Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 50

विशालान् कोसलान् रम्यान् यात्वा लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः। अयोध्यामुन्मुखो धीमान् प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Having passed the extensive and romantic Kosala, the intelligent elder brother of Lakşmaņa facing Ayodhyā said with joined hands.

आपृच्छे त्वां पुरिश्रेष्ठे काकुत्स्थपरिपालिते। दैवतानि च यानि त्वां पालयन्त्यावसन्ति च ॥
O best of cities, governed by Kākutstha, I address you as well as the deities that inhabit and guard you.

निवृत्तवनवासस्त्वामनृणो जगतीपतेः। पुनर्द्रक्ष्यामि मात्रा च पित्रा च सह संगतः॥
Returning from my abode in the woods, I will, freed from my debt to the lord of earth, behold you again along with my father and mother.

ततो रुचिरताम्राक्षो भुजमुद्यम्य दक्षिणम्। अश्रुपूर्णमुखो दीनोऽब्रवीज्जानपदं जनम्॥
Then he furnished with graceful coppery eyes raising his right hand, with tears in his eyes and in forlorn guise addressed the people of the provinces, saying.

अनुक्रोशो दया चैव यथार्ह मयि वः कृतः। चिरं दुःखस्य पापीयो गम्यतामर्थसिद्धये॥
You have shown due compassion and regret for me. To grieve long is not fit. do you therefore repair to look after your interests.

तेऽभिवाद्य महात्मानं कृत्वा चापि प्रदक्षिणम्। विलपन्तो नरा घोरं व्यतिष्ठंश्च क्वचित् क्वचित्॥
Thereupon saluting that high-souled one and going round him, bewailing all the while in heaviness of heart, they at times stopped on their way.

तथा विलपतां तेषामतृप्तानां च राघवः। अचक्षुर्विषयं प्रायाद् यथार्कः क्षणदामुखे।७।।
And as they kept lamenting, unsatiated in beholding him, Rāghava went beyond the range of their sight, like the Sun disappearing at nightfall.

ततो धान्यधनोपेतान् दानशीलजनाञ्छिवान्। अकुतश्चिद्भयान् रम्यांश्चैत्ययूपसमावृतान्॥ उद्यानाम्रवणोपेतान् सम्पन्नसलिलाशयान्। तुष्टपुष्टजनाकीर्णान् गोकुलाकुलसेवितान्॥ रक्षणीयान् नरेन्द्राणां ब्रह्मघोषाभिनादितान्। रथेन पुरुषव्याघ्रः कोसलानत्यवर्तत॥
Then that powerful one mounted on his car left behind him Kosala abounding in wealth and kine, inhabited by charitable people, auspicious, free from every kind of fear, charming, containing altars and stakes, with gardens and mango groves, furnished with tanks, teeming with burly and contented people, filled with kine, worthy of being protected by monarchs, and resounding with the sounds of Vedic recitations.

मध्येन मुदितं स्फीतं रम्योद्यानसमाकुलम्। राज्यं भोज्यं नरेन्द्राणां ययौ धृतिमतां वरः॥
Proceeding at a middling pace, that best of those endowed with fortitude, passed through lands smiling cheerfully, prosperous, and crowded with elegant villas, realms worthy of being covered by the foremost of kings.

तत्र त्रिपथगां दिव्यां शीततोयामशैवलाम्। ददर्श राघवो गङ्गां रम्याषिनिषेविताम्॥ आश्रमैरविदूरस्थैः श्रीमद्भिः समलंकृताम्। कालेऽप्सरोभिहष्टाभिः सेविताम्भोह्रदां शिवाम्॥ देवदानवगन्धर्वैः किंनरैरुपशोभिताम्। नागगन्धर्वपत्नीभिः सेवितां सततं शिवाम्॥ देवाक्रीडशताकीर्णो देवोद्यानयुतां नदीम्। देवार्थमाकाशगतां विख्यातां देवपद्मिनीम्॥ जलाघाताट्टहासोग्रां फेननिर्मलहासिनीम्। क्वचिद् वेणीकृतजलां क्वचिदावर्तशोभिताम्॥ क्वचित् स्तिमितगम्भीरां क्वचिद् वेगसमाकुलाम्। क्वचिद् गम्भीरनिर्घोषां क्वचिद् भैरवनि:स्वनाम् ।।१७ देवसंघाप्लुतजलां निर्मलोत्पलसंकुलाम्। क्वचिदाभोगपुलिनां क्वचिनिर्मलवालुकाम्॥ हंससारससंघुष्टां चक्रवाकोपशोभिताम्। सदामत्तैश्च विहगैरभिपन्नामनिन्दिताम्॥ क्वचित् तीररुहैर्वृक्षैर्मालाभिरिव शोभिताम्। क्वचित् फुल्लोत्पलच्छन्नां क्वचित् पद्मवनाकुलाम्।।२ क्वचित् कुमुदखण्डैश्च कुड्मलैरुपशोभिताम्। नानापुष्परजोध्वस्तां समदामिव च क्वचित्॥ व्यपेतमलसंघातां मणिनिर्मलदर्शनाम्। दिशागजैर्वनगजैर्मत्तैश्च वरवारणैः॥ देवराजोपवाह्यश्च संनादितवनान्तराम्। प्रमदामिव यत्नेन भूषितां भूषणोत्तमैः॥ फलपुष्पैः किसलयैर्वृतां गुल्मैर्द्विजैस्तथा। विष्णुपादच्युतां दिव्यामपापां पापनाशिनीम् ॥ शिंशुमारैश्च नत्रैश्च भुजङ्गैश्च समन्विताम्। शंकरस्य जटाजूटाद् भ्रष्टां सागरतेजसा ॥ समुद्रमहिषीं गङ्गां सारसक्रौञ्चनादिताम्। आससाद महाबाहुः शृङ्गवेरपुरं प्रति॥
Then Rāghava saw the celestial Gangā running in three courses with cool waters free from moss, beautiful to behold, frequented by the sages, adorned with graceful asylums close by, containing sacred watery expanses haunted at the hours of sport by delighted Apsaras, graced with celestials, Danvas, Gandharbas, and Kinnaras, ever holy, attended by the wives of Nagas and Gandharbas, with hills serving as sporting-places for the celestials, the river surrounded by gardens of the immortals, that for the behoof of the celestials had ascended heaven, famous, furnished with assemblage of celestial lotuses, with the rocks laughing aloud in consequence of the dashing of water, laughing without blemish with foam, sometimes having her water flowing like a braid, and sometimes decked by eddies, sometimes still and deep, and sometimes rushing furiously, sometimes sounding solemnly and sometimes roaring dreadfully, with crowds of deities bathing in its water, embellished with fresh-blown lotuses, having spacious shoals and spots covered with glittering sand, resounding with the cries of cranes of various kinds graced by Chakravakas, ever resorted to by maddened fowls, without blame, decked by trees on its banks resembling garlands somewhere covered with full-blown lotuses and somewhere containing multitudes of lotuses, at places decked with tracts of lilies, at others with opening buds, rife with the farina of various flowers, sometimes resembling a proud female, removing the dirt of sin, translucent like a gem to the view, with the elephants of the quarters, wild ones, mad ones, as well as those the best of their species, and those carrying the foremost of celestials, roaring in the neighbouring woods, adorned carefully with the choicest ornaments like to a damsel, crowded with flowers and fruits and bushes as also with birds, flowing from the feet of Vişnu, divine, without sin, capable of destroying it, filled with porpoises, crocodiles and snakes, drawn out from the matted locks of Sankara by the energy of Sagara's descendant, the queen of the Ocean, resonant with the cries of cranes and krauñcas. The mighty-armed Rāma came to the Gangā near Śộngaverapura.

तामूर्मिकलिलावर्तामन्ववेक्ष्य महारथः। सुमन्त्रमब्रवीत् सूतमिहैवाद्य वसामहे ॥
And beholding (the river) with her surging eddies, that mighty car-warrior said to the charioteer, Sumantra, We will rest here to day.

अविदूरादयं नद्या बहुपुष्पप्रवालवान्। सुमहानिङ्गुदीवृक्षो वसामोऽत्रैव सारथे॥
There is hard by the river a gigantic Ingudī tree, bearing a profusion of flowers and fresh leaves. Here, O charioteer, will we stay to-day.

प्रेक्षामि सरितां श्रेष्ठां सम्मान्यसलिलां शिवाम्। देवमानवगन्धर्वमृगपन्नगपक्षिणाम् ॥
I see (before me) the foremost of streams, whose waters are honoured (by all) and which is sacred to celestials and men and Gandharvas and beasts and serpents and fowls.

लक्ष्मणश्च सुमन्त्रश्च बाढमित्येव राघवम्। उक्त्वा तमिङ्गुदीवृक्षं तदोपययतुर्हयैः॥
Thereupon saying to Rāghava, “Very well,” Lakşinana and Sumantra with the horses went to the Ingudi tree.

रामोऽभियाय तं रम्यं वृक्षमिक्ष्वाकुनन्दनः। रथादवतरत् तस्मात् सभार्यः सहलक्ष्मणः॥
And reaching the tree, that descendant of Ikşvāku alighted from the car along with his wife and Lakşmaņa.

सुमन्त्रोऽप्यवतीर्याथ मोचयित्वा हयोत्तमान्। वृक्षमूलगतं राममुपतस्थे कृताञ्जलिः॥
Then descending, Sumantra relieved those excellent horses, and with joined hands stood before Rāma seated at the foot of the tree.

तत्र राजा गुहो नाम रामस्यात्मसमः सखा। निषादजात्यो बलवान् स्थपतिश्चेति विश्रुतः॥
There lived at the place a king named Guha, a friend to Răma, dear as his own self, a Nişāda by birth, powerful and famed as the lord of the Nişādas.

स श्रुत्वा पुरुषव्याघ्रं रामं विषयमागतम्। वृद्धैः परिवृतोऽमात्यैातिभिश्चाप्युपागतः॥
Hearing that thai foremost of men, Răma, had arrived at the place, he (Guha) surrounded by his aged counsellors and kindred came to him.

ततो निषादाधिपतिं दृष्ट्वा दूरादुपस्थितम्। सह सौमित्रिणा रामः समागच्छद्गुहेन सः॥
Seeing the lord of the Nişādhas at a distance, Rāma came up to him in company with Sumitra's son.

तमार्तः सम्परिष्वज्य गुहो राघवमब्रवीत्। यथायोध्या तथेदं ते राम किं करवाणि ते॥
Thereat touched, Guha embracing Rāghava said to him, "O Rāma, as Ayodhyā this kingdom is to you. What shall I do for you?"

ईदृशं हि महाबाहो कः प्राप्स्यत्यतिथिं प्रियम्। ततो गुणवदनाद्यमुपादाय पृथग्विधम्॥ अy चोपानयच्छीघ्रं वाक्यं चेदमुवाच ह। स्वागतं ते महाबाहो तवेयमखिला मही॥ वयं प्रेष्या भवान् भर्ता साधु राज्यं प्रशाधि नः। भक्ष्यं भोज्यं च पेयं च लेह्यं चैतदुपस्थितम्। शयनानि च मुख्यानि वाजिनां खादनं च ते॥
Who, O mighty-armed one, receives such a welcome guest? Then speedily bringing various kinds of sapid rice and Arghyas, he said, “O mighty-armed one, has your journey been a pleasant one? This entire earth is yours. We are your servants, you are our master. Do you rule here, accepting the eatables and drinkables and those that are to be sucked and excellent beds and fodder."

गुहमेवं ब्रुवाणं तु राघवः प्रत्युवाच ह। अर्चिताश्चैव हृष्टाश्च भवता सर्वदा वयम्॥ पद्भ्यामभिगमाच्चैव स्नेहसंदर्शनेन च।
When Guha had said this, Rāghava answered him, saying, “We have been well received by you and are well pleased with you, since coming here on foot you have shown us affection."

भुजाभ्यां साधुवृत्ताभ्यां पीडयन् वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ दिष्ट्या त्वां गुह पश्यामि ह्यरोगं सह बान्धवैः। अपि ते कुशलं राष्ट्रे मित्रेषु च वनेषु च ॥
Then pressing Guha hard with his arms, Rāma said, O Guha, it is by good luck that I see you whole along with your friends. Is your kingdom in peace both as regards your friends and the forest?

यत् त्विदं भवता किंचित् प्रीत्या समुपकल्पितम्। सर्वं तदनुजानामि नहि वर्ते प्रतिग्रहे ॥
The things that you have presented me with out of love I accept but can not enjoy.

कुशचीराजिनधरं फलमूलाशनं च माम्। विद्धि प्रणिहितं धर्मे तापसं वनगोचरम्॥
Do you know me as assuming an ascetic mode of life in the woods, in which I am to wear Kusa and bark and live upon fruits and roots.

अश्वानां खादनेनाहमर्थी नान्येन केनचित्। एतावतात्र भवता भविष्यामि सुपूजितः॥
So, with the single exception of the food for the horses, things require I none; and these horses being well kept, I shall consider myself as entertained by you.

एते हि दयिता राज्ञः पितुर्दशरथस्य मे। एतैः सुविहितैरश्वैर्भविष्याम्यहमर्चितः॥
These are the favourites of my father, Dasaratha, and on these horses being well provided for, I shall be well received.

अश्वानां प्रतिपानं च खादनं चैव सोऽन्वशात्। गुहस्तत्रैव पुरुषांस्त्वरितं दीयतामिति॥
Thereupon Guha on the spot commanded the men, saying, Let the horses have without delay meats and drinks.

ततश्चीरोत्तासङ्गः सन्ध्यामन्वास्य पश्चिमाम्। जलमेवाददे भोज्यं लक्ष्मणेनाहृतं स्वयम्॥
Then putting his sheet over his person, he (Rāma) performed his evening devotions. Having done this, he took as his sustenance the water that had been procured by Lakşmaņa himself.

तस्य भूमौ शयानस्य पादौ प्रक्षाल्य लक्ष्मणः। सभार्यस्य ततोऽभ्येत्य तस्थौ वृक्षमुपाश्रितः॥
On Rāma having lain down on the ground along with his wife, Lakşmaņa washed their feet, and then remained stationed under the tree.

गुहोऽपि सह सूतेन सौमित्रिमनुभाषयन्। अन्वजाग्रत् ततो राममप्रमत्तो धनुर्धरः॥
Then bow in hand and with his wits about him, conversing with Sumitra's son along with the charioteer, Guha remained awake, watching Rama.

तथा शयानस्य ततो यशस्विनो मनस्विनो दाशरथेर्महात्मनः। अदृष्टदुःखस्य सुखोचितस्य सा तदा व्यतीता सुचिरेण शर्वरी॥
Thus the livelong night passed away with that illustrious, intelligent and high-souled son of Daśaratha, unacquainted with troubles and worthy of happiness.