Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 44

विलपन्ती तथा तां तु कौसल्यां प्रमदोत्तमाम्। धर्मे स्थिता धर्म्य सुमित्रा वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
As that best of ladies, Kausalyā, was thus lamenting, Sumitrā ever abiding in virtue, spoke to her these words consistent with righteousness.

तवार्ये सद्गुणैर्युक्तः स पुत्रः पुरुषोत्तमः। किं ते विलपितेनैवं कृपणं रुदितेन वा॥
O worshipful one, your son is crowned with all qualities, and is the best of men. Why then do you bewail thus, or weep bitterly?

यस्तवार्ये गतः पुत्रस्त्यक्त्वा राज्यं महाबलः। साधु कुर्वन् महात्मानं पितरं सत्यवादिनम्॥ शिष्टैराचरिते सम्यक्शश्वत् प्रेत्य फलोदये। रामो धर्मे स्थितः श्रेष्ठो न स शोच्यः कदाचन॥
Since, O revered one, renouncing the kingdom, your mighty son wendeth (to the woods) with the view of fulfiling the intention of his high-souled and truthful sire, the worthy Rāma staying in the duty that is completely observed by the good and the performance of which always bringeth welfare in the next world, should by no means be lamented.

वर्तते चोत्तमा वृत्तिं लक्ष्मणोऽस्मिन् सदानघः। दयावान् सर्वभूतेषु लाभस्तस्य महात्मनः॥
That sinless one, Laksmana, kind to all creatures, will minister to Rāma in the best way possible, and this is to the advantage of that high-souled one.

अरण्यवासे यद् दुःखं जानन्त्येव सुखोचिता। अनुगच्छति वैदेही धर्मात्मानं तवात्मजम्॥
And experiencing the hardships that come of living in the forest, Vaidehi deserving of happiness follows your righteous son.

कीर्तिभूतां पताकां यो लोके भ्रामयति प्रभुः। धर्मः सत्यव्रतपर: किं न प्राप्तस्तवात्मजः॥
What is wanting to that maintainer of all, your son of subdued senses, intent upon truth and the observance of vows, who is spreading his banner of fame over the world?

व्यक्तं रामस्य विज्ञाय शौचं माहात्म्यमुत्तमम्। न गात्रमंशुभिः सूर्यः संतापयितुमर्हति॥
Acquainted with Rāma's manifest purity and high magnanimity, the Sun himself will not dare burn his body with his rays.

शिवः सर्वेषु कालेषु काननेभ्यो विनिःसृतः। राघवं युक्तशीतोष्ण : सेविष्यति सुखोऽनिलः॥
And issuing from the woods at all hours, the delicious air impregnated with heat and cold will serve Raghava.

शयानमनघं रात्रौ पितेवाभिपरिष्वजन्। धर्मघ्नः संस्पृशञ्छीतश्चन्द्रमा ह्लादयिष्यति॥
And when he will lie down at night, the Moon touching him with his beams and embracing him even like his own father, will gladden his heart.

ददौ चास्त्राणि दिव्यानि यस्मै ब्रह्मा महौजसे। दानवेन्द्रं हतं दृष्ट्वा तिमिध्वजसुतं रणे॥ स शूरः पुरुषव्याघ्रः स्वबाहुबलमाश्रितः। असंत्रस्तो शरण्येऽसौ वेश्मनीव निवत्स्यते॥
That hero of mighty energy on whom Brahma had conferred celestial weapons, seeing that foremost of the Dānavas, the son of Timidhvaja, slain in battle, that tiger-like one, relying on the native strength of his arms, will fearlessly abide in the forest as if in his own home.

यस्येषुपथमासाद्य विनाशं यान्ति शत्रवः। कथं न पृथिवी तस्य शासने स्थातुमर्हति ॥
And why should not the earth remain in the sway of him coming within the range of whose arms enemies find destruction?

या श्रीः शौर्यं च रामस्य या च कल्याणसत्त्वता। निवृत्तारण्यवासः स्वं क्षिप्रं राज्यमवाप्स्यति॥
Considering Rāma's grace, heroism and auspiciousness, (there cannot be any doubt that) returning from the forest, he will speedily regain his own kingdom.

सूर्यस्यापि भवेत् सूर्यो ह्यग्नेरग्निः प्रभोः प्रभुः। श्रियाः श्रीश्च भवेदग्र्या कीर्त्याः कीर्तिः क्षमाक्षमा।।१५। दैवतं देवतानां च भूतानां भूतसत्तमः। तस्य के ह्यगुणा देवि वने वाप्यथवा पुरे॥
He is the sun of the sun, the lord of the lord, he is the auspiciousness of priine auspiciousness, the fame of fame, the forbearance of forbearance, the god of the gods, and the foremost of creatures. What evil qualities, O noble lady, will be perceived in him, whether he remains in the city or in the forest?

पृथिव्या सह वैहेह्या श्रिया च पुरुषर्षभः। क्षिप्रं तिसृभिरेताभिः सह रामोऽभिषेक्ष्यते॥
And that best of men, Räma, will soon be installed in the kingdom, in company with these three, the Earth, Vaidehī, and the goddess of victory.

दुःख विसृजत्यश्रु निष्क्रामन्तमुदीक्ष्य यम्। अयोध्यायां जनः सर्वः शोकवेगसमाहतः॥ कुशचीरधरं वीरं गच्छन्तमपराजितम्। सीतेवानुगता लक्ष्मीस्तस्य किं नाम दुर्लभम्॥
Although overwhelmed with grief, the people of Ayodhyā, seeing that noble unvanquished one retiring to the woods clad in Kuśa and bark, are shedding tears begot of sorrow; yet accompanied by that Lakşmī, what is there that is incapable of being attained by him?

धनुर्ग्रहवरो यस्य बाणखड्गास्त्रभृत् स्वयम्। लक्ष्मणो व्रजति ह्यग्रे तस्य किं नाम दुर्लभम्॥
And what is there that is incapable of being obtained by him before whom goes that foremost of bowmen himself bearing arrows, swords and other weapons?

निवृत्तवनवासं तं द्रष्टासि पुनरागतम्। जहि शोकं च मोहं च देवि सत्यं ब्रवीमि ते॥
You will again see him returned from the forest. O exalted one, chase your grief and sadness.

शिरसा चरणावेतौ वन्दमानमनिन्दिते। पुनर्द्रक्ष्यसि कल्याणि पुत्रं चन्द्रमिवोदितम्॥
I tell you this truly. O blameless one, you will again, O auspicious lady, see your son, like to the new-risen moon, paying homage to your feet with his head.

पुनः प्रविष्टं दृष्ट्वा तमभिषिक्तं महाश्रियम्। समुत्स्रक्ष्यसि नेत्राभ्यां शीघ्रमानन्दजं जलम्॥
And again seeing him returned and crowned with great auspiciousness, you will speedily shed the dew of delight.

मा शोको देवि दुःखं वा न रामे दृश्यतेऽशिवम्। क्षिप्रं द्रक्ष्यसि पुत्रं त्वं ससीतं सहलक्ष्मणम्॥
O noble lady, do not grieve or lament. Evil cannot touch Räma. You will soon behold your son along with Sītā and Lakşmaņa.

त्वयाऽशेषो जनश्चायं समाश्वास्यो यतोऽनघे। किमिदानीमिदं देवि करोषि हृदि विक्लवम्॥
O sinless one, it is for you to console these people. Why then, O revered one, do you suffer your heart to be thus overpowered?

नार्हा त्वं शोचितुं देवि यस्यास्ते राघवः सुतः। नहि रामात् परो लोके विद्यते सत्पथे स्थितः॥
O eminent one, you ought not to bewail, inasmuch as Rāghava is your son. In this world there is not another residing in honesty that is superior to Rāma.

अभिवादयमानं तं दृष्ट्वा ससुहृदं सुतम्। मुदाश्रु मोक्ष्यसे क्षिप्रं घरेखेव वार्षिकी॥
Beholding your son surrounded by his friends, bowing to you, you will soon shed blissful tears, even like a rain-cloud.

पुत्रस्ते वरदः क्षिप्रमयोध्यां पुनरागतः। कराभ्यां मृदुपीनाभ्यां चरणौ पीडयिष्यति॥
And soon will your son conferring boons, returning (to this place), press your feet with those soft and plump hands of his.

अभिवाद्य नमस्यन्तं शूरं ससुहृदं सुतम्। मुदाः प्रोक्षसे पुत्रं मेघराजिरिवाचलम्॥
And even as a Chain of clouds speaks to a hill, you will speak to your worshipful and heroic son, surrounded by his friends. bowing to you.

क्यिोपचारे कुशलानवद्या। रामस्य तां मातरमेवमुक्त्वा देवी सुमित्रा विरराम रामा॥
Having thus addressed Rāma's mother and inspired her with hope in various words, the noble and pleasant and blameless Sumitrā, clever in speech, paused.

निशम्य तल्लक्ष्मणमातृवाक्यं रामस्य मातुर्नरदेवपत्न्याः। सद्यः शरीरे विननाश शोक: शरद्गतो मेघ इवाल्पतोयः॥
Hearing those words of Laksmana's mother, the wife of the best of men, Rāma's mother, had her sorrow destroyed in her person, even like and autumnal cloud surcharged with slight rain.