Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 34

ततः कमलपत्राक्षः श्यामो निरूपमो महान्। उवाच रामस्तं सूतं पितुराख्याहि मामिति ॥ स रामप्रेषितः क्षिप्रं संतापकलुषेन्द्रियम्। प्रविश्य नृपतिं सूतो निःश्वसन्तं ददर्श ह॥
Then the mighty and incomparable Rāma of eyes resembling lotus-petals said the charioteer, "Do you announce me to my father.” Thus commissioned by Rāma, the charioteer entering the apartment, found the king heaving sighs, his senses overwhelmed with grief.

उपरक्तमिवादित्यं भस्मच्छन्नमिवानलम्। तटाकमिव निस्तोयमपश्यज्जगतीपतिम्॥ आबोध्य च महाप्राज्ञः परमाकुलचेतनम्। राममेवानुशोचन्तं सूतः प्राञ्जलिरब्रवीत्॥
And he saw the monarch like the sun afflicted by Rāhu, or like fire enveloped in ashes, or like a i tank deprived of its waters. Thereupon concluding that the king agitated by sorrow was bewailing Rāma, the charioteer said with joined hands.

तं वर्धयित्वा राजानं पूर्वं सूतो जयाशिषा। भयविक्लवया वाचा मन्दया श्लक्ष्णयाब्रवीत्॥
And first paying homage to the king, invoking victory upon him, the charioteer, perplexed with fear, softly and sweetly addressed the monarch thus:

अयं स पुरुषव्याघ्रो द्वारि तिष्ठति ते सुतः। ब्राह्मणेभ्यो धनं दत्त्वा सर्वं चैवोपजीविनाम्॥ स त्वां पश्यतु भद्रं ते रामः सत्यपराक्रमः। सर्वान् सुहृद आपृच्छ्य त्वां हीदानी दिदृक्षते॥ गमिष्यति महारण्यं तं पश्य जगतीपते। वृतं राजगुणैः सर्वैरादित्यमिव रश्मिभिः॥
O foremost of men, your son waits at the entrance, after having distributed wealth to Brāhmaṇas and his retinue. Let that one having truth for prowess, good betide you, see you. Having greeted all his friends, he now wishes to see you. Know that he is about to set out for the mighty forest. Do you, O Lord of earth, see him furnished with every perfection, like the Sun himself surrounded by his rays.:

स सत्यवाक्यो धर्मात्मा गाम्भीर्यात् सागरोपमः। आकाश इव निष्पङ्को नरेन्द्रः प्रत्युवाच तम्॥
Thereupon, that virtuous and truthful (king) resembling the ocean by virtue of his gravity, and motionless like the welkin, answered Sumantra, saying.

सुमन्त्रानय मे दारान् ये केचिदिह मामकाः। दारैः परिवृतः सर्वैर्द्रष्टुमिच्छामि राघवम्॥
O Sumantra, you bring hither my wives. who are here. I wish to see Rāma accompained with my wives.

सोऽन्तः पुरमतीत्यैव स्त्रियस्ता वाक्यमब्रवीत्। आर्यो ह्वयति वो राजा गम्यतां तत्र मा चिरम्॥
Reaching the inner apartment, the charioteer said to the ladies, “The worshipful king calls you. Do you come speedily."

एवमुक्ताः स्त्रियः सर्वाः सुमन्त्रेण नृपाज्ञया। प्रचक्रमुस्तद् भवनं भर्तुराज्ञाय शासनम् ॥
Thus addressed by Sumantra at the mandate of the monarch, the ladies in a body, informed of their husband's command, went to the king's apartment.

अर्धसप्तशतास्तत्र प्रमदास्ताम्रलोचनाः। कौसल्यां परिवार्याथ शनैर्जग्मुर्धृतव्रताः॥
And three hundred and fifty females furnished with coppery eyes and observing vows, surrounding Kausalyā, proceeded slowly.

आगतेषु च दारेषु समवेक्ष्य महीपतिः। उवाच राजा तं सूतं सुमन्त्रानय मे सुतम्॥
On the females coming there, the monarch seeing this, said to the charioteer, “O Sumantra, do you bring hither my son."

स सूतो राममादाय लक्ष्मणं मैथिली तथा। जगामाभिमुखस्तूर्णं सकाशं जगतीपतेः॥
Thereat the charioteer taking Răma, Lakşmaņa an Mithila's daughter, speedily came before the lord of earth.

स राजा पुत्रमायान्तं दृष्ट्वा चारात् कृताञ्जलिम्। उत्पपातासनात् तूर्णमार्तः स्त्रीजनसंवृतः॥
The king seeing his son drawing nigh with joined hands, nastily rose up from his seat in company with his wives.

सोऽभिदुद्राव वेगेन रामं दृष्ट्वा विशाम्पतिः। तमसम्प्राप्य दुःखार्तः पपात भुवि मूर्च्छितः॥
And casting his eyes on Rāma, the king rushed towards him, but before reaching his son, the aggrieved monarch fell down to the earth in a Swoon.

तं रामोऽभ्यपतत् क्षिप्रं लक्ष्मणश्च महारथः। विसंज्ञमिव दुःखेन सशोकं नृपतिं तथा॥
Rāma and that mighty car-warrior Lakşmaņa swiftly neared the king stricken with grief and rendered senseless by sorrow.

स्त्रीसहस्रनिनादश्च संजज्ञे राजवेश्मनि। हा हा रामेति सहसा भूषणध्वनिमिश्रितः।।१९
And there arose in the palace cries of women by thousands of "Ah Rāma,” mingled with the tinkling of ornaments.

तं परिष्वज्य बाहुभ्यां तावुभौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। पर्यङ्के सीतया सार्धं रुदन्तः समवेशयन्॥
Then both Rāma and Lakşmaņa along with Sītā took the king up with their arms, and with tears in their eyes laid him upon the couch.

अथ रामो मुहूर्तस्य लब्धसंज्ञं महीपतिम्। उवाच प्राञ्जलिर्बाष्पशोकार्णवपरिप्लुतम्॥
When the lord of the earth oppressed with the vapour begot of grief and overwhelmed with emotion, had regained his senses, Rāma with joined palms said.

आपृच्छे त्वां महाराज सर्वेषामीश्वरोऽसि नः। प्रस्थितं दण्डकारण्यं पश्य त्वं कुशलेन माम्॥
I ask you, O mighty monarch, as you are the lord of us all. Do you see me safely despatched to the forest of Dandaka.

लक्ष्मणं चानुजानीहि सीता चान्वेतु मां वनम्। कारणैर्बहुभिस्तथ्यैर्वार्यमाणौ न चेच्छतः।।२३ अनुजानीहि सर्वान् नः शोकमुत्सृज्य मानद। लक्ष्मणं मां च सीतां च प्रजापतिरिवात्मजान्॥
Do you permit Lakşmaņa, and let Sītā also follow me to the woods; for although prohibited by me with various reasons, they do not wish to be left behind. Do you O bestower of honour, permit us all, renouncing sorrow, Lakṣmaṇa and Sītā and me, like Prajāpati permitting his sons.

प्रतीक्षमाणमव्यग्रमनुज्ञां जगतीपतेः। उवाच राजा सम्प्रेक्ष्य वनवासाय राघवम्॥
Seeing Rāghava about to set out for the forest, the lord of earth said to the calm Rāma waiting for his orders.

अहं राघव कैकेय्या वरदानेन मोहितः। अयोध्यायां त्वमेवाद्य भव राजा निगृह्य माम्॥
O Rāghava, I have been deprived of my senses in consequence of my having conferred boons on Kaikeyi. Do you therefore confining me to-day become king in Ayodhyā.

एवमुक्तो नृपतिनां रामो धर्मभृतां वरः। प्रत्युवाचाञ्जलिं कृत्वा पितरं वाक्यकोविदः॥
Thus addressed by the monarch, Rāma, the best of the righteous, well versed in speech, with joined hands addressed his father thus.

भवान् वर्षसहस्राय पृथिव्या नृपते पतिः। अहं त्वरण्ये वत्स्यामि न मे राज्यस्य कासिता ।।२८।
O king, do you rule this earth for a thousand years, I will reside in the forest. I do not wish for the kingdom.

नव पञ्च च वर्षाणि वनवासे विहृत्य ते। पुनः पादौ ग्रहीष्यामि प्रतिज्ञान्ते नराधिप ॥
Having spent five and nine years in the woods, I shall again embrace your feet, O lord of men, after fulfilling your vow.

रुदत्रातः प्रियं पुत्रं सत्यपाशेन संयुतः। कैकेय्या चोद्यमानस्तु मिथो राजा तमब्रवीत्॥
Fettered in the net of promise, the king bewailing his beloved son, secretly spurred on by Kaikeyi, said.

श्रेयसे वृद्धये तातं पुनरागमनाय च। गच्छस्वारिष्टमव्यग्रः पन्थानमकुतोभयम्॥
Do you, my darling, with the view of attaining welfare here and hereafter and auspicious fortune, go calmly your fearless way, so that you may return hither (in time.)

न हि सत्यात्मनस्तात धर्माभिमनसस्तव। संनिवर्तयितुं बुद्धिः शक्यते रघुनन्दन॥ अद्य त्विदानी रजनी पुत्र मा गच्छ सर्वथा। एकाहं दर्शनेनापि साधु तावच्चराम्यहम्॥
I dare not, O descendant of the Raghu race, forbid you who are established in truth and who are bent upon discharging your duty. But, O son, do not by any means depart to night: beholding you even for a single day, I shall feed with you.

मातरं मां च सम्पश्यन् वसेमामद्य शर्वरीम्। तर्पितः सर्वकामैस्त्वं श्वः काल्ये साधयिष्यसि ॥
Do you, seeing me as well as your mother, stay here to-night, Then ministered to every way, you will set out to-morrow.

दुष्करं क्रियते पुत्र सर्वथा राघव प्रिय। त्वया हि मत्प्रियार्थं तु वनमेवमुपाश्रितम्॥
O son, O beloved Rāghava, difficult is the task that you are going to perform, for compassing my good in the next world, you are ready to repair to the very woods!

न चैतन्मे प्रियं पुत्र शपे सत्येन राघव। छत्रया चलितस्त्वस्मि स्त्रिया भस्माग्निकल्पया॥ वञ्चना या तु लब्धा मे तां त्वं निस्तर्तुमिच्छसि। अनया वृत्तसादिन्या कैकेय्याभिप्रचोदितः॥
But, O Raghava, I swear to you, this is anything but agreeable to me, my son. I have been made to swerve from my purpose by the crafty Kaikeyi resembling a fire hidden under ashes. You are going to give effect to the deceit that has been practised upon me by this woman intent upon sullying her line.

न चैतदाश्चर्यतमं यत् त्वं ज्येष्ठः सुतो मम। अपानृतकथं पुत्र पितरं कर्तुमिच्छसि॥
And as you are my eldest son, it is no wonder, O son, that you should wish to maintain your father's truth.

अथ रामस्तदा श्रुत्वा पितुरातस्य भाषितम्। लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा दीनो वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing these words of his distressed father, the humble Rāma, along with his brother Laksmana, said.

प्राप्स्यामि यानद्य गुणान् को मे श्वस्तान् प्रदास्यति। अपक्रमणमेवातः सर्वकामैरहं वृणे॥
Who will confer on me the merit to-morrow that I shall reap by going to-day? Therefore, I prefer even the journey to the woods to enjoying comforts here.

इयं सराष्ट्रा सजना धनधान्यसमाकुला। मया विसृष्टा वसुधा भरताय प्रदीयताम्॥ वनवासकृता बुद्धिर्न च मेऽद्य चलिष्यति। यस्तु युद्धे वरो दत्तः कैकेय्यै वरद त्वया।॥ दीयतां निखिलेनैव सत्यस्त्वं भव पार्थिव।
Do you bestow upon Bharata this earth renounced by me, this kingdom abounding in corn and kine and filled with people; my mind determined upon dwelling in the forest, does not waver. Do you, O bestower of boons, grant Kaikeyi everything that you had promised to her at the time of the war* Another reading is, The boon that you had well-pleased conferred., Another reading, Nor Mithila's daughter., Another reading is, Nor any of these worlds., (you had waged against the Dänavas), and thereby do you follow truth.

अहं निदेशं भवतो यथोक्तमनुपालयन् ॥ चतुर्दश समा वत्स्ये वने वनचरैः सह। मा विमर्शो वसुमती भरताय प्रदीयताम्॥
Obeying the mandate that you have issued, I will dwell in the forest for fourteen years in the company of the rangers of the woods. Do you without feeling any compunction confer the earth on Bharata.

नहि मे काशितं राज्यं सुखमात्मनि वा प्रियम्। यथानिदेशं कर्तुं वै तवैव रघुनन्दन ॥
Mine is not the desire to obtain the kingdom for enjoying happiness or attaining any benefit. I will, O descendant of the Raghu race, do your bidding.

अपगच्छतु ते दुःखं मा भूर्बाष्पपरिप्लुतः। नहि क्षुभ्यति दुर्धर्षः समुद्रः सरितां पतिः।॥
Banish your grief, and suppress your tears. That lord of streams, the irresistible ocean, never forsakes his own magnanimity.

नैवाहं राज्यमिच्छामि न सुखं न च मेदिनीम्। नैव सर्वानिमान् कामान् न स्वर्गं न च जीवितुम्॥
I desire neither dominion, nor happiness, nor the earth, nor any object of enjoyment, nor heaven, nor life.

त्वामहं सत्यमिच्छामि नानृतं पुरुषर्षभ। प्रत्यक्षं तव सत्येन सुकृतेन च ते शपे॥ न च शक्यं मया तात स्थातुं क्षणमपि प्रभो। स शोकं धारयस्वेमं नहि मेऽस्ति विपर्ययः॥
O foremost of men, all I wish for is that you may not come by falsehood, and abide by truth. I truly and in good sooth swear before you that I cannot, O lord, remain here for a moment longer, O my father. Do you bear this grief. I cannot for certain act contrary to my promise.

अर्थितो ह्यस्मि कैकेय्या वनं गच्छेति राघव। मया चोक्तं व्रजामीति तत्सत्यमनुपालये॥
Directed by Kaikeyi saying, 'Do you, O Rāghava, go to the forest,' I had said, 'I will go,', That promise I must accomplish.

मा चोत्कण्ठां कृथा देव वने रंस्यामहे वयम्। प्रशान्तहरिणाकीर्णे नानाशकुनिनादिते॥
Do you not, O revered one, feel aggrieved. We will abide in the forest abounding in mild deer and resounding with the notes of various birds.

पिता हि दैवतं तात देवतानामपि स्मृतम्। तस्माद् दैवतमित्येव करिष्यामि पितुर्वचः॥
The father is a very God, even the celestials say this. Therefore will I look upon your word in the light of divinity.

चतुर्दशसु वर्षेषु गतेषु नृपसत्तम। पुनर्द्रक्ष्यसि मां प्राप्तं संतापोऽयं विमुच्यताम्॥
O best of monarchs, after the fourteen years have been spent, you will see me again by your side, therefore do you banish this grief.

येन संस्तम्भनीयोऽयं सर्वो वाष्पकलो जनः। स त्वं पुरुषशार्दूल किमर्थं विक्रियां गतः॥
Why do you, O foremost of men, who will suppress other's grief, undergo this alteration?

पुरं च राष्ट्रं च मही च केवला मया विसृष्टा भरताय दीयताम्। अहं निदेशं भवतोऽनुपालयन् वनं गमिष्यामि चिराय सेवितुम्॥
Do upon Bharata this city and this kingdom and the earth renounced by me. Doing your behest, I will repair to the forest, sojourning there for a long time.

मया विसृष्टां भरतो महीमिमां सशैलखण्डां सपुरोपकाननाम्। शिवासु सीमास्वनुशास्तु केवलं त्वया यदुक्तं नृपते तथास्तु तत्॥
Staying at the auspicious frontiers, let Bharata barely rule this earth furnished with watery expanses, cities and forests, when it has been renounced by me. O king, let what you have said be as you wish it.

न मे तथा पार्थिव दीयते मनो महत्सु कामेषु न चात्मनः प्रिये। यथा निदेशे तव शिष्टसम्मते व्यपैतु दु:खं तव मत्कृतेऽनघ ॥
You confer I do not, O king, set my heart upon any great object of desire, nor do I seek my own behoof, as I am bent upon, O you beloved of the good, working out your will. O sinless one, you will not therefore reap any evil on my account.

तदद्य नैवानघ राज्यमव्ययं न सर्वकामान् वसुधां न मैथिलीम्। न चिन्तितं त्वामनृतेन योजयन् वृणीय सत्यं व्रतमस्तु ते तथा॥
Associating you with untruth, I would not, O sinless one, wish even for your company who are agitated with anxiety,* or this entire kingdom, or every object of desire, or the earth, or Mithilā's daughter. Even this is my truthful vow, let also your vow prove true. *Some texts, Living.

फलानि मूलानि च भक्षयन् वने गिरीश्च पश्यन् सरितः सरांसि च। वनं प्रविश्यैव विचित्रपादपं सुखी भविष्यामि तवास्तु निर्वृतिः॥
Living upon fruits and roots in the forest, and surveying mountains and tanks and streams and graceful trees, I shall be happy on entering the forest. Do you cease to lament.

स्तापेन दुःखेन च पीड्यमानः। आलिङ्गय पुत्रं सुविनष्टसंज्ञो भूमिं गतो नैव विचष्ट किंचित्॥
Thus benetted with calamities and exercised with grief and anguish, the king embraced his son, and then deprived of his consciousness, fell down on the ground and became motionless.

स्तां वर्जयित्वा नरदेवपत्नीम्। रुदन् सुमन्त्रोऽपि जगाम मूछा हाहाकृतं तत्र बभूव सर्वम्॥
Thereat all the queens save that wife of the monarch (Kaikeyi) bewailed together; and crying Sumantra also went into a swoon. And the place was filled all around with exclamations of “O” and “Alas"