her by the hand.

शासनं श्रुत्वा सर्वमप्रतिकूलयन्। आरोप्य मैथिली पूर्वमारुरोहात्मवांस्ततः॥
Hearing his brother's command, that strongwilled one, furthering everything, having made Mithila's daughter ascend, ascended himself.

अथारुरोह तेजस्वी स्वयं लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः। ततो निषादाधिपतिर्णहो ज्ञातीनचोदयत्॥
That energetic elder brother of Lakşmaņa next ascended himself. Then the lord of the Nişadas, Guha, incited his kinsfolk.

राघवोऽपि महातेजा नावमारुह्य तां ततः। ब्रह्मवत्क्षत्रवच्चैव जजाप हितमात्मनः॥
Having got on board the boat, the exceedingly puissant Rāghava for securing his welfare, recited mantras fit to be recited by Kștriyas and Brahmanas.

आचम्य च यथाशास्त्रं नदी तां सह सीतया। प्रणमत्प्रीतिसंतुष्टो लक्ष्मणश्च महारथः।७९।।
Then that mighty car-warrior, Laksmana, sipping water from the river as laid down in the scriptures, bowed down to it along with Sītā in gladness of heart.

अनुज्ञाय सुमन्त्रं च सबलं चैव तं गुहम्। आस्थाय नावं रामस्तु चोदयामास नाविकान्॥
Then telling Sumantra, Guha, and the forces, Rāma ascending the boat, ordered the boatmen (to proceed).

ततस्तैश्चालिता नौका कर्णधारसमाहिता। शुभस्फ्यवेगाभिहता शीघ्रं सलिलमत्यगात्॥
Then the boat decked out by the heimsman, moved by them, and urged on by the pulls of the goodly roars, proceeded apace in the water.

मध्यं तु समनुप्राप्य भागीरथ्यास्त्वनिन्दिता। वैदेही प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा तां नदीमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Having arrived at the middle of the Bhagirathi, that blameless one, Vaidehi, with joined hands, addressed the river, saying.

पुत्रो दशरथस्यायं महाराजस्य धीमतः। निदेशं पालयत्वेनं गङ्गे त्वदभिरक्षितः॥
O Ganga, protected by you, may the son of the intelligent and mighty monarch, Dasaratha, execute the mandate (of the latter.)

चतुर्दश हि वर्षाणि समग्राण्युष्य कानने। भ्रात्रा सह मया चैव पुनः प्रत्यागमिष्यति ॥
Having spent complete fourteen years in the forest, he will return in company with his brother and myself.

ततस्त्वां देवि सुभगे क्षेमेण पुनरागता। यक्ष्ये प्रमुदिता गङ्गे सर्वकामसमृद्धिनी॥
Then, O worshipful one, O you of auspicious fortune, having returned safely, I will, O Gangā, worship you, you that crown every desire.

त्वं हि त्रिपथगे देवि ब्रह्मलोकं समक्षसे। भार्या चोदधिराजस्य लोकेऽस्मिन् सम्प्रदृश्यसे॥
O you that wend in three ways, O revered one, you envelope the regions of Brahma. You appear in this world as the spouse of the Ocean-king.

सा त्वां देवि समस्यामि प्रशंसामि च शोभने। प्राप्तराज्ये नरव्याघ्र शिवेन पुनरागते॥ गवां शतसहस्रं च वस्त्राण्यन्नं च पेशलम्। ब्राह्मणेभ्यः प्रदास्यामि तव प्रियचिकीर्षया॥
I will, O respected one, bow down to you, O beauteous one, I will hymn you, when, with good fortune returned, the foremost of men has obtained the kingdom, I will to please you give away to Brāhmaṇas hundreds and thousands of kine, cloths, sapid rice, and vessels of wine by thousands, and pillaos.

सुराघटसहस्रेण मांसभूतौदनेन च। यक्ष्ये त्वां प्रीयतां देवि पुरीं पुनरुपागता॥ यानि त्वत्तीरवासीनि दैवतानि च सन्ति हि। तानि सर्वाणि यक्ष्यामि तीर्थान्यायतनानि च॥ पुनरेव महाबाहुर्मया भ्रात्रा च संगतः। अयोध्यां वनवासात् तु प्रविशत्वनघोऽनघे॥
O worshipful one, I will worship you on Rāma having returned to the city. And I will worship all the gods that dwell on your banks, as well as the holy spots and fanes, as soon as, O sinless one, that mighty-armed one without sin will, coming back from his abode in the forest, enter Ayodhyā in company with his brother and myself.

तथा सम्भाषमाणा सा सीता गङ्गामनिन्दिता। दक्षिणा दक्षिणं तीरं क्षिप्रमेवाभ्युपागमत् ॥
Having thus addressed the Gangā, that blameless one ever obedient to her husband, swiftly went to the south bank (of the river).

तीरं तु समनुप्राप्य नावं हित्वा नरर्षभः। प्रातिष्ठत सह भ्रात्रा वैदेह्या च परंतपः॥
Going to the (other) bank of the stream, that best of men, and subduer of foes stood along with his brother and Vaidehī.

अथाब्रवीन्महाबाहुः सुमित्रानन्दवर्धनम्। भव संरक्षणार्थाय सजने विजनेऽपि वा॥ अवश्यं रक्षणं कार्यं मद्विधैर्विजने वने। अग्रतो गच्छ सौमित्रे सीता त्वामनुगच्छतु॥ पृष्ठतोऽनुगमिष्यामि सीतां त्वां चानुपालयन्। अन्योन्यस्य हि नो रक्षा कर्तव्या पुरुषर्षभ॥
Then that long-armed one spoke to the enhancer of Sumitra's delight, saying, Be you, whether in society or solitude, intent upon protecting Sītā. Of course it behoves us to protect her in lone places. Do you, O son of Sumitrā, go ahead; and let Sītā follow you. I myself will go in your wake, protecting both yourself and Sītā. Surely, O foremost of men, we should now protect each other.

न हि तावदतिक्रान्ताऽसुकरा काचन क्रिया। अद्य दुःखं तु वैदेही वनवासस्य वेत्स्यति॥
We have not yet performed any of the arduous tasks. To day Vaidehi will know the grief of a life in the woods.

प्रणष्टजनसम्बाधं क्षेत्रारामविवर्जितम्। विषमं च प्रपातं च वनमद्य प्रवेक्ष्यति॥
And to day she will enter the forest destitute of the concourse of men, devoid of fields and gardens, uneven, and containing pits, etc.

श्रुत्वा रामस्य वचनं प्रतस्थे लक्ष्मणोऽग्रतः। अनन्तरं च सीताया राघवो रघुनन्दनः॥
Hearing Rama's words, Laksmana went ahead; that descendant of Raghu, Rāma, followed Sita.

गतं तु गङ्गापरपारमाशु रामं सुमन्त्रः सततं निरीक्ष्य। मुमोच बाष्पं व्यथितस्तपस्वी॥
On Rāma having speedily crossed the Gangā, the distressed Sumantra who had been gazing at him steadfastly, being no longer able to discern him, turned away his eyes and, overcome with grief, shed tears.

स लोकपालप्रतिमप्रभावस्तीर्त्वा महात्मा वरदो महानदीम्। ततः समृद्धाञ्छुभसस्यमालिनः क्षणेन वत्सान् मुदितानुपागमत्॥
And having crossed that mighty river, that high-souled one, that bestower of boons, resembling in prowess a Lokapăla, without delay entered the flourishing and smiling Vatsas crowned with goodly crops.

तौ तत्र हत्वा चतुरो महामृगान् वराहमृश्यं पृषतं महारुरुम्। आदाय मेध्यं त्वरितं बुभुक्षितौ वासाय काले ययतुर्वनस्पतिम्॥
And then the two (brothers) having slain the four kinds of beasts, viz., boars, rsyas, prsatas and maharurus,* and taking their flesh, in the evening took refuge under a mighty tree, feeling the demands of appetite. *Varieties of deer.