Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 36

ततः सुमन्त्रमैक्ष्वाकः पीडितोऽत्र प्रतिज्ञया। सवाष्पमतिनिःश्वस्य जगादेदं पुनर्वचः॥
Then that descendant of Ikṣvāku afflicted because of his promise, sighing and his heart filled with the vapour begot of sorrow, again addressed Sumantra, saying.

सूत रत्नसुसम्पूर्णा चतुर्विधबला चमूः। राघवस्यानुयात्रार्थं क्षिप्रं प्रतिविधीयताम्॥
O charioteer, do you speedily Marshall the army consisting of the four kinds of forces for following Rāghava.

रूपाजीवाश्च वादिन्यो वणिजश्च महाधनाः। शोभयन्तु कुमारस्य वाहिनीः सुप्रसारिताः॥
Let sweet-speeched courtesans and opulent traders grace the extensive army of the prince.

ये चैनमुपजीवन्ति रमते यैश्च वीर्यतः। तेषां बहुविधं दत्त्वा तानप्यत्र नियोजय॥
Giving them immense wealth, do you also send with him those that depend on Rāma, as well as those with whom he delights to wrestle.

आयुधानि च मुख्यानि नागराः शकटानि च। अनुगच्छन्तु काकुत्स्थं व्याधाश्चारण्यकोविदाः॥
Let the foremost weapons, and the citizens, and cars, and fowlers well acquainted with the forest go in the wake of Käkutstha.

निघ्नन् मृगान् कुञ्जरांश्च पिबंश्चारण्यकं मधु। नदींश्च विविधाः पश्यन् न राज्यं संस्मरिष्यति॥
Killing deer and elephants, and drinking wild honey, and beholding various rivers, they will ultimately forget this kingdom.

धान्यकोशश्च यः कश्चिद् धनकोशश्च मामकः। तौ राममनुगच्छेतां वसन्तं निर्जने वने॥
And let our granary and treasury follow Rāma who is to reside in the forest.

यजन् पुण्येषु देशेषु विसृजेश्चाप्तदक्षिणाः। ऋषिभिश्चापि संगम्य प्रवत्स्यति सुखं वने॥
Performing sacrifices at holy spots, and dispensing the prescribed Dakşiņās, let Rāma happily reside in the forest in the company of saints.

भरतश्च महाबाहुरयोध्यां पालयिष्यति। सर्वकामैः पुनः श्रीमान् रामः संसाध्यतामिति॥
The mighty-armed Bharata will govern Ayodhyā. Therefore, do you furnish the auspicious Rāma with every object of enjoyment.

एवं ब्रुवति काकुत्स्थे कैकेय्या भयमागतम्। मुखं चाप्यगमच्छोषं स्वरश्चापि व्यरुध्यत ॥
When that descendant of Kākutstha said this, Kaikeyi was inspired with apprehension: her countenance became blank, and her utterance was choked.

सा विषण्णा च संत्रस्ता मुखेन परिशुष्यता। राजानमेवाभिमुखी कैकेयी वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Losing her complexion and agitated with fear, with her countenance fallen, Kaikeyi faced the king and said.

राज्यं गतधनं साधो पीतमण्डां सुरामिव। निरास्वाद्यतमं शून्यं भरतो नाभिपत्स्यते॥
O righteous one, like to a liquor whose lees alone have been left, Bharata will not receive the kingdom tasteless and denuded of all substance.

कैकेय्यां मुक्तलज्जायां वदन्त्यामतिदारुणम्। राजा दशरथो वाक्यमुवाचायतलोचनाम्॥
While the shameless Kaikeyi was speaking thus sternly, king Dasaratha said to that one of expansive eyes.

वहन्तं किं तुदसि मां नियुज्य धुरि माहिते। अनार्ये कृत्यमारब्धं किं न पूर्वमुपारुधः॥
O worker of mischief, why having laid the load upon me, do you torment me? O ignoble one, why did you not ask for this, when you did first solicit the boon?

तस्यैतत् क्रोधसंयुक्तमुक्तं श्रुत्वा वराङ्गना। कैकेयी द्विगुणं क्रुद्धा राजानमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing these wrathful words of the king, that beauteous one, Kaikeyi, waxing doubly wroth, addressed the monarch, saying.

तवैव वंशे सगरो ज्येष्ठपुत्रमुपारुधत्। असमञ्ज इति ख्यातं तथायं गन्तुमर्हति॥
Even in this line of yours, Sagara deprived his eldest son Asamañja by name of the enjoyment of the kingdom. In this way this one deserves to go to the forest.

एवमुक्तो धिगित्येव राजा दशरथोऽब्रवीत्। वीडितश्च जनः सर्वः सा च तनावबुध्यत॥
Thus addressed, king Dasaratha said, "O fire!" and all present were afflicted with shame: but Kaikeyi feigned not to understand all this.

तत्र वृद्धो महामात्रः सिद्धार्थो नाम नामतः। शुचिर्बहुमतो राज्ञः कैकेयीमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Then a notable, aged, pure-spirited personage held in high esteem by the monarch, named Siddhartha, addressed Kaikeyi, saying.

असमञ्जो गृहीत्वा तु क्रीडतः पथि दारकान्। सरय्वां प्रक्षिपन्नप्सु रमते तेन दुर्मतिः॥
Asamañja by way of sport catching people on the way, used to throw them into the waters of the Sarayū, and that wicked-minded wretch made merry over the same.

तं दृष्ट्वा नागराः सर्वे क्रुद्धा राजानमब्रुवन्। असमजं वृणीष्वैकमस्मान् वा राष्ट्रवर्धन॥
Seeing him do so, the citizens in a body, waxing wroth spoke to the monarch, 'O enhancer of the kingdom's prosperity, do you either banish Asamañja or us.'

तानुवाच ततो राजा किंनिमित्तमिदं भयम्। ताश्चापि राज्ञा सम्पृष्टा वाक्यं प्रकृतयोऽब्रुवन्॥
To them he replied, 'Whence is this fear of yours?' Thus asked by the monarch, the subjects said.

क्रीडतस्त्वेष नः पुत्रान् बालानुभ्रान्तचेतसः। सरय्वां प्रक्षिपन्मौादतुलां प्रीतिमश्नुते॥
“Through his impudence this one of perverted sense by way of diversion throwing our sons into the Sarayū, finds extreme delight.'

स तासां वचनं श्रुत्वा प्रकृतीनां नराधिपः। तं तत्याजाहितं पुत्रं तासां प्रियचिकीर्षया ॥
Hearing these words of his subjects, that lord of men, with the intention of doing good to them, forsook that mischievous son of his.

तं यानं शीघ्रमारोप्य सभार्यं सपरिच्छदम्। यावज्जीवं विवास्योऽयमिति तानन्वशात् पिता ॥
Then swiftly causing a car to be yoked, he said to his men, “This one is to be banished for life in proper garb along with his wife.

स फालपिटकं गृह्य गिरिदुर्गाण्यलोकयत्। दिशः सर्वास्त्वनुचरन् स यथा पापकर्मकृत्॥ इत्येनमत्यजद् राजा सगरो वै सुधार्मिकः। रामः किंमकरोत् पापं येनैवमुपरुध्यते॥
Thereupon that worker of iniquity went to the forest and went about seeing mountain fastnesses. Thus did the virtuous king Sagara renounce his son. But what offence has Rāma committed that he is to be banished?

नहि कंचन पश्यामो राघवस्यागुणं वयम्। दुर्लभो ह्यस्य निरयः शशाङ्कस्येव कल्मषम्॥ अथवा देवि त्वं कंचिद् दोषं पश्यसि राघवे। तमद्य ब्रूहि तत्त्वेन तदा रामो विवास्यते॥
We do not find any fault whatever in Rāghava. Rare is his fault even like the spot on the Moon. Or it may be, O exalted lady, that you perceive some fault in Rāghava. Do you, if so, unfold it; and then let Rāma be banished,

अदुष्टस्य हि संत्यागः सत्पथे निरतस्य च निर्दहेदपि शक्रस्य द्युतिं धर्मविरोधवान्॥
But the renunciation of the honest ever constant in a righteous course, in consequence of its being opposed to virtue, destroys the splendour of Sakra himself.

तदलं देवि रामस्य श्रिया विहतया त्वया। लोकतोऽपि हि ते रक्ष्यः परिवादः शुभानने॥
Therefore, O noble one, cease to persevere in this, for what good would the marring of Rāma's good fortune bring you? And, O you of a fair countenance, you will by such a course, escape odium.

श्रुत्वा तु सिद्धार्थवचो राजा श्रान्ततरस्वरः। शोकोपहतया वाचा कैकेयीमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing Siddhārtha's words, the king, his voice waxing exceedingly feeble, addressed Kaikeyī in words surcharged with emotion.

एतद्वचो नेच्छसि पापरूपे हितं न जानासि ममात्मनोऽथवा। आस्थाय मार्ग कृपणं कुचेष्टा चेष्टा हि ते साधुपथादपेता॥
O Personation of sin, you relish not this speech. You know not either your own good or mine. This wicked endeavour of yours, O you that strive after harm, which you put forth adopting a narrow path, is surely divorced from the course of the good.

अनुव्रजिष्याम्यहमद्य राम राज्यं परित्यज्य सुखं धनं च। सर्वे च राज्ञा भरतेन च त्वं यथासुखं भुझ्व चिराय राज्यम्॥
Forsaking my kingdom, forsaking happiness and treasures, I will to-day follow Rāma. Do you with Bharata for the king, forever enjoy dominion according to your heart's desire.