Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 41

तस्मिंस्तु पुरुषव्याघ्र निष्क्रामति कृताञ्जलौ। आर्तशब्दो हि संजज्ञे स्त्रीणामन्तःपुरे महान्॥
When that foremost of men had gone out of the city with joined hands, there arose a chorus of cries proceeding from the females residing in the inner apartment.

अनाथस्य जनस्यास्य दुर्बलस्य तपस्विनः। यो गतिः शरणं चासीत्स नाथः क्व नु गच्छति॥
Where goes he that was the stay and refuge of the friendless, the feeble, and the helpless.

न क्रुध्यत्यभिशस्तोऽपि क्रोधनीयानि वर्जयन्। क्रुद्धान्प्रसादयन् सर्वान् समदुःखः क्व गच्छति॥
He that although falsely accused, used not to be moved by anger, who pacified every enraged person by renouncing things calculated to fan anger and who felt equally for all, where goes he?

कौसल्यायां महातेजा यथा मातरि वर्तते। तथा यो वर्ततेऽस्मासु महात्मा क्व नु गच्छति ॥
Where goes that highly energetic and magnanimous one who conducted himself with us as he did with his mother Kausalyā

कैकेय्या क्लिश्यमानेन राज्ञा संचोदितो वनम्। परित्राता जनस्यास्य जगतः क्व नु गच्छति ॥
Afflicted by Kaikeyſ and commissioned by the monarch to the woods, where goes the deliverer of these people, of the entire world

अहो निश्चेतनो राजा जीवलोकस्य संक्षयम्। धर्म्यं सत्यव्रतं रामं वनवासे प्रवत्स्यति ॥
Ah! the senseless monarch is sending to the woods the stay of all creatures, the righteous and truthful Rāma.

इति सर्वा महिष्यस्ता विवत्सा इव धेनवः। रुरुदुश्चैव दुःखार्ताः सस्वरं च विचुक्रुशुः॥
Thus all the queens, oppressed with grief, burst out into lamentations like kine bereft of calves, and loud was the sound of their wailing.

स तमन्तःपुरे घोरमार्तशब्दं महीपतिः :। पुत्रशोकाभिसंतप्तः श्रुत्वा चासीत् सुदुःखितः॥
Hearing the loud tumult of lamentation in the inner apartment, the lord of earth burning in grief for his son was stricken with sorrow.

नाग्निहोत्राण्यहूयन्त सूर्यश्चान्तरधीयत।। व्यसृजन् कवलान् नागा गावो वत्सान्न पाययन्॥
And oblations to the fire had not been offered; and the Sun set; and elephants forsook their forage; and the kine did not suckle their calves.

त्रिशङ्कुरोहिताङ्गश्च बृहस्पतिबुधावपि । दारुणाः सममभ्येत्य ग्रहाः सर्वे व्यवस्थिताः॥
Trisanku, Lohitanga, Brhaspati, Budha and the other Grahas getting at the Moon, remained with fierce aspects.

नक्षत्राणि गताचींषि ग्रहाश्च गततेजसः। विशाखाश्च सधूमाश्च नभसि प्रचकाशिरे॥
The stars are shorn of their brightness; the Grahas deprived of sheen; and Viśākhā appeared enveloped in haze.

कालिकानिलवेगेन महोदधिरिवोत्थितः। रामे वनं प्रव्रजिते नगरं प्रचचाल तत्॥
And clouds driven by the wind resembled the sea mounting the welkin; and the city shook on Rāma having departed for the forest.

दिशः पर्याकुलाः सर्वास्तिमिरेणेव संवृताः। न ग्रहो नासिनक्षत्रं प्रचकाशे न किंचन॥
And the cardinal points are distressed, and appear enveloped in darkness. And no planet or star is to be seen.

अकस्मानागरः सर्वो जनो दैन्यमुपागमत्। आहारे वा विहारे वा न कश्चिदकरोन्मनः॥
And all of a sudden the citizens have been stricken with poverty: and no one turns his thoughts to eating or drinking.

शोकपर्यायसंतप्तः सततं दीर्घमुच्छ्वसन्। अयोध्यायां जनः सर्वश्चक्रोश जगतीपतिम्॥
And ceaselessly burning in grief and heaving sighs, the people in Ayodhyā rage at the monarch.

बाष्पपर्याकुलमुखो राजमार्गगतो जनः। न हृष्टो लभ्यते कश्चित् सर्वः शोकपरायणः॥
And with their faces washed in tears, the wayfarers betoken no delight, but all are being exercised with grief.

न वाति पवनः शीतो न शशी सौम्यदर्शनः। न सूर्यस्तपते लोकं सर्वं पर्याकुलं जगत्॥
The cool air does not blow, and no moon of mild appearance is seen, and no sun heats the world, all the entire Earth is overwhelmed with woe.

अनर्थिनः सुताः स्त्रीणां भर्तारो भ्रातरस्तथा। सर्वे सर्वं परित्यज्य राममेवान्वचिन्तयन्॥
Sons depend not upon their parents, husbands on their wives, and brothers on brothers, and all forsaking each other, think of Rāma only.

ये तु रामस्य सुहृदः सर्वे ते मूढचेतसः। शोकभारेण चाक्रान्ताः शयनं नैव भेजिरे॥
And deprived of sense, and oppressed by the load of sorrow, the friends of Rāma forsook their rest.

ततस्त्वयोध्या रहिता महात्मना पुरंदरेणेव मही सपर्वता। चचाल घोरं भयशोकदीपिता सनागयोधाश्वगणा ननाद च॥
Like the Earth with her mountains bereft of Purandara, Ayodhya, bereft of Rama, shook, agitated by fear and grief; and the citizens with elephants and warriors uttered exclamations of distress.