Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 40

अथ रामश्च सीता च लक्ष्मणश्च कृताञ्जलिः। उपसंगृह्य राजानं चक्रुर्दीनाः प्रदक्षिणम्॥
Then exceedingly distressed, Rāma, Sītā and Lakşmaņa, bowing down to the king, circumambulated him.

तं चापि समनुज्ञाप्य धर्मज्ञः सह सीतया। राघवः शोकसम्मूढो जननीमभ्यवादयत्॥
Then with the king's permission, the righteous Rāghava, stupefied with sorrow, in company with Sītā, paid respects to his mother.

अन्वक्षं लक्ष्मणो भ्रातुः कौसल्यामध्यवादयत्। अपि मातुः सुमित्राया जग्राह चरणौ पुनः॥
Following his brother, Lakşmaņa saluted Kausalyā; then he again took hold of his mother Sumitrā's feet.

तं वन्दमानं रुदती माता सौमित्रिमब्रवीत्। हितकामा महाबाहुं मूर्युपाघ्राय लक्ष्मणम्॥
As the son of Sumitrā was thus engaged in honouring his mother, his mother smelling the crown of his head, thus spoke to the mightyarmed Laksmana.

सृष्टस्त्वं वनवासाय स्वनुरक्तः सुहृज्जने। रामे प्रमादं मा कार्षीः पुत्र भ्रातरि गच्छति॥
Although attached to your friends here, you have my permission to go to the forest. When Rama shall have gone (to the woods), do not, O son, show any negligence to him.

व्यसनी वा समृद्धो वा गतिरेष तवानघ। एष लोके सतां धर्मो यज्ज्येष्ठवशगो भवेत्॥
O sinless one, whether in prosperity or in adversity, even this one is your way. That a younger brother should follow his elder is in this world the duty of the righteous.

इदं हि वृत्तमुचितं कुलस्यास्य सनातनम्। दानं दीक्षा च यज्ञेषु तनुत्यागो मृधेषु हि॥
These are the legitimate duties ever observed by this race, charity, initiation into sacrifice, and renunciation of the body in the field of battle,

लक्ष्मणं त्वेवमुक्त्वासौ संसिद्धं प्रियराघवम्। सुमित्रा गच्छ गच्छेति पुनः पुनरुवाच तम्॥ राम दशरथं विद्धि मां विद्धि जनकात्मजाम्। अयोध्यामटवीं विद्धि गच्छ तात यथासुखम्॥
Do you consider Rāma as Daśaratha, and Janaka's own-begotten as myself; do you regard Ayodhyā as a wilderness, go my son, at your sweet pleasure. Having thus spoken to that dear descendant of Raghu, who had made up his mind (to journey to the forest), Sumitra again and again said to him, “Go! Go!"

ततः सुमन्त्रः काकुत्स्थं प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यमब्रवीत्। विनीतो विनयज्ञश्च मातलिसिवं यथा॥
Then like to Mātali addressing Väsava, that one understanding humility, Sumantra, with joined hands humbly said to Kākutstha.

रथमारोह भद्रं ते राजपुत्र महायशः। क्षिप्रं त्वां प्रापयिष्यामि यत्र मां राम वक्ष्यसे॥
O illustrious prince, good betide you: do you ascend the car. O Rāma, I will speedily take you to wherever you will tell me.

चतुर्दश हि वर्षाणि वस्तव्यानि वने त्वया। तान्युपक्रमितव्यानि यानि देव्या प्रचोदितः॥
You will have to spend fourteen years in the forest, and your stay must commence from this very day. So the noble lady has ordered.

तं रथं सूर्यसंकाशं सीता हृष्टेन चेतसा। आरुरोह वरारोहा कृत्वालंकारमात्मनः॥
Then having adorned her person, that best of her sex, Sītā, with a glad heart ascended the car resembling the sun.

वनवासं हि संख्याय वासांस्याभरणानि च। भर्तारमनुगच्छन्त्यै सीतायै श्वशुरो ददौ॥
Counting the term of their stay in the woods, her father-in-law furnished Sītā following her lord with attires and ornaments.

तथैवायुधजातानि भ्रातृभ्यां कवचानि च। रथोपस्थे प्रविन्यस्य सचर्म कठिनं च यत्॥ अथो ज्वलनसंकाशं चामीकरविभूषितम्। तमारुरुहतुस्तूर्णं भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ॥
And then he placed in front of the car various weapons, coats of mail, a basket bound in hide and a hoe, At length the brothers Rama and Laks maņa swiftly ascended the flaming car garnished with gold.

सीतातृतीयानारूढान् दृष्ट्वा रथमचोदयत्। सुमन्त्रः सम्मतानश्वान् वायुवेगसमाजवे॥
And seeing them with Sītā for the third, mounted, Sumantra drove the car yoked with goodly horses resembling the wind in celerity.

प्रयाते तु महारण्यं चिररात्राय राघवे। बभूव नगरे मूर्छा बलमूर्छा जनस्य च॥
On Rāghava having left for the forest to stay there for a long period, the men and beasts within the city were deprived of their senses (by grief).

तत् समाकुलसम्भ्रान्तं मत्तसंकुपितद्विपम्। हयसिञ्जितनिर्घोषं पुरमासीन्महास्वनम्॥
And in the city there arose a mighty tumult in consequence of the hurrying of people, the elephants waxing mad and furious, and the neighings of horses.

ततः सबालवृद्धा सा पुरी परमपीडिता। राममेवाभिदुद्राव घर्तिः सलिलं यथा॥
And the entire city containing, young and old, extremely afflicted, rushed after Rāma, like persons oppressed with the heat of the sun rushing towards water.

पार्श्वतः पृष्ठतश्चापि लम्बमानास्तदुन्मुखाः। बाष्पपूर्णमुखाः सर्वे तमूचु शनिःस्वनाः॥
As his side and back, the people bending forward with their faces covered with the vapour of grief, and sighing hard, said to he charioteer.

संयच्छ वाजिनां रश्मीन् सूत याहि शनैः शनैः। मुखं द्रक्ष्याम रामस्य दुर्दशं नो भविष्यति॥
O charioteer, rein in the horses, do you proceed softly. We will see the countenance of Rāma, which we shall never see again.

आयसं हृदयं नूनं राममातुरसंशयम्। यद् देवगर्भप्रतिमे वनं याति न भिद्यते॥
Surely the heart of Rāma's mother is made of iron, for it does not burst on witnessing her son resembling Skanda repairing to the forest.

कृतकृत्या हि वैदेही छायेवानुगता पतिम्। न जहाति रता धर्मे मेरुमर्कप्रभा यथा॥
Vaidehī, attaining her desire, follows her husband, like a shadow, attached to virtue, she does not forsake him, even as the Sun forsakes not Meru.

अहो लक्ष्मण सिद्धार्थः सततं प्रियवादिनम्। भ्रातरं देवसंकाशं यस्त्वं परिचरिष्यसि ॥
O Laksmana, you are blessed, since you will serve your god-like brother ever speaking fair.

महत्येषा हि ते बुद्धिरेष चाभ्युदयो महान्। एष स्वर्गस्य मार्गश्च यदेनमनुगच्छसि॥
This design of yours is great; this is your mighty good fortune; this is the way to heaven that you are following him.

एवं वदन्तस्ते सोढुं न शेकुर्बाष्पमागतम्। नरास्तमनुगच्छन्ति प्रियमिक्ष्वाकुनन्दनम्॥
Saying this; they could not suppress their fears; and the men followed the beloved descendant of Ikşvāku.

अथ राजा वृतः स्त्रीभिर्दीनाभिर्दीनचेतनः। निर्जगाम प्रियं पुत्रं द्रक्ष्यामीति ब्रुवन् गृहात्॥
Then the king, his sense overcome by grief, surrounded by his distressed wives, went out of his house, saying, “I will behold my dear son.”

शुश्रुवे चाग्रतः स्त्रीणां रुदतीनां महास्वनः। यथा नादः करेणूनां बद्धे महति कुञ्जरे।।२९
He heard before him a mighty noise proceeding from weeping women, like to the roars of she-elephants, when a great elephant has been taken captive.

पिता हि राजा काकुत्स्थः श्रीमान् सन्नस्तदा बभौ। परिपूर्णः शशी काले ग्रहेणोपप्लुतो यथा ॥
Thereupon Rāma's father, the graceful Kākutstha, became shorn of his splendour, like to the full-moon enveloped at the appointed time during the eclipse.

स च श्रीमानचिन्त्यात्मा रामो दशरथात्मजः। सूतं संचोदयामास त्वरितं वाह्यतामिति॥
Then the auspicious son of Daśaratha of soul incapable of being comprehended, ordered the charioteer, saying, "Do you proceed more speedily."

रामो याहीति तं सूतं तिष्ठेति च जनस्तथा। उभयं नाशकत् सूतः कर्तुमध्वनि चोदितः॥
Rāma saying to the charioteer, “Go," and the people, "Stay,” Thus desired on the way, the charioteer could not act both ways at once.

निर्गच्छति महाबाहौ रामे पौरजनाश्रुभिः। पतितैरभ्यवहितं प्रणनाश महीरजः॥
As the mighty-armed Rāma proceeded, the dust of the earth raised by the car-wheels were laid by the tears of the citizens showering down.

रुदिताश्रुपरिघुनं हाहाकृतमचेतनम्। प्रयाणे राघवस्यासीत् पुरं परमपीडितम्॥
And in consequence of Rāghava's departure, the entire city filled with despair, and uttering with their senses lost exclamations of "Oh" and "Alas," became exceedingly afflicted.

सुस्राव नयनैः स्त्रीणामस्रमायाससम्भवम्। मानसंक्षोभचलितैः सलिलं पङ्कजैरिव ॥
And the tears begot of heart's grief that flowed from the eyes of the females, resembled rain-drops scattered around from lotuses shaken by the movements of fish.

दृष्ट्वा तु नृपतिः श्रीमानेकचित्तगतं पुरम्। निपपातैव दुःखेन कृत्तमूल इव दुमः॥
And beholding the citizens absorbed in one thought, the auspicious monarch fell down in grief like a tree whose roots have been severed.

ततो हलहलाशब्दो यज्ञे रामस्य पृष्ठतः। नराणां प्रेक्ष्य राजानं सीदन्तं भृशदुःखितम्॥
Then seeing the sovereign senseless and stricken with exceeding sorrow, the multitudes at the rear of Rāma broke out into a loud tumult.

हा रामेति जनाः केचिद् राममातेति चापरे। अन्तःपुरसमृद्धं च क्रोशन्तं पर्यदेवयन्॥
And seeing the king weeping aloud with the inmates of the inner apartment, some exclaiming "Oh Rama," and others, “O Rāma's mother," began to be-wail.

अन्वीक्षमाणो रामस्तु विषण्णं भ्रान्तचेतसम्। राजानं मातरं चैव ददर्शानुगतौ पथि॥
Then turning back, Rāna saw that his sorrowstricken and bewildered father along with his mother, was following his track.

स बद्ध इव पाशेन किशोरो मातरं यथा। धर्मपाशेन संयुक्तः प्रकाशं नाभ्युदैक्षत॥
As a colt fastened in a snare cannot see its mother, so Rāma fastened in the bonds of virtue could not look at his mother openly.

पदातिनौ च यानाविदुःखाही सुखोचितौ। दृष्ट्वा संचोदयामास शीघ्रं याहीति सारथिम्॥
And seeing his parents deserving of comfort and worthy of going in a carriage, going on foot, Rāma said to the charioteer, "Go you swiftly.”

नहि तत् पुरुषव्याघ्रो दुःख दर्शनं पितुः। मातुश्च सहितुं शक्तस्तोत्रैर्नुन्न इव द्विपः।॥
And that foremost of men was incapable of bearing the looks of his father and mother, like to an elephant afflicted with the hook, (not being able to look at what is placed on its back.)

प्रत्यगारमिवायान्ती सवत्सा वत्सकारणात्। बद्धवत्सा यथा धेनू राममाताभ्यधावत।॥
Rāma's mother rushed after him like a cow having a calf which has been fettered, rushing towards the fold, for the purpose of seeing it.

तथा रुदन्ती कौसल्यां रथं तमनुधावतीम्। क्रोशन्ती राम रामेति हा सीते लक्ष्मणेति च॥ रामलक्ष्मणसीतार्थं स्रवन्तीं वारि नेत्रजम्। असकृत् प्रेक्षत सतां नृत्यन्तीमिव मातरम्॥
Rāma beheld his mother Kausalyā running after the car, bewailing aloud, “Rāma, Rāma, Ah Sītā, Lakşmaņa,” shedding tears for Rāma, Laks maņa and Sītā, and appearing as if she had been dancing incessantly.

तिष्ठेति राजा चुक्रोश याहि याहीति राघवः। सुमन्त्रस्य बभूवात्मा चक्रयोरिव चान्तरा॥
The king exclaimed, "Stay,” Rāghava said, "On, On." Sumantra's mind vacillated like that of one placed between two hosts burning to encounter each other.

नाश्रौषमिति राजानमुपालब्धोऽपि वक्ष्यसि । चिरं दुःखस्य पापिष्ठमिति रामस्तमब्रवीत्॥
Rāma said to him, “When taxed by the monarch (on your return), you will say, 'I did not hear you.' But delay will impart me terrible pain."

स रामस्य वचः कुर्वत्रनुज्ञाप्य च तं जनम्। व्रजतोऽपि हयाशीघ्रं चोदयामास सारथिः॥
Thereupon, doing Rāma's bidding, the charioteer, telling the people to desist, made the horses already coursing, run faster.

न्यवर्तत जनो राज्ञो रामं कृत्वा प्रदक्षिणम्। मनसाप्याशुवेगेन न न्यवर्तत मानुषम्॥
The retainers of the king stopped after circumambulating Rāma, but their minds did not turn back. But the others did not return either bodily or mentally.

यमिच्छेत् पुनरायातं नैनं दूरमनुव्रजेत्। इत्यमात्या महाराजमूचुर्दशरथं वचः॥ तेषां वचः सर्वगुणोपपत्रः प्रस्विनगात्रः प्रविषण्णरूपः। निशम्य राजा कृपणः सभार्यो व्यवस्थितस्तं सुतमीक्षमाणः॥
Then the courtiers said to that mighty monarch, Dasaratha, “He that is expected back should not be followed far". Hearing their words, the king endued with every virtue, with his body covered with perspiration and his countenance woebegone, and exceedingly distressed, stopped short and stood with his wife looking at his son